Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 54: leave, shadow (1)


"Stop crying, stop crying, and guard the Ancient God Barracks well."

Wu Tie stood on the edge of the big pit at the exit of the corridor of the Ancient God Barracks, gently tapping the big iron.

The big iron, which was three meters high and was shaped like a pale skull, groaned, its big head gently rubbing against Wu Tie's chest.

More than a thousand meters away, on a small dirt bag, a team of fog knife killers looked at this side eagerly.

The shape of the big iron is so shocking. With such a big metal head, how big must his body be? The stone giants raised by the fog knife, the largest stone giants, their heads are not that big!

"Okay, act like a girl." Lao Tie impatiently slapped his paw on Da Tie's forehead.

"Keep your guard here, we will come back." Lao Tie scolded, urging Da Tie to go back quickly.

The big iron screamed, and slowly sank into the corridor of the ancient god's barracks. Then the entire entrance to the corridor rippled like water waves, blue electric lights surged silently, and the entrance to the corridor quickly submerged into the ground like mercury pouring down the ground.

Mud rolled on the ground, and the entrance to the tunnel disappeared, leaving only a large pit five or six meters deep.

"Let's go, parting between life and death. Men always have to experience this kind of thing more." Lao Tie raised his paw and patted Wu Tie's shoulder.

"A man, when he was just born, he was a tender sapling, no different from those flower-like little girls."

"I've been through life and death, mutilated flesh and blood, and corpses everywhere. It's like an old pine tree hanging on a cliff and beaten by storms for thousands of years. It has a bit of a manly feel to it."

Lao Tie turned around and walked towards the upper reaches of the river.

Wu Tie nodded and followed Lao Tie, listening to Lao Tie's emotion as he walked.

"Frustration, men must have setbacks." Lao Tie said with a smile: "Have you seen the tree knots on those ancient trees? The tree knots on the injured tree trunks will be much harder than ordinary tree trunks."

“The more you get hurt, the stronger you get, that’s what a man is.”

"Think about it, why do we want to separate from Datie? Why?"

"Because we are not strong enough. If we continue to stay here, you will be killed by them, and I may be torn into pieces and refurbished by them... The Ancient God Barracks will probably fall into their hands."

"We don't have enough power to protect what we want to protect, so we have to leave."

"So, power, little guy...power!"

Wu Tie wore tight-fitting armor and carried a spear on his back that Lao Tie recast for him using materials stored in the ancient god's barracks.

The White Tiger Split End was worn neatly on his arm, but this magical weapon... shouldn't be used lightly, and Wu Tie didn't have enough power to exert its due power.

Hearing Lao Tie emphasize 'power' over and over again, Wu Tie subconsciously held the spear with his backhand, and then looked at the fog knife killer peeping in the distance.

"They robbed our territory, and they also peeked at our Ancient God Barracks... and now they left because of them?" Wu Tie let out a breath of annoyance: "I will settle the score with them."

Lao Tie snorted: "Let's wait until we are truly safely out of their control. If I calculated correctly, there will be a fierce battle waiting for us... However, if we just run away, it should be fine."

"Bad fight? Why?" Wu Tie looked at Lao Tie in confusion.

"If the fight starts, you will understand." Lao Tie said solemnly: "This is the human heart..."

Shaking his head, Lao Tie looked back at Wu Tie in confusion: "It's strange. I used to only fight and kill, but never did such laborious calculations..."

"Weird, why was that guy Yang Jian assigned to the medical team... I have a lot of medical first aid methods stored in my mind... and these weird things... When I was punished and put in solitary confinement... they also stuffed them in my mind. what?"

Wu Tie took two steps quickly and knocked Lao Tie's convex, streamlined head with his fist: "You don't even know what's in your mind?"

Lao Tie snorted and said nothing.

The blood in his eyes flashed, and it was obvious that he could not answer this question.

Wu Tie looked at Lao Tie curiously... Listening to Lao Tie's words, Lao Tie was clearly a powerful weapon made by people in ancient times.

Being able to create a magical weapon like Lao Tie that is no different from a living person is truly a remarkable thing.

'Wisdom'... The hairs on Wu Tie's body stood up instinctively. He remembered the legend about 'wisdom' that Master Gray had said. Is 'wisdom' really more powerful than pure power

One after another, Wu Tie and Lao Tie arrived outside Wu Dao's stronghold.

The huge chain as thick as a water tank was firmly fixed outside the stronghold. A group of fog knife killers were commanding a group of rock dwarf slaves and were busy moving a large amount of production and living materials from vehicles and ships.

Seeing Wu Tie and Lao Tie coming over, the fog knife killers subconsciously held the straight knives on their backs.

Those rock gnomes did not dare to stop what they were doing, but their eyes looked at Wu Tie and Lao Tie with gratitude.

These short little guys with little fighting ability clearly remember that when the dragon and several large anacondas were wreaking havoc in the camp, the fog knife killers escaped immediately. It was Wu Tie, the 'stranger' The young man saved them.

The life of a rock gnome is worthless.

Not only the owners of the rock gnomes think so, but also the rock gnomes themselves have formed such a perception.

Wu Tie can fight for a group of lowly rock gnomes...

The rock gnomes had moisture in their eyes. While they were busy, they turned their heads to look at Wu Tie from time to time, firmly recording his appearance in their hearts.

A human figure passed through the mist silently and came to Wu Tie.

There were still more than thirty meters away, and the senior Wu Dao officer, who was wearing a cloak and his face covered by a hood, stopped, looked at Wu Tie and Lao Tie, and said in a deep voice: "You two, are you leaving? Do you want us to provide you with a vehicle and boat to leave?"

Wu Tie and Lao Tie looked at each other and shook their heads.

The senior management of Fog Knife chuckled: "So, I wish you two a smooth journey... Also, our commander-in-chief has said that we don't want you two to come back in the future... This is our territory of Fog Knife."

"Let's go, let's go!" Lao Tie didn't respond to this guy's words. He stooped slightly, then jumped up, jumped hundreds of meters away, and landed lightly on the big chain.

Wu Tie also flew into the air and landed lightly on the chain.

He looked around. On both sides of the river, figures flickered in the two strongholds, and countless slaves were working hard.

On the river, fishmen and frogmen warriors swam back and forth, hunting big fish one after another and throwing them onto the river beach.

The warriors belonging to Fog Knife formed a pioneering team of varying sizes and were marching towards the entire secret realm. This basin with a radius of thousands of miles and the even wider Gobi desert around it were enough for them to explore for a long time.

Thousands of miles away, the red light emitting from the large magma crack was vaguely visible.

On the dome above the head, the 'Void Sun' that the Immortality Cult spent a lot of effort to build was emitting a warm red light, filling the air with endless vitality. On the river below, there was a faint mist floating on it.

"Let's go." Wu Tie waved to the fog knife killers not far away.

The Fog Knife killers remained motionless, and several Fog Knife executives standing in the crowd looked at Wu Tie and Lao Tie coldly.

The old man chuckled.

Wu Tie took out a thin iron chain from the large animal skin package on his back. He wrapped the iron chain around his waist and tied the other end around Lao Tie's neck. This iron chain was more than 20 meters long. The chain connected him and Lao Tie as a whole.

Lao Tie ran briskly along the chain as thick as a water tank.

Wu Tie ran after him.

One end of the chain was fixed on the ground outside Wu Dao's stronghold, and the other end was directly plunged into the waterfall that was dozens of miles wide and seven or eight miles high.

Without much effort, Lao Tie and Wu Tie arrived in front of the huge waterfall one after another.

Lao Tie's four legs spurted a faint electric current, and his four legs clung to the metal chains. He let out a low and cheerful "woof, woof" sound twice, and rushed into the waterfall.

The terrifying water flow hit Lao Tie's body, and a layer of extremely faint electric light surged on the surface of Lao Tie's body, and the water flow slid over before it even touched his body. The impact of this terrifying waterfall on Lao Tie was minimal, and he stabilized his body easily.

Wu Tie also crashed into the waterfall.

The tight-fitting armor wrapped around the whole body, and there was also a faint electric current surging on the surface of the armor.

The water flow failed to touch Wu Tie's body, and the armor's mask made a subtle roar. A trace of airflow in the water flow was pulled out by the mask, and was directly provided to Wu Tie so that he could breathe underwater.

This armor is not only powerful in defense.

The next moment, Wu Tie's left palm bones shook violently, and a heavy dark light surged on his palm. The water flow around Wu Tie suddenly disappeared, and a ball of about two meters in diameter appeared around his body. A small space.

"Hey!" Lao Tie turned around and saw Wu Tie's palm emitting a dark light, forcing the water to flow away.

He said in surprise: "Grandpa seems to know how your boy came here and why he was not crushed by the undercurrent... The characteristics of that Chi You tooth were actually perfectly inherited by your palm bones?"

Wu Tie recalled the time before and after he fell into the water in the mine of Wujia Stone Castle and then appeared safely in the secret realm.

He immediately understood that it was Chi Youya who had protected him all the way to this place safely.

Unexpectedly, his fingers fused with the broken bone. After the broken bone absorbed Chi You's teeth, it even inherited the special effect of not being immersed in water.

"Good baby!" Wu Tie raised his left hand, which had become a little heavy. He injected a stream of Yuan Gang into his palm, and the space around his body suddenly expanded to ten meters in diameter.

"Grandpa, I can save some energy." Lao Tie took a few steps back happily, came to Wu Tie's side, opened his mouth and spat out a bottle of foundation-building potion: "Then, let's go all the way... Yuan Gang is not enough Yes, just take medicine."

These days, Wu Tie hunts all kinds of giant beasts and has nearly 10,000 bottles of foundation-building potions in stock. Lao Tie's belly has a huge capacity, and he swallowed all the medicine and stored it.

Taking the potion bottle on Lao Tie's tongue, Wu Tie smiled. One after another, they moved forward along the long chain against the current.

The chain is as thick as a water tank, but extremely long.

I really don’t know where Wu Dao got this chain. Following the chain, Wu Tie and Lao Tie quickly traveled hundreds of miles.

The Yin River twists and turns, and at several places where the rivers intersect, huge iron nails are driven deeply into the rock formations, holding the chains tightly in place. No matter how undercurrent surges, the chains will not move at all.

After traveling against the current for more than two hundred miles, along the chain, there was a faint light coming from the front.

Thousand Fish City.

This is a quite famous city in the Cangyan Territory, originally owned by the Shi family.

Qianyu City got its name because Qianyu City is backed by a large lake with a diameter of hundreds of miles. The lake is rich in aquatic products. In addition to various fish and shrimps, there are even mussels that have given birth to colorful pearls.

Qianyu City relies on this large lake, which is rich in various aquatic products. In addition, the land around the lake is fertile and a large number of fields have been opened up. All kinds of mushrooms grow well. Therefore, the Shi family in Qianyu City has a strong bloodline and has also raised a large number of family warriors. Thousands of slaves of all kinds.

In the Cangyan Territory, Qianyu City is considered a well-known middle-class family. Even the largest families in the Cangyan Territory, the Lu family, the Yan family, and the Shi family, are indispensable for the aquatic products produced in Qianyu City.

Just because he offended Luo Lin, who was born in the Mist Blade, Qianyu City was wiped out in just a few days. Now flying on the top of the main castle tower of Qianyu City is the Mist Blade's 'Black Mist Straight Blade Flag'.

The virtual sun with a diameter of 150 meters hung high on the dome, and its red light illuminated a large area of land.

In the big lake behind Qianyu City, there is an entrance to the Yin River with a diameter of nearly 100 meters deep in the middle of the lake. Back then, Shi Lingqing was chased by Luo Lin and others. When he was at the end of his rope, he just ignored it and used a sneak boat that usually fished for pearls. , Desperately broke into the Yin River.

Now a huge chain slanted into the entrance of the huge Yin River. The chain slanted across the bottom of the lake and was finally fixed on the dock behind Thousand Fish City.

Several seven or eight meter tall stone giants wearing armor sat beside the chains and ate barbecue.

Dozens of cattle tribe warriors were carrying large axes and patrolling around in a lively manner.

Apart from them, the entire Qianyu City was quiet, without any sound or movement. Even the flag on the main building of the castle hung limply on the flagpole without any movement.

Wu Tie and Lao Tie walked out along the chain, walked across the bottom of the lake, and landed on the lake shore far away from Qianyu City.

When he was about to surface, Wu Tie clenched his left fist. As soon as his thoughts moved, the dark light emitted from his metacarpal bone disappeared, and the lake water surged over, soaking him and Lao Tie in the water.

After dragging their way ashore, Wu Tie and Lao Tie shook their bodies vigorously, and the mud and water droplets were shaken away.

There are several conspicuous corridor entrances on the rock wall more than ten miles away. The entrances are clean and unmanned. These are the passages from Qianyu City to other territories.

Lao Tie and Wu Tie walked towards the nearest crossing one after another, and they gradually moved away from the big lake.

After walking seven or eight miles, Lao Tie suddenly stopped: "If we don't come out, we will really leave, right?"

As a result, the Commander-in-Chief of the Fog Saber was like a ghost, gradually appearing out of thin air from the air more than two hundred meters in front of them.

On the lakeshore behind them, a large group of fog knife killers and servant warriors quietly appeared, blocking their way back.

"Only a dead person would not reveal the existence of that secret realm." Commander Wu Knife looked at Wu Tie and Lao Tie and said gently.

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