Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 91: Ice tornado


Shi Meng roared and jumped over, grabbed a thick tower shield and blocked it in front of him.

Blue-white flames impacted on the tower shield, and the tower shield forged from hundreds of refined steel was instantly burned red.

The tower shield, which was two feet thick, two meters high and about one meter wide, was vibrating violently. The flames spewed out by the flaming gold-eating ants were not only extremely hot, but also had extremely strong impact.

The surface of the tower shield began to melt rapidly. Under the impact of the flames, large swaths of molten metal roared out in all directions, causing the soldiers of Big Rock City who were burning far and near to hiss and scream.

Many soldiers who were relatively close were sprayed in the face by molten metal, and each one was burned with pits all over his face. There were even lizard man archers wearing soft armor who were splashed with metal juice, screaming and jumping around.

Shi Meng screamed, holding on to the armrest behind the tower shield with both hands, and the metal armrest had turned red.

His palms were like pig's trotters placed on an iron plate, constantly making "chichi" sounds.

Fortunately, he activated the giant's bloodline, and his body became extremely strong, and his hands were covered with a layer of gray-white color like a rock.

The high temperature, which melted the fine steel, only caused the flesh on Shi Meng's palms to rip open, but did not cause any serious and irreversible injuries to him.

The heat in Wu Tie's body surged, and the surging energy released by the lava grass quickly turned into little golden lights and blended into the center of his eyebrows. In a short period of time, the black fog in front of his eyes dissipated, and he regained a little energy.

Regardless of practicing the Foundation Building Style to restore his mental strength, Wu Tie jumped up, grabbed the steel gun on the weapon rack behind him, and threw it at the huge flame gold-eating ant with all his strength.

The steel gun made a shrill sound of breaking through the air, and brought up a bright light that struck hard on the head of the Flame Gold-Eating Ant.

Almost as soon as the steel gun touched the shell of the flaming gold-eating ant, the entire gun tip was already burning red. The tip of the gun softened at a speed visible to the naked eye. With a muffled sound of 'pop', the entire steel gun was engulfed in the flames. The golden ant's head exploded into a cloud of juice.

"Holy shit!" Wu Tie cursed.

"I can't hold it anymore!" Shi Meng also roared. The tower shield in his hand was completely melted by the flames of the flaming gold-eating ant. The pillar of fire rushed towards Shi Meng's body, and Shi Meng screamed strangely. , was rushed backward by the pillar of fire.

Seeing the skin on Shi Meng's upper body changing color rapidly, countless blisters appeared.

The blisters exploded, and large amounts of bodily fluids mixed with plasma spurted out. Before the blood could fall to the ground, the bluish-white flames had already evaporated the blood. A large area of flesh on Shi Meng's upper body turned pitch black and was directly vaporized by the terrifying high temperature.

"Give it to me, open it!" Shi Meng yelled angrily. He pointed at the city wall at the feet of the flaming gold-eating ant. The rock squirmed and suddenly opened a very deep gap.

The huge flaming gold-eating ant suddenly fell into the deep crack. Shi Meng gritted his teeth and closed his hands together. Hearing a loud "rumbling" sound, the city wall suddenly closed inward, severely crushing the flaming gold-eating ant. was caught in the crevices of the rocks.

The body of the flaming gold-eating ant was clamped by the city wall, and only a ferocious head the size of a bull's head was exposed outside the city wall.

Wu Tie roared and rushed forward, the pain between his brows was extremely painful, and he was still unable to use his innate magical power of 'Controlling the Universe'. He rushed forward and hugged the head of the flaming gold-eating ant that was emitting high temperatures with both hands.

The skin and flesh on both hands burned violently, and the skin and flesh under the elbows of both hands quickly turned black and carbonized.

Severe pain hit, but Wu Tie was used to this kind of burning pain.

Well, this level of pain was similar to the pain he felt after absorbing two dragon horns for the first time in the secret realm where the Ancient God Barracks was located. At that time, the bones all over his body were still spurting out high-temperature flames, burning the skin and flesh all over his body until they were almost cooked.

"Give it to me and die!" Wu Tie roared angrily, holding the head of the flaming gold-devouring ant with both hands and giving it a hard pull.

With a 'click' sound, the head of the Flame Gold-Eating Ant was twisted off by Wu Tie's brute force. He pulled hard, and the huge Flame Gold-Eating Ant's head was ripped off directly by him.

The white egg lying on the chest flashed with a faint light, and the body of this huge and surprisingly lethal flame gold-eating ant suddenly became cold. All its blood essence, all vitality, and its soul were instantly absorbed, and even the fiery red carapace faded a little.

"Hahaha, good brother, well done!" Shi Meng ignored the burns on his hands and slapped Wu Tie hard on the shoulder. He shouted loudly: "From today on, you are the commander of Dashi City... Hey, think about it, the eldest girls in our Shi family all have big breasts and big butts, and they are the best candidates for giving birth to boys..."

A large amount of blood spurted out from Shi Meng's palm, staining Wu Tie's shoulders red.

He smiled disapprovingly and said, "The babies they give birth to are as strong as calves."

Not far away, Tie 88 smashed a flaming gold-eating ant off the city wall with an axe. He ignored the wounds on his body that were torn open by the flaming gold-eating ant's arms and legs, and shouted towards this side: "Impossible... I am born. There are eighty-eight pounds down... Eighty-eight pounds!"

Wu Tie's face twitched violently.

He looked at Shi Meng, who had a smile on his face, and then at Tie Baizhi, who was yelling seriously, and suddenly laughed.

These damn guys, he loves them!

Hahaha, even in the face of these terrible, damn flaming gold-eating ants, it’s so great to have these guys around!

"How can you say that Wuyi has the same hatred as you..."

The white tiger arm guard on Wu Tie's right hand trembled slightly, and a violent murderous aura surged out of the arm guard, like a cold spring water quickly flowing throughout Wu Tie's body.

A strange song that Wu Tie could have sworn he had never learned before, and that neither Lao Tie nor Master Gray had taught him, sounded in his mind.

The beat is simple and so are the lyrics.

But an inexplicable murderous intention lingered inside, and Wu Tie was covered in hair...

Oh, all the hair on his body has been burned clean by the high temperature emanating from the flaming gold-eating ant just now, and all his long hair has been burned away. Now Wu Tie is naked, just like a shaved The same as eggs.

The pores all over his body suddenly closed, and countless goose bumps arose all over his body.

Then, among the dense goosebumps, wisps of cold air spurted out, and a faint white light flickered in Wu Tie's eyes.

Cold and ruthless, like countless sharp swords flying back and forth, full of a tragic and chilling feeling on the battlefield.

"It's great to have you!" Wu Tie murmured to himself, and he suddenly fell into a strange state.

At this moment, he could perfectly control all functions of his body.

The lava grass he had just swallowed was being digested rapidly, and the magnificent and blazing energy was transformed through his body, constantly turning into pure spiritual power and blending into the golden light group between his eyebrows.

The dim and almost extinguished golden light quickly lit up.

But two blades of lava grass obviously couldn't restore the entire golden light group to its original state.

Without saying a word, Wu Tie took out the special metal box from the leather bag on his waist, stuffed the eight complete lava grasses inside, and one half-consumed lava grass into his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Everything happened in a flash.

Everything happened so fast.

Shi Meng, who had extraordinary intuition and extreme sensitivity to combat, was startled by the terrifying murderous intent emanating from Wu Tie's body, like that of a veteran who had survived a long life.

When Wu Tie's whole body was filled with murderous intent, Shi Meng even thought that a murderous demon king who killed Yingye suddenly appeared next to him!

He turned his head suddenly and looked down at Wu Tie.

Then he saw Wu Tie swallowing so much lava grass in one gulp.

Shi Meng's face twisted into a frown, and he suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Wu Tie's wanton behavior.

A mere kid at the Foundation Establishment Realm would definitely explode to death if he took a whole plant of lava grass, but Wu Tie, he actually swallowed so much!

"Die!" Shi Meng couldn't stop him. He suddenly covered his eyes and screamed.

Wu Tie felt severe pain all over his body, and large amounts of plasma spurted out from the pores all over his body.

At that moment, it was like a volcano erupted inside him.

The functions of the whole body are operating to the extreme, and the huge spiritual power controls the whole body, perfectly controlling every cell in the body.

Every cell performed its own duty. Driven by Wu Tie's powerful mental power, all his body tissues were operating ten to a hundred times more efficiently than usual.

Every cell, every nerve, every blood vessel, every muscle, bone and other...

There are some nerves, some muscles, and some organs in the human body that cannot be controlled by human subjective thoughts. For example, a normal person cannot control his heartbeat with his own thoughts!

But at this moment, Wu Tie did it perfectly.

All physiological functions of the body are all under the control of huge mental power.

The medicinal power of the lava grass exploded. At the moment of the explosion, Wu Tie's body was violently impacted, and his body was almost blown to pieces.

But then, as his mental power took control of his whole body, his body's functions were strengthened tenfold or a hundredfold. In an instant, all the medicinal power was perfectly accommodated, absorbed, and transformed by his body, turning into a stream of energy at the snap of his fingers. The pure golden stream rushes into the center of the eyebrows.

Combat intuition is strengthened a hundred times.

The fighting instinct is strengthened a hundred times.

The combat experience gained through countless life and death tests suddenly came to him.

Wu Tie's cold and ruthless eyes swept across the entire battlefield, and in his mind, the knowledge imparted by countless old irons was rolling.

His brain power was being consumed rapidly, and he was frantically reviewing the knowledge passed down to him by Lao Tie. Wisps of white steam kept coming out from the top of his bare head, and his brain was almost boiling.

"The flaming gold-eating ants have high temperatures in their bodies and feed on metal...the outer carapace is almost entirely made of metal."

"Cold temperatures... are their natural enemy."

Within a thousandth of a second, Wu Tie figured out the biggest weakness of these flame gold-devouring ants and got the best way to deal with them.

He looked up at the arrow towers and sentry towers on the city wall.

A group of Yuan mages from Big Rock City are exerting their strength to release strong winds to resist the sea of fire outside the city. There are even three or five Yuan mages who are sparsely trying their best to drop pieces of ice crystals, trying their best to reduce the temperature on the city wall.

But these Yuan mages... are really weak.

"Really weak..."

The ice crystals that three or five Yuan Masters worked hard to lower were just fleeting on the city wall. Pieces of white ice crystals couldn't even fall on the city wall, and were completely evaporated by the high temperature emitted by the flame gold-eating ants.

As more and more flame-eating ants approached the city wall, even the thick fog condensed by these Yuan mages was evaporated, and the ice crystals that could land became thinner and thinner.

Wu Tie murmured to himself. He stretched out his hand, and the invisible force field flickered slightly. A piece of thumb-sized blue ice crystal that fell from the sky completely penetrated the sea of fire created by the flaming gold-eating ants, and landed lightly. into his hands.

The ice crystals were absorbed into Wu Tie's palm.

The bones of his hands, which had just been burnt to a bloody pulp, could be seen. With the addition of a huge amount of lava grass power, Wu Tie's body functions increased a hundredfold, and his wounds healed rapidly.

The hands are as white as jade, with a faint glow of precious light.

The extremely strong fighting instinct and fighting consciousness took control of his whole body. The golden light group between Wu Tie's eyebrows zoomed violently, and the frequency of his mental fluctuations fluctuated rapidly. Gradually, the frequency of his mental fluctuations quickly approached a certain level. specific frequency.

"The power of frost... first of all, the power of water."

Wu Tie murmured in a low voice, a golden flame burning fiercely between his eyebrows, and a powerful shock wave swept out in all directions.

Even Shi Meng, who was standing next to Wu Tie and shouting for Wu Tie in a panic, was rolled over by the sudden and powerful impact, and fell head first on the city wall in great embarrassment.

Before Shi Meng could get up, Wu Tie waved his hands forward.

Inexplicably, large clouds and mist gathered in the sky above Big Rock City, and then the sound of water came rushing in. Countless fist-sized white water droplets came through the sky with a harsh whistling sound.

A shot of water droplets contains extremely powerful force. Each fist-sized water droplet is comparable to a hundred-jin boulder thrown by a trebuchet.

Countless water droplets swept across this side of the city wall. Thousands of flaming gold-eating ants that rushed up to the city wall were staggered and backed up by the water droplets. The water droplets collided with the high-temperature carapace, making a dull crashing sound, and even the high-temperature water evaporated. The 'chichi' sound kept ringing.

Wu Tie looked at Shi Meng who was getting up in embarrassment with an expressionless face, and said solemnly: "The more lava grass, or other similar grass, the better."

Shi Meng was stunned. He jumped off the city wall and ran towards the warehouse in the middle of Dashi City.

In just a dozen breaths, Shi Meng ran back carrying a huge basket. The basket was filled with lava grass, and dozens of primitive grasses that were obviously more advanced than lava grass were placed inside.

Wu Tie grabbed a handful of lava grass and stuffed it into his mouth with an expressionless expression.

The clouds and fog became thicker, and the downpour roared in. The fist-sized water columns instantly drove out all the flaming gold-eating ants that rushed up the city wall.

"The extremely cold water is ice."

Wu Tie's eyes turned completely pale, pale, without any emotion or warmth, only absolute rationality and coldness.

His fingers were pointed forward, and his nails turned a faint blue.

The water droplets all over the sky suddenly disappeared, and along with the ear-piercing screams, dozens of ice storms rose from the ground. Tornadoes with a diameter of several meters spewed frosty air and roared into the chaotic swarm of flaming gold-eating ants.