Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 51: trade


"This dragon is not as powerful as the legendary dragon."

"However, a dragon is a dragon, and it is full of treasures."

"The dragon's blood can be used to refine medicine."

"Dragon meat is extremely nourishing."

"Dragon skin can be used to make armor."

"The dragon's horns, four claws, and bones can all be used to temper weapons. I just don't know if the Lu family of Cang Yan Domain has the skills to forge the dragon's horns and bones."

"By the way, there's also the dragon tendon. What good things can be forged with such a long tendon?"

Commander Wu Dao stood on the head of the dead dragon, facing in the direction of Wu Tie and Lao Tie, smiling and deliberately scolding loudly.

The whole body of the dragon is full of treasures.

This dragon is indeed not as powerful as the legendary dragon, but it is not something that ordinary people can deal with. The fog knife seemed to kill it so easily, but how much was consumed

Not to mention anything else, just the death of the ten stone giants made the commander of the fog knife bleed.

But as the leader of an organization, he must be calm and composed, as if nothing is happening.

He smiled and reported all the benefits of Jiaolong one by one, and the fog knife subordinates around him continued to cheer in unison.

'Hoo ha'!

'Hoo ha'!

'Hoo ha'!

The fog knife killers raised their fixed blades one after another and cheered loudly with joy.

How much benefit can a dragon bring? How much can the strength of the fog knife be increased

Perhaps, with this dragon, Wu Dao can really run rampant in the Cangyan Territory, even break through the Cangyan Territory, and expand its strength to the outside world, right

The commander-in-chief of Wu Dao smiled, his eyes like daggers, staring at the fern forest where Wu Tie and Lao Tie were. He could sense the presence of Wu Tie and Lao Tie, and he could even feel the vague and threatening aura on Lao Tie's body.

So he deliberately spoke loudly about the benefits of dragons, just to attract Wu Tie and Lao Tie.

A dozen high-level officials of the Fog Blade wearing cloaks were standing sparsely everywhere. They seemed to be standing there casually, but in fact, no matter which direction Wu Tie and Lao Tie launched a surprise attack, there would always be three or five of them. Join forces to respond.

This is a group of experts who are proficient in killing techniques and also proficient in defending against assassination and surprise attacks by others.

"Old Tie?" Wu Tie tightened his grip on the spear.

"The snipe and the clam compete with each other for the fisherman's profit." On the way here, Lao Tie explained the meaning of this to Wu Tie.

But unlike Lao Tie's prediction, although this dragon caused great damage to the fog knife, the overall strength of the fog knife was not weakened too much. Especially the commander-in-chief of the fog sword and the dozen or so senior officials of the fog sword, they were completely unscathed.

A group of wolf warriors happily surrounded the dragon. They took out a special large leather bag and hurriedly put the dragon's blood into the bag.

The lizardman archers were busy everywhere. They laughed and picked up the dragon scales that had been shattered by the explosion, and neatly stacked them in baskets aside.

Hundreds of fog knife killers stood in a crescent-like line of skirmishers, aiming at the fern forest where Wu Tie and Lao Tie were.

There were many fog knife killers with various hidden weapons in their hands. If Wu Tie and Lao Tie made any move, they would be greeted by a storm-like attack.

Lao Tie snorted, his eyes flashing with blood. After a while, he nodded and walked out of the fern forest slowly.

Wu Tie was stunned and hurriedly followed Lao Tie.

"The strength of this little grass snake is indeed much weaker than grandpa expected." Lao Tie walked out of the fern forest and walked slowly towards the fog knife commander. At the same time, he said unhurriedly: "However, grandpa I kind of know what’s going on.”

The master of the fog knife made a light arc with the straight knife in his hand, and then lightly touched the dragon's horn with the tip of the knife, making a crisp impact sound.

He tilted his head and looked at Wu Tie, and then focused on Lao Tie.

"Oh? Why is this? I was actually prepared for the loss of troops and generals, and even for the loss of all my subordinates this time... Unexpectedly, the losses were much smaller than I expected."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Fog Blade chuckled and said, "Although this is a good thing... but it still feels a little wrong."

Lao Tie stood more than thirty meters away from the commander of Wu Dao, and Wu Tie stood behind Lao Tie.

Lao Tie said calmly: "This little grass snake has absorbed the life essence of the Tianjing Demon... The life essence of the Tianjing Demon has subtly transformed its body... During the bloodline transformation process, its strength has not only not been enhanced, Instead, it was weakened.”

With a cold snort, Lao Tie said in a deep voice: "If the bloodline transformation is completed, the strength of this little grass snake will increase at least a hundred times. Especially the defensive power of its scales... You probably won't be able to break through its scales."

The Master of the Mist Knife said "Oh", and he put down the hood of his cloak, revealing his face.

This commander-in-chief of the Mist Saber, who had a great reputation in the Cangyan Domain, was born clean and elegant. He gave Wu Tie the same feeling as Master Gray, leisurely, plain, and without any sense of danger.

"Celestial Demon? Unheard of... It seems that you know something that we don't know." The commander of the fog knife looked at Lao Tie with a smile: "I have never seen a foreign object like you... What are you?"

"I'm your grandpa..." Lao Tie laughed.

With a 'chi' sound, a high-level fog knife operator wearing a cloak standing more than 200 meters away remained motionless, but a cold light flew out of his sleeves and instantly arrived in front of Lao Tie, accurately hitting Lao Tie between the eyebrows. .


The palm-sized dagger stabbed hard at the center of Lao Tie's eyebrows. Sparks flew everywhere, leaving no trace on Lao Tie's eyebrows. Instead, the tip of the dagger broke into pieces, spinning rapidly and rebounding dozens of times. meters high.

The senior Wu Dao officer who took action grunted, shook his body, and with a move of his hand, the dagger turned into a cold light and flew back to his hand.

The commander-in-chief of Wu Dao's face stiffened.

His eyes flickered and he looked carefully at Lao Tie's brow.

Indeed, there is no trace of it, and Lao Tie's eyebrows are still as smooth as a mirror.

The pale metal head has an extremely smooth surface, but there is no reflection. It makes Lao Tie feel so weird.

"Grandpa, I am your grandpa..." Lao Tie'Gaga' smiled: "At least in terms of age... I am your grandpa, but I am still at a disadvantage..."

"An ancient strange object?" Commander Wu Dao seemed to understand something: "The Lu family, legend has it that there is a strange object excavated from ancient ruins. It looks like a human skeleton, but it is made of whole metal... It is very good at smelting alloys. .”

The Commander-in-Chief of the Fog Blade said in a deep voice: "It is said that because of that ancient rare object, the Lu family's annual production of sophisticated weapons has increased by 50%... and the quality has also increased a lot."

The bloody light in Lao Tie's eyes brightened slightly, and then dimmed again.

The chief commander of the fog knife said with a smile: "If you are a rare thing left over from ancient times, then, in terms of age, your words are correct... However, your words are very unpleasant. I really want to chop off your head with one knife. .”

The old man laughed.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Fog Blade also laughed loudly.

Suddenly, the figure of the commander-in-chief of the fog knife blurred. His figure standing on the dragon's forehead did not disappear. Another figure had already arrived in front of Lao Tie. A sword light swept over like a sword and struck Lao Tie hard. on the neck.

There was a crisp sound and sparks flew everywhere.

Not even a trace was left on Lao Tie's neck. Countless streaks of lightning suddenly shot out from his big teeth, covering an area of tens of meters in front of him in an instant.

The figure of the Commander in Chief of the Mist Saber disappeared, and the figure on Jiaolong's forehead became clear from blur. Tiny electric sparks continued to spray out from his body. The Commander in Chief of the Mist Blade's long hair stood up one by one. He stood up, looking quite embarrassed.

"The power of thunder and lightning." The head of Wu Dao made his body twitch slightly. This was an instinctive reaction that he couldn't control.

"But it's not very powerful..." He smiled dryly: "It's just that your neck is really strong."

"So, grandpa is your grandpa." Lao Tie smiled, the blood in his eyes suddenly burning.

With a 'chi' sound, a stream of blood as thin as hair shot out from Lao Tie's left eye, instantly piercing the left shoulder of the senior Wu Dao officer who had just attacked him with a dagger.

More than two hundred meters away, the blood light arrived in an instant, and the top management of Wu Dao had no time to react. A transparent hole as thick as a thumb was pierced through his left shoulder. The wound was clean without a drop of blood, and the wound was as smooth as a mirror. You could clearly see the skin, meridians, bones and other body tissues.

"So what?" Lao Tie looked at the commander-in-chief of the fog knife calmly: "Grandpa, I still have some skills."

The Commander-in-Chief of Wu Dao was stunned, and his eyes immediately fell on Wu Tie.

He smiled, pointed at Wu Tie and said, "If so, should I kill him?"

Without saying a word, Wu Tie immediately activated the armor. His whole body was wrapped in tight-fitting armor, and traces of light surged on the pale armor, making him look very magical.

He also used the divine power of Haoran's righteousness, and a magnificent, strong and powerful aura spread.

The commander-in-chief of Wu Dao's face stiffened again.

Haoran's righteous aura was so majestic that it actually gave him a faint hint of pressure.

Although Wu Tie's own strength is very weak compared to him, Haoran's righteousness is too wonderful. This is the pressure that comes from blood and soul.

This is an extraordinary power.

The Commander-in-Chief of Wu Dao took out a breath and said in a deep voice: "Don't argue with each other... What is the Sky Crystal Demon? This dragon... what do you want?"

Lao Tie laughed and said calmly: "Well, that's right. Let's discuss it calmly."

The face of the Commander-in-Chief of the Fog Blade twitched.

Discuss it calmly? Do you want to discuss it carefully if you call yourself 'Grandpa' and take advantage of others

With eyes as sharp as a knife, he stared at Lao Tie fiercely, and the Master Wu Dao ordered the long knife in his hand to lightly tap a dragon horn.

Lao Tie nodded and said in a deep voice: "Use the method of how to remove the remaining poison of the evil sky crystal in the dragon's body, and exchange it for two dragon horns and the two arms in the crystal."

The face of the commander-in-chief of the fog knife suddenly turned ugly: "Dragon horn? This is a good material for tempering divine weapons..."

Lao Tie immediately turned around and left. As he walked, he said: "Then, you try and let your men drink two mouthfuls of dragon blood..."

"Stay!" Commander Wu Dao immediately shouted and waved his hand.

Lao Tie laughed, turned around, and looked at the commander of the fog knife without saying a word.

The weakest lizard man archer was singled out, and the commander of the fog knife personally took a leather bag filled with dragon blood and poured about a bowl of dragon blood into the lizard man archer.

After only a quarter of an hour, the scales on the lizardman archer began to glow like white crystal, and the structure of the scales began to undergo subtle changes.

At the same time, all the spirituality in his eyes quickly dissipated, a cold, crystal light emerged from the depths of his pupils, and his breath became cold.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Mist Knife was carrying a huge leather bag and stared straight at the mutated lizard man archer without saying a word.

Lao Tie said calmly: "This is the evil power of the Sky Crystal Demon... Their breath will infect all intelligent creatures and turn them into the puppets of the Sky Crystal Demon. They have no thoughts, no desires, no fear, and no knowledge of pain... The only thing is The benefits are that your life span will be very long.”

Lao Tie raised his paw with a smile and pointed at the body of the dragon lying on the ground: "Because of its huge size, this big guy has licked so much of the life essence of the Sky Crystal Demon and is only on the verge of transformation."

"As for this unlucky doll, his size is too small and his vitality is too weak." Lao Tie said calmly: "You can try it. You have to eat a few pieces of dragon meat to become like this unlucky doll... Evil Puppet ?”

The commander-in-chief of Wu Dao frowned and stared at Lao Tie for a while.

After a long time, he looked at the crystal again, at the two arms and the huge head sealed in the crystal.

"Is this the head of the Sky Crystal Demon? So, these two arms..." he asked Lao Tie.

"This is the head of the Tianjing Demon. These two arms... are my grandfather's arms back then." Lao Tie sighed faintly: "These are my grandfather's arms. Grandpa, I will take them back. Is it reasonable?"

"Pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other." Lao Tie said solemnly: "Grandpa, I will give you the method to eliminate the evil legacy of Tianjing in exchange for two dragon horns and two of Grandpa's arms."

Several senior officials of the Fog Blade wearing cloaks took a few steps towards this side, and one of them leaned close to the ear of the Commander-in-Chief of the Fog Blade and whispered something to him.

The commander-in-chief of Wu Dao was silent for a long time, and finally he nodded slowly.

"That's it, that's it for you... However, one more thing. From now on, this secret realm will be the territory of my fog knife. You are not allowed to intrude."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Fog Knife thought of the big crater he had surveyed on the spot and which was blasted out by Lao Tie with all his strength.

The power of that blow did not scare the Commander-in-Chief of Wu Dao very much, but if he still had so many killers and slaves under his command, and if Lao Tie fired a shot at the center of Wu Dao's stronghold, the losses would be huge.

Wu Tie and Lao Tie looked at each other.

After being silent for a long time, Lao Tie said softly: "This place is isolated from the world and is not a good place in the first place."

"We will not invade each other... When the little guy has cultivated to a certain level and he wants to leave, you are not allowed to stop him." Lao Tie also set out his own conditions.

The Master of the Fog Knife was silent for a while, then he suddenly smiled, stepped back a few steps with a smile, and made way for the crystal.

Lao Tie let out a whistle.

Under the shocked gaze of the Master of the Fog Blade, a group of metal spiders quickly sprang out of the fern forest and swarmed towards the crystal.

Just a quarter of an hour later, the crystal was broken open by the metal spider, and two long metal arms were taken out.