Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 75: White hair


A drop of cold sweat fell from Shao Xuan's forehead.

If he hadn't leaned back a little just now, wouldn't one of his eyes be useless now

It looks like it's just a fluff-like thing, but it can penetrate the thick leaves and pierce the inside. If the leaves are thinner and the fluff can penetrate directly, Shao Xuan will still be attacked even if he leans back.

No wonder Aso and the others said before that this place is more dangerous, and if you don't pay attention, you will lose your life.

Thinking back to when they went hunting and jumping fruit trees before, if anyone hesitated for a moment, it is estimated that they would not have time to find a shelter now, and they would be stabbed into white hedgehogs. There is no suitable shelter in the area where the jumping fruit tree grows.

Shao Xuan smelled blood, and some soldiers were injured, but he didn't hear the screams. The breathing was still the breathing of those few people, but the breathing of two of them was more rapid.

After waiting for a while, Ta said, "Aso, look outside."

"it is good."

Asuo opened a slit between the two leaves that he had drawn, and looked outside, "It's time to go out."

"Open it." The tower motioned for the others to open the closed leaves.

Ka Ka Ka!

It was still the sound of thick wooden boards, and with the light, the vision became clearer and clearer.

It wasn't just Shao Xuan who had a thorn in there, but also in other places, but in some places it went deeper, and in some places it just popped up. And the smell of blood that Shao Xuan smelled came from the hands of the two warriors.

Since the two hands have to pull the leaves together, they naturally have to touch the leaves. If you are lucky, you will not be stabbed by the thorns. If you are unlucky, you will bleed a little.

Five people win over the leaves and hurt two, which is already calculated.

However, the villi are poisonous and have a certain anticoagulant effect. Even if the stab wound is only a small hole, with the healing ability of the soldiers, the bleeding still cannot be stopped. The arms of the two soldiers who were stabbed in their hands were already numb, and the others hurriedly poured the green water in their water bottles over their wounds, and the wounds would stop bleeding after a while.

"How about the others?" Tower asked.

"We have three injuries here, who still has water, borrow some!" someone said on another plant.

"We're fine here, but one was injured."

Everyone was busy dealing with the wounds, and Shao Xuan also contributed part of his gourd.

Looking around, Shao Xuan couldn't help taking a deep breath.

In this large area of eyes, there are white fluff everywhere, some places are denser, and some places are slightly sparser, but the flying range of these fluff is too wide, and some insects and birds that are too late to avoid are caught. White fluff can be seen everywhere on trees, on giant grass leaves, and on vine rhizomes.

This large-scale indiscriminate attack can only be said to be a disaster.

There are not many large animals in the forest, and the huge size is a huge target. In this place ruled by plants, the advantages of large animals are not many. It is good here, so, except for some insects such as giant dragonflies and rippers, which are well adapted here, as well as some birds and small animals, animals that cannot adapt are kept away from this green area. After all, this type of lethality is too strong, and what Shao Xuan encountered was only one of many large-scale attacks.

There was a nearly one-meter-long toucan on the ground, with two white feathers stuck on its body, flapping its wings weakly, but still to no avail. Its muscles were paralyzed, and its claws were no longer able to control itself.


A blood-colored vine protruded from behind a man-high bush, wrapped the bird around and dragged it in. No matter how much the bird struggled, it was useless.

Finally, the vines and birds disappeared into the bushes, and only the whirring of wings could be heard.

There was a humming sound.

Everything is quiet again.

From entering the forest to now, Shao Xuan has not seen any animal corpses. Now, it seems that there are probably many "cleaners" in the forest who drag those animals that have lost their ability to move or are completely dead to become their nutrients.

"Take a break, and go to hunt and jump around later." Tower said to everyone.

This white drizzle has a large attack range, and also drives away many threats. At least for a short time, there are no aggressive groups such as rippers in this place, so the tower let everyone rest here. .

"These white hairs are poisonous only a tiny bit on the tip." Tuo treated the wound of a soldier whose hands were almost pierced through, and pulled out the white hairs that had penetrated deep into the flesh, and showed it to Shao Xuan.

"As long as you don't touch the poisonous ones, they're not too dangerous now," Tuo said.

Shao Xuan pinched the white hair that was slightly thicker than the hair, and took a closer look. It is very light, and the poisonous place is at the front end of the spike. There is a small hard pouch in the shape of an arrow, which contains the poison.

Those white hairs look very soft, but they are actually very soft, but they can pierce thick objects like needles in an instant. It can be seen how fast these white hairs flew out and hid in the leaves. Before, the dandelion-like pom-pom that Shao Xuan saw was made up of these white hairs.

Feeling the tenacity of the white hair, Shao Xuan took out his knife and wanted to cut off the poison sac at the front end of the white hair, but found that he could not cut the white hair at all with a few simple cuts. He could only cut back and forth. Cut off the poison sac on the white hair.

I didn't expect such a thin hair to be so difficult to cut.


"I laughed so hard, this kid is so funny!"

"Ah Xuan, you don't understand, you can't play with anything. If you want to play with the rope, can I find a grass and vine for you?"

"It's easy for new warriors to overthink things."

"You are still young, and you don't understand many things."

The other fighters sitting on the side resting couldn't help laughing. When they saw Shao Xuan cut his white hair seriously with a knife just now, they were thinking about watching a play, and now they are teaching Shao Xuan in the tone of their predecessors.

"Ah Xuan, don't look at the thin and soft white hairs, they are difficult to cut, but after another ten days, they will dissipate on their own." Tuo said.

"That's it." Shao Xuan was not at all embarrassed by being laughed at, but was more interested in this white hair.

Anyway, the boss said to let everyone rest for a while, and Shao Xuan had nothing to do, so he simply pulled out several white hairs on the ground near his feet and put the poison sacs at one end.

"What do you want to do? Are you still playing?" I couldn't help coming over.

Shao Xuan didn't answer directly, but asked, "Can I set fire here?"

"Fire is not good." Ni Nii shook his head vigorously, "The trees and grass around here don't like fire. When we spend the night in the woods at night, we won't light it, and we will be attacked by those trees."

"Where's the torch?" Shao Xuan asked again.

"A small torch is fine." Knowing that Shao Xuan was only lighting a small fire, he felt relieved.

Ta stood on the side, holding the animal skin scroll with the target object in his hand. Hearing the sound, he looked away from the animal skin scroll and looked towards Shao Xuan. His brows suddenly wrinkled. He did not expect that Shao Xuan was joining him. After the team, I still want to play these little tricks!

Yes, from the tower's point of view, setting traps, lassoing, etc., are all small tricks, all played by those junior totem warriors or disabled people, and they can't get into his eyes. A true warrior who admires the strong must hunt with strength, and it is the right way to hunt the prey back with a knife and a spear! Besides, people who play those trails can never become real strong.

The more he thought about it, the more dissatisfied he became. When he saw that Nii Ni was even helping to find branches, the tower snorted heavily.

Seeing the big boss's attitude like this, the people who wanted to get close to have a look also rested their minds. Whether you can stay in the advance team is just a word from the boss, why make the boss unhappy? It is rare to be recruited by the big boss by exception, and this child A Xuan still wants to play, why bother

Ni Ni helped Shao Xuan find a dead tree around, broke a branch, and set it on fire.

Shao Xuan used fire to burn the white hair with the poison sac.

I saw that the originally white hair was quickly turned black after being burned by the fire, rolled into a ball and retracted. Just in case, Shao Xuan burned more of the end with the poison sac.

"Please help me take it."

Shao Xuan handed the fire-lit branch to nibbling, then took out a small stone knife, pressed the pinch of burned white hair on the tree trunk beside him, and stroked it with the blade.

After being burned, the end that condensed into a small black ball was slashed by the knife and fell directly from the white hair. What remained in Shao Xuan's hand was a piece of white hair without a poison sac.