Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 13: Moore


Sai and his two followers failed to steal, but were chased by more than 20 menacing children in the cave.

That afternoon, almost all the people who lived near the foot of the mountain saw such a surprising scene. After all, on weekdays, Sai led Ye and Zhan to bully other children, and in the past, the children in the cave would not be so united, basically. They are all acting alone, and more than half of them have been beaten by them. But now, no one thought that the group of children in the cave would be so united. Twenty or so people, chasing after them, stunned Sai and the three of them into pig heads. If Sai and their parents came to rescue, they would have beaten them even worse.

It is also such a thing that the people in the area near the foot of the mountain have refreshed their understanding of the children in the cave. It turned out that this group of children will still unite to the outside world. Those who are thoughtful will hide their thoughts first when they see this.

Fighting doesn't matter. The children of the tribe are not afraid, and the adults don't take it seriously. But being besieged by more than 20 people is another matter. Even children can't do it.

After clearing up the trouble of Sai, Shao Xuan recalled the irascible children to the cave. After the chase just now, the unwillingness in their hearts should be vented a little, so they should come back and do their own business.

There were children in the cave who saw Shao Xuan taking the fish to exchange for the animal skin, and brought the fish over to ask Shao Xuan to help change it. The children who were appointed by Shao Xuan as the leader of the group were still a little brainy, and they were not willing to contact the tribe. Let Shao Xuan help.

In some children's memories, they vaguely remember being taught to prepare two things for winter, one is food, and the other is fur. The former will keep them from starving to death, and the latter will ensure that they will not freeze to death. Even if there are furs from tribes, there are still children who fall ill because of the weather every winter. People who have lived in the cave for a few years, the winter in their memory makes them afraid, because at that time they were always hungry and slept well, they were often woken up by the cold, and there were people dying around them, so after they had food, they were willing to Take out parts to change the fur.

With the first, the second, the third, and the fourth came to look for Shao Xuan.

On the stone wall, Shao Xuan recorded the number of fish from each group, and then distributed them according to the recorded amount after changing the hides.

Just as I was remembering, a person walked in from outside the cave.

The children in the cave were silent for a while when they saw the person coming, and then the five of them gathered together and watched the people standing at the entrance of the cave vigilantly.

Shao Xuan, who came to know him, was also a child in the cave, whose name was Mo Er. Mor's father was an excellent warrior, but when Mor was very young, he had an accident because of a hunting. After that, Mor's mother remarried. According to the rules of the tribe, Mor also followed, but the newly formed family But More than just one child, conflicts will always arise, and fights are inevitable.

Moore's original name actually had only one "er" character. His father's name was "Mo". Later, Moore merged the two characters and gave himself a new name.

Mole walked into the cave with a stone knife almost as long as him on his back, glanced around the cave, sniffed, raised his head suspiciously, and saw the strips hanging above his head full of fangs. The big-mouthed fish stared at him with dark red eyes.

More jumped back a step, pulled out the stone knife behind his back, and his body was tense.

At the same time that Moore drew his knife, other people who mistakenly thought that Moore was going to grab a fish also stood up with tools and stared at Moore defensively.

how? Want to catch fish? ! !

Although they lived together in the same cave, since Shao Xuan was divided into groups, they were a group of five people. In the hearts of these children, the five people in the same group were all outsiders, and they had to be on guard.

"Okay, put down the knife and stick... Don't think I can't see the one holding the stone if you put your hand behind your back! Put it all down!" Shao Xuan roared at the people in the cave, then walked to Mo Er again and pointed to Finger on the fish, "Dead."

Mole frowned, carefully looked at the fish with sharp teeth and big mouth above, and after confirming that it was really dead and not threatening, he slowly retracted the knife. It's hard to hold such a big knife all the time. After putting away the knife, Moore looked around again.

Seeing this, Shao Xuan guessed that he was looking for Ku, and said, "Ku has gone to the mountainside and won't be back in winter. Uncle Ge asked me to take charge of this place."

Moore nodded and didn't say anything. To him, it didn't matter who was in charge of the cave, but the changes in the cave made him uncomfortable. With the knife on his back, Moore continued to walk into the hole. But this time is different from the past. When he left for a period of time and came back, all the caves were lying on the ground. No one cared when he left or came back. Others stared wherever they went, refusing to approach.

When Moore wondered how the cave had changed drastically after being away for a while, the other children were also thinking about it. Usually their minds were not very good, but now they are flexible.

With one more person, some of the prey caught will be scored, no matter what you think... I can't bear it. Everyone thought to themselves, and they all glanced at Shao Xuan, waiting for Shao Xuan to make a decision.

Shao Xuan had heard from Ku before that Mor's father left Mor a lot of good things, and the knife used by Mor was left by Mor's father. So, compared to the other kids in the cave, More was a rich second generation. It's just that this rich second-generation is a little different, and he has a good life, but he runs back to the cave after a while. There were times when Moer, his remarried mother, pulled Ruanmo Hardbuo back to the mountain, but after a while, he would run back into the cave again.

It may be a fight with the children of the new family, or it may be other reasons. No one asked, and Mole didn't tell anyone. Baganzi couldn't get a fart, and he was taciturn. Except nodding his head, he shook his head, otherwise he would do it directly. . The children in the cave had only one impression of him—the fight was fierce, and no one had beaten him, including Ku, who had already gone to the mountainside, was a defeated general under More's men. Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, the children in the cave will not snatch Mohr's things. When robbing things, they must first find the weakest striker, and those who are dead and robbed have been cut by Mohr.

"Moer, have you ever been in a cave in winter?" Shao Xuan asked.

Moore nodded.

"That line, there were twenty-five people in the cave before, and I was divided into five groups. Now that you come back, then..."

The others in the cave immediately became nervous, staring at Shao Xuan with wide eyes, and many of them shook their heads directly at Shao Xuan, for fear that Shao Xuan would not be able to see if the shaking was too small, and clearly told Shao Xuan that they would not accept new members.

"Then join our group." Shao Xuan said.

The other four groups breathed a sigh of relief, the nervousness on their faces subsided, and they couldn't help showing joy. As for the two oldest children in the cave with Shao Xuan, they were unhappy, but since Shao Xuan said so, they no longer objected, and they stared hard when they turned back to continue weaving straw ropes. Moore glanced.

Moer didn't care about the obvious rejection of others. At least Shao Xuan couldn't see any resistance from Moer, and he was still in deep silence just now.

At night, some children are already asleep, and some people who can't sleep because they worry about whether they will be able to fish successfully tomorrow, they are absent-mindedly weaving straw ropes, weaving them in a mess, weaving and understanding the weaving, always making mistakes, and getting out of breath. Bite with your teeth, you can see that Shao Xuan is in a hurry, making it up like that shit, you use your teeth for a fart

The fire near the entrance of the cave has not been extinguished, and the curtain at the entrance of the cave has not been completely drawn down. In the dark night, the fire light from the inside of the cave is very obvious, and those Yeyans flying outside will also avoid the place where the fire light is shining, and watch from a distance.

Moore walked to the hole with the knife on his back, put the big knife behind him aside, and pulled out two short knives from his waist, one in each hand, and held in the backhand. Now he can't restrain his breath like a totem warrior, so as soon as he walked out of the cave, Ye Yan, who was flying in the night sky, noticed him.

Shao Xuan sat next to the fire, close to the entrance of the cave, from which he could see the sky outside the cave.

There are two crooked moons in the sky, yes, two.

After seeing the moon in the night sky, Shao Xuan realized this unexplainable fact. This is a new world that is far different from the world he is familiar with. Even, all the rules and experience he has mastered may not be able to be used here. open.

Now this season, the two moons will move away in opposite directions, and the crescent moon does not bring much light to the night. Compared with the previous days, the night is much darker.

The night is getting darker, and when the two moons are completely gone, winter officially begins.

Shao Xuan's eyes fell on Mo Er who was outside the cave. Just looking at the posture of holding the knife and the current standing posture, he knew that he was a veteran. When the children in the cave were still sleeping every day, Moore began to practice swordsmanship. Even if his father was no longer there, someone would still teach him.

Holding the short knife, Mo'er stood there quietly, seemingly staring at the dark night in the distance, but Shao Xuan knew that Mo'er was waiting for the prey to come.

In the dark night, Yeyans flashed past around the stone cave, and they could not be seen clearly in the dark night, leaving only a slight sound.

There were many Yeyans outside the cave, but they were hesitant because of the light from the fire behind Mo Er's back, and only a few dared to rush up.

There was a quick thud in the ear. There is Yeyan approaching!

Mole, who was standing there, moved, holding the knife in his hand and slashing to the left suddenly!

The shot is very straightforward, without any hesitation.


Not cut.

Because it was close to the entrance of the cave, there was a flash of dazzling fire when the blade hit the cave wall.

Ye Yan, who had raided just now, had already left, while Mo Er had a palm-length wound on his arm.

It was Ye Yan's shovel-like beak that was shoveled, but the Yeyan just now also changed the angle of the attack due to the influence of the stone knife that Mo'er slashed over, so the injury on Mo'er's arm was not deep. If Ye Yan's beak shoveled the front, he would have to shovel off a piece of meat, and it would never be like the little skin injury on Moore's arm now.

A good hunter must not only know how to hide, but also know how to endure. Moore didn't show pain because he was shoveled just now, his eyebrows didn't wrinkle, his hand holding the knife was still steady, and the whole person looked the same as before. He didn't treat the wound either, and let the wound on his arm flow out a little bit of blood.

But those Yeyans who flew by in the dark night seemed to smell the bloody smell in the air that spread with the night wind, and began to be restless.

Shao Xuan could hear more and more Ye Yan's swift and small sounds in the air.

Compared with the other children in the cave, Mo Er worked too hard. When Ku was still in the cave, he didn't understand when he saw Mo Er practicing the sword with Yeyan. In the eyes of some children in the cave, it was completely courting death. Behaviour, Ku also muttered after Moore left the cave, he could eat well and live well, so why did he go to this poor place and still spend so much money

Caesar was also a little irritable because of Ye Yan outside the cave, Shao Xuan comforted it, and got up and planned to take it to the cave.

However, Shao Xuan stopped after just two steps. He heard a sharp hum.

At first Shao Xuan thought it was auditory hallucinations, but then he wondered if the tinnitus was caused by too much thinking or some other reason during this period, and then he felt that something was wrong. The sharp buzzing sound became louder and louder, as if The object making this sound is approaching rapidly.


There was another sound of a stone knife colliding with a stone wall. At the same time, the sharp buzzing sound that Shao Xuan heard came to an abrupt end.

Shao Xuan looked over there.

Mo Er held the knife in his hand, and the blade had penetrated the body of a Yeyan. Yeyan flapped his wings twice and then there was no movement, and blood flowed down the gray-white blade.

Those Yeyans flying close in the night sky turned around and flew further away, wandering not far away.

Mo Er held the blade and threw the penetrated Yeyan into the hole and landed next to the big blade he was carrying before. Then continue to watch and wait for the next prey to come to the door.

Caesar bared his teeth at the dead Yeyan, wishing he could go up and take a bite, while Shao Xuan stared at Yeyan's shovel-like beak thoughtfully.