Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 43: Supernatural powers


Blood clouds and black mist entangled themselves into a ball.

Eunuch Gu and Eunuch Lan tried their best to intercept the two palm orders. Cold light flashed rapidly in the blood cloud and black mist. In a few intersecting moments, the painful cries of the two father-in-laws of the Immortality Sect were heard.

In terms of combat power, the senior leaders of the Immortality Sect are indeed no match for the Mist Blade Commander.

On the wooden boat, five of the family heads who came here following the Immortality Sect immediately jumped into the air and joined the battle group with weapons in hand.

The seven people joined forces and immediately suppressed the two palm orders. The area covered by the blood cloud expanded rapidly, faintly enveloping the entire black mist, and even the sound of the two palm commanders slashing through the air with their swords became faintly absent.

Wu Tie stood up staggeringly. He first looked down at his left hand.

The condition of the index finger of his left hand was extremely ferocious. The skin and flesh on the index finger were completely lost, leaving only three phalanges exposed. Strangely, the skin and flesh were blown to pieces, but the blood vessels and tendons attached to the finger bones were intact.

Cyan blood vessels and white tendons were attached to the finger bones of different colors, which looked very scary.

The Eight Palms Order staggered back, vomiting blood as he backed away.

His posture became very strange, and his upper body looked a little too soft to hold up. This is not surprising. His entire chest, ribs and thoracic vertebrae were shattered by Wu Tie's finger. His posture was intact.

"Your hands... are weird." Ba Zhang Ling spat out another mouthful of old blood, stared vaguely at Wu Tie's left index finger and howled.

Wu Tie squatted down and pressed his left hand on the armor that had shrunk into a ball. A stream of Yuan Gang roared into the armor. Wisps of light flashed. The pale white metal sphere quickly melted and squirmed, and was draped on Wu Tie's body again.

Wu Tie secretly cursed himself for being stupid.

He has condensed Yuan Gang, and Yuan Gang can fly out of the body and hurt people. The energy contained in Yuan Gang is a hundred times more powerful than the previous Yuan Power. In other words, during battle, he can completely input Yuan Gang into the armor in time and maintain the intact form of the armor.

Next time, unless Yuan Gang is exhausted, he will never let the armor escape from him easily.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Tie shook his left hand. The armor completely covered his left palm. He found that there was no pain in his left hand

Pulling out his spear, Wu Tie pointed at the Eight Palms Order and quickly approached him without saying a word.

An invisible force field enveloped the surroundings. Wu Tie walked quickly with seemingly small steps. He took a full step of seven or eight meters, rushed to the Eight Palms Order in one breath, and stabbed him in the chest with a shaking hand.

The Eight Palm Order spit out a mouthful of blood mist, and he laughed strangely, clasping his hands into balls on his chest, and blood suddenly spurted out from his fingertips.

"Boy, what you just learned was the 'Fantasy Mist Heavenly Luo' created by my fog knife, 'Fantasy Mist Sutra'... Were you beaten to the point of being out of breath by me?"

"What you are going to learn now is my Wu Dao's unique magical power in the Blood Knife Sutra, the Po Yuan Blood Knife... You will definitely like the feeling of being injured by the Po Yuan Blood Knife and feeling worse than death."

The Eight Palms Ling smiled deeply and evilly. His body lost the support of his thoracic vertebrae and ribs, and the shape of his upper body became a bit weird. A large mass of bone and flesh bulged on his back. His breathing became much heavier, and his words became hoarse and unpleasant.

Only the blood light between his palms became extremely intense, as if a ball of congestion had condensed in his palms, and the blood light squirmed and changed rapidly, condensing into the shape of a strange scimitar before his eyes.

The foundation-building realm is the beginning of cultivation.

After building the foundation, it’s time to feel the mystery. According to Lao Tie’s introduction, it is a magical process of using the energy of heaven and earth to realize one’s own. In this process, practitioners can condense a power that is more powerful and magical than Yuan Gang, or it can be described as 'mana'.

After the Senxuan realm, there is the Chonglou realm.

Some people call Chonglou Realm 'Tianguan' or 'Tiansuo', which is a long process of 'climbing the building', 'breaking through' or 'unlocking'.

In the Chonglou Realm, practitioners can realize magical powers!

Divine power is more powerful than all tricks and moves.

Huanwu Tianluo is a magical power, so Wu Tie's five senses were deprived, and the invisible force field was suppressed to a range of three feet away from the body.

The Po Yuan Blood Knife is obviously a magical power, and it is a direct offensive magical power.

Wu Tie stabbed the blood condensed between the palms of the Eight Palms Order with a spear.

Amidst the muffled sound of "buzz", Wu Tie's spear was extremely sharp and could easily pierce through gold and iron and remained motionless on the blood.

The tip of the gun trembled slightly, and the bloody scimitar made of blood also trembled slightly.

The Eight Palms Commander looked at Wu Tie with a ferocious smile, and suddenly flicked the fingers of his hands.

A bloody sword light made a sharp and terrifying sound of breaking through the air, spraying out from the bloody scimitar in the palm of the Eight Palms Order, drawing an almost invisible bloody trail, and arrived in front of Wu Tie in an instant.

A 'chi' sound...

When the bloody sword light almost hit his chest, Wu Tie activated his invisible force field with all his strength. He finally got in front of the sword light and tilted his body slightly. The bloody sword light hit his left chest, and the tight-fitting armor was split into a palm-long, hair-thin crack, diagonally across Wu Tie's shoulder.

A large amount of blood spurted out from the cracks in the armor. The color of the blood was... as clear as water.

Wu Tie felt a numbness and weakness all over his body. The tight-fitting armor that had been extremely strong for many years was finally destroyed by external forces.

The Yuan-Breaking Blood Knife... such a powerful attack power.

Stars flashed in front of Wu Tie's eyes, and a sense of powerlessness near the wound quickly surged throughout his body. He roared in a low voice, turned around subconsciously, and ran with all his strength in the direction of the Ancient God Barracks, running like crazy.

The Eight Palm Commander chuckled. He raised his hands high and widened his eyes, intending to use all his strength to activate the Po Yuan Blood Sword to completely kill Wu Tie.

Thousands of meters away, Lao Tie, standing on a hill, suddenly opened his mouth.

A ball of bloody flames spurted out from his mouth.

On the two rows of big white teeth, purple-blue lightning roared, turning into a rushing and ferocious thunder dragon wrapped around the bloody flames.

The red fire and purple thunder as thick as a bucket pulled out a dazzling trajectory dozens of meters long. Almost at the same time that Lao Tie opened his mouth and spit out the fire dragon, it hit the Eight Palms Order hard.

The Po Yuan Blood Blade in the Eight Palms Order's hand failed to activate, and the red-fire purple thunder hit his chest. There was just a "buzz" sound, and the Eight Palms Order's upper body completely disappeared.

I don’t know if Lao Tie chose this angle intentionally or accidentally.

After the red fire and purple thunder he sprayed killed the Eight Palm Order, it hit the wooden boat of the Changsheng Sect near the river bank here.

The hundred-meter-long wooden boat was smashed to pieces by a single blow, and countless broken black planks spewed out large tracts of fire, making roaring and roaring sounds and sprayed far and wide in all directions.

On the wooden boat, the family heads and elite warriors gathered by the Changsheng Sect fell into the river in embarrassment.

The attack came too suddenly and the force of the attack was too powerful. The entire wooden boat shattered and exploded. People on the boat were violently impacted by the explosion, and fell into the water one by one, vomiting blood.

Probably less than one-tenth of the people on the ship can swim...

After the others fell into the water, they all sank directly to the bottom like weights.

Several family heads screamed, and the surrounding fishmen and frogmen rushed over one after another, hurriedly helping the injured allies to surface.

The red fire and purple thunder spewed out by Lao Tie roared across the dozens of miles wide river and crashed through the middle of a sentry tower.

The sentry tower of earth and stone structure was broken in the middle, and the red fire and purple thunder almost brushed against the city wall of the Immortality Sect stronghold. A section of the city wall three or four miles long was closely scratched by the pillar of fire. The city wall collapsed, and gravel and soil were scattered all over the sky. yes.

In the end, the red fire and purple thunder continued to gallop for nearly a hundred miles before falling heavily to the ground.

With a loud noise, the earth shook, a ball of red light surged, and a mushroom cloud shot up hundreds of meters high. The sound of huge explosions kept going back and forth between the ground and the dome thousands of meters high, shaking everyone's ears. Pain, buzzing sound.

Except for Wu Tie, who was running for his life with stars flashing in front of his eyes, everyone else stood stiffly on the spot.

Lao Tie's blow directly vaporized a hilltop more than a hundred miles away, and a large crater with a diameter of more than a hundred meters appeared on the ground.

The strong wind rolled up countless broken mushrooms and fern fragments, and rolled up a large amount of earth and stone debris. The strong wind blew past the stronghold of the Immortality Sect, and even sand and dust blew onto the river. Slowly Covering half of the river.

In one blow, it was so lethal.

Eunuch Gu, Eunuch Lan, and the two palm commanders of Wu Dao stopped their hands and retreated at the same time, staring dumbfoundedly at the direction of the mushroom cloud.

The mushroom cloud has already reached the dome and is spreading along the dome.

Many stalagmites hanging on the dome were violently impacted, and each stalagmite broke off one after another and fell down one after another, making a thumping sound on the ground.

Eunuch Gu and Eunuch Lan suddenly thought that this attack seemed to have deliberately avoided the stronghold of the Immortality Sect.

If this blow hits the center of the Immortality Cult stronghold...

Not to mention the people of the Immortality Sect, even the slaves and soldiers brought by the fog knife will be completely annihilated.

"That kid... is not alone... there is a terrifying power... protecting him..." Eunuch Gu screamed: "This secret realm..."

Eunuch Lan was trembling all over: "We can't eat... we have to go to the main palace... we have to send experts from the main palace..."

The Seven Palms Command of the Fog Knife suddenly turned his head and cursed in the direction of the hill where Lao Tie was just now: "Madman... madman... Who in this world dares to use such a powerful move? Bastard, bastard, if you destroy it, The dome... if it were a river of lava... "

As the Seven Palms Order said, in this world, who dares to use such magical powers and secret techniques to kill people on a large scale

I don’t know if the dome is strong or not. If the dome collapses, if there happens to be a lava river above...

Look at the end of this big river. There is a crack in the rock wall that is dozens of miles wide, with magma flowing out continuously. This is entirely possible.

A river of lava pours down from the dome...

The scene was truly beautiful.

Especially since there is a large river dozens of miles wide below, with enough water.

There was a wonderful reaction between the magma and the river, and the high-temperature steam swept through the entire grotto. Except for the two commanders and masters like Eunuch Gu and Eunuch Lan who could escape, everyone else would be like the fish in the pressure cooker, stewed until their bones and flesh were pulpy.

Even if the commander of the fog knife is usually so decisive and cold-blooded...

Thinking of this terrible consequence, I couldn't help but break out in cold sweat, and my legs were a little sore.

"Double magical power of thunder and fire..." Another commander said to himself in a low voice: "And from the perspective of destructive power, this person's cultivation level is at least a hundred times more than ours... He is also in the Chonglou realm, and we are in front of him, No different than ants…”

"This secret realm... unless the boss takes action." The two commanders of the fog knife looked at each other, and without saying a word, they stepped on the black air and rose into the sky, taking with them an afterimage and rushing towards the waterfall in the distance.

Eunuch Gu and Eunuch Lan looked at each other. They sneered at the same time and glanced angrily at the direction where Lao Tie was just now. They also stepped on the blood cloud and jumped into the sky, and returned to the other side of the river in a flash.

After a while, a 100-meter-long wooden boat flew up. Eunuch Gu and Eunuch Lan, together with a group of family patriarchs, rushed to the waterfall as quickly as possible.

Whether it's the Immortality Cult or the Fog Saber, all the senior officials from both sides fled... no, they retreated tactically.

They didn't dare to deal such a terrifying blow head-on, so they all chose to temporarily avoid it.

The two commanders of the fog knife were ready to ask for help from the boss they called.

The two father-in-laws of the Immortality Sect chose to ask for help from the main palace they called... It is worth noting that Eunuch Gu and Eunuch Lan seemed to have concealed the news of the discovery of such a secret realm. They seemed to want to monopolize it. A secret realm.

Until now, they found that they were unable to swallow this secret realm, so they chose to report to the headquarters of the Immortality Sect.

Several palm-sized metal spiders lurked under the thick moss and could hear the words of both parties clearly.

Wu Tie used all his speed to escape towards the Ancient God Barracks.

The Po Yuan Blood Knife was extremely vicious, and large areas of blood-like plasma spurted out from his wounds. The evil power of the Po Yuan Blood Knife invaded the body, constantly destroying Wu Tie's normal physiological functions.

The Yuan Gang condensed in Wu Tie's body took the initiative to face the evil force of the Po Yuan Blood Knife. The two kept fighting near Wu Tie's wound. The Yuan Gang condensed in Wu Tie was worn away bit by bit, and the evil force of the Po Yuan Blood Knife swallowed up part of Wu Tie's body. After the breath of essence and blood, it continued to grow.

Compared with the magical power of the Eight Palms Order, Wu Tie was, after all, two big realms away from each other in terms of realm, and the difference in strength was too big.

"Old Tie, you let me fight them..." With the help of the invisible force field, Wu Tie jumped like the wind, leaping into the air and gliding for several miles from time to time, reaching extremely fast speeds.

Finally, before he fainted, Wu Tie rushed back to the Ancient God Barracks.

Lao Tie was already standing at the entrance of the Ancient God Barracks. More than a dozen metal spiders swarmed up, dragging Wu Tie who fell to the ground from exhaustion and rushed back to the Ancient God Barracks.

There were even some metal spiders busy, blocking the entrance to the Ancient God Barracks.

"Which elite soldier is not trained by surviving close calls on the battlefield? Grandpa, maybe I... am a bit unfavorable?" Lao Tie walked into the Ancient God Barracks shaking his head, muttering all the way.

"However, with Grandpa taking care of me... there shouldn't be any big danger... Well, next time I want to unleash such an attack, I need to accumulate energy for several months? This bitch has ruined his body too much."

"Okay, in the past few months, keep a low profile... A good man will not suffer the immediate consequences."