Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 32: Loyal servant……


Qiao and Ding screamed and jumped up.

The thick purple-black smoke stuck to their skin and continued to forcefully erode into their bodies along the pores. What's more, a large amount of thick smoke entered their bodies along their mouths when they sucked in Grandma Red's life essence.

The skin quickly turned purple-black, and large areas of the skin were eroded and peeled off. Blood seeped out from the flesh. The blood beads that first emerged were still bright red, but turned into black pus and blood after falling to the ground.

After learning the secret technique of seizing the Yuan from Shi Lingqing and practicing the evil skills of the Immortality Cult, Qiao and Ding screamed, and the powerful life energy in their bodies boiled and boiled, constantly counteracting the erosion of the poison.

Seeing their skin eroding, fresh and tender flesh continued to grow under the pieces of eroded and peeling skin, but the new flesh rotted and fell off again.

Qiao and Ding screamed in anger. Qiao, who had just grown half of his thighs, was unable to move. He sat there, gritted his teeth and took out a dozen small flying knives, staring at Shi Dian fiercely.

Nail strode out, waving his hands, dozens of triangular nails flew out of the air, striking mysterious arcs towards Shi Dian.

Shi Dian chuckled, and slammed the wooden stick in his right hand onto the ground. Dozens of hair-thin silver lightning spurted out from the head of the stick, accurately hitting the triangular nails.

The power of the electric light is extremely strong. The triangular nails forged from fine steel and tempered with secret techniques were actually hit by the electric current and exploded. Amidst the ear-piercing explosions, bits of iron slag spattered, and the nail that was striding out suddenly screamed strangely, with tiny electric sparks flashing all over its body, and fell to the ground twitching.

When the electric light exploded in the air and shattered those triangular nails, a thumb-thick electric current flowed out silently like a poisonous snake against the ground and hit the soles of the nails. The electric sparks made a crisp sound, and Ding tried desperately to struggle and jump up, but he couldn't control his body at all.

Qiao, whose body was still wrapped in thick purple-black smoke, cursed in a low voice.

When Ding rushed out just now, he could have carried him and rushed out of the poisonous smoke. But Ding didn't do that, he just rushed out of the smoke-wrapped area on his own without giving Qiao a helping hand.

The poison kept invading the body, and the life essence that had just been taken from Grandma Hong's body was consumed rapidly. Coincidentally, a large amount of dirty blood flowed out around him, and new dirty blood continued to flow out of his body, which looked very scary.

Step by step, Shi Dian staggered towards Nail, who was lying on the ground unable to move.

Qiao suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs: "Lingqing... help... Shi Dian, he, he, he is crazy!"

Shi Lingqing, who was frantically venting the negative emotions in her heart, shuddered, jumped up from the large pit she violently broke open, and landed lightly on a crystal cluster several meters high a dozen meters away.

Seeing Shi Dian sneaking up on Qiao and Ding with poison, using his divine power to severely injure the two, he even walked to Ding's side, raising his wooden staff high to kill Ding...

Shi Lingqing angrily scolded: "Shi Dian... what are you going to do?"

Shi Dian turned back and smiled at Shi Lingqing, and the wooden stick in his hand fell heavily, piercing Nail's head.

"Miss, I have been protecting you for almost ten years." Shi Dian looked at Shi Lingqing with a gentle smile: "In the past ten years, you have grown from an ignorant little girl to an adult and become so beautiful..."

Nail let out a shrill scream as he was killed.

Shi Lingqing looked at Shi Dian with a lustful face, and his fingers twitched violently.

"Do you still remember the seed I gave you on your twelfth birthday?" Shi Dian spoke in a soft, sticky voice that made people extremely uncomfortable, and at the same time, he moved towards the purple-black step by step. Qiao walked away, shrouded in poisonous smoke.

"At that time, you despised that inconspicuous seed." Shi Dian smiled and looked at Shi Lingqing: "You just threw it away... You don't know, but I spent all my savings to buy the seed from the secret merchant."

"You threw it away, and I picked it up. Carefully and secretly, I nurtured it to germinate and watched it grow, bud, and bloom..." Shi Dian's smile was extremely gentle: "The secret merchant told me , that flower is called sunflower... The flowers are small, but very beautiful, with many colors that I have never seen before."

"Delicate, beautiful, fragile, and pitiful... Just like you, miss." Shi Dian's smile was a little twisted: "So, after it bloomed, I pulled it out completely, washed it, and started to remove it bit by bit. Eat it."

In the poisonous smoke, Qiao screamed, slapped the ground with both hands, jumped up using the force, and ran away while rolling and crawling.

Shi Lingqing screamed, and her whole body ignited with bloody flames, turning into afterimages and rushing towards Shi Dian.

Shi Dian waved his right hand, and a large piece of purple-black smoke spurted out from his palm, turning into a wall of smoke that blocked Shi Lingqing's face. Shi Lingqing had seen the ferocity of the poisonous smoke and jumped up in a hurry, leaping a hundred meters into the air to avoid the frontal attack of the poisonous smoke.

Just as Qiao rushed out of the poisonous smoke, Shi Dian suddenly let out a shrill cry of pain.

His sunken and shattered left chest squirmed violently, wisps of electric light flashed, and his wounds spurted out large amounts of blood and broken bones. Countless granules spurted out from the wound on his left shoulder that had completely disappeared. In just one breath, a large amount of body fluids spattered out, and his left hand suddenly grew out.

In one breath, a shattered left arm was completely formed.

Shi Dian waved his left hand and grabbed Qiao's neck. Qiao's eyes suddenly widened. Just as he uttered the word 'spare your life' from his mouth, an electric light erupted from Shi Dian's palm. Qiao's body suddenly lit up, and countless extremely thin electric lights bounced and splashed on his body. After several violent twitches, his body quickly turned into a ball of char about the size of a foot.

Throwing the coke that Qiao had turned into on the ground, Shi Dian crushed it to pieces with a kick.

He raised his head and looked at Shi Lingqing, who was falling rapidly from the sky, and his smile grew brighter: "Miss, what I did to that pot of sunflowers is what I want to do to you... I want a little bit, a little bit A little bit...taste you!"

"Of course, I'm not saying that I'm going to kill you, I'm actually going to eat you... That's really disrespectful to you, young lady..." Shi Dian's body was shaking violently, and his gentle smile suddenly became extremely ferocious. .

"I want you, you are mine... In this life, you are mine... Thousand Fish City was destroyed, the old lady and the old men were killed... I was the only one who protected you and escaped... It is truly the Fish God's blessing, you It's destined to be mine." Shi Dian smiled so hard that the corners of his mouth almost touched the back of his neck.

"I know that my identity is not enough. I know that I am just a humble family guard leader. Therefore, I have always been able to secretly look at you, observe you, and think about you at night..." Shi Dian laughed: "But now , I can get you, I can have you..."

Trampling the charcoal that Qiao had turned into with all his strength, Shi Dian said sternly: "Do you know? When you tempted them to betray Wu Dao and betray their brothers that day, I was not far away... I can see how they treated you. , I can hear you moaning!"

Shi Dian gritted his teeth and smiled: "So, they must die, they can't live... But I don't dislike you. Although you have been bitten by two wild dogs, I don't dislike you. Who told me... I am like this love you?"

Shi Dian was like a madman, he spoke extremely fast, and it only took him a very short time to finish this long series of crazy and demented words.

Shi Lingqing swooped down from a high altitude, intertwined his palms, and palm prints condensed with bloody flames roared down from the air, like a cloud of fire falling towards Shi Dian.

Shi Dian looked at the palm prints taken by Shi Lingqing and suddenly shouted: "Miss... don't you think that I, who awakened my innate magical power at the critical moment of life and death, am more useful than these two losers? They can get you, why should I no?"

Shi Lingqing's body was obviously stagnant in the air for a moment, and dozens of palm prints made of bloody flames suddenly dissipated.

With his beautiful body hanging, Shi Lingqing slowly fell from the air and landed lightly in front of Shi Dian. She swayed and walked slowly to Shi Dian, stretched out her hand, and gently touched Shi Dian's chin.

Shi Dian, who was full of evil spirits and evil eyes, was like a puppy that was caressed by its owner. The breath all over his body suddenly leaked, and his straight body became slightly stooped. He bent down slightly and looked at Shi Lingqing with a smile on his face.

"Miss... That's great. Thousand Fish City is destroyed, and no one can stop us from being together... I have power, I have awakened my power, and I can protect you. There will never be anyone like those two damn bitches again. Such a shameless treatment of you."

Tears fell from the corners of Shi Dian's eyes.

He looked deeply at Shi Lingqing's pretty face and said word by word, "I will protect you. No one will be able to hurt a hair of yours again."

Shi Lingqing sighed softly. She looked at Shi Dian, sizing him up for a long time, and finally nodded gently: "So, you have always had this kind of thoughts towards me... I feel sorry for you... "

With a slight smile, Shi Lingqing pointed at Wu Tie who jumped out of the pit, and said with an understatement: "The ancient treasures in the hall are the treasure that looks like a piece of broken bones, and the corpse of the ancient saint. I want them all.”

Lightning suddenly burst out from Shi Dian's eyes. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Wu Tie fiercely.

"Kill him and give me all the treasures I want... From now on, you will be my most caring and close confidant." Shi Lingqing smiled like a flower and gently winked at Shi Dian.

Shi Dian's face was red, the veins on his neck were bulging, and his breath became much heavier. His eyes were like daggers, he scanned Shi Lingqing's beautiful body fiercely, and strode towards Wu Tie.

Wu Tie just jumped onto the ground.

He heard clearly what happened just now.

By chance, they were crucified. The two traitors who were used by Shi Lingqing to trick the Nine Palms Order and Grandma Hong actually died at the hands of Shi Dian.

In this process, the treacherousness of human nature, the ugliness of human nature, the treachery and cruelty of the world, these things that have never been exposed to before are like thunder from the sky, constantly hitting Wu Tie's heart.

Just like looking at a pond, little by little ink drips down, and the pond changes color somewhat.

After being suppressed and attacked fiercely by Shi Lingqing for a while, his internal organs were shocked. Wu Tie stood up straight with some difficulty and breathed heavily. Seeing Shi Dian striding towards him, Wu Tie thought about it for a moment, and then laughed a few times.

Wu Tie himself felt that his laughter was ugly. Although he didn't have a mirror, his smile was ugly.

"I didn't expect that you two survived in the end." Wu Tie was a little confused. He looked at Shi Lingqing, whose clothes were burned by the blood-colored flames he spurted, and then looked at Shi Dian, who was all messed up. He felt a thousand words in his heart. After so many words, I only asked three words: "Is it worth it?"

Shi Lingqing and Shi Dian were stunned, and then laughed at the same time.

Shi Lingqing laughed so hard that she almost fell to the ground. She pointed at Wu Tie and laughed and said: "I want to live... I want to live, to live higher than everyone else and have unlimited scenery. You ask, 'Is it worth it?' '?Are you kidding me?"

Shi Dian laughed and approached Wu Tie. Thin streaks of lightning continued to erupt from his body, gradually turning into thumb-thick electric currents that surged across his body. Dull thunder kept pouring out of Shi Dian's body, and he shouted loudly: "Is it worth it? For the sake of Miss, I can sacrifice everything!"

Wu Tie wanted to say something, but Shi Lingqing's eyes suddenly turned blood-red. She quietly and quickly floated behind Shi Dian like a ghost. Her hands were like knives, and she stabbed into Shi Dian's back vitals.

Shi Dian's body suddenly stiffened, and the electricity all over his body suddenly dissipated.

He turned around in disbelief, and kept making "gurgling" sounds in his throat.

Shi Lingqing looked at him tenderly and calmly, and said softly: "You are right, you are just a humble family guard. I can let anyone enjoy my body, but you family slaves can't."

"Do you know the characteristics of the secret technique of seizing the Yuan?" Shi Lingqing smiled happily: "In addition to seizing the Yuan of Life, which has the same origin as Grandma Hong and me, at my level, I can also seize an innate magical power for my own use. "

"The power of thunder and lightning is a very good gift. It was awakened in you, why don't you dedicate it to me?" Shi Lingqing's laughter gradually became louder, and wisps of lightning continued to pour into her body from Shi Dian's body.

"You are a slave of my Shi family in Qianyu City, so everything about you belongs to me. Shi Dian, do you think this is true?" Shi Lingqing sighed softly: "As a slave, you have treated me since you were a child. If you have a sneaky mind, tell me, should you deserve to die?"

Shi Dian's body twitched violently. He held the wooden stick tightly in his right hand. He raised the wooden stick several times and wanted to attack Shi Lingqing.

Shi Lingqing looked at Shi Dian with a smile like a flower.

Shi Dian tried hard several times but still didn't make a move.

At the end, Shi Dian looked at Shi Lingqing and sighed softly: "May you be as beautiful as a flower and live forever... The teachings of the Immortality Sect... Ha... Miss, if I can die for you, I will really die without any regrets... You, definitely Live well."

Shi Dian turned around, looked at Wu Tie who was silent, and said softly: "I will never let these dirty boys taint you again..."

Shi Dian's body exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Among them, a ball of blood mist the size of a human head was wrapped in countless extremely fine electric lights. Shi Lingqing opened his mouth and swallowed the ball of electric light in one gulp.

Soon, extremely thin lightning surged out of Shi Lingqing's body, and a low thunder sounded in the air.

Wu Tie looked at Shi Lingqing sadly, and murmured to himself: "Why do you make things so complicated?"

Shi Lingqing took a deep breath, then looked at Wu Tie with a smile: "If all the people who hinder me and hinder me are dead, wouldn't things in this world become much simpler?"

Amidst the laughter, Shi Lingqing turned into a ball of lightning wrapped in flames, roaring and crashing into Wu Tie.