Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 36: Comeback


In the grotto with a radius of hundreds of miles, countless large and small crystal clusters are falling continuously on the dome.

The crystal clusters broke all at once, and then crashed down heavily, colliding with countless clusters of crystal clusters on the ground.

Sparks were flying everywhere, loud noises were heard, fragments of crystal clusters were flying everywhere, and the entire grotto was shaking slightly.

The architectural remains around the main hall were smashed to pieces.

The main hall was gone, the surrounding ruins were gone, and all the bricks and beams were in pieces, and were eventually covered by thick crystal cluster fragments.

Chu Tian squatted at the entrance of the grotto, staring blankly at the scene of destruction.

The thousand-meter-tall bull hero seems to be Optimus Prime who maintains this grotto. Niu Yingxiong's body collapsed, and the alien energy filling the air of the grotto immediately caused the grotto to enter the process of collapse.

There were still faint golden light spots floating in the air, and Niu Yingxiong had completely turned to ashes.

Lao Tie lay next to Wu Tie, also fascinated, watching the golden light spots floating in the air, watching countless crystal clusters and boulders falling from the dome.

"This guy still has such a stubborn temper..." Lao Tie muttered in a low voice: "After being dead for so many years, he still has one obsession. He wants to see who gets this treasure."

"Having persisted for so many years... is he lonely? Is he desperate? Or is he like me, actually very desperate?" Lao Tie murmured: "Only a long period of despair can make his body so broken."

"With his cultivation, his body will last almost forever... Only his own despair can instantly and completely destroy his body." Lao Tie shook his head: "But, very good... Before he was destroyed , is happy, that’s good.”

Wu Tie touched his forehead.

The bloody thumb-sized word 'immortality' on his forehead was like a scar burned by a soldering iron, deeply imprinted on his flesh and blood. The nearby flesh felt a little hot, and the skull felt a slight sting.

Wu Tie was in awe of Niu Yingxiong, but he didn't have much emotion.

Because he is not familiar with Niu Yingxiong.

Because he was unfamiliar with it, Niu Yingxiong suddenly came to life, and the scene of him staring at the beam of light made him feel greatly shocked, but he didn't have much emotion.

On the contrary, it was Shi Lingqing who actually blew herself up, leaving two words of blood on Wu Tie's eyebrows.

The psychological impact Wu Tie suffered was much stronger than the complete collapse of Niu Yingxiong and the destruction of this grotto.

"This woman is crazy..." Wu Tie looked at Lao Tie inexplicably: "I didn't want to kill her... I have no enmity with her. Although she beat me severely... But, my father told me that men , don’t bully women... I won’t kill her.”

"Grandpa, I don't understand women." Lao Tie was silent for a long time, and then turned back to look at Wu Tie.

"Because grandpa, I don't have this physical need, so grandpa, I have never spent time and energy studying women."

Shaking his head, Lao Tie sighed: "But whether it's Yang Jian or Niu Yingxiong, these guys, when they brag... I've heard it countless times..."

"Woman... you think you haven't offended her, but in fact you have offended her miserably a long time ago..." Lao Tie glanced at Wu Tie disdainfully: "Do you think she will be grateful to you if you don't kill her?"

"Shouldn't it be right?" Wu Tie looked at Lao Tie in confusion: "My father said..."

"How did your father teach his children?" Lao Tie snorted coldly: "But, that's right, you are still young..."

His eyes flashed with blood, and Lao Tie sighed: "You don't understand... A naked, pretty little woman tries her best to seduce a man, but when the man doesn't take the bait, ... This offends her a hundred times more than digging up her ancestral grave!"

He stood up, raised his front paws and patted Wu Tie's shoulder. Lao Tie shook his head.

"In the future, if you see more, you will understand."

"That Shi Lingqing, she is at the peak of her life. She used her 'smart skills' and 'ingenuity' to scheme against the masters of two powerful organizations, and gained powerful power, loyal followers, and a bright future... "

"Suddenly, she was knocked down from the peak of her life with a stick, and suddenly returned to a situation where she had nothing... "

"At this time, if you hold her feet and lick the soles of her feet, crying and crying, and become her slave and let her drive you... she will be very satisfied and continue to fight with confidence... "

"But you kid... hum, hum..."

"You are so disappointing... Not to mention, the baby finally chose you instead of her who thinks highly of herself... Although this little girl is a bit shrewd, a bit cunning, and a bit vicious... "

"You are still too young to bear the blow... If you don't get it, I will drag you to death. Isn't this a natural choice?"

Lao Tie shook his head and taught Wu Tie a lesson. Although Wu Tie couldn't understand these words for a while, he honestly kept them in his heart.

"Women are really... complicated and scary..." Wu Tie also stood up, holding a spear in both hands and muttered: "He is still a man like my eldest brother, second brother, and third brother..."

"You won't like a tomboy... Ha, ha, ha, when you grow up, you will know that you would rather like a green tea bitch like Shi Lingqing than a tomboy..." Lao Tie laughed, turned and walked in A long corridor.

There was no looking back, no review, not even a single emotion.

Just like that, Lao Tie left the burial place of Hero Niu with an unusually steady pace.

"Green tea bitch?" Wu Tie hurriedly caught up with Lao Tie: "Explain it to me? What is a green tea bitch?"

"Do you know about green tea?" Lao Tie's voice came from the deep corridor: "Don't know? Then... Okay, don't teach the children badly, you will understand in the future... Well, let's throw away the third word , let’s learn what green tea is first.”

"What kind of treasure is that broken bone?"

"how could I know?"

"Grandpa, although I am well-informed... but those broken bones..."

"Grandpa, I can only guess that it's something from legend... Grandpa, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I can't be sure."

"I got into you? What does that matter? Anyway, you are living well, isn't that the end of it?"

"Hey, keep talking about green tea whore... Oh, no green tea..."

"Tea, is this something..."

A huge boulder with a diameter of more than 300 meters fell from the top of the grotto, severely smashing the wooden boat of the Immortality Sect below that Wu Tie and Lao Tie had no time to move. Then countless boulders fell and the entire grotto collapsed.

In the following days, Wu Tie returned to his normal schedule.

Hunt prey, make foundation-building potions, practice foundation-building techniques, and practice spear skills.

It should be related to the broken bone that was fused with Wu Tie. In the next three months, Wu Tie's foundation-building practice progressed at an alarming rate.

In just three months, he had already reached the 719th Form of Foundation Establishment. As long as he broke through to the 720th Form, Wu Tie's body would be filled with surging Yuan Power, and he would be able to condense it into a higher level of Yuan Power. Gang.

Yuanli can only operate within the body, enhancing Wu Tie's strength and speed.

And Yuan Gang can injure people from outside, and can even control the weapon to kill the enemy in the air at a short distance.

Moreover, Yuangang body injection will greatly improve both physical strength and speed. It can also provide strong training for bones and muscles, and the body's defense can also be greatly enhanced.

The combat effectiveness of a practitioner at the third level of the Foundation Establishment Realm is at least ten times that of a practitioner at the second level.

But Wu Tie's progress was so fast that Lao Tie deliberately asked Wu Tie to suppress the progress of his training. He only practiced to the 719th style every time, and deliberately delayed to break through the 720th style. .

Continuously hoarding Yuan Power and constantly refining his body, the Yuan Power in Wu Tie's body became more and more abundant, gradually reaching the point where every cell expanded to the extreme and could no longer store even a trace of Yuan Power.

Angry beast roars were heard, and a giant hippopotamus ran wildly and crashed into Wu Tie.

The giant hippopotamus weighing tens of thousands of kilograms ran and collided at high speed, and the force it brought was at least hundreds of thousands of kilograms.

Wu Tie had reached the pinnacle of the second level of the Foundation Establishment Realm, but he still did not dare to confront such a giant beast head-on.

He moved a few steps to the side lightly, his speed was so fast that he even left an afterimage.

Holding the gun in his right hand, he stabbed out with a precise shot.

The spear whizzed into the ear hole of the giant hippopotamus and pierced its brain.

The body of such a giant beast suddenly twitched and fell to the ground hard.

The huge body slid forward hundreds of meters, leaving a deep mark on the thick moss.

Wu Tie pulled out his spear and carried it behind his back. A metal spider sprang out, its fat belly opened, and white metal juice condensed into a long knife and spurted out.

Wu Tie skillfully wielded the long knife and carefully cut open the giant beast.

Tens of meters away, a nest of more than twenty gray rock lizards swayed their tails, lying docilely on a patch of rocks and looking over here.

With large prey like the giant hippopotamus, Wu Tie no longer has the trouble of looking for gray rock lizards these days.

Instead, there were several nests of gray rock lizards near the Ancient God Barracks, and Wu Tie would give them some benefit every time.

Wu Tie would throw the giant hippopotamus' waste and not-so-good flesh and blood to these gray rock lizards.

Over the past few months, Wu Tie had developed a good relationship with these gray rock lizards.

Every time he dealt with these gray rock lizards, Wu Tie would think of the big ones raised in the Wu family's stone castle.

"Really, are you here to get a bargain again? From now on, be obedient and I will have your flesh to eat."

Wu Tie smiled, chopped off a large piece of blood-soaked flesh, and threw it away from a distance.

A group of gray rock lizards made a cheerful "whoosh" sound and quickly pounced on them to feast. In the past few months, with the flesh and blood thrown in by Wu Tie from time to time, the quality of life of these gray rock lizards has improved a lot.

There was a slight impact, and a metal spider quickly rushed over.

I don’t know what Lao Tie and Da Tie did. In the past few months, the range of activities of these energy puppets in the Ancient God Barracks has become larger and larger, and they can now move freely within a radius of hundreds of miles.

Moreover, the number of large and small Yuaneng puppets is also increasing. As far as Wu Tie has seen in the past two months, there are at least hundreds of new metal spiders.

A metal spider the size of a palm flew over, its sharp arms and legs lightly clicked on the branch of a big fern, and landed on Wu Tie's shoulder as fast as the breeze.

Lao Tie's voice came from the metal spider's body: "Hurry and clean up, another outsider is here... Tsk, the ghost is really lingering."

Wu Tie was stunned. He increased his speed and swung his long knife, quickly splitting the giant hippopotamus into dozens of pieces.

A group of metal spiders swarmed up, each dragged a piece of flesh and ran at full speed, transporting the giant hippopotamus back to the ancient god's barracks.

Another group of metal spiders swarmed over and professionally brought moss and soil from a distance to cover up the traces left by Wu Tie's hunting. At the same time, they also cover up the traces left by the metal spiders transporting their prey.

With the palm-sized metal spider leading the way, Wu Tie ran all the way, and soon he came to the river.

Prone behind a large rock, covering his body with a large fern, Wu Tie looked towards the river.

Three dark wooden boats with a length of more than ten meters floated on the river. The sails on the masts of the wooden boats were fluttering, and the bloody word "immortality" was quite dazzling.

There were two men, one woman and three old people standing on the bows of the three wooden boats.

The three of them were all the same as the red grandma, with fair hair and a childish face, and their faces were extremely rosy, as if there was blood flowing out of every pore.

Behind them stood twenty or thirty handsome young men and women in gorgeous clothes. Each of these young men and women were also plump and plump, just like bean sprouts that had absorbed enough water and nutrients. They were too strong and plump.

Under the river, a water mark suddenly turned up.

A large anaconda as thick as a water tank suddenly jumped out of the river, opened its bloody mouth and swallowed a young man and woman on a wooden boat.

Standing on the bow of the wooden boat, an old man wearing a black robe with two skulls embroidered with blood-colored silk thread on the sleeves of his robe chuckled lightly and grabbed the anaconda with his right hand.

The anaconda that was more than ten meters away from him suddenly tilted and was sucked towards the old man by a huge force.

The five fingers of the old man's right hand suddenly became congested with blood, and the palm swelled to the size of a foot. The five fingers became bright red, as if they were carved from blood jade.

The five fingers were like hooks, deeply immersed into the anaconda's body. The half-inch-thick scales of the anaconda became extremely fragile in the old man's hands. The old man's five fingers were deeply immersed in the anaconda's body. In just one breath, the anaconda disappeared. It fell softly into the river.

The old man burped with satisfaction, and he opened his mouth and blew out a long breath, which was full of blood.

"It's very nourishing." The old man smiled and praised: "This place is good, really good... I didn't expect that the red old woman died and found such a good place for me."

On another canoe, an old woman wearing a blood-colored robe sullenly snorted: "Are you happy that the red girl is dead? If the real murderer can't be found, I'll see how you can explain it to the superiors."

Another old man laughed lightly: "Explain, what explanation do you want? Isn't the matter very clear? Grandma Chi, it's all the trouble caused by the Wu Dao people. If the Wu Dao is destroyed, won't the problem be solved?"

"Destroyed the fog knife? That's easy for you to say." Grandma Chi, the woman in blood robe, said in a sinister tone: "She is a local snake in the Cangyan Region... It's not so easy to kill..."

Stomping her feet, the wooden boat floated into the air, and Grandma Chi said in a deep voice: "No matter who the real culprit is... I will not let him go."

Grandma Chi's eyes were like daggers, and she swept across the two old men fiercely.

The two old men smiled and flew up in the canoe at the same time.

The three wooden boats flew out quickly in three different directions.