Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 72: Swallowed wildly


No, Wu Tie rubbed his eyes.

Through the hazy fog, he couldn't see clearly.

Two black skeletons, they are not standing outside the bone door, but most of the skeletons are embedded in the bone door, and only the front half of the bones are exposed. They and this black bone door are one.

The black bone door is six meters wide and about ten meters high. The door frame is integrated with the wall of the mine.

The cave wall around the door frame is also pitch black. At first glance, the texture is neither gold nor iron, nor stone nor jade, nor does it resemble the black bone texture of the bone door. Wu Tie cannot tell what kind of material the cave wall is. .

However, the cave wall near the door frame and the rock formation where the ore veins are located gave him the feeling that the bone door first existed, and then this rare and rich mine was gradually derived from the cave wall near the bone door.

Wu Tie even had a bold guess.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this bone door that this wealthy mine was born under the influence of some mysterious power.

Wu Tie took a step forward. He was less than fifty meters away from the Bone Gate.

Around the door frame of the bone door, on the originally blank cave wall, suddenly pieces of extremely gorgeous black cloud patterns of light and shadow were rippled. Countless cloud patterns are rippling like water waves, and large black streams of light are constantly pouring out from them.

Each stroke is about the size of a thumb, simple and thick, and each stroke carries an unfathomable majesty of heaven and earth, an ancient text that is indescribable to the secrets of the universe, and ripples out from the cloud patterns.

These ancient words are constantly spraying out like fireworks. They are like fireflies circling and dancing rapidly outside the Bone Gate. In just a few breaths, they form a text composed of more than 3,000 runes. Quietly Suspended in front of the Bone Gate.

Wu Tie just glanced at the scripture suspended in front of the Bone Gate, and his mind was shaken.

His entire soul seemed to be sucked in by this piece of black scripture. His body was trembling slightly, as if he couldn't help but sit down and study this scripture seriously.

Even the Yuan Gang in his body shook violently, and a few strands of Yuan Gang surged out of his lower abdomen uncontrollably, following a strange trajectory along the smooth meridians in his body.

The foundation laid by Wu Tie Foundation Building Style is perfect. The smallest meridians in the body are unobstructed, and it is tough and spacious enough to accommodate the violent movement of Yuan Gang. So in just one breath, these few rays of uncontrollable Yuan Gang completed a cycle.

The trajectory of the movement formed a strange rune in Wu Tie's body. There was a cool wind blowing out of the surrounding air, and wisps of strange Yuan energy with black air and biting coldness surged out of the air, like thin strips. The poisonous snake rushed towards Wu Tie.

Wu Tie was shocked.

There is something strange about this scripture.

He just glanced at it and started practicing passively.

He didn't even understand what the scriptures said, so his Yuan Gang became restless and he started practicing according to an unknown trajectory.

"What you are doing is forcing a good girl to become a prostitute..." Wu Tie's body trembled violently, and he subconsciously used a word he learned from Lao Tie. Regardless of whether the word was used here appropriately, Wu Tie's body trembled and he subconsciously wanted to move backwards.

Pieces of cloud patterns rolled quietly on the cave wall outside the Bone Gate, and a black stream of light spread like water waves in all directions.

The black scriptures were suspended in the air, and an invisible soul attraction attracted Wu Tie. He tried to retreat, but no matter how hard he tried, his body did not move at all.

It was like falling into the most terrifying nightmare.

The Yuan Gang inside the body is rotating rapidly, and the runes outlined by the movement trajectory are getting clearer and clearer. Wu Tie could feel that his body temperature was slowly dropping, and those few strands of Yuan Gang were undergoing strange changes.

The black scriptures suspended in front of him squirmed, and an unpredictable pressure came over them.

A deep and complex message kept coming to Wu Tie's mind, trying to be imprinted directly into his mind.

This is the same method as Lao Tie's method of transmitting data. They both want to use secret techniques to directly imprint certain inheritances into Wu Tie's mind.

Wu Tie's brows glowed golden, his heart twitched violently, and he felt that a huge crisis was approaching step by step.

The inheritance in this black scripture is not a good way.

Wu Tie roared at the top of his lungs. He used all his strength to pump up his blood, and the Yuan Gang in his lower abdomen suddenly erupted, like a scalding volcano erupting. He activated his Gang Qi and struck hard on those wisps of Yuan Gang that were causing chaos.

Several strands of mutated Yuan Gang shattered into pieces, and the strange rune tracks that had just formed within Wu Tie's body were shattered into pieces.

"The heaven and earth are righteous, and they are mixed and endowed with manifolds. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars..."

Wu Tie's blood was restless and boiling. His blood was decreasing slightly, but at the same time, it became more pure and condensed.

Countless voices rang in his mind, and they simultaneously recited an exquisite five-character sentence loudly, and Wu Tie also started reciting it loudly.

The awe-inspiring righteousness in the body suddenly expanded a hundred times, filling the whole body. Pure Yang Zhigang, a majestic righteousness spurted out, and every pore in Wu Tie's body was emitting pure white flames outward.

The streams of Yuan energy that gushed out from the air, exuding black air and cold air, and squirming like poisonous snakes, were impacted by the awe-inspiring righteousness. Accompanied by the ear-piercing screams, these cold Yuan energy shattered into pieces and then exploded into pieces. A little bit of white flame was suspended in the air and burning rapidly.

The scriptures of more than 3,000 words invaded Wu Tie's mind with terrifying evil power, and a large amount of information wanted to be engraved deep in Wu Tie's soul.

Haoran's righteous energy rushed straight to the center of his eyebrows, mixing a large amount of blood energy into the golden light group.

Wu Tie's soul suddenly became as blazing as the sun, and the volume of the golden light expanded a hundred times, emitting immeasurable pure golden light to illuminate his mind, shattering the evil forces pouring in from the outside world into pieces.

Wu Tie held his head and cried out in pain.

The evil force was shattered, but the information was still stubbornly imprinted in his mind.

"Phaseless Bone Demon Sutra".

An evil secret book was imprinted in Wu Tie's mind. He instantly absorbed all the secrets of the practice of the Phaseless Bone Demonic Scripture, and even some of the strange methods in it were fully accepted.

This "Phaseless Bone Demonic Scripture" is extremely mysterious and wonderful, but compared with the knowledge that Lao Tie taught Wu Tie that day, the difference in total volume is countless times. With Wu Tie's current soul strength, he He easily inherited all the contents of the "Phaseless Bone Demon Sutra".

A string of sinister, yet mysterious messages were like a dark, cold stream, slowly flowing through my heart.

Wu Tie found helplessly that he had completely absorbed this scripture.

Fortunately, he had Haoran's righteous energy to protect his body. Fortunately, he had activated his bloodline magical power. Fortunately, he had activated his soul power in advance...

Fortunately, he got some incredible powers from his bloodline.

Therefore, he received his inheritance from this evil scripture, but was not controlled by this technique.

He subconsciously turned around, glanced at the elders of the Shi family and the Lu family lying on the ground, and shook his head with pity.

These unlucky guys are different from the weak mutant warriors outside the cave entrance. Those mutant warriors were completely corroded by the evil bone aura exuded by the "Phaseless Bone Demon Sutra" and turned into zombie-like mutant bone demons.

As for these elders, when they came here, they, like Wu Tie, passively accepted the inheritance of the "Phaseless Bone Demon Sutra".

However, they failed to resist the evil force that rushed directly into their minds when the "Phaseless Bone Demon Sutra" was passed down. Their intelligence was obliterated, and they became puppets controlled by this black bone door.

They were lying motionless on the ground, practicing the first stage of the "Phaseless Mysterious Bone Transformation" of the "Phaseless Bone Demon Sutra".

Xuangu generally refers to black bones.

After practicing the "Shadowless Mysterious Bone Transformation" to perfection, he transformed into a three-meter-tall black skeleton with most of his body embedded in the black bone gate.

If Wu Tie was attacked, he would lie on the ground like those elders, absorbing the cold energy in the air, gradually integrating the essence of flesh and blood into the bones of his body, and finally turning into a black skeleton.

"It's really weird." Wu Tie cursed.

He looked at the more than 3,000-word "Phaseless Bone Demon Sutra" suspended in front of him, suddenly raised the White Tiger Split, and poured all the Yuan Gang and Haoran's righteous energy from his body into it. Accompanied by a harsh tearing sound, a white light more than three feet long erupted from the tip of Bai Hu's spear.

Fierce, majestic, and full of supreme majesty.

Wu Tie roared, rushed out suddenly, and stabbed the scripture suspended in the air with a spear.

The white light shattered into pieces, and streams of magnificent aura of righteousness struck the scriptures. The scriptures were squirming violently, and waves of evil power continued to pour out from the scriptures, and layers of Haoran's righteous energy impacted and annihilated each other.

Amidst the loud noise, a large amount of cold air spread to the surroundings, and the scriptures shattered into pieces and exploded into countless white flames.

On the black bone door, the eye sockets of two black skeletons about three meters high lit up with green fire. Two fist-sized green fires burned in their eye sockets. The bone door made a "click" sound, and the two bodies The black skeleton slowly pulled the body out of the bone door.

After a dozen breaths, the two skeletons broke free from the confinement of the Bone Gate and rushed towards Wu Tie quickly.

As soon as the skeleton moved, it brought up a large black afterimage. In front of Wu Tie, all the black skeletons were shaking around. The two handles were only one finger wide, but the strange-shaped bone sword, which was nearly two meters long, came with a harsh scream. White traces were drawn in the air, stabbing Wu Tie randomly.

Wu Tie couldn't care less, he shook his hand, and the arm guard transformed by White Tiger Split flew up. With a low tiger roar, the White Tiger Split spear unfolded, and he held it tightly in his hand. The spear fired perfect streaks. The arc blocked the sword light in the sky.

The strength reached 100,000 kilograms, Wu Tie injected a Yuan Gang into the White Tiger Split, and adjusted the Baihu Split to a weight of around 10,000 kilograms.

Waving the White Tiger Split with both arms, the heavy White Tiger Split ripped open the air, and a large amount of air was injected into the white tiger's head, and the faint and low roar of the tiger continued to be heard.

The roar of the tiger reached Wu Tie's ears and made his blood boil. He felt infinite fighting courage in his heart. His movements suddenly became a little faster and his strength became a little stronger.

If Wu Tie's enemies are living people, then when they hear the tiger's roar, they will be frightened by the tiger's roar, their strength will be inexplicably weakened by 20 to 30%, their speed will be slowed down a lot, and they will become confused and confused. All kinds of flaws will be exposed involuntarily.

The White Tiger Split is truly a magical weapon for frontal combat on the battlefield.

The two black skeletons were not affected by the tiger's roar. They were just puppets controlled by evil magic and had no self-consciousness at all. Their movements were like the wind and they were rapidly rotating around Wu Tie. In all directions of Wu Tie were the afterimages of the two skeletons. Countless sword lights struck like lightning, densely wrapping around Wu Tie's body.

Compared with these two black skeletons, Wu Tie's strength, speed, and reaction were all at a disadvantage.

White Tiger Split was not able to collide with the two bone swords head-on. The bone sword, which made a shrill roar, passed through Bai Hu Split's defense circle like a ghost, and fell on Wu Tie again and again.

The sound of "chichi" was heard endlessly, and in just one breath, Wu Tie had hundreds of wounds that were as deep as the bones.

Fortunately, the swords of these two skeletons were weird. They mostly used quick stabbing techniques instead of chopping.

The bone sword stabbed quickly, easily penetrating Wu Tie's flesh, but every time it touched his bones, it made a harsh impact sound. Wu Tie was shaken to the point of losing his footing, and the bone sword also bounced off Wu Tie's bones.

Each sword left traces of sword marks on Wu Tie's bones, but it failed to seriously damage Wu Tie's bones.

And this bone sword is only one finger wide, and the tip of the sword is as different as the tip of a needle. The tip of the sword is as thin as a cicada's wing. Every time it pierces Wu Tie's flesh, the wound left is just a thin trace of blood, even the blood. The traffic is not very large.

Hit by hundreds of swords in one breath, Wu Tie burst into tears from the pain.

He waved the White Tiger Split and shouted loudly, but the White Tiger Split couldn't touch the two skeletons running like the wind.

As stated in the "Phaseless Bone Demon Sutra", these two skeletons were truly formless and formless, as fast as ghosts, which made Wu Tie despair.

Suddenly, the two skeletons stabbed quickly, and their bone swords stabbed at the gap between Wu Tie's shoulder blades. They used too much force, and the thin bone sword sank deeply into the bone seam.

Wu Tie was in pain, and he raised his right arm suddenly, and the bone seams between his shoulder blades immediately locked the two bone swords.

Wu Tie's body was hung on two bone swords, and was dragged around by the two skeletons.

Wu Tie burst into tears from the pain. Subconsciously, the five fingers of his left hand trembled violently. He suddenly raised his left hand and slapped the two bone swords hard.

The black bone sword shattered into pieces, and the large stream of light turned into a mighty torrent, which was swallowed up by Wu Tie's left finger bone.

The two skeletons suddenly stopped. They stayed in place, raising their right hands in a cute manner and looking at the two remaining hilts of the shattered bone sword.

Wu Tie rushed forward without saying a word, and struck out with his left hand like electricity, hitting the lumbar vertebrae of the two skeletons hard.

There were two loud bangs, and the lumbar vertebrae of the two skeletons were broken. Their upper and lower bodies suddenly separated, and they fell to the ground at the same time.

Then the two skeletons began to disintegrate inexplicably. Their whole body bones disintegrated in the high-speed earthquake, exploded into countless fragments, and turned into wisps of light that were continuously swallowed by Wu Tie's left hand.

The dark light flowed down the five fingers of Wu Tie's left hand and spread all over his body, and all the bones in Wu Tie's body emitted a dark light at the same time.

"It's over... I'm going to die!" Wu Tie was so frightened that he hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes wide open.