Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 43: High prey


Lang Ga and others quickly appeared next to the wild boar. They were actually watching from behind. They thought it would take a while for the two children to slaughter the wild boar, but they didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Not bad." Lang Ga said, looking at the wild boar that had not yet completely died.

The use of stone spears must be fast, accurate, and powerful, otherwise it will be difficult to play a role, let alone a wild boar with thick skin. No matter how good the stone is, it must be used properly to work. However, looking at the situation just now, the two children made good use of spears. Lang Ga and several people nodded secretly in their hearts.

And "Spear" stood beside him, and some didn't react. He didn't expect that Shao Xuan hadn't made a shot before, and he shot so quickly! From shooting the first short spear to piercing the boar's neck with the spear, it was only a blink of an eye.

Is this really just the first shot hunting

Not only the "spear", but Lang Ga and the others were also emotional, no wonder Mai allowed Shao Xuan to follow this time, this kid does have this talent.

In fact, Shao Xuan only acted on his intuition. He didn't have much experience in hunting for the first time, but when he was hunting the wild boar, for a moment, his intuition was a good opportunity to take action, so he did not hesitate. Using totem power in an instant, two short spears are fired one after the other, and the final blow is fatal when the boar is tripped. If he didn't trip, it would be difficult for him to accurately pierce the already ripped wound.

Shao Xuan frowned slightly as he looked at the broken handle in his hand. Two short spears and one long spear, both broken. The first two were smashed by the wild boar, and the spear was broken when the shank was unable to withstand the force just now.

It seems that in addition to the stone of the spearhead, we must also pay attention to the wood.

"Don't worry, there is a lot of good wood in this forest, so I can cut a few and make it back in the hole." Lang Ga comforted.

Indeed, on the tribe's side, there is not much good wood in the surrounding mountains. The stones are ok, but the wood is not so satisfactory. Therefore, every time the hunting party goes outside, they will bring more spearheads and use them as handles. The wood will be found in the mountains and forests.

For larger beasts, Lang Ga and the others usually bleed their blood first. The blood is put into a jug made of plant fruits such as gourds that they carry, which can be eaten, and the flesh that has been released from the blood is easier to store.

At this time, Lang Ga also did not forget to impart his experience to Shao Xuan, "Generally, the life of wild boars is very fixed, and most of them rest in the grass near the water, and the daily foraging route rarely changes, only when one place's food is eaten. When they are finished or threatened, they will find new places. When the mountains cool down, they will go to the sun-shine and sheltered cols..."

He also planned to peel off the skin and guts of the wild boar before the body temperature dropped, but before he could do it, he heard a few whistles.

It was a signal from Mai that signaled Lang Ga and the others to hurry over, and there was a big prey there.

Not caring about peeling, Lang Ga and the others changed their expressions, packed their things and went to the place where the whistle sounded.

"Don't worry about that pig, hurry up and follow!" Lang Ga said.

Shao Xuan didn't delay, didn't look at the prey on the ground again, and followed Lang Ga and the others to rush there.

There are also good and bad grades of prey, and the energy contained in the meat of different prey is also different. For the same size of meat, high-grade prey can make you full and even feel support, but low-grade prey is not only hungry, You will feel hungry after exercising for a while. This is also the reason why many warriors prefer high-level prey in the mountains and forests, especially fierce beasts, rather than ordinary beasts.

Those who can be called fierce beasts by the tribes have their own reasons. For example, the Heifeng mentioned by Lang Ga last night belongs to the category of beasts, but the tribesmen do not dare to provoke the hunting and killing of the black winds easily. , that is too difficult.

The thumping sound is getting closer and closer, like the sound of a large creature stepping on it, the ground is shaking, and there is the sound of broken wood. Many small beasts around fled far away, trying to avoid this dangerous place.

"Stay away from the two of you!" Lang Ga stopped Shao Xuan and "Spear" from getting closer, and they quickly went over there.

When he saw the creature, Shao Xuan took a deep breath.

He finally knew why Mai, Lang Ga and the others said that the previous wild boar was "small". Compared with the behemoth in front of him, the previous wild boar looked like a toy car, while the one in front of him was a sturdy armored vehicle.

"Four-toothed wild boar! It turned out to be four-toothed!" The "spear" standing next to him was both surprised and excited. After all, it is not easy to go out hunting to encounter such prey. I didn't expect to see it the second time I went out hunting. Can you be excited? !

Ordinary male wild boars have a pair of fangs that are exposed and turned upwards, while the giant pig more than ten meters high and like a hill in front of him has four pairs of fangs, except for the pair of fangs that come out of the mouth like other wild boars In addition to the tusks, there are three pairs on the pig's face, and the top pair is on the forehead, which is shorter than the other three pairs.

The four pairs of fangs are all rolled in the same direction, almost forming a shield, which can easily break the tree blocking the front.

Shao Xuan doubted whether the wild boar's teeth would affect his sight.

According to the tribe's classification of it, a wild boar with three pairs of tusks is already considered a beast, not to mention the four pairs.

A bunch of bristles on the neck of the four-toothed wild boar, excited and angry because of being hunted, blew up like steel needles.

When Shao Xuan saw this four-toothed wild boar, it had several spears stuck in it. Obviously, these spears didn't stab so deeply all at once, but because they were pushed hard again and again after they pierced. There are also several broken spears. During the piercing process, the spearhead or the handle was broken, leaving only one section or the spearhead on it.

Multiple figures move around the big boar.

Mai avoided the thick tree trunk that was blown away by the wild boar, his figure flashed, and the strength in his body instantly accumulated to the peak, and he jumped up with the help of the hilt of a spear stabbed in the wild boar. A fierce momentum, banging on the wild boar!

The place hit by Maiquan sags downward, and the nearby flesh vibrates in a corrugated manner.

There was a loud cry of a pig that seemed to tear the space apart, and the air waves from the open pig's mouth rolled and roared around like a hurricane. Leaves and twigs were forcibly blown off the tree and flew into the distance.

Standing not far away, Shao Xuan naturally felt such a powerful whistling skill.

Really Tamar... stinks!

The four-toothed wild boar, who had been punched and punched hard, was in a hurry, and its big hard hooves smashed some of the raised stones along the road. All the obstructions in front were all smashed, and he ran faster.

"Don't let him go to the pool!" Mai Da shouted.

They finally drove this big guy into the woods and couldn't let it run out! Besides, there are some dangerous guys lurking in the water pool. They don't want to provoke them. Fortunately, those big guys don't like to come out during the day.

Fifteen warriors, including five intermediate totem warriors, just didn't stop the four-toothed wild boar. Fortunately, Qiao, who was hunting the big horned deer, heard the whistle and rushed over to join the hunting ring.

The hammer, the axe, the stone rope, etc. were all used, and the spearhead cracked and the handle was broken. It was finally cut off before the four-toothed wild boar ran out of the forest.

Hearing the sound of falling to the ground, Shao Xuan's rapid heartbeat also calmed down, and his nervous mood suddenly relaxed. After Lang Ga made a "safe" gesture to him, he ran over.

Shao Xuan, the pig blood of the little pig he had filled before, was poured out, and he refilled a pot of pig blood from the four-toothed wild boar, which was much more than the previous one. Lang Ga asked Shao Xuan to take one sip at a time, and don't drink too much. The newly awakened totem warrior couldn't bear it.

Since they hunted such a good prey, everyone stopped hunting other prey for the time being. After a brief tidy up, they moved it to the cave on the mountainside.

When we returned to the cave, it was almost noon. In order to hunt this big pig, everyone felt a little exhausted. All the power exploded in that short period of time.

"Fortunately, I didn't let the four teeth go to the water pool, otherwise it would be troublesome if the thorns and thorns black wind came out." Thinking back on the situation he encountered during the last hunting, Lang Ga still has lingering fears.

Others felt the same way, but fortunately, the four-toothed wild boar was cut off in time.

The four-toothed wild boar was roasted, and the members of the hunting party took a short rest after eating it.

Shao Xuan felt that there was a warm current in his body after eating, which made people feel lazy and comfortable. This is the advantage of high-level prey.

"Go to sleep, those of you who have just woken up need more time to digest after eating high-energy meat." Mai said.

Qiao said that he had tracked the movement of the big-horned deer, and he was going to hunt the big-horned deer in the afternoon. Because of the large number of deer, Mai will also bring some people over to help, Liu Langga and other five people guard the cave in the cave, and also take care of the two children who are digesting pork.

When Shao Xuan woke up again, there were only Lang Ga and other five people in the cave. After drinking some water, Shao Xuan still felt a little sleepy. After asking Xia Mai and their movements, he planned to sleep for a while.

At this time, Ang ran in from outside the cave, his face was blue.

"I just heard the cry of the thorns and black winds, it seems that they were in trouble when they brought their prey back!"

"How come the thorns and black winds come out during the day?! The sun hasn't set yet!" Several people in Lang Ga jumped up in shock.

Although the sun was already skewed at this time, it was not yet dusk, and the thorns and black winds generally came out at night, and most of them were late at night!

"You said, could it be that it was just revenge last time? So I got out of the pool ahead of time to block Mai and the others?" Ang said worriedly.

"Let's go help?!" Someone suggested.

Lang Ga opened his mouth and glanced at Shao Xuan and the spear lying on the side.

"It's okay, you go, it's still very safe in the cave." Shao Xuan said. His current state is not suitable for blending in the past, and if he goes, it will be a drag.

"You guys go." The spear also woke up, "The black wind of thorns is not easy to deal with."

Although the spear didn't follow Mai and his team last time, but I heard someone tell me that it was almost the whole team's strength to get rid of that difficult guy, which shows that it is not easy.

"That's fine, Ah Xuan, you two stay in the cave and don't go out."

Lang Ga and the five left the cave, and the boulders at the entrance of the cave were also moved back to block the entrance of the cave. As long as Shao Xuan and the others do not come out, it is indeed safer to stay in the cave.