Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 40: declare war


The Immortality Cult brought a large number of elite warriors.

In addition to all the combat forces directly under the Cangyan Domain branch of the Immortality Sect, Eunuch Gu and Eunuch Lan gathered eighteen families controlled by the Eternal Life Sect and transferred them to this foreign land at once.

Eighteen families dispatched as few as 300 warriors and as many as 600 or 700 people, with a total combat strength of nearly 10,000 people mobilized.

In addition to these elite warriors, eighteen families also brought in a large number of young and strong slaves. Gray dwarves and rock gnomes are certainly the most common slave species. Several of them also brought in rare fishmen and frogmen. .

Wu Tie lay in a clump of big ferns and looked at the river from a distance.

Two thousand fishmen and frogmen were showing off their power in the river, waving simple bone forks and howling.

The fish man, as the name suggests, has a head that looks like a big fish, a jet black fish head, and the body is densely covered with thick black fish scales. The defensive power of these fish scales is extremely strong, not much weaker than ordinary iron armor.

Frogmen, they are generally frogs that walk upright. Their dark green skin is densely covered with mucus, and their skin is extremely tough. An ordinary sword cannot damage them at all.

These two types of slaves are burly in size, much taller than ordinary humans, and their strength is even more amazing. They are more proficient in water and are extremely powerful in water. But it was obvious that their IQs were not very high, and they roared like wild beasts.

The large shoals on the river bank were stained red with blood.

Just now, there were many rock gnomes in the stronghold fetching water, and the Immortal Cult army attacked. These fishmen and frogmen attacked in the water very fast, and hundreds of rock gnomes were caught off guard and killed on the river beach.

The fishmen and frogmen were extremely cruel. They killed the rock gnomes and then devoured them alive on the spot. Large amounts of blood dyed the river beach red and flowed downstream along the river.

Several huge black shadows appeared in the water. The ferocious fish and water beasts in the water were alarmed, but were frightened by the ferocious aura emanating from these fishmen and frogmen, and did not dare to approach the river beach that smelled of blood.

A large number of shuttle-shaped stealth boats that were not very exquisite in workmanship and had many small cracks on the surface surfaced. Amidst the scoldings of Eunuch Gu and Eunuch Lan, the soldiers and slaves in the boat rowed the oars and moved the stealth boat on the river. The other side of the shore.

Some of the stealth ships were motionless, and the surfaces of these stealth ships could be seen covered with cracks. Apparently, the warriors or slaves inside had been suffocated to death by the river water that had seeped into the cabins during the long journey of stealth in the Yin River.

Nearly ten thousand soldiers and tens of thousands of slaves quickly landed on the shore. They took out various tools, dug foundations on the shore, collected earth and rocks, and were busy building strongholds and shacks. They also immediately built a row of more than a dozen tall towers by the river. Watchtower.

The Fog Knife side reacted immediately. Many Fog Knife killers cooperated with the warriors of the three major families to pull out stealth boats and rafts, trying to cross the river to attack the enemy.

However, more than two thousand fishmen and frogmen appeared in the river. The stealth boat and raft were destroyed just after they were launched into the water. The fog knife killer and the family warriors killed and injured dozens of people, and finally had no choice but to retreat to the shore.

Unable to cross the river, the three palms of the fog knife rose into the air, stepping on the black mist and rushing towards the six black wooden boats in the air.

Six wooden boats were suspended in a row on the river. Eunuch Gu, Eunuch Lan and five other men also floated into the air and rushed towards the three commanders.

The two sides just crossed each other over the river. Black mist, blood clouds, and cold light flickered for a moment. The three palm commanders groaned and retreated several hundred meters. Among Eunuch Gu and Eunuch Lan, there were Long wounds suddenly opened on the chests of the two men.

A sharp and cold voice sounded: "You are all natives of my Blue Flame Territory... Do you know the consequences of offending my fog knife?"

Eunuch Gu laughed loudly: "Everyone, please don't be frightened by their fog swords... In such a geomantic treasure land, you have transferred all the clansmen here. Under the protection of my Immortality Sect, everyone joins forces. Why are you afraid of his fog swords?"

The three palm commanders snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Eunuch Gu and Eunuch Lan had no intention of fighting to the death. They fell back on the canoes, and the six canoes flew to the other side of the river and landed slowly on the shallows.

Tens of thousands of slaves joined forces, and a large-scale earth city was built on the other side of the river. As the light of the 'Void Sun' gradually dimmed, and when 'nightfall' was approaching, the stronghold of the Immortality Sect began to take shape, and there were wisps of smoke. rising.

As if deliberately provoking, a high-pitched horn sound came from the sentry tower of the Immortality Cult. The fishmen and frogmen in the river screamed with excitement, waving the bone fork in the direction of the fog knife's stronghold for a while, and then quickly He swam back to the other side of the river.

That night, it was calm and peaceful, and neither the Changsheng Cult nor the Fog Saber launched an attack.

When the 'Void Sun' lit up again and its warm light illuminated the vast territory below, a group of fog knife warriors walked out of the stronghold.

Those family members and slaves are easy to feed, and the fast-growing mushrooms are enough to satisfy them. But the killers of the fog knife, especially the high-ranking ones like the three commanders, couldn't stand such coarse food.

There are abundant prey along the big river, whether it is anacondas, giant hippos, or even big fish and water animals, they are all excellent prey and the best delicacies.

This group of more than two hundred fog knife killers carefully advanced along the river bank, looking towards the river from time to time. The Immortality Cult has more than two thousand murlocs and frogmen in their hands, which gives them a huge advantage. If these guys come ashore for a surprise attack, it will be a huge headache.

The light and heat emitted by the 'Void Sun' evaporate the water vapor on the ground, and the thick mist is like milk, rising more than two meters high, entangled in clumps of ferns and mushrooms. Many venomous snakes, poisonous insects, and various small creatures were moving uneasily, and subtle noises were heard from all directions.

The little creatures in these caves are not used to the "day and night changes" brought by the "Void Sun". They are trying their best to become familiar with this change of light and darkness, and change their hunting habits according to this change.

A few hundred meters away, there is a bay with gentle water flow. The water here is only a little more than one meter deep, but a huge amount of aquatic plants grow there.

A large area of lush ferns grew on the river bank. Dozens of giant hippos swam lazily from the deep water and entered the river bend. They lowered their heads to drink water and sucked large pieces of water plants into their mouths. .

Two male hippos and several small animals walked onto the river bank, opening their mouths and tearing at the plump fern branches and leaves.

This group of fog knife killers spread out carefully and sent more than thirty people to monitor the movements on the river. Others surrounded several giant hippos. These two male hippos were huge in size, weighing at least 100,000 kilograms. Together with a few small beasts, they were enough to feed their fog knife killers a hearty meal for more than half a month.

More than a hundred killers were walking slowly in the mist. They did not dare to underestimate these huge prey.

The killers of the Mist Knife are proficient in killing people, but they are not good at dealing with these giant beasts.

The fog was flowing. Wu Tie was carrying a long gun and holding a flagpole, standing quietly on the path of the fog knife killer.

The river wind whistled by, and a large blood-colored flag floated on the flagpole. On the flag, which was half a meter wide and three meters long, a white tiger head opened its mouth and grinned in a ferocious manner.

This is the 'White Tiger Blood Flag'. Wu Tie doesn't know what it represents, and he doesn't know where Lao Tie got it from.

Anyway, when he completed the preliminary warrior tutorial, Lao Tie handed the flag to Wu Tie.

"Even if one person forms an army must have a military flag." Wu Tie remembered clearly that when Lao Tie handed him the 'White Tiger Blood Flag', there was actually a kind of 'humanity' on the face of the lifeless metal skull. The brilliance is shining.

Wu Tie even wondered if his brain was damaged.

How could there be 'the brilliance of humanity' on Lao Tie's metal-pimpled face

But Wu Tie felt the heavy and passionate brilliance, and he even felt the heavy power on Lao Tie's claws when he handed him the white tiger blood flag.

The river wind howled and the flag waved.

The three-meter-high flagpole tilted slightly. Wu Tie suddenly raised the white metal flagpole and planted it heavily on the ground.

With a 'chi' sound, the sharp flagpole sank more than a foot deep into the ground. This movement immediately alerted the fog knife killers a hundred meters away. They stopped at the same time and silently pulled out their straight knives and pointed them at Wu Tie. This way.

Wu Tie stood motionless, looking at these fog knife killers calmly.

These fog knife killers are very young, many of them look like they are in their early twenties, and the oldest of others are only around thirty.

Wu Tie has no enmity or enmity with them.

"You have no personal enmity against them, but they have invaded your territory and are plundering your prey." Wu Tie remembered Lao Tie's words: "You have no personal enmity against them, but the forces you and they belong to have produced There is a principled opposition.”

"War is never about personal hatred." Lao Tie said very straightforwardly: "In war, there is never a so-called right or wrong, only life and death."

"Let's put it more cruelly and shamelessly... If you win, you must be right; if you lose, you must be wrong."

"Who is there?" A fog knife killer who led the team asked coldly.

Wu Tie said nothing, just looked at them quietly.

After practicing the Foundation Building Style, Wu Tie's body functions were much better than ordinary people. These fog knife killers could not see Wu Tie clearly through the hundred-meter fog, but Wu Tie could clearly see their every move.

Not to mention, the radius covered by Wu Tie's invisible force field has reached more than two hundred meters, and these killers are all covered by his invisible force field.

"Kill!" The leader of the fog knife killer simply gave the order.

Dozens of poison-quenching flying knives tore through the fog and accurately hit Wu Tie's location.

These fog knife killers were indeed terrifying. They were hundreds of meters apart and separated by thick fog. Wu Tie just put the flagpole on the ground and made some noise, and these killers had already determined his exact location.

Wu Tie remained motionless as the flying knives hit him, sparks flying from his tight-fitting armor. Dozens of extremely powerful flying knives broke and bounced several meters away and fell to the ground.

Suddenly a strong wind blew, and the fog within a few miles began to flow. The fog near the river bank quickly flowed away, exposing Wu Tie to the fog knife killer.

He was wearing a tight-fitting white armor, and beside him was a blood flag fluttering on a white flagpole. The white roaring tiger head on the blood flag looked so ferocious, and at the same time, it exuded an inexplicable smell of domineering, ferocious, and unreasonable. .

More than a dozen fog knife killers sprang out like fleas, and arrived in front of Wu Tie in a few ups and downs.

The straight knife brought out streaks of cold light and struck Wu Tie from all directions.

Wu Tie raised his left hand and clenched it heavily with his five fingers.

The air within ten meters around his body was squirming violently, and the air density increased rapidly. Waves of air squirmed, and the air became blurry and as thick as gruel.

The movements of a dozen fog knife killers who were slashing with their knives suddenly became extremely slow. Their blades cut through the thick air, and the naked eye could see clear ripples in the air in front of the blades.


Wu Tie roared, and the air suddenly blasted out in all directions.

More than a dozen fog knife killers groaned and were blown away seven or eight meters by the strong wind, retreating backwards in embarrassment. There were even a few killers who stepped on the slippery moss and lost their footing. They fell to the ground, rolling and crawling in a panic.

"This is my territory. Every beast, every insect, every fern, every mushroom, and even the fish and pythons in the river are my private wealth." Wu Tie looked at it. Looking at the fog knife killers with stiff faces, he said slowly: "You have invaded my territory, you are infringing on my private property... This is wrong..."

"Kill this kid." The leader of the Fog Knife Killer waved his long knife and drew a circle on his head: "Chop him into pieces!"

Nearly two hundred fog knife killers screamed sharply at the same time, bringing up afterimages and rushing towards Wu Tie quickly.

They were too lazy to reason with Wu Tie.

Is this fertile land with a radius of thousands of miles his territory

Everything here is his private wealth

Are you kidding me

Even if Wu Tie is chopped into pieces, everything here belongs to Wu Dao!

Reasonable? It doesn't exist... How can a local snake in the Cangyan Region, a powerful and ferocious fog knife, be able to reason with you

Wishes of lightning-like sword light struck Wu Tie.

Wu Tie held the spear in his hand and drew round arcs. The spears intertwined into a perfect circle around him. With a harsh impact, dozens of long knives slashed at the spears one after another, and then the knives broke one after another.

Although it looks like a gentle arc, Wu Tie's pure physical strength has reached 50,000 to 60,000 kilograms. A casual blow is like a huge boulder flying down. Although the straight knife used by the fog knife killer is made of fine steel, it cannot stop this. A huge impact.

Dozens of long knives were broken, and the arms of dozens of fog knife killers were shattered by the shock. They vomited blood, howled miserably, and flew back in all directions.

Wu Tie's power is too powerful, and these fog knife killers are as vulnerable as fallen leaves in the wind.

"This is my territory." Wu Tie said solemnly: "Whether it's your fog swordsmen or the Immortality Sect, if you invade here... the only thing waiting for you is war!"

One person, one gun, and one bloody flag.

Declare war head on against two powerful organizations.