Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 50: Behead


Jiaolong suddenly raised his head.

Two huge crossbow arrows penetrated the body. Compared to the huge size of the dragon, it was like an ordinary person having toothpicks pierced through the flesh on their fingers.

It hurts, but no major harm.

The dragon turned his head and roared angrily at the group of cattle warriors.

A large amount of black poisonous gas spurted out from the gap between the dragon's teeth. It suddenly opened its mouth, and the large black smoke and poisonous gas turned into a violent surge, roaring and sweeping forward against the water surface of the wetland.

Wherever the black smoke and poisonous gas passed, large areas of aquatic plants shriveled up and withered, and large groups of luminous flying insects fell one after another.

Among the ten stone giants, five stone giants rushed out.

They dropped the big axes in their hands, and the five of them entangled their arms with each other, forming a strange shape.

With a loud roar, the earth shook violently, and powerful and powerful earth vein power roared out from the ground and poured into the bodies of these five stone giants. Strong yellow light gushed out from their bodies, and the rays of light criss-crossed and intertwined into the shape of a mountain a hundred feet high.

The mountain peak spewed out a large amount of khaki mist, blocking the way like a city wall.

The black smoke and poisonous gas hit the earthy yellow mist, and the black smoke and poisonous gas rolled back one after another. No trace of the poisonous gas could pass through the protection of the yellow mist and harm the fog knife behind it.

The other five stone giants rushed out in large strides. One of them was in front, and four of them were behind, forming a strange formation. The auras of the five people were perfectly integrated into one.

They leapt over the top of the small khaki-colored mountain peak. As they passed by, a large amount of khaki-colored mist blended into their bodies.

A heavy, ferocious aura surged out of the bodies of these five stone giants.

Accompanied by deafening roars, the five stone giants emitted a strong yellow light, and a giant figure of a hundred feet tall rolled out from above their heads, holding a large wolf-toothed axe, and struck the dragon head-on with a single axe.

It all happened extremely quickly. The moment the giant figure struck down with an axe, the two arrows that had penetrated the dragon's body exploded violently.

The power of the explosion was a hundred times more powerful than the mine mines used by the Wu family's miners. The flames of the explosion covered a radius of tens of meters, large water splashes rolled in the wetland, and mud rushed up to a height of tens of meters.

A large hole with a diameter of more than two meters was opened in the dragon's belly. A large amount of blood splashed out. The dragon's body was almost blown into two pieces. Only a blue-black dragon bone and half of the flesh and blood barely connected the upper and lower bodies. .

The dragon was so painful that he burst into tears. The black smoke and poisonous gas in his mouth suddenly stopped, and instead he spurted out a large amount of blood.

It hit its head on the colorful crystal behind it, opened its mouth and hurriedly licked the sticky juice flowing from the crystal.

As a large amount of viscous juice was continuously swallowed, the huge wound on the dragon's abdomen was seen violently squirming, and large pieces of flesh and blood were quickly regenerated. In just one breath, such a large wound was wrapped in a blood-colored film, and then No blood or water comes out.

The giant figure swung the wolf-toothed ax and struck it on the head, hitting the dragon on the forehead with a 'dong' sound.

A wound several meters long was opened on the Jiaolong's newly healed head, large scales spurted out, the skull was torn open, and a large amount of blood and brains spurted out.

The dragon screamed in pain, its body twitched violently, and suddenly, a dazzling blue-black light lit up about seven inches away from it.

Its flesh and blood seemed to have turned translucent, and a ball of blue-black flames was burning in its body. Through its thick scales and flesh, one could clearly see the flames zooming in and out.

A low, deep, and terrifyingly penetrating roar came from the dragon's body.

The dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and a sticky blue-black flame suddenly spurted out. He was so badly injured that he didn't care about his vitality and resorted to his own tricks.

The five stone giants teamed up to use a move with astonishing lethality. Just as the giant figure retracted its arm, the five stone giants had already fallen heavily to the ground. As soon as they landed, blue-black flames enveloped their heads.

The khaki mist on the stone giant's body was burned clean by the flames, and the metal armor on their bodies turned red with just a snap of their fingers, and then melted into molten iron.

A shrill scream was heard, and the five stone giants were burned to pieces, and each one of them was covered in fire and rolling around on the ground.

The water in the wetland was about three feet deep. Stone giants ten meters tall were rolling around in the mud. Blue-black flames clung to their flesh. The water on the ground could not extinguish the flames at all.

The water vapor rose, and the evaporated water vapor actually increased the power of the flames. The five stone giants were burned to pieces, and wisps of flames continued to burn deep into their bones.

In just a few breaths, the five stone giants with astonishing power fell to the ground stiffly.

Their flesh and blood had been burned cleanly, and their skeletons had been shriveled and withered. Although they were originally ten meters tall, their skeletons were only five or six meters long.

Wu Tie opened his mouth in shock and was speechless for a long time.

This is the strength that a dragon should have. The black smoke, poisonous gas and the like are just small means for it to hunt for food, not trump cards used to fight desperately.

Five of them formed an earth-yellow mountain peak, and the stone giant who firmly protected his companions behind him let out a sad cry.

The Mist Knife has a large group of elite killers and countless servant warriors and slaves. However, with the strength of the Mist Knife, they only support a small tribe of stone giants.

There are only ten adult warriors in the entire Stone Giant tribe.

Half of it was lost this time.

They were flesh and blood brothers, and the death of their biological brothers in battle made these honest stone giants roar and lament, with tears constantly flowing out.

Despite their heartache, the five stone giants still stood motionless.

Their breaths were connected, and they mobilized the power of the earth's veins to continue to form the earth-yellow mountain to protect the fog knife army behind them.

Blue-black flames swept over and slammed into the small mountain peak.

The strong khaki light that makes up the small peak fluctuates violently, and large tracts of khaki mist evaporate and disappear. However, khaki mist continues to gush out from the ground, constantly replenishing the small mountain peak.

The dragon screamed, and the blue-black flames near it became brighter and brighter. The flames it sprayed became even hotter, covering a radius of several hundred meters.

The small khaki mountain peaks melted little by little, watching as they were being refined little by little by the flames.

The five stone giants were sweating profusely, and the sweat was constantly flowing down, flowing down like streams from the gaps in their armors.

A group of cattle warriors nervously re-wind the strings, and then there were two loud bangs, and two special arrows were shot out, accurately piercing the dragon's coiled body.

The dragon's body twitched, and then the arrow exploded suddenly.

Large scales of scales were shattered, flames shot into the sky, and mud rushed up tens of meters high. A two-meter-long hole was opened in the dragon's body again, and a large amount of blood and water mixed with some internal organ fragments spurted out.

The flames in the dragon's mouth suddenly disappeared. With tears streaming down its face, it turned its head, opened its mouth and took most of the crystal in its mouth, sucking it in big mouthfuls.

A large amount of viscous juice gushes out from the crystal, and the wounds on the dragon's body heal rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Almost all the injuries are healed in two breaths, not to mention the two short dragon horns on its forehead. grew out.

The two dragon horns returned to more than three meters in length, and the spiral patterns on the dragon horns were clearer than the two dragon horns swallowed by Wu Tie.

With two "click" sounds, a large amount of juice oozed out of the crystal was swallowed up in a very short period of time. Four huge tumors actually bulged out from the dragon's abdomen. Before the fog knife owner could react, the four tumors suddenly appeared. The ground exploded, and four thick legs with sharp claws suddenly grew out.

With horns and feet, this dragon has obviously taken another big step on the road of evolution.

"Oh, this guy..." Lao Tie exclaimed softly: "It's really desperate... It was originally smart and knew that the juice in this crystal was not a good thing, so it spent many years sucking the juice flowing out bit by bit. …”

"This time, take a huge amount of the juice in the crystal in a short period of time... This guy..."

Wu Tie saw that Jiaolong's originally golden eyes had turned into a blur of colorful colors, just like the colorful crystals.

Its eyes no longer showed the original ferocity and evil, but turned into a more indifferent, colder, and absolutely devoid of the emotional fluctuations that a living thing should have...dead silence...

The original dragon is a living being, so it naturally has mood swings.

But now this dragon, all its mood swings have disappeared, and it seems to be rapidly transforming into another terrifying 'alien'.

What's even more shocking is that the scales on its body, which were as black as iron, are now covered with a layer of moist light, as if they were made of crystal.

Large groups of lizardman archers rushed out of the fern forest, and dense rain of arrows roared from the sky.

The arrows landed densely on the dragon, and then they exploded violently.

The power of the explosion of each arrow is comparable to the mine mines used by Wu family miners to mine mines.

The power of a mountain-opening thunder is naturally not great, but hundreds or thousands of mountain-opening thunders exploded on the dragon's body one after another. Countless balls of fire covered the entire dragon's body, causing the dragon to hiss and scream in pain.

Even though its scales seemed to have become stronger, under such a violent bombing, the dragon's scales were still blown to pieces, large pieces of flesh and blood were blown to pieces, and the blood stained several acres of wetlands in a radius.

The dragon couldn't stand the pain anymore. It suddenly opened its mouth, dropped the strange crystal, landed on all fours unskillfully, twisted its huge body and rushed towards the army of fog knives.

As it ran wildly, it opened its mouth, and flames that had completely turned into black spurted out from its mouth.

There was a sound like a red-hot iron rod piercing a pile of snow. The earth-yellow peak that the five stone giants worked hard to maintain was burned open to a large hole more than ten meters in diameter. The five stone giants groaned. Without making a sound, it was directly vaporized in the black flames.

The earth-yellow mountain peaks disintegrated, with a loud noise, and a large area of earth-yellow mist exploded. A large group of fog knife members nearby were blown away by the shock wave. Some people were directly blown to pieces, and many more fell to the ground in the distance. He kept vomiting blood and it was difficult to get up for a while.

A group of brave Niu tribe warriors roared and rushed forward waving heavy weapons, hitting the dragon's body indiscriminately.

A heavy blow fell on the dragon's body with its scales cracked. The eyes of these cattle warriors were red, as if they were drunk and fearless of death, and their brute strength was greatly enhanced.

The dragon staggered after being beaten. It let out an angry roar, turned around and spit out a stream of black flames.

Nearly a hundred Niu warriors were covered in black flames. They howled miserably at the same time and turned into human-shaped torches that burned in place. They were burned to ashes in a few breaths.

The dragon breathed a sigh of relief, spitting out a large amount of flames and black smoke from its mouth.

Having just completed its evolution, it consumed a lot of energy in its body. After spitting out a burst of flames, it already felt waves of fatigue, as if its entire body had been drained.

Countless lizard warriors around were still throwing arrows, and arrows kept exploding on it, shattering its scales and exploding its flesh and blood.

The power of these arrows cannot really injure it, but the continuous falling arrows continue to increase its injuries. Its injuries are getting worse and its physical strength is constantly being consumed.

A large group of wolf warriors roared over. They ran past in groups of three and five, constantly throwing venom-quenched flying knives at them.

Large areas of its body's scales shattered, revealing bloody wounds.

These flying knives pierced its damaged flesh fiercely, and the secret venom of the fog knife accumulated in its body. Waves of weakness and paralysis kept coming. The dragon shook its body, and it was difficult to move its four legs. .

It twisted its body randomly and spit out flames in all directions.

But whether it was the lizard men or the wolf warriors, these mist swordsmen who were proficient in coordination did not approach it anymore.

Arrows kept falling, and flying knives kept piercing into the body.

The dragon's huge body has now become its biggest weakness, it is too easy to be hit.

A quarter of an hour later, the dragon swayed, trying to rush back to the crystal to replenish some of the juice seeping out of the crystal.

A human figure suddenly appeared out of thin air above the dragon's head, appearing exactly in the middle of its two long horns. The master of the fog knife dragged up the long afterimage, and a black straight knife appeared out of thin air in his right hand, and slashed it down silently.

With a flash of cold light, the straight knife penetrated the dragon's skull, reaching deep into its brain.

A terrible cold air surged out from the straight blade, instantly freezing Jiaolong's brain into a ball of ice.

The light in the dragon's colorful eyes suddenly stiffened, and its huge body staggered forward a few steps before falling to the ground.

The ground trembled slightly, and the dragon fell to the ground without even letting out a death cry.

The commander of the fog knife gently pulled out the straight knife and looked at Wu Tie and Lao Tie who were hiding in the fern forest.

"What, you want to grab something from me?"