Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 90: Fight against the ants


Insects piled on top of each other, and swarms of flaming gold-eating ants swarmed onto the city wall.

Wu Tie swung his spear and exerted his magical power. He knocked away a large group of insects, and not a single insect could get close to him.

But several of the Dashi City warriors around him had been bitten to pieces. One of the most valiant and brave warriors of the Ox Tribe had his face sprayed with flames by a flaming gold-eating ant, burning his eyeballs. They all exploded.

Wu Tie is now the centurion of Dashi City, with one hundred warriors under his command.

In the past month or so, although Wu Tie had been busy practicing, he had also become familiar with the soldiers under his command.

The warriors of the Ox tribe are the most honest and straightforward, and don't have many twists and turns. Back then at the Wu Family Stone Castle, the young Wu Tie loved playing with the big guys from the Niu Clan.

Seeing that the soldiers under his command were severely injured, Wu Tie felt angry.

He shot away a dozen flaming gold-eating ants that rushed in front of him, and punched one of the flaming gold-devouring ants on the head with his backhand.

Amidst the loud noise, Wu Tie's fist was burned to pieces. However, his fist penetrated deeply into the head of the flaming gold-eating ant, and it went in more than a foot deep.

Wu Tie opened his hand inside the head of the Flame Gold-Eating Ant, randomly grabbed two fistfuls of the hot flesh and blood tissue, grabbed a thick ganglion in the Flame Gold-Eating Ant's head, and then pulled it away. break.

The body of the Flame Gold-eating Ant twitched violently, and several long and sharp arms and legs suddenly straightened, then contracted and tightened towards the body. The long legs vibrate continuously, hitting the hard body, making a crisp sound.

The white egg that Wu Tie wrapped on his chest with a protective goggle shimmered with light. The flames on the body of the flaming gold-eating ant quickly dimmed, and the entire body quickly became cold.

All the heat and life essence in its body, as well as the weak soul of the Flame Gold-eating Ant, were sucked clean by this white egg the moment Wu Tie killed it.

A scream of "moo" came from the side, his head and face were covered with flames, and an Ox warrior with burnt eyeballs and juice constantly flowing out of his eyes staggered backwards.

He dropped the shield in his left hand, covering his burned eyeball with one hand, and waving the short-handled mace randomly with the other hand to help his companions resist the attack of a flaming gold-eating ant.

The short-handled mace struck the Flame Gold-eating Ant's head, causing large sparks to fly. The two long sharp teeth on the fine steel-forged mace shattered, and the Flame Gold-eating Ant's head was only dented by two insignificant little ones. pit.

The Ox Clan warrior fell back and bumped into two lizard man archers who were also under Wu Tie's command.

Compared to the tall and burly bodies of the Ox Tribe warriors, the Lizardman archers are undoubtedly much slimmer and thinner. They screamed in embarrassment, spat out long words from their mouths, and were knocked to the ground by the cattle warriors.

The Ox Warrior stumbled and sat down on the two Lizard Warriors.

The flaming gold-eating ant, which was hit hard on the head and was a little dizzy, let out a sharp roar, flicked its long arms and legs, opened its sharp mouthparts, and clamped down on the neck of the Ox warrior whose face was still burning. Go down.

Wu Tie dropped the cold flame-eating gold ant corpse in his hand. He let out a long roar, Yuan Gang surged around his body, and a turbulent air wave spurted out from his body. He held the spear with one hand and stabbed the side with all his strength.

This shot, without reservation.

Yuan Gang infused his arm, and his right arm swelled to twice its normal thickness. Wu Tie even used an invisible force field to strengthen it, making his shots faster and harder.

The spear tore through the air, bringing up a straight, straight cold light without any deflection, and pierced out with a harsh sound of breaking through the air.

The spear hit the joint between the head and abdomen of the Flame Gold-eating Ant, which was only the thickness of a fist, and there was no thick carapace covering it. With a crisp sound, the spear pierced the body of the Flame Gold-eating Ant, and a large amount of hot blood spurted out. Wu Tie swung the spear and threw it fiercely outside the city wall.

The body of the Flame Gold-eating Ant was pierced, and the nerve cords running through its entire body were shattered. It twitched violently and squirmed, and the life force left its body in an instant.

The surface of the white egg shimmered slightly, and the body of the flaming gold-eating ant, which was emitting high temperatures, became as cold as ice the moment it was thrown away.

Wu Tie suddenly found a weakness to deal with these difficult guys.

He dropped the spear in his hand, a ball of golden light surged between his eyebrows, and an invisible force field suddenly spread around.

These days, he has reached the 1,180th foundation-building posture, and the golden light group between his eyebrows has expanded to the size of a fist. Under the tempering of Haoran's righteousness, the golden light group is even more refined and condensed, as if it were made of pure gold.

The invisible force field spread in all directions, quickly covering the city wall within a radius of three hundred meters with Wu Tie's body as the center.

"Get up!" Wu Tie shouted.

On the 600-meter-long city wall, more than 300 flaming gold-eating ants suddenly flew involuntarily.

Wu Tie put his hands together and made a twisting motion: "Break!"

With a 'click', the heads of more than 300 flaming gold-eating ants turned 360 degrees at the same time. Wu Tie forcibly used an invisible force field to twist off the heads of these flaming gold-eating ants, and the nerve cords in their bodies also followed. It breaks.

The body structure of these flame gold-eating ants is very strange, and a nerve cord controls all their body functions.

Even if their heads are pierced and their bodies are chopped to pieces, as long as this nerve cord is not injured, they can continue to fight and kill tenaciously.

Once the nerve cord is severed, they die immediately. Only the body's functions are not lost temporarily, and the arms and legs will instinctively twitch and shake.

More than 300 flaming gold-eating ants are like this. They are suspended in the air, their long arms and legs are shaking violently, and they are constantly hitting each other, making a 'ding-ding' sound.

But the twitching of their arms and legs stopped in a very short time, and the more than three hundred flame gold-eating ants quickly became stiff and cold.

The heat, life essence and souls in their bodies were swallowed up by the white eggs on Wu Tie's chest in a very short period of time. The air around Wu Tie squirmed violently, and there was a faint light of fire looming.

Wu Tie casually threw it outwards, and the corpses of more than 300 flaming gold-eating ants flew hundreds of meters away.

He raised his hands and yelled "Get up", and immediately more than three hundred flaming gold-eating ants flew up.

Very uniformly, the heads of more than 300 flaming gold-eating ants rotated 360 degrees out of thin air, their vitality quickly passed away, their bodies quickly became cold and stiff, and then they were thrown out of the city wall by Wu Tie.

Facing the direction from which the flaming gold-devouring ants came, thousands of soldiers from Big Rock City were already fighting with the flaming gold-devouring ants on this side of the city wall.

Faced with these flaming gold-eating ants that were difficult to damage with swords and axes and emitted high temperatures all over their bodies. Occasionally, there were some powerful individuals that continuously breathed out fire and metal thorns. The soldiers of Big Rock City fought very hard.

In just one cup of tea, hundreds of warriors were seriously injured, and dozens of warriors were dragged off the city wall by the flaming gold-eating ants and torn to pieces.

Shi Meng swung his big ax and led a group of elite warriors directly under him to roar on the city wall. He swung the big ax violently, relying on the brute force brought by the giant's blood to smash the flaming gold-eating ants into pieces of abnormal discus. .

He also has several Chonglou Realm warriors under his command.

But these warriors are just like Shi Meng, their magical powers and secret techniques are all close combat type.

Tall warriors were running rampant on the city wall like iron towers, but they didn't care about the entire city wall at all.

The Yuan mages on the arrow towers and watchtowers were busy using strong winds to block the intrusion of the sea of fire, and were busy raining down frost to eliminate the high temperature on the city walls. They had no time to lend a helping hand to attack these flame gold-eating ants.

Seeing the heavy casualties among the soldiers in the city, Shi Meng was so angry that he yelled and cursed, but for a while he couldn't think of any good solution.

Suddenly, Shi Meng saw large swaths of flaming gold-eating ants being thrown out from Wu Tie's section of the city wall, and these thrown flaming gold-eating ants would not move again when they landed on the ground. He couldn't help but raise his head to the sky and shout. A roar of extreme excitement.

"Deacon Xiao Tie... Well done! Ho ho, there are some unmarried girls in my great-uncle's family. I will introduce you to... Hey, they are just a bit bigger." Shi Meng was so excited that he wanted to sing loudly. .

Shi Meng's great-uncle

Wu Tie thought of Shi Bao's height of twenty meters.

Is she the eldest girl from the Shi Bao family

A giantess more than ten meters tall

Wu Tieji Lingling shivered, shook his head, and started running back and forth on the city wall.

The invisible force field spread, and wherever Wu Tie passed, large swaths of flaming gold-eating ants flew up continuously, and then their heads were twisted off and thrown towards the city wall.

Wu Tie also ran extremely fast. He could run through a city wall that was several miles wide in just a dozen breaths.

In other words, in a dozen breaths, Wu Tie can wash away the flaming gold-eating ants that climbed up the city wall.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly. Wu Tie had killed at least tens of thousands of flaming gold-eating ants. The golden light group between his eyebrows had become dim, and the invisible force field had collapsed to less than ten meters around him.

Wu Tie's face turned pale due to excessive energy consumption, and cold sweat continued to ooze on his forehead.

Finally, there were waves of stinging pain in his eyebrows. Wu Tie sat down on the ground and yelled at Shi Meng who was not far away: "I can't hold it anymore... Master Shi Liu... you guys just carry it for a while."

His eyes were turning black for a while. Although his physical strength was not exhausted, Wu Tie, who was almost exhausted of his mental energy, almost fainted.

He was trembling, and with difficulty he took out a small metal box from the animal skin pouch on his waist, and took out a lava grass. After thinking about it, he tore off two leaves and stuffed them into his mouth.

He lay crookedly on the city wall, posing as a resting posture in the foundation-building pose, absorbing the huge energy of the lava grass with all his strength, and trying his best to restore his mental strength.

Dozens of flaming gold-eating ants suddenly rushed to the top of the city, roaring and charging towards Wu Tie.

Shi Meng roared angrily: "Protect Deacon Xiao Tie... Be good, I must give you a few of our big girls. Charge up and kill them!"

Shi Meng was the first to rush to Wu Tie, swinging his ax with both hands and sending a dozen flaming gold-eating ants flying with a horizontal slash.

He took a deep breath, and his body, which was originally three meters tall, suddenly expanded, reaching seven or eight meters in the blink of an eye. His body became extraordinarily burly and thick, and the heavy armor that was originally on his body made a few "boom boom" sounds, and all the parts of the heavy armor collapsed and flew out from his swollen body.

Shi Meng was shirtless, and the animal skin skirt around his waist had several huge cracks. Shi Meng, who was almost naked, dropped the big ax that didn't fit in his hand, and grabbed two of the strongest Flame Devouring Golds. The ant smashed forward fiercely.

Amidst the loud noise, seven or eight flaming gold-eating ants were turned into discus by his blow.

What followed was that this section of the city wall shook violently, and more than a dozen long cracks opened on the wall.

The large group of warriors around Shi Meng howled in terror, and several of Shi Meng's confidants opened their mouths and spit at Shi Meng angrily.

Shi Meng dropped the flaming gold-eating ant in his hand in a daze, and scratched his head in confusion.

"Damn... why is this city wall so weak? Who built the big stone city back then?"

"They must have cut corners, there's nothing to say!"

Swarms of flaming gold-eating ants rushed forward. Shi Meng opened his hands and allowed the mouthparts of more than a dozen flaming gold-devouring ants to bite him hard. He smiled strangely and waved his hands, and these flame gold-eating ants flew out like cannonballs.

The head of the flaming gold-eating ant that flew out exploded, spraying large amounts of high-temperature plasma.

Many Dashi City warriors on the city wall were sprayed all over with high-temperature plasma. Many warriors were burnt to death, and each one yelled and cursed in the direction of Shi Meng.

With murderous intent boiling and blood rushing, who would know who Shi Meng is at this time

This guy fought so rudely and rudely, making everyone so embarrassed that a frustrated Niu warrior already greeted Shi Meng's mother in an honest and honest manner!

A steady stream of flaming gold-eating ants kept coming.

Tens of thousands of flaming gold-eating ants are piled up under the wall of Big Rock City. They are next to each other, crowded one by one, and stacked one on top of the other.

Even if there are Yuan mages on the arrow tower and sentry tower who are constantly raising strong winds and constantly falling ice crystals, the number of flaming gold-eating ants accumulated is increasing, and the temperature on the city wall is getting higher and higher.

The flaming gold-eating ants piled up outside the city gradually grew to the same height as the city wall.

A large fire was raging, and the tide of flaming gold-eating ants no longer needed to climb the city wall, but directly stepped on the bodies of their companions and swarmed towards the city wall.

Shi Meng's face turned ugly.

Even after activating the giant's bloodline, his brain was directly swallowed up by the expanded muscles and bones, leaving almost no drop left. His IQ almost dropped to the level of a child with mental retardation. At this moment, he realized that something was wrong.

"You bastard... that old guy Shi Bao, didn't he say that he would be on call as long as he had food and wine ready?"

"Where's the guy? Where's that old guy Shi Bao?"

"Bastard, where did they go?"

"He slaps these bastards to death, slaps them to death!"

Shi Meng was so angry that he roared on the city wall, but the Dashi City soldiers on the city wall were retreating steadily.

A flaming gold-eating ant that was about the size of a giant bison suddenly climbed up to the top of the city. It roared sharply and stared at Wu Tie when he opened his mouth and a blue-white flame as thick as lava suddenly spurted out.