Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 92: Comeback


Outside Dashi City.

The fires in the fields are extinguishing.

All the crops that could be burned had been completely burned, leaving only charred fields.

Near the city wall of Dashi City, countless fist-sized ice bullets spread a thick layer on the ground.

Under the blue ice bullets, twenty to thirty thousand flaming gold-eating ants were frozen stiff inside. The carapace that originally emitted high temperatures was full of cracks, and the high-temperature plasma in their bodies had frozen into ice cubes.

Wu Tie stood on the city wall, the white egg wrapped in the breastplate on his chest flickering.

A basket of lava grass and dozens of higher-grade Yuancao beside him had been completely swallowed by him. Overly powerful energy flowed throughout his body, and traces of fire spewed out from every pore of his body.

At first glance, there was no difference between him and the flaming gold-eating ants outside the city.

Even his extremely aroused body couldn't bear the violent energy.

Fortunately, the white egg in his heart kept devouring the violent energy in his body, always keeping his heart cool, and barely keeping his body from completely collapsing.

At the same time, all the life energy and souls of twenty to thirty thousand flaming gold-eating ants were completely devoured by this egg. The surface of the white egg was filled with radiance, and there were countless complex symbols that turned into wisps of clouds and smoke. Inside the egg shell Rapidly spinning.

There were tens of thousands of flaming gold-eating ants standing blankly in the distance. No matter how hard an old man in black robes played the flute more than ten miles away, these flaming gold-eating ants refused to take another step forward.

Dozens of ice tornadoes are still raging.

The blue-white tornado gradually expanded to a height of hundreds of meters. The wind was not strong, but the coldness in the wind was amazing.

Countless palm-sized hexagonal ice crystals were continuously sprayed out from the ice wind tornado. The dense ice crystals collided with each other, making a crisp sound and hitting the ground like a heavy rain.

Outside the city wall, a large area seven or eight miles long and more than three miles wide was completely frozen.

After a full quarter of an hour, after being urged by countless flute sounds, a flaming gold-eating ant with a body length of nearly ten meters and white fire gushing out from its entire body slowly straightened up its upper body.

It looked up to the sky and let out a scream of sadness and anger, then slowly turned around and retreated step by step in the direction it came from.

This huge flaming gold-eating ant ran faster and faster, and gradually turned into a ball of flowing flames, whizzing away close to the ground.

Terrifying white flames continuously erupted from the body of this giant flame gold-eating ant, burning a lava trench several meters wide and several meters deep on the ground behind it.

Swarms of flaming gold-devouring ants slowly turned around, roared lowly, and retreated towards the way they came.

Hundreds of Yan family warriors shouted in unison, and the old man in black robes spurted blood from the corner of his mouth and played the weird bone flute in his hand.

Gradually, blood spurted out from every air hole of the bone flute in the old man's hand.

But no matter how much he urged, the swarm of flaming gold-devouring ants refused to get closer to Big Rock City. They retreated back in confusion like the tide hitting a rock.

The old man shouted hysterically, pointed at the giant flame gold-eating ant that was retreating quickly, and cursed angrily.

The giant flame gold-eating ants ran silently.

When passing by the old man, it suddenly stopped, turned around, opened its mouth, and a white flame spurted out.

The old man in black robe roared and tried to dodge, but the attack of the giant flame gold-eating ant was too sudden. The fire sprayed and covered hundreds of meters in radius. The old man in black robe had just lost too much energy and had no time to avoid it.

White flames burned on the ground, burning the soil in the field into magma.

The old man's body was burning like a human-shaped torch. After about a dozen breaths, the skin and flesh on his body were completely burned, and the shriveled bones fell down with a splash, causing a large splash. of Mars, and then everything returns to dust.

Hundreds of Yan family warriors looked blankly at the frozen walls of Dashi City.

This time, the Yan family spent a huge price to lure these flaming gold-eating ants to Dashi City.

The results of it

They wanted to massacre the entire Big Rock City to show the die-hards of the Shi Family.

The results of it

Nearly half of the swarm of flaming gold-eating ants was lost. The 'king' of the flaming gold-eating ants immediately turned against him and retreated with the ant colony. He ignored the friendship between the two parties and killed the elder Yanjia who was responsible for this matter.

"You bunch of dishonest beasts!" A Yan family warrior roared angrily, and suddenly a large amount of flames spurted out from his body. He waved a heavy scimitar made of hot bronze and aimed at the king of the flame gold-eating ants. 'rushed over.

One of the long arms and legs of the huge flame gold-eating ant king catapulted as fast as lightning.

With a loud noise, the two-meter-tall, powerful Yan family warrior flew backwards. The armor on his body was shattered into pieces, and the fragments turned red, and then began to melt rapidly.

This fire-breathing Yan family warrior suddenly had white flames spitting out from his body.

He flew hundreds of meters away, and his body hit a burnt field heavily. His body exploded, and a small piece of white flame burned blazingly on the parched mud, and soon he was completely destroyed. Burn.

Wu Tie stretched out his ten fingers, and hexagonal ice crystal patterns were faintly visible on the blue nails.

Gradually, the color of his nails returned to normal, the golden flames burning between his eyebrows gradually dimmed, and the high temperature around him quickly dissipated.

"Drowsy... very sleepy... my whole body... hurts..." Wu Tie rolled his eyes and muttered vaguely.

His mental energy was completely exhausted, and boundless darkness surged in front of his eyes.

There was an unbearable sharp pain all over his body, and it felt like a lobster that had just been taken out of the steamer and suddenly dipped into ice water.

The unbearable high temperature and biting cold hit him at the same time, as if his whole body was being grinded bit by bit by a saw. The boundless pain made Wu Tie groan twice before he fainted completely.

"Quickly, send Deacon Xiao Tie back to rest!" Shi Meng roared loudly.

Regardless of his serious injuries, he summoned some of his most reliable subordinates to rush over with their people, ordered them to personally take Wu Tie back to his residence, and mobilized one of the most elite hundred-man troops directly under him to protect Wu Tie closely. .

In today's battle, the entire Dashi City was saved by Wu Tie.

Without Wu Tie, Shi Meng could escape with his elite confidants. With his strength, this is not difficult to do.

But everyone else in Dashi City will become food for the flaming gold-eating ants.

Not to mention, if he loses this battle, Shi Meng will lose everything.

Wu Tie saved the entire Dashi City, and even more so, Shi Meng.

"Lao Bai, Lao Bai..." Shi Meng shouted at the top of his lungs again after having people escort Wu Tie away.

"Let me move all your rat cubs, look for them, dig through them, look for them in those potholes... That old immortal, what did he do to him, and those unreliable guys... "Shi Meng was so angry that his whole body was trembling.

"They are all dead and they said they would be on call... I almost got killed... Where are they who said they would be on call?"

Shi Meng picked up a half-melted large ax on the ground and angrily slashed at the corpses of the two flaming gold-eating ants in front of him.

He pointed suddenly at the hundreds of Yan family soldiers who were in disarray outside the city: "Brothers, chase after them! Surround them and capture them alive!"

There is no need to open the city gate.

The city gate cannot be opened either.

Led by a group of outside deacons such as Tieba88, Heipi, and One-Eyed, the soldiers in Dashi City roared angrily and stepped on the corpses of flaming gold-eating ants that were as high as the city wall. Out of the city.

More than ten miles away, hundreds of Yan family soldiers roared at the same time.

They did not run away, but raised their weapons and charged back brazenly at the Dashi City soldiers who were dozens of times their size.

The soldiers of the Yan family are so upright.

They only attack, never escape.

Soon, the warriors of Dashi City surrounded hundreds of Yan family warriors. Shi Meng took the lead. With his body more than doubled, he roared loudly, flexed his body, waved his fists, and with a faint light shining all over his body, he fiercely broke into the team of Yan family warriors.

With a wave of his arms, a dozen Yan family warriors screamed strangely and were punched away.

Shi Meng roared, knocking the formation of Yan family soldiers into chaos.

Dozens of sturdy and powerful iron dwarves swung big hammers and rushed in after Shi Meng. The heavy hammers swung, and the hammers and heavy armor collided heavily.

The soldiers of the Yan family also roared in a low voice. They waved their weapons unwilling to be outdone and fought with all their strength.

People were moving around on the ground, and amidst the shouts and curses, Lao Bai's children rushed up carrying various bows and crossbows. The poisonous arrows of various colors roared and covered this elite team of the Yan family. The brave and fearless Yan family soldiers who fought to the end immediately collapsed.

Not long after, Shi Meng's angry howl sounded outside Dashi City: "Come on, come on, come on, detoxify, detoxify quickly...Old Bai, you are an animal... What kind of poison did you quench on the arrows?" How many kinds of poisonous bastards..."

Shi Meng's howl was very loud, and the howling wind picked up his howl and sent it into the entrance of a tall mine.

Roaring sounds echoed in the winding mine. As the mine went deeper for dozens of miles, they came to a huge grotto.

The cave is nearly a hundred meters high and has a radius of more than ten miles. There are some oversized stone tables, stone beds and other objects stacked in the cave. The stone tables are in a mess, and there are several roasted large game animals stacked on them.

The roasted animal meat had been torn to pieces, and the stone table was covered with messy rotten meat and rotten bones.

Hundreds of wine jars were thrown on the ground in a mess, dozens of huge stone bowls were knocked over on the stone table, dripping wine spilled on the ground, and the grotto was filled with the pungent smell of wine.

More than thirty rock giants fell to the ground in various directions, their faces were red, their pores were open, and the strong smell of alcohol continued to spurt out of their pores. They hummed from time to time, and their bodies twitched from time to time.

The dark-skinned Shi Bao was leaning against a huge stone pillar, his legs swaying feebly.

His face was also flushed, the pores on his body were open, and the strong smell of alcohol was constantly spraying out of the pores. His eyes were blurred and swirling slightly, and his hands tried to lift up from time to time, but in the end they hung weakly by his side.

"Yan... Girl Yan..." Shi Bao hummed feebly: "Okay, okay... I'll watch you grow up... You can do this for me..."

Three or four miles away from Shibao, there was a well-maintained old woman who still had red lips and white teeth, but there were obvious crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, her forehead was also full of wrinkles, and age spots were faintly visible on the backs of her hands. She was obviously quite old. Wearing a black robe, he stood there quietly, looking at Shi Bao warily.

A nearly twenty-meter-long Triceratops was crawling beside the old woman, its thick and powerful tail waving from time to time. At the end of the tail, the thick bone condensed into a bone hammer the size of a water tank. As the tail moved, Swinging it, this huge bone hammer made a whirring sound from time to time.

Shi Bao panted, and the old woman took a long time before she spoke.

She sighed leisurely, put her hands in her sleeves, and said softly: "Mr. Shi Bao... we are different..."

"You, you have something to eat, something to drink, and you are happy when you see your descendants prospering... You are basically brainless, you eat and drink enough, and you sleep loudly... When you are in a bad mood, you just fight with each other. With a bowl of wine, all worries can be forgotten..."

"I call you stupid. In fact, we are quite envious of this kind of simplicity..."

"But we can't live such a simple life..." The old woman smiled with squinted eyes, and the wrinkles on the corners of her eyes and forehead became more and more conspicuous: "Don't talk about other people, just talk about me. I like to always look beautiful. It's not good to be bright and stay young forever... Which woman would like to turn into a bad old woman, with a peculiar smell all over her body, and finally turn into an ugly corpse?"

"So, what's wrong with the Immortality Religion?"

"However, there are always some children who only know their own immediate interests... They don't think about us old people... "

Sighing heavily, the old woman said leisurely: "For the sake of profit, they even dare to kill their own elders."

"This time it's Shi Hui, who will it be next time?"

"So, we must kill this boy Shi Meng... Those old brothers of the Shi family are also merciless. After all these days, can they do anything to Shi Meng?"

"I couldn't, so here we are."

"Since we take action, there will always be a price to pay."

"Dashi City will be the territory of our Yan family from now on... These little guys in Dashi City who disrespect the elderly will eventually shed some blood."

The old woman looked at Shi Bao softly and said softly: "You and your juniors, we don't want to do anything with you... So, please just lie here quietly for a while."

"When you wake up, everything will be over. The dust has settled and everything will go according to our plan. Isn't it great?"

Shi Bao took a deep breath, and the sound of rolling lava suddenly came from his body.

Large areas of blood spurted out from his pores, and the blood was filled with the smell of alcohol and a strong odor.

With a low growl, Shi Bao straightened his body and then strode towards the old woman.