Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 76: There is no end to desire


The entrance to the Underworld Mine.

In the small stone castle, the gray dwarves stationed here were drunk, lying on the ground one by one, snoring.

The only two lizard warriors who were responsible for the lookout stood on the stone fort, looking listlessly at the gray and misty mine tunnel ahead. From time to time, they looked enviously at the four wolf warriors guarding the outside of the stone fort.

Being sent by the family to garrison here is really unlucky for not having accumulated any good deeds in the previous life.

Not to mention the unfathomable dangers in the Hell Demon Mine, there are just these damn gray dwarves, a group of bastards who drink all day long and swing hammers around when they are drunk. Partnering with them is really... unlucky.

The four wolf warriors sent by Shi Meng to meet Wu Tie were squatting in the corner, their weapons placed where they were most convenient.

They squinted at the foggy mine tunnel and chewed the dried meat leisurely.

"The kid won't die in there, right?" A wolf warrior mumbled vaguely: "Anyway, Master Six said, if we wait ten days, the kid won't be able to come out if he doesn't come out."

"How long did you last when the elders went in? Ten days?" Another wolf warrior shook his head. He grabbed a handful of dried meat and threw it to the rat scout squatting aside.

"Rat boy, do you have the guts to go in and check? See if that kid is alive?"

The rat man scout took the dried meat and grinned at the four wolf warriors, revealing his two shiny front teeth. He simply sat down on the ground, assuming a posture of 'I would rather die than move a step'.

The four wolf warriors sneered at the same time.

There was actually a hint of guilt in the laughter.

More than a day ago, a huge roar came from the mine, and waves of heat spewed out.

With this kind of change, I don’t know what happened in the mine.

It's just that no matter whether it is the rat scouts, the four wolf warriors, or even the gray dwarves and lizardmen responsible for guarding this place, they will not go in and take risks. How uneconomical would it be to die there

Anyway, they had just sent the rat scout assigned to Stone Castle back to Big Stone City to report the news.

Let the big shots in the family handle these troublesome and dangerous matters.

Tatting their lips, the four guys, who had eaten enough dried meat and were extremely bored, were about to have some fun with the rat man scouts. Their ears suddenly trembled, and they grabbed the weapons around them and stood up in a hurry.

The rat scout reacted a little faster than them. When the four wolf warriors stood up, he had already rushed to the corner of the stone castle with the dried meat in his arms and hid in the dark corner. Gone.

Outside the mine tunnel leading to the Underworld Mine, a dozen huge gray rock lizards, up to ten meters long, ran over with their long tongues sticking out. On the back of each gray rock lizard sits a strong old man wearing a robe and with a powerful figure.

Behind these gray rock lizards are more than two hundred fanged hunter spiders.

On the backs of these hunting spiders, which are pitch black, huge in size, and running like the wind, sit two warriors wearing armor.

On the back of each hunting spider were a soldier wearing a full set of heavy metal armor and holding a spear, and an archer wearing soft leather armor and holding a longbow.

The heavily armored warriors were responsible for controlling the direction in which the hunting spiders ran, while the archers held long bows and looked around with vigilant eyes.

The aura of each warrior is quite powerful, their faces are fierce, their eyes are shining, and all of them are the top elite choices.

The large group of people arrived at the entrance of the mine. A dozen old people jumped off the backs of the gray rock lizards and stood there silently. Then nearly five hundred elite warriors drove the hunting spiders over, scolding the hunting spiders to form a neat formation, and lined up behind these old people.

The group of people stood here motionless and did not make any sound. Only occasionally did the gray rock lizards shake their heads, spit out long words, and make a hissing sound.

The four wolf warriors held weapons and carefully walked out of the mine.

Seeing these people standing outside the mine, the four wolf warriors trembled and walked up to an old man standing at the front. They knelt down on one knee and saluted the old man respectfully: "Elder."

The old man was quite burly, about two and a half meters tall, with an extremely thick frame and all the visible bone joints on his body. He exuded a wild, domineering and arrogant aura.

It's just obvious that he is not young anymore.

The muscles on his body are still bulging, but his skin is covered with brown age spots, and the skin has drooped in many places on his face.

In particular, every root of his hair was a dull yellowish color, giving off an aura of decay that only withered weeds can have.

His eyes were also cloudy, the whites of his eyes were slightly yellow, with a hint of black, and countless thin blood covering them, lifeless and without any luster at all.

"What are you doing here?" The old man looked down at the four wolf warriors and asked them angrily.

The four wolf warriors lowered their heads, not daring to hide anything, and told them exactly what Shi Meng had asked them to do to meet Wu Tie here. They even told the old man that Wu Tie was not old, but he was Master Yuan and had already mastered the power of wind and fire.

"Master Yuan in his teenage years?" The old man's cloudy eyes moved slightly: "It's really enviable... It's not his talent, but his age."

"In his late teens, Master Yuan, he may be able to break through to the extremely high realm of Chonglou Realm in the future... He may even be able to glimpse the realms above Chonglou Realm."

"Young people are really enviable."

"Young body, abundant vitality, youthful breath... these things... When we once had them, we didn't cherish them. It wasn't until we were about to lose them that we realized how valuable life was."

The old man murmured to himself: "However, it is a talent that can be spotted by Lao Liu... Since it is a talent, and it is not the talent of the Shi family, it is even more important to use it boldly."

The four wolf warriors raised their heads and looked at the old man in confusion.

Why shouldn't the Shi family's own talents be used boldly

In this world, shouldn’t every family focus on its own talents and use rare resources on their own family

"What do you know?" The old man looked at the four wolf warriors and snorted coldly.

A wolf warrior was a little smarter. He grinned and smiled at the old man: "Is the elder here because of the change in the mine just now?"

Sticking out his long tongue and licking his nose, the wolf warrior grinned and said: "It was so scary just now. There was a 'boom' and the whole mine was shaking. A lot of rocks fell down... Hey, and then there was a spurt of hot air. Come out and the heat will make our hair curl."

The old man's eyes moved slightly. He looked at the wolf warrior and was about to ask him for more information. He suddenly turned around and saw that a team of about a hundred people had arrived a hundred meters away.

These people had no mounts and relied entirely on their own feet to travel.

But they were jumping around like flying, with shadows behind them, and a faint black mist surrounding their bodies.

These people ran without making any sound, and even their figures were hazy, as if they had blended into the dim surrounding environment. With the old man's cultivation, he didn't notice their approach until they were within a hundred meters.

The old man's two dry eyebrows that were almost completely peeled off shook, and he muttered in a low voice: "You guys came so fast for the first palm order."

A team of about a hundred people wearing tight-fitting black soft armor and black metal masks, with a few leaders wearing black cloaks, stopped a hundred meters away. Only a man in a cloak walked slowly towards this side, and walked up to the old man step by step.

Taking off the hood of the cloak with both hands, a white-haired man looked a bit older than the elder of the Shi family. The dying old man grinned and said softly: "We are not far from your Big Rock City... After receiving the news, I naturally came at full speed."

"In addition, I am now the chief commander of the fog knife." The old man coughed a few times and smiled at the elder Shi Jia: "So, the title of the first commander... needs to be changed."

"Well, Commander-in-Chief, it's good that you guys came very quickly." Elder Shi Jia pointed at the mine and said solemnly: "I think you know what's going on in the Underworld Mine, Commander-in-Chief. Here it is. There is movement... maybe a heavy treasure has been born."

The commander-in-chief smiled brightly, revealing two rows of gums with almost all his teeth missing.

There was a trace of saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth... He was so old that his body could no longer control small details such as 'drooling'.

"Perhaps some demons and ghosts have emerged... But it doesn't matter." The chief commander rubbed his hands happily: "The deputy leader is very interested in these things, whether they are heavy treasures or monsters. In short, give the things inside to the deputy leader. Leader, we will definitely be rewarded..."

The commander-in-chief's body was trembling slightly. He looked at the elder Shi Clan and muttered in a low voice: "If you don't waste your life energy, you may still have decades to suffer... I can't do it anymore. I will die in three years at most." …”

"I must get the Immortality Sect's secret technique of immortality!" The Commander-in-Chief grinned, and two streams of saliva flowed down from the corner of his mouth, falling on his clothes and soaking a small piece of clothing.

Elder Shi Jia looked at the entrance of the mine with deep fear.

After a while, he said in a low voice: "I thought so too... It's just that I have seen the horror inside... That's why I asked you to explore this damn mine together."

"If there are any benefits..." Mr. Shi Jia pointed at the commander-in-chief.

"You and I share. This is a matter of course." The commander-in-chief's smile became brighter and more saliva flowed from his mouth: "I am not a solitary eater... But why don't I see your brothers?" ?”

Elder Shi didn't say a word and just strode towards the entrance of the mine.

The commander-in-chief nodded slowly: "It turns out that you are a solitary eater. Haha."

The four wolf warriors kneeling on the ground looked blankly at their elders, and then at the general commander.

After a while, their simple minds finally figured out what happened. They stood up suddenly, looked at the elder Shi Clan in horror and exclaimed: "Elder, you... you..."

The commander-in-chief chuckled.

Behind the four wolf warriors, a black shadow flashed.

With a flash of cold light, the four wolf warriors suddenly froze. Blood spurted out from their mouths, their bodies shook a few times, and they fell heavily to the ground.

The commander-in-chief waved his hand, and nearly half of the subordinates who followed him here became blurred, slowly blending into pieces of black smoke, and hid near the entrance of the cave.

He led more than fifty subordinates and quickly broke into the mine with a hint of eagerness.

Among the more than 500 warriors who came here with Elder Shi Jia, nearly 200 warriors were also left to guard outside the mine. The other warriors lined up neatly and strode into the mine.

Among the Shi family warriors who stayed outside the mine, several warrior leaders let out sharp whistles.

More than a dozen limestone lizards immediately lined up outside the mine, blocking the entrance to the mine.

More than two hundred fanged hunting spiders climbed up the rock wall and hid in the shadows high on the rock wall. There are also some fanged hunter spiders hiding in the mushroom bushes and fern forests not far away. They curled up their long arms and legs as hard as they could, and only their eyes emitted faint fluorescence in the shadows.

In the cave, the fog knife killers brought by the commander-in-chief are rapidly advancing.

The drunk gray dwarf in the stone castle was killed without any reaction. The two lizard man archers were also easily killed by these killers before they could even grab their weapons.

The elders of the Shi family and the chief commander walked side by side, step by step, towards the depths of the mine tunnel shrouded in gray mist.

Thick gray mist wrapped around them one by one, like countless spider webs.

There was a wind blowing in front of them, and the cold and biting wind made the two of them frown subconsciously.

But the waves of cold wind were mixed with waves of heat.

Cold wind and heat waves blew over almost at the same time, and the elders of the Shi family and the commander-in-chief suddenly laughed happily.

"I can feel that a very majestic force is ahead." The commander-in-chief smiled happily: "It's just that these gray fog and dark wind are too annoying."

The elder of the Shi family took a deep breath, turned his palm, and a light slowly rose from his palm. The lamp exploded, and a bronze lamp with a simple and strange shape appeared out of thin air in his hand.

"Giant Spirit Lantern." The elder of the Shi family glanced at the commander-in-chief with pride: "Our Shi family is good at opening up mineral veins and digging tunnels... We will inevitably encounter the miasma and poisonous gas accumulated in the ground for countless years."

"This giant spirit lamp is the blood treasure of the giant clan." Elder Shi said with a proud smile: "It is best at dispelling all kinds of cold and poisonous gases."

The lights suddenly turned on, a ball of intense heat spread around, the fog in the mine exploded, and the dark wind was blown away completely.

The Commander-in-Chief's eyes flickered, and he took a deep look at the Giant Spirit Lantern: "What a treasure... In fact, if you get nothing this time, it would be great to offer this treasure to the deputy leader."

The elders of the Shi family did not say a word.

The group of people walked towards the Underworld Mine pit step by step.