Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 47: Haoran is upright


The two cattle tribesmen's eyes were red, and they rushed towards the dragon with low roars.

They swung their axes, and the heavy wheeled axes tore through the air and made a dull whistling sound. The large ax made of fine steel struck the dragon's scales hard, causing sparks to fly and the ax cracked.

The dragon twisted its body casually, twitched its tail in the air, and the two cattle warriors flew out vomiting blood.

Its broken golden eyes were fixed on Wu Tie, and its long tail tapped the ground slowly, making a dull and loud sound.

Wu Tie stood hundreds of meters away, roaring loudly with all his strength, using all the provocative words he learned from Lao Tie, and frantically provoking the dragon. He swung his spear, and the spear broke through the wind, making a piercing scream.

Wu Tie himself failed to see that behind him, the figure formed by the faint gray mist was slowly growing from the size of an ordinary person.

Eight feet... nine feet... one foot...

The figure gradually expanded, becoming more and more hazy, and the aura of awe and awe that filled the world became more and more intense.

The blood in Wu Tie's body was rolling and his veins were boiling. The first and second phalanx of his left index finger began to feel hot, and a faint light came out.

Jiaolong slowly leaned down and stared at Wu Tie with a faint light in his eyes.

The strong smell exuding from Wu Tie's body seemed to have a great impact on the dragon. A large amount of saliva spurted out from the corner of its mouth, and the fishy smell spread far and wide.

"Come on, grandson..." Wu Tie jumped up and challenged the dragon. The invisible force field tightly wrapped his body, and he was ready to escape with all his strength.

A low roar came from the dragon's body. Its body tensed upright, roaring and blasting away the air, blasting out circles of white air explosions in the air, and rushed straight towards Wu Tie.

This speed was extremely terrifying. Wu Tie was hundreds of meters away from it, and in the blink of an eye the dragon was in front of him.

The white gas explosion spread to all directions, and the simple shacks around them collapsed one by one. The loud noise shook the entire stronghold. The fragile gray stone dwarfs in the stronghold were all knocked to the ground by the huge sound. Keep rolling.

Wu Tie couldn't see Jiaolong's movements at all, he just subconsciously blocked his spear in front of him.

An irresistible force rushed over, and Wu Tie's arms hit his chest heavily. With a loud bang, Wu Tie flew backwards. He lifted his feet off the ground and flew hundreds of meters backwards, smashing dozens of shacks in succession.

There was severe pain in his chest, and his internal organs were turned upside down. Wu Tie's hands were trembling violently, and his fingers were tightly holding the spear.

The violent impact almost shattered all the bones in Wu Tie's body. He fell to the ground stiffly, unable to feel the existence of his body at all.

The dragon raised its head and let out a long roar.

Then it leaned down and stared at Wu Tie greedily. With a strong pressure, it quickly swam towards Wu Tie.

The dull sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded, and Lao Tie's roar shook the ground around him: "There was a loud bang in the sky, your grandpa entered the battlefield... Haha!"

A bloody stream of light roared in, and Lao Tie hit his head hard on the dragon's jaw.

The blow was extremely heavy, and Jiao Longruo's huge body was sent flying, twisting and flying backwards for hundreds of meters. He fell to the ground cumbersomely and rolled dozens of times. Only then did he stabilize his body.

Jiaolong raised half of his body in embarrassment, blood spraying from the corner of his mouth, and looked angrily at Lao Tie, who was standing on all fours more than a hundred meters away in front of him with sparks of electricity spewing out from his body.

"Grandpa is your grandpa, and I will be your grandpa all my life... Even if my body is weak now, grandpa, I can still beat you to the point where you call me grandpa... This is all that bitch's fault... "

Lao Tie grinned and let out a weird laugh: "This is all that bitch's fault. If my own body were here, grandpa, a little reptile like you..."

Halfway through Lao Tie's sentence, the dragon roared and rushed over, bumped into Lao Tie's body, and knocked Lao Tie away hard.

Rolling all the way out with a clanging sound, Lao Tie swore a curse word, jumped up suddenly, and once again turned into a streak of blood and hit the dragon.

Jiaolong also straightened his body and slammed into Lao Tie.

There was a loud bang, and Lao Tie's head collided with the dragon.

A large amount of electric sparks flew out, and a sword-shaped bloody light erupted from Lao Tie's mouth, pricking Jiaolong's forehead heavily.

A shrill scream suddenly erupted, and a meter-long wound was opened on the dragon's forehead. The scales were splashed, the skull was cracked, and a large amount of blood mixed with glistening brain fluid spurted out from the dragon's wound.

The dragon swung its body wildly in pain, and struck Lao Tie hard with its long tail, sending him flying several hundred meters away.

The broken golden eyes turned into blood, and the dragon let out a terrifying roar, opened its mouth and spit out more than a dozen black smoke balls that were almost solid, hitting Lao Tie head-on.

These black smoke balls are the poisonous gas condensed in the dragon's body. They are extremely poisonous and have powerful corrosive power.

Lao Tie was beaten all over the ground, and the smoke ball exploded violently after hitting him hard, causing earth and rocks to fly around and creating large craters several meters in diameter.

The smoke ball exploded, and large swaths of black smoke and poisonous gas spread around, corroding the ground and making a "chichi" sound.

Lao Tie's head and body were wrapped in black smoke and poisonous gas. He jumped and cursed in the black smoke and poisonous gas, but his body was still as smooth as a mirror, leaving no trace.

Wu Tie stood up with difficulty, holding his spear little by little.

He was panting, and traces of strange power continued to grow in his boiling blood. It was grand and powerful, full of indomitable righteousness. The body that was hit hard recovered quickly under the nourishment of this energy, and powerful power filled the whole body.

The air around him fluctuated violently, and the vortex of energy above his head grew stronger, and streams of energy were continuously injected into his body.

Wu Tie's body exuded such intense heat that the ground beneath his feet was steaming with heat. A large amount of water vapor continued to rise from the soil, turning into white mist and swirling around.

Staring at the dragon that was spitting out poisonous gas smoke balls, Wu Tie's fear, hesitation and all other negative emotions were swept away.

Courage, inexplicable courage surged from the depths of his blood. Wu Tie suddenly raised his spear, and then he turned into a violent wind.

The wind was roaring, the wind was roaring, Wu Tie soared into the sky, carrying the boiling and fluctuating air around him, entangled with sparkling streams of energy, holding guns in both hands and creating a cold light that spanned hundreds of meters, and in an instant Arriving in front of Jiaolong.

His eyes were fixed on the wound on Jiaolong's forehead that was made by Lao Tie, and he sent the spear straight into it.

With a miserable howl, the spear tore through the bloody scales and squeezed into the gap in the dragon's skull, piercing more than half a foot deep.

The dragon's body was huge and its skull was extremely thick. Even so, Wu Tie's spear still penetrated about half an inch into its brain. Jiaolong closed his eyes in pain, and his body rolled and whipped crazily.

Wu Tie had no time to dodge, and the dragon's long tail roared towards him and struck him hard on the waist.

Wu Tie was whipped away by a tail, and his whole body was shaken as if he was struck by thunder.

With a 'wow' sound, Wu Tie opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. He quickly opened his visor, and a large amount of blood flowed down the tight-fitting armor.

There was a huge earthquake behind him, and Wu Tie hit a raised stalagmite. The stalagmites made an overwhelming tearing sound, shook a few times, and finally supported Wu Tie's body steadily.

Wu Tie gasped, eyes widened, and stared blankly against the stalagmite, unable to move his body at all.

The dragon was still screaming in pain and roaring. It swung its body wildly and threw off the spear stuck on its forehead in a few clicks.

The spear was poked in the brain. Although it did not penetrate deeply into the brain, the severe pain was still not something that flesh and blood could bear. The dragon twisted wildly on the ground for a long time in pain, crushing most of the shacks in the stronghold into pieces.

In the Mist Knife stronghold, the Mist Knife killer had long since fled without a trace, and the family warriors had also fled in all directions. The gray dwarves and rock gnomes also dragged their families away.

Several large anacondas swayed their huge bodies and chased the escaped slaves out of the stronghold.

Now in the stronghold, only Wu Tie, Lao Tie and this dragon, who was mad with pain, were left.

Lao Tie chuckled, with a hint of uninhibited arrogance, and stepped out of the rising black smoke and poisonous gas.

"Xiao Tie, let's work harder and take care of this big guy... The potion refined with its flesh and blood, even the most basic foundation-building potion, is a good treasure for you now."

"Tsk, that's really sad... A little grass snake like that back then was not even qualified to be in the soup pot... Now, come on, there's no need to be picky..."

Lao Tie let out a loud 'poof' and made a vomiting gesture, his disgust clearly evident.

Jiaolong felt Lao Tie's deep malice. It stopped struggling and twitching, and slowly straightened up its upper body.

Blood dripped from the wound, and traces of white brain matter continued to flow out from the muzzle of the gun poked by Wu Tie.

The dragon's body twitched involuntarily, and its scales stood up piece by piece, making it look much larger.

"Huchi, Huchi", the dragon panted dullly, and its breath was full of fishy smell.

Lao Tie quickly approached Wu Tie. As he ran, he muttered in a low voice: "Boy, do you still have the strength to run away? Don't look at grandpa, I am so arrogant... Grandpa, I really can't do anything with it now... "

"Hey, hey, at that moment, Grandpa and I couldn't fight out anymore... Well, we only have one way to escape..."

Lao Tie was mumbling. The sharp little horns on his head had slowly retracted, and the electric sparks all over his body had disappeared.

After a brief outburst, it seemed that Lao Tie really had no fighting power left.

Wu Tie was also panting in a low voice. He didn't hear what Lao Tie was saying at all.

His blood was tumbling rapidly, his veins were burning crazily, and the plasma in his body was undergoing strange changes. The plasma became heavier and more condensed, and a strange color even appeared in the plasma.

The golden light between the eyebrows continuously turns into a golden rain of light and rolls down, constantly refining the body.

The golden light rain and the strange energy seeping out of the burning blood merged into one, flying back to the center of the eyebrow with a little blood color.

There were a lot of mixed voices in Wu Tie's mind.

There were many people, countless people, including old people, young people, men, and women, and they were reading something loudly.

What they recited was very profound and exquisite, much more profound than what was recorded in the few volumes that Master Gray regarded as treasures. Countless people were chanting "buzzingly", just like countless wasps buzzing in Wu Tie's mind.

In this case, Wu Tie could not hear any sounds from the outside world.

His body was trembling slightly, and even greater heat continued to grow from his blood.

A clear reciting sound suddenly sounded in Wu Tie's mind, and the inexplicable power instantly suppressed all the complicated reciting sounds in his mind. This voice recited a simple sentence over and over again in Wu Tie's mind.

'Although there are thousands of people, I will go'!

The voices that were originally reciting chaotically all joined in one after another, like a group of chaotic geese finding their own leader. They became rigorous and orderly, following this voice and reciting "Although there are thousands of people, I will go" over and over again!

'Although there are thousands of people, I will go'!

Wu Tie subconsciously began to recite these words loudly. The figure formed by the gray mist behind him gradually thickened, and the power gushing from the blood in Wu Tie's body became stronger and clearer.

The golden light ball in the center of his eyebrows was already filled with a layer of blood. Suddenly, all the magical power from Wu Tie's blood rushed towards his eyebrows at the same time. The two words '' were washed away by the blood, and instantly disintegrated and disappeared without a trace.

"Heaven and earth are righteous!" Wu Tie shouted these words inexplicably.

He had never heard this sentence before.

But under the guidance of the voice in his mind, this sentence seemed to emerge from Wu Tie's bloodline, spanning the long river of time and countless generations of reproduction and inheritance. It just traveled through time and space and appeared out of thin air.

The majestic power that filled the world suddenly exploded.

Wu Tie made a fist with his right hand and punched forward with a simple punch.

Sealing the heaven and earth, embracing all things!

Magnificent and majestic!

Majestic and mighty!

A fist seal several meters in diameter flew out from Wu Tie's fist, as fast as a meteor, and hit the head of the dragon that was charging straight at him.

It seems like a simple punch, but the power of tolerance is terrifying.

Jiaolong's entire body was punched away by Wu Tie Yaokong, and he was punched away from a distance of hundreds of meters.

The huge body of the dragon stretched straight in the air, and its scales were shattered into countless pieces. The large and small scale fragments fell like a heavy rain, hitting the ground with crackling sounds.

Jiaolong's injured forehead was dented, and his skull was shattered, exposing a small part of his brain tissue.

With two sounds of 'dong dong', the two sharp horns on Jiaolong's forehead lost their foundation and fell heavily to the ground due to the shattered skull.

The dragon was knocked hundreds of meters away by Wu Tie's punch. It fell heavily to the ground. It took three full breaths before it roared in agony.

Such a huge dragon actually shed a lot of tears. While crying, it turned around and fled downstream of the river as fast as a gust of wind.

"Escaped, ha!"

Wu Tie smiled: "Old Tie, this is... the magical power I suddenly learned... Haoran Zhengqi."

"I don't know where it comes from, but he is 'Haoran Zhengqi'!"

'Boom', Wu Tie's eyesight went dark and he fell heavily to the ground.