Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 9: Foundation building style


The four words "Start practicing" are like a magic spell.

Wu Tie seemed to have been given a shot of blood. He held his neck high, stepped forward, and sprinted forward. It took only a quarter of an hour to reach the location mentioned by Lao Tie.

I rolled and climbed all the way and fell countless times. My whole body was covered with mud and moss, and was hung with countless spider webs. I was as dirty as a mud monkey. Wu Tie placed Lao Tie on a dirt bag, supported his knees with both hands, and looked at him panting.

"You kid... did you get chicken blood? Are you running so fast?" Lao Tie laughed: "I don't know, who is stupid..."

With a dry laugh, Lao Tieyou rolled his red eyes: "Who said you can't practice? You don't have any arms or legs... The question is, even if you do, why can't you practice?"

"I, I... Dad taught me the "Heaven Breaking Fist", but I..." Wu Tie panted and stammered, "I... can't throw a complete set of punches at all. My body is too Weak..."

Lao Tie's eyes flashed red, and countless extremely thin rays of light, invisible to the naked eye, quickly swept across Wu Tie's body.

"Call and have a look." Lao Tie said dryly.

Wu Tie looked at Lao Tie, gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and straightened up. He spread his legs, punched in front and punched in the back, displaying a stern boxing stance.

'Hey, ha'!

'Hey, ha'!

Wu Tie shouted loudly and punched out the Wu family's foundation-building secret fist "Heaven Breaking Fist" in a precise manner.

When Wu Tie threw his first punch, his whole body muscles suddenly twitched, and Lao Tie snorted coldly.

When Wu Tie punched the second time, the blood vessels under his skin suddenly swelled, and Lao Tie snorted twice in succession.

After the third punch was thrown, Lao Tie's eyes brightened with blood, and he spoke in a high-pitched tone: "That's enough, I understand, this "Heaven Breaking Fist" requires extremely high physical fitness... If you hit him once, it is equivalent to self-mutilation. .”

'Kaka' laughed a few times, and Lao Tie said: "Which idiot created this punch? But..."

The blood in his eyes dimmed, Lao Tie was silent for a while, and murmured: "Perhaps, this is also the right choice. However, whether it is correct or not has nothing to do with me. Strategic analysis is not my job in the first place."

The bloody light suddenly lit up, and a large amount of blood spurted out from Lao Tie's eyes, turning into a light curtain of more than ten meters in size around Wu Tie.

In the light curtain, a figure wearing a fully enclosed white tight-fitting armor, which was as bright as white crystal, appeared. A soft and beautiful female voice suddenly sounded: "Foundation Building Pose, the first pose, start!"

The figure's movements were extremely slow. He slowly spread his legs, stretched out his hands, turned slightly sideways, and made a small movement.

Wu Tie looked at the light curtain in horror and at the figures in the light curtain.

He was even more startled by the soft female voice.

He and Lao Tie were the only two people here, and the woman's voice was clearly not Lao Tie's.

"What is this?" Wu Tie exclaimed.

"Why are you dazed? Just keep doing it." Lao Tie snorted impatiently: "Working hard, working hard... Hurry up and keep doing it, grandpa, I am struggling."


Wu Tie looked at Lao Tie's pale skull face that seemed to remain unchanged forever, and stuck out his tongue: "Foundation Establishment Style, the name is not impressive at all!"

Lao Tie's eyes were full of blood: "Grandpa, I can call this set of things "The God-Slaying Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Collapse Great Demonic Fist", or it can be called the "Original Broken Hongmeng Collapse Great Magical Power"... Is it interesting?"

"Teach you a lesson, kid... The name is not important, the important thing is the connotation!"

"Lesson 2... Don't doubt me, grandpa. If you do, you will be beaten!"

There was a 'snap', and a blue light flashed from one of Lao Tie's two rows of pale white teeth, and a very thin beam of lightning hit Wu Tie's thigh hard. The flesh all over his body suddenly twitched, as if he had been pricked by countless fine needles. Wu Tie howled in pain and sat down on the ground.

"Foundation-building pose, first pose, get up!" Lao Tie roared dryly.

Wu Tie looked at the figure in the light screen, stood up unsteadily, and made exactly the same movements as him.

There is no pain like the muscles all over the body are filled with lead and the muscles are torn apart when wielding the "Heaven Breaking Fist". There is also no such violent, turbulent and uncontrollable fiery power erupting from the internal organs.

When Wu Tie secretly practiced on his own in the Wu family's school grounds, the fiery power pouring out of his internal organs caused him to vomit blood several times.

Wu Tie performed the first foundation-building pose. He heard the crunching sound of several tendons on his body being pulled apart. He felt that several bones moved slightly, and some muscles on his arms were slightly moved. The sourness, numbness and tingling are very useful.

After the figure maintained this weird movement for a minute, the figure's lower body remained motionless, and its upper body slowly changed its posture, with its two arms slightly spread back like the wings of a bird.

"Foundation-building pose, second pose, start!"

Wu Tie followed the figure's changing movements closely. He heard the subtle sounds of the tendons near his shoulders and neck, and could feel the muscles on his back becoming itchy and a little warm.

"Foundation-building pose, third pose, start!"

The movements changed one by one, the movements were soothing and gentle, and the soft female voice had a mysterious charm. Unconsciously, Wu Tie's movements became exceptionally natural and harmonious, and his breathing frequency also changed unconsciously. .

With each breath, Wu Tie seemed to inhale some strange substances from the air, and expel some useless waste from his body.

Beads of sweat continued to seep out from the pores, and the sweat had a faint fishy smell.

By the time he reached the eighteenth position, Wu Tie was sweating profusely, his skin was red, and streaks of white air were coming out of his head. He squinted his eyes, feeling dazed, his body went limp, and he actually just sat on the ground and fell asleep.

Wu Tie slept for who knows how long. When he arrived, a blind mouse that was more than a foot long fell beside Wu Tie.

This kind of blind mouse has extremely poor eyesight and is almost blind. It feeds on various mushrooms and moss in the cave and grows quite plump. After eating it alive, Wu Tie felt that his whole body was full of strength.

His condition had never been so good, and Wu Tie even felt like his whole body was completely renewed.

"Hold Grandpa and me, look in the right direction, and walk forward!" Lao Tie shouted loudly: "Listen carefully, pay attention to the breathing rate, one-two-one... one-two-one... one-two-one... walk together!"

Wu Tie picked up Lao Tie and strode towards the direction Lao Tie said.

Just after walking a few steps, Wu Tie's foot slipped and Wu Tie slapped him on the ground, throwing Lao Tie seven or eight steps away.

Wu Tie climbed up without saying a word, ran to Lao Tie and picked him up, then continued to stride forward.

Onward, onward, onward…

In this wonderland, the circular basin in the center is thousands of miles in circumference, and there is a large area of sand and gravel desert outside the basin. The basin is shaped like a sea bowl. Under Lao Tie's instructions, Wu Tie continued to advance towards the center of the basin.

The red light in front gradually becomes brighter, and the surrounding temperature gradually increases.

The moss on the ground gradually thickens, and clusters of large mushrooms gradually increase in number. There were so many branches, and vegetation that Wu Tie had never seen before gradually increased, forming dense forests in many places.

"This is Fern!" Wu Tie hugged Lao Tie and moved forward, practicing the Foundation Building Style during his rest. When traveling, if Wu Tie encounters something he doesn't recognize, Lao Tie will teach him the names and characteristics of these plants.

"These ferns are all mutated species. They can grow by relying on the heat and light of the lava." Lao Tie shot a red light in his eyes and scanned a fern: "These are edible ferns... Remember its appearance and characteristics, sometimes it can save your life!"

Which kind of fern can be eaten, which kind of fern is highly poisonous, which kind of fern can paralyze people, which kind of fern can actually explode and kill people...

Which mushrooms are delicious, which mushrooms will kill you if you eat them, which mushrooms are accompanied by venomous snakes and spiders underneath, which mushrooms are most loved by those little insects...

Which venomous snake is the most venomous, which venomous snake is the fastest, which venomous snake has the most powerful strangulation power, which venomous snake can spray venom and hurt people...

Lao Tie was a huge treasure house of knowledge, and Wu Tie absorbed all kinds of knowledge from him bit by bit.

"You know more than Master." On this day, Wu Tie finally broke through the 18th position of the Foundation Establishment Style. After completing the 18th position, he did not fall asleep. Instead, he smoothly performed the 27th position and then became completely exhausted. He sat on the ground feeling hot and limp.

Although he was too tired to sit down, Wu Tie was in good spirits and did not fall asleep.

He looked at Lao Tie and admired him sincerely.

"Nonsense, grandpa, I am..." Lao Tie's eyes flashed red and his tone became very low: "Professional."

"What major?" Wu Tie looked at Lao Tie curiously.

These days, walking with Lao Tie in this vast wonderland, and learning a lot of novel knowledge from Lao Tie every day, a lot of the dark clouds in Wu Tie's heart have dissipated.

The hatred between his father and brother was buried deep in his heart, and the two bloody words "revenge" were engraved on his heart. Wu Tie's words and deeds more or less returned to what a normal teenager should look like.

"Professional... to save lives and heal the wounded." Lao Tie's tone became a little weird: "Grandpa, I... am Bian Que's ninth generation medical and nursing ancient magic weapon!"

Wu Tie looked at Lao Tie blankly.

He couldn't understand what Lao Tie said at all.

"Bian Que, you don't know?" Lao Tie's eyes flashed with blood.

Wu Tie shook his head.

"Ancient Divine Weapon... You should have heard of the reputation of 'Ancient Divine Weapon'." Lao Tie snorted coldly.

"Never heard of it." Wu Tie shook his head again honestly.

"Grandpa, I like honest dolls... Come on, stand up, foundation building pose, the first pose, get up!" A ray of lightning flashed from Lao Tie's two rows of big teeth, and the thin electric light hit Wu Tie's belly, causing pain. He screamed and jumped up.

"No, it's not the first foundation-building pose, but, start running, young man!"

"Run with enthusiasm and full stomach, and let me see the results of your practice in the past few days!"

"Run, run around me, yes, run... run happily, young man!"

A thin layer of electric light enveloped Lao Tie, and extremely thin electric light struck Wu Tie's body hard.

Wu Tie screamed in pain, staggering and running around the dirt bag where Lao Tie was. The electric light kept hitting his body, and the muscles and internal organs all over his body were trembling and trembling due to the stimulation of small electric currents.

The electric current emitted by Lao Tie carried strange vitality, and Wu Tie's body functions were improving extremely slowly.

Bit by bit, bit by bit, he ran more and more vigorously, and ran more and more vigorously. Wu Tie gasped for air, and there was a faint fishy smell in his breath.

After running for nearly an hour, Wu Tie never thought that he could run without stopping for such a long time.

Finally, exhausted, he fell to the ground.

A venomous snake as thick as the mouth of a bowl suddenly rushed out from a clump of ferns, showed its fangs and bit Wu Tie.

A ray of red light flashed, the venomous snake's head disappeared, its body was broken into hundreds of pieces, and it hit Wu Tie's body with a 'crackling' sound.

"Hurry up, eat up, and then move on!" Lao Tie laughed stiffly: "You have great potential, young man. It seems that we can reach our destination several days in advance. Hurry up and eat and drink enough, and then, keep going!"

Wu Tie grabbed a piece of snake meat and tore it into pieces.

In the past two days, he had seen Lao Tie's methods, and he was not surprised at all by the miserable condition of this poisonous snake.

Move forward, practice foundation-building poses, run, be beaten by lightning until you scream, eat and drink enough, keep moving forward...

"We're here, right here, right below!" More than ten days later, Lao Tie suddenly shouted and asked Wu Tie to put him down.

Wu Tie's clothes were completely torn, and there were only a few large fern leaves wrapped around his waist, barely covering his body. He was originally as thin as a bean sprout, but in just a few days, his body had become much taller and taller. A thin layer of muscles could be seen on his chest, arms, and legs.

"There is nothing here." Putting down Lao Tie, Wu Tie looked around.

This place is close to the center of the basin, about a hundred miles away from the center.

The ground is rich soil, covered with a thick layer of moss, surrounded by huge mushroom bushes, and a fluffy fern forest grows all around. In the shadows of the mushroom bushes and fern forests, countless green eyes appear and disappear.

Spiders, poisonous snakes, lizards, and other unique cave creatures...

"Old Tie, there is nothing here." Wu Tie subconsciously moved closer to Lao Tie.

"Of course there is something here, but you can't see it." Lao Tie laughed: "Young man, start working hard. It's right under your feet. To be precise, it's one and a half meters forward with the tip of your right toe. ."

"Dig a hole, dig down, work hard, young man!"

"Grandpa, I can let you practice... you have already started practicing the Foundation Building Style."

"However, there is a big problem with the foundation-building style." Lao Tie laughed dryly.

"What's the problem?" Wu Tie asked hurriedly.

He wants revenge. He wants to find the enemies who attacked the Wu family to avenge him. He must practice. Only practice can bring strength.

He couldn't practice, so the Foundation Establishment Form was his only hope. There couldn't be any problems with the Foundation Establishment Form!

"Foundation-building style is too gentle. Moderate means low efficiency, so the progress is very slow."

"You are already eleven years old. It may take you twenty years to complete the foundation building. This is too slow."

"Down here, there is something that will speed up your cultivation." Lao Tie's eyes shot out red light and drew a circle with a diameter of two meters at the location he mentioned.

Wu Tie jumped over without saying a word, and dug hard into the ground with his hands.

Lao Tie looked at Wu Tie without saying a word, watching as he dug out pieces of dirt and stones with his hands, and kept throwing the dirt and stones far away.