Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 98: The fruit of three tribulations of raging flames


A raging river of lava flows through it.

The rock walls tightly clamped the river channel, and the lava river, which was hundreds of miles wide, baked the rock walls red. The rock walls on both sides had been tempered into a red-red glazed state by the high temperature of the magma for countless years.

It is hard, smooth and cannot be damaged by ordinary forces.

Beside the river of unknown length, there was suddenly a gorge more than a hundred feet wide on the rock wall.

A small stone with a thick and simple shape is hundreds of feet high and has a base of a hundred feet in diameter. It stands upright in the middle of the gorge. On the stone mountain, three simple bells and tripods are faintly visible, which are the three characters "Shi Gandang".

Because of the existence of Shi Gandang, there are only two gaps several feet wide on the left and right sides of the stone mountain.

High-temperature magma roared into the mouth of the gorge, but it became quiet and gentle in front of the Shigandang Stone Mountain.

No trace of magma can cross Shi Gandang. An invisible force field envelopes the entire gorge. In the magma river, drops of red, transparent, and molten crystal-like juice seep out from the magma and turn into a clear stream. The high-temperature river flowing through the bottom flows along the mouth of the gorge.

These transparent juices extracted from magma by Shi Gandang were named 'magma stone milk' by the elder masters of the Yan family.

It is high temperature and hot, but its nature is pure, without any impurities and toxins mixed in magma.

The magma and stone milk flowed along the channel behind the gorge with high temperature. After traveling for more than ten miles, they came to a flat land with a radius of more than ten miles.

In the roughly triangular flat land, the soil is red, and tiny crystals are faintly visible mixed in the soil.

Lava grass and various other strange grasses are densely planted here. Occasionally, hot wind blows from the direction of the lava river. Tens of thousands of lava grass sway in the wind, and every drop of 'dew' twinkles. Fascinating light.

At the end of this flat land, there is a towering rock wall with large red crystals inlaid on it. These crystals absorb the violent heat flow in the air and continuously release dazzling red light.

The red light shone brightly on this small piece of flat land. The grasses planted on the flat land were all fire-attribute grasses, and their color was also red.

This flat land is like a flaming hell, red, and every inch of the land exudes restless heat.

Galu gasped and climbed out of the lava river. The high temperature burned all the dark red scales on his body into red, and the scales became almost translucent.

Huge heat continuously seeped into his body from outside the body, nourishing his internal organs and suppressing his hunger a lot.

After standing on the river beach and jumping a few times to shake off the lava and stone milk attached to his body, Garu stroked his shriveled belly. His stomach made a "gurgling" sound, and the hunger that had just been suppressed came back again. Come up.

Then, unbearable hunger spread like wildfire, burning Garu's eyes red.

He looked back at the lava river. Ninety-nine of his subordinates, ninety-nine fire crocodiles with a height of more than two meters, were lazily soaking in the high-temperature river. Each one of them gently let out an unknown sound. Is it a grunt of joy or pain.

Fire crocodiles are a type of crocodile who are naturally close to flames. They have thick skin and thick flesh, and are extremely resistant and absorbent to flames.

Ordinary fire crocodiles can enter the magma for a short period of time and fish out all kinds of strange and precious gems and ores.

This kind of magma stone milk is not as hot as magma and contains more pure flame energy. Galu and his guys can soak in it for a long time.

Soaking the magma stone milk can temper the scales and make the scales on the body harder; it can also increase strength. Now Galu and his guys can easily deal with seven or eight of the same race if they just go out. Fire crocodile warrior.

Of course, soaking in magma stone milk is not only to increase your cultivation... more importantly, it is to calm the unbearable hunger.

"Eat meat!" Galu said with a gloomy face, put on a simple armor made of iron sheets, and strode towards the sundries storage cave dug into the rock wall at the end of the flat land.

The hunger made Garu become particularly irritable, and he ran much faster than usual.

He strode into the storage cave and kicked away a shriveled animal skin bag. The mouth of the animal skin bag was loosened, and a piece of dried meat that had long been dried like firewood suddenly fell out.

It's half a foot long and as thick as a child's wrist.

Garu pressed his belly with one hand and glanced at the huge storage cave with a gloomy face.

Gone, empty, clean, this is the last piece of dried meat in the entire Yuan Cave storage cave.

Galu cursed, opened his mouth, and swallowed the dried meat in one gulp. The hunger fire in his belly temporarily subsided, but just like letting the soup stop boiling, the hunger flames immediately became higher... Galu covered his belly with both hands and walked out of the cave with a gloomy face.

Subconsciously, Garu's hideous crocodile head looked towards the other side of the plain.

There is a blurry red light swaying over there. Under a small tree about three meters high, there is a girl who is white and pure. Although not very beautiful, her temperament is very clean, as clean as a blue crystal soaked in water. girl is standing under the tree.

"I really want to take a bite." Galu gritted his teeth, saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth.

Damn Battle Sword City... those violent lunatics from the Yan family, they always forget to send supplies to Yuanxue. Forgot again and again, forget again and again...

Although the fire crocodiles can survive for a month with a full meal, when was the last time supplies were delivered

That happened half a year ago, right

The fresh meat delivered that time has been turned into dried meat... A batch of supplies should have been delivered three months ago, but those bastards from Fighting Sword City forgot again...

"I'm hungry... It seems like I'm chewing off her thighs." Galu's pale green eyes flickered from side to side, and dangerous thoughts kept popping up in his mind.

However, he was a little hesitant.

As a vassal tribe of the Yan family, the Fire Crocodile people have a much higher status than those slaves, but compared with the direct tribesmen of the Yan family, they are also objects that can be slaughtered at will.

Those fighting lunatics from the Yan family, if anyone dares to challenge their status and majesty, the consequences will be dire.

This girl seems to have quite a status in the Yan family.

At least five or four months ago, when she came to this Yuan point, two elders of the Yan family personally escorted her there.

"I'm hungry... How about we discuss it with her and eat one of her arms?" Garu's eyes turned black from hunger. He looked at the grass growing on the ground again, and his saliva kept dripping.

Yuancao can also be eaten, and eating Yuancao will make you hungry more than eating meat.

But there are countless Yuancao here, and the number of roots of each Yuancao is recorded in detail. If one piece is missing, Garu will be whipped a hundred times; if ten pieces are missing, Garu will be whipped with a thousand lashes; if more than ten pieces of Yuancao are missing, Garu will be dead.

Fearing that his hands would hit his withered belly, Garu whistled to the guys who were soaking in the lava stone milk in the distance.

A dozen fire crocodile warriors who were also dizzy with hunger crawled out slowly. They were too lazy to wear the cumbersome armor, and came to Garu's side with heavy steps.

A dozen fire crocodile men glanced furtively at the girl standing under the small tree, and laughed furtively a few times, and then Galu shook his head: "We follow the rules... , go outside and get some mice to gnaw on..."

A group of fire crocodiles nodded weakly, drooped their hands, swayed their tails, and followed Garu to the entrance of the corridor not far away, shaking their heads.

This Yuan Cave is very secretive, with an extremely complex array of mines and caves outside.

No outsiders will come in here, only those cute little rodents will pop up in nests. I'm so hungry that I can't help it. These plump little mice are also a delicious meal...

"Since we were transferred here to garrison, we haven't had enough to eat." Galu complained in a low voice as he walked: "Next time the elders of the Yan family come over, I must tell them to let others come. Well... I really don’t want to... "

Wu Tie led the main battle team and was walking quietly in the corridor.

The blazing wind kept blowing in front of him, and the hair that had just grown on Wu Tie's head was burned to death again. The thick hair of the iron dwarves and gray dwarf warriors around him also began to curl up, and they all looked like poodles. Embarrassed.

There is a red light surging ahead, and majestic heat is rolling in the air.

The heat in the air was too violent, and Wu Tie's invisible force field was messed up. He could only sense movement more than ten meters around him. If the invisible force field was released outwards, the heat would cause chaos.

The further inward you go, the more intense the heat wave oppresses the invisible force field.

No one in the group said a word, they just clenched their weapons and kept moving forward.

Suddenly, in a red light and heat wave ahead, a dozen feeble fire crocodile men suddenly turned out from the corner of the corridor.

Wu Tie and his party were stunned, and so were Galu and his party.

Before Wu Tie could think of what to say, Garu had already swooped over and roared loudly at Wu Tie: "Meat? Have you sent any meat? Asshole, you are at least three months late... three months!"

Galu, who was so hungry that he was so hungry, completely ignored the other people behind Wu Tie. He stood in front of Wu Tie, opened his mouth and spat at Wu Tie: "Where's the meat? Where's the meat? Hmm? Is there any meat?"

A stone giant standing behind Wu Tie raised the sledgehammer without saying a word. With a 'boom' sound, the huge iron hammer shattered the air, like a giant steam forging hammer, and hit Galu hard. on the head.

There was a loud noise, and Galu's eyes almost burst out of his sockets. Two bloody arrows spurted out of his ears. He looked at Wu Tie blankly and murmured: "Ah, you are not from the Yan family..."

The two iron dwarves beside Wu Tie took action at the same time.

The huge battle axes in their hands drew two rays of cold light and struck Garu's body fiercely.

The ax roared, and Garu's body spurted out two high-temperature blood arrows. They were hit by the heavy blow and flew backwards. Two deep blood marks were opened on his chest. But if you look closely, you can see that his chest is only broken and bleeding, and the wound is not as deep as imagined.

The crimson scales on his body were more than an inch thick, and the toughness of the scales exceeded the imagination of the two iron dwarves.

The two iron dwarves' powerful chops actually only caused a moderate injury to Garu.

Garu landed heavily, then he shook his head, pressed down on the bulging eyeballs with both hands, and forcefully pushed the eyeballs back into their sockets. He stood up shivering - no one could tell whether his body was shaking because of injury or hunger.

The stone giant behind Wu Tie grunted in shock.

In a hurry, he didn't use much force in the hammer just now, but the stone giant's natural strength was there, and the hammer in his hand weighed two to three thousand kilograms.

With this blow, even a giant gray rock lizard's head would definitely be shattered.

It seems that Galu just suffered a slight brain shock**

He actually didn't suffer much harm

"What a hard head..." The stone giant looked at Garu with a blank expression: "I have killed fire crocodiles, one by one with a hammer... Why is your head so strong?"

Garu blinked hard, and there were two blood lines hanging down from the corners of his eyes.

He stared blankly at Wu Tie, then shouted at the top of his lungs: "Enemy... enemy... living enemy... meat!"

The terrible appetite turned into raging flames and spurted out from Galu's miserable green eyes. He roared and bared his teeth and claws at Wu Tie for a while, then turned around and left with a dozen guys behind him, and fled towards Yuan in large strides.

While running, Garu shouted loudly: "Come here, brothers, there is a lot of meat coming to your door! Kill them..."

While running, Garu screamed: "Hurry up, grab two handfuls of Yuancao and eat them. When you are full and full, fuck them!"

Garu is not stupid, at least among the fire crocodiles, he is cunning and witty.

He rushed back to the Yuan Cave with his guys, threw himself into the nearest Yuan grass planting field, grabbed a handful of lava grass and stuffed it into his mouth. As soon as he devoured it, heat surged through his body, his withered intestines and stomach immediately expanded, and strength returned to his body.

If a foreign enemy invades, no matter how much Yuancao Garu and his men destroy, it will all be blamed on the enemy!

As long as they can repel the enemy, these lost Yuancao... they have merit or demerit...

Not only does it have no merit, but it also allows the guys to make up for it. How cost-effective is this

Who told you not to deliver meat three months late

Garu murmured confidently while swallowing the Yuancao in big mouthfuls.

Under that small tree, the girl from the Yan family was also alarmed. She turned around suddenly, her hands shook, and two strange-shaped scimitars slipped out of her sleeves and were held tightly in her hands.

"What's going on? Why are there enemies here? Galu? What are you doing?"

The girl suddenly took two steps back and subconsciously glanced at the small tree behind her and the three fist-sized red fruits on the small tree.

The fruit seemed to be condensed into flames, with a large area of fire rising around it.

Outside the peel, there are three twisted golden lines of fire looming.

The Three Tribulation Fruits of Fierce Flames are the highest-grade energy plants in the Yan family's Yuan Cave. It is for them that the girl has been waiting here for so many days.

"Are they here for the Three Tribulations Fruit of Fierce Flames?" The girl's face became much gloomier: "How can an outsider know the exact location of this Yuan point?"

"Someone is colluding with foreign enemies..." The girl bit her lips, and her originally red lips turned white.