Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 17: mural


The person who can come over to teach is naturally not an idiot who only knows one to ten years old, not to mention this kind of old hunter, even if the others don’t know much, but they are definitely good at counting, which is a must for hunting. Knowing the knowledge, the competition between the hunting team and the hunting team also uses numbers.

Knowing that these children in the cave can almost count them out from one to thirty, the old hunter was not only surprised, but also a little happy and relieved. He loves to teach people, but unfortunately on the mountain, the children there don't need him to teach at all.

Rarely came to the interest, the old hunter taught very hard today.

I can learn more numbers, and the noisy cave is quiet, and there is no arguing for substitutions, and the little cubs are all ears. Shao Xuan mainly read the tribe's words, while these children learned more numbers. As for the most boring person in the cave, probably only Caesar sleeping curled up on the straw mat.

When the old hunter left, he hadn’t had enough time to teach, and he was quite reluctant to give it up. In previous years, he only came here two or three times in a winter. Now the teaching is quite enjoyable. Even if he wants to come a few more times, he can’t go down the mountain every day. After thinking about it, the old hunter kept the animal skin in his hand, not the one he took out at the beginning, but a larger animal skin with more numbers and characters recorded, and let Shao Xuan keep it. If you want to see it, go to Shao Xuan.

The ventilation openings on this side of the cave have been blocked with thatch, and there is no light coming in. After winter, the day and night in the cave are the same, and it is impossible for the fire to burn in the cave all day long. Firewood was stored in the cave, and soldiers brought it over two days ago, but they couldn't afford it to burn all day.

Shao Xuan looked at the fire and thought, if the cave was brighter, it would be easier to do anything.

Caesar was lying next to Shao Xuan eating raw fish, it didn't like to eat cooked food.

Those fine fish teeth left behind after eating fish in the cave are not good for other tools, they are too small, they can't go out hunting, and hunting tools are also useless. Shao Xuan directly made a few brushes, brushed Caesar's hair, and combed his hair himself.

There are combs in the tribe, but the children in the cave are not very interested in combing their hair, and the issue of image is not as important as the issue of food. People in the tribe, both men and women, have long hair and short hair. Those who don't like long hair cut their hair short with a knife, but no one went to cut the children's hair on this side of the cave.

The slightly larger fish teeth were scrambled by the children in the cave to make a necklace.

Decorating with more species-specific things such as the horns or teeth of the prey, this is the way people in the tribe show off their hunting ability. Some warriors will give this kind of decoration to the beloved girl to please, and the women will compare with each other, the necklace is higher than who wears the necklace, and which bird species the feathers on the head belong to is more ferocious, the more powerful the prey is made of The more you wear it, the more envied by tribal people.

There will naturally be comparisons between children. Most of the necklaces worn by the children near the foot of the mountain are made of the horns, teeth or a certain part of the skeleton of the prey after the family elders go out hunting. Many children in the cave have long since lost their parents, and no one has given them such decorations. Every time they walk around the tribe, they are especially envious of other children with ornaments. This is the reason why they often fight with other children of the tribe.

But now, they can make necklaces out of the teeth of the prey they caught with their own hands, aren't they happy? Now they have necklaces too, no need for those kids to wear! This group of children likes fish so much is also related to the fish tooth necklace.

Shao Xuan did not rob them of fish teeth, and gave up the bigger ones suitable for necklaces to other children. When stuttering to visit his sister, he carried a fish tooth, which was larger than the few fish teeth he carried himself.

Neither is easy.

When Shao Xuan was thinking about how to improve the situation in the cave, the children in the cave were not so entangled. In addition to sleeping every day, they only sat by the fire while eating to share their experience of counting. And Moore also practiced the knife every day. He had already mastered the number and knew more words than the other children in the cave. Every day when the fire was lit, he practiced the knife in the corner, threw a stone in the air, and then Slashing with a knife, after all, there is no Yeyan here for him to practice.

After eating, the children in the cave fell asleep one by one. The wood in the fire was about to burn out. Shao Xuan added a piece of wood into it. After the end of the wood was burning, he took the burning wood and put it into the cave. Go deep.

When he checked the depths of the cave that day, he found a stone room piled with debris. The stone room was very messy. The stone pots used by the children in the cave were also pulled out from there by Shao Xuan. Didn't look at anything else. I have nothing to do today, so I took a torch and went over to see if I could find something useful.

Although the ventilation openings in the sleeping place were blocked, there were still slits and small openings in the depths of the cave, and when I continued to go deeper, I could feel the cold wind blowing.

Fortunately, the wind was not strong, and the flames only beat a few times and would not be blown out.

Shao Xuan wrapped the animal skin coat and continued to walk inside according to his memory. Caesar followed closely.

There are many stone chambers in the depths of the cave, which are distributed in a dendritic shape.

The air vents in the stone room were blocked, and Shao Xuan took a torch to look at the debris here. Some items have been used before, and the children in the cave probably didn't bother to use them again, just waiting for the tribe to distribute food, and all these tools and sundries piled up here and became dusty.

In addition to a few stone benches, there are also things to set up stone pots, and Shao Xuan is not interested.

After looking at it for a while, Shao Xuan's eyes landed on a disc, a stone disc with a flat bottom, and the edge was a finger above the distance.

Something to eat? What else do you use this for when you have a stone pot

Putting the stone plate aside, he continued to look at other things, turning over and over, Shao Xuan paused, and looked back at the stone plate that was thrown aside. I took a rough measurement with my hand, then raised the torch to look at the blocked vent.

Many of the ventilation openings in the stone cave are relatively large, which can not only ventilate but also transmit light.

Shao Xuan glanced back and forth between the blocked vent and the stone plate, then picked up the stone plate and returned along the road.

After adding firewood to make the fire a little more vigorous, he took the snow from the thick snow layer at the entrance of the cave and put it in the stone pot. Shao Xuan put the stone plate outside the straw curtain at the entrance of the cave, and poured the melted snow water into it. After a while, Shao Xuan looked again and found that the water had frozen.

The stone plate was dragged into the hole, the edge of the lower stone plate was burned with fire, and then the stone plate was turned upside down, and the round cake-shaped ice cubes were poured out.

A few sleepless children watched Shao Xuan busy going back and forth in confusion. What the hell is Shao Xuan doing

It was too cold to use his hands directly, so Shao Xuan wrapped the ice in animal skins, and stepped on a stone with the ice in his arms, letting Stutter pull out all the thatch that was blocking the vent.

There was nothing blocking it, and the cold wind from the outside was pouring in, and the children in the cave were so cold that Shao Xuan, who was standing at the vent, felt even more intense, and his face was numb. Quickly join forces with Stutter and push the ice cube in towards the vent.

As Shao Xuan expected, the ice cube was about the same size as the vent, only a little smaller, and this little bit just made him push the ice cube into the vent.

In the past, Shao Xuan didn't understand why there was still a depression in the vent, but now he knew that it was used to trap ice. There are still some gaps, just plug it directly with thatch.

When the ice cubes were packed, the cold wind from outside did not blow in any more, but the light shone through the ice cubes into the cave. There is no blazing sun in winter here, but there is still some brightness outside during the day.

In Shao Xuan's view, such transparency is still not very satisfactory, and there are many flaws in the design, but for these children, they are already very satisfied.

They opened their mouths wide and stared at the bright air vents, dumbfounded, as if they were stupid.

It turns out that in winter, it can also be very bright.

Shao Xuan only installed one, and let others do the rest. Many people volunteered this time. The person who was too lazy to get up just now came over with a blanket.

He instructed them to make another ice cube and install it in a vent. Shao Xuan let them continue on their own. Every child could not wait to test it by himself. If it is too high, they will solve it by stacking Arhats.

Shao Xuan asked them to be careful not to break them when they used them. I don't know how long these stone plates have been stored here, at least they have never been used in recent years.

Seeing that there was no problem there, Shao Xuan took the torch and returned to the stone room where the debris was piled up. He turned it over and turned to four discs. Only one of them was usable, and the other three were broken.

He took out the second disc and made an ice cube to install in the vent of the stone room where the sundries were kept. This time, Shao Xuan could see the situation in the stone room without using fire.

The children over there were busy making ice cubes, and Shao Xuan continued to flip it here to see if there was anything else that could be used.

When flipping, Shao Xuan's arm brushed across the stone wall and found that powder was falling from the stone wall.

Shao Xuan was very puzzled. The stone walls in other parts of the cave were not like this. He leaned over and took a closer look. He found that the surface of the stone wall in this stone room was covered with a layer of things, which seemed to be brushed after being treated with stone powder.

He saw that some people in the tribe had used this similar method to brush wood to prevent insects and preservatives, but this is just a cave, why use such a method to brush stone walls? And, judging by the situation, it's been old enough.

The years when I just brushed it must have been covered tightly, but now it has been a long time since the tribe lived in the cave. The powder layer covering the stone walls has already become loose, and some places have begun to fall off. Can erase a lot.

Taking out the stone knife and scraping it, he wiped off the stone powder on the wall. With the light that penetrated in, Shao Xuan saw that some patterns were carved on the cleaned stone wall.

A woman is holding a jar. The jar is wide and wide, but the bottom is pointed and tapered. There are patterns on the jar. Shao Xuan has never seen anyone using such a stone jar in the tribe. The tribe's people always pay attention to practicality rather than beauty.

Maybe someone who lives on the mountain will have something like this at home. Shao Xuan thought.

In another area, the stone wall depicts a dozen or so warriors chasing their prey with bows and arrows.

Shao Xuan remembers that Lang Ga told him that very few people in the tribe use bows, because there is no good material to make bows that can withstand the arm strength of totem warriors. Now they are only used to set traps and drive prey to assist. Just hunting, not for totem warriors. But in these pictures engraved on the stone wall, each warrior has a big bow!

Shao Xuan took the knife and planned to scrape off more stone powder to look at the other covered paintings on the stone wall. After thinking about it, he put down the knife. Shao Xuan took the water and carefully wiped the stone wall with the animal skin dipped in water. He felt that the paintings on the stone walls of this stone room might tell him a lot of interesting things.