Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 76: Runaway



Seeing that Shao Xuan actually removed the poison sac on the white hair, he let out a surprised "Huh", and this sound was accompanied by an upward dragging sound to express his surprise.

The other people who were resting there were like being scratched by a cat's claws because of the "Huh" sound. But stared at it.

It's a pity that this big guy directly blocked everyone's sight, and everyone was so angry that they could not wait to throw a hammer at Nini. You said, just look at it, what are you doing there

Tuo didn't care too much. After dealing with his companion's injury, he walked to the side of Ni Ni and squatted down, watching Shao Xuan busy.

In fact, Shao Xuan is just trying it out. Even if these white hairs are difficult to cut, they are plants after all, and they should be afraid of fire. Didn't expect it to actually work.

Looking at the white hairs of different lengths on his hands, Shao Xuan twisted his fingers.

After nibbling, he saw Shao Xuan holding two white hairs, twisting and pulling his fingers, and the two white hairs were tightly connected. But after a while, all the white hairs on Shao Xuan's hand, except for the poison sac, were connected into a thread, nearly two meters long.


The "Huh" sounded longer, and the rising pitch was higher.

Those people sitting on the edge were scratched by cat's paw after cat's paw, and they were so angry that they could not wait to go over and kick them to the edge.

Nima, can you roll over and watch? ! !

But in the end, everyone still did not dare to challenge the temper of the big boss, and still did not pass.

Ah Suo planned to go over and see what Shao Xuan tossed out. He didn't think that as soon as he moved, he saw the big boss's knife swept over, and he could only retract the foot that was moved out. Although he couldn't get past, Asuo grabbed a clod from his feet and threw it towards Nii Nii.


The clod smashed directly on the back of the nibbling, and the clods were scattered.

He didn't pay any attention to the nibbling, and when he saw the elastic rope formed by Shao Xuanla's white hairs, he was also itchy. This man never knew what politeness was, so he snatched the thread directly from Shao Xuan's hand, "Give it to me!"

Shao Xuan didn't hold it tightly, he just gave it if he wanted, and then continued to collect the white hairs around him.

Tuo has nothing to do, but also helps with the collection.

The guy holding the thread here got up and pulled it, but it didn't break. Really flexible!

"Hey this thread is really interesting!" Nii Niang shouted.

Ah Suo glanced at the tower, only to see the blue veins throbbing in the tower's forehead.

Presumably to see if this long string can be broken, I twisted my wrist and rolled the two ends of the string until there was only a short period left before pulling it hard.

When the hand was about to be strangled to bleed, the rope broke with a "bang" sound, and the disconnected place was not the interface.

"Hey, this is good! Ah Xuan, what are you going to use this for?" Nii Nii asked while moving his blood-stained wrist.

"When are you free, I want to see if I can catch something next time." Shao Xuan said.

The big boss's face darkened even more.

Ta thought in his heart that he would not bring this kid next time, and he would not be allowed to join the advance team in the future!

By the time the tower announced that the rest was over, Shao Xuan had collected and connected a lot of white hairs, rolled them into rolls and put them in the animal skin bag. These white hairs are very light and have no weight. They look like a big roll, but they are actually like a small dried fruit.

Next is still to hunt those jumping fruit.

Those fruits that are jumping and flying away from the mother tree, as long as they are split, they will lose their ability to move. Everyone in the hunting team also has experience, and they can hit seven or eight out of ten shots.

As for Shao Xuan, he didn't even have the qualifications to pick up those fruits that had lost the ability to jump from the ground in the past.

Shao Xuan didn't complain, he just watched carefully to see how everyone chopped those fruits.

The speed of those fruits is very fast, and the number of them is large when they flee. They are dazzling and easily distracted. So everyone keeps an eye on one first, solves this and then chops the next one, and at the same time has to estimate the beating trajectory of these fruits in their hearts.

Tiaotiaoguo may not have the rich emotions of animals, but they also know how to avoid harm. If they are not careful, they will let them slip away.

Shao Xuan hid behind the tree and found a chance to chop six fruits.

The jumping fruit that leaves the mother tree may stay outside for a day or two before returning to the mother tree. If it is unable to return to the mother tree in time due to certain circumstances, the fruit will either die directly, or be eaten by other animals, or take root. form new plants.

What Wu needs is not the pulp of these jumping fruit, but the core, and the pulp is eaten by the advance team. So here, the food eaten by the advance team is mostly vegetarian.

It was not until all the fruit on the jumping fruit tree escaped that everyone stopped.

When they see the fruit that cannot be beaten on the ground, they pick it up, put it in the animal skin bag, eat the pulp when hungry, and keep the rest of the pit.

In addition to the pit of the jumping fruit, the hunting team also chopped the roots of a swamp plant, which is different from others. Its branches and leaves grow under the swamp, but the roots grow upward and stick out. outside the swamp.

Just be careful not to step into the swamp.

The people in the team used the sleeve cutting method. One person covered the root of the plant with a straw rope, and then the other person cut off the main root with a stone knife.

It is simple to say, but the operation is very difficult, the technical content is high, and it also tests the tacit understanding of the collaborators. If the taproot cannot be cut in time, the roots exposed outside the swamp will immediately shrink down. Once they shrink their roots under the swamp, it will be difficult to find a chance to cut off their roots, and the chances of being escaped by them are also high. will be great. Of course, if you can't even hold on to the root, then don't think about anything.

As for Shao Xuan's task, the tower asked him to help pick up the muddy roots that were brought back.

If you ask Shao Xuan how he feels now, he will say: Oh, I'm just a trickster.

The place where the team rested at night was on a huge tree with a hole dug out on purpose. Not only this tree, but several other giant trees have holes dug, but it depends on luck every time. Sometimes the tree hole is occupied by birds and beasts.

Shao Xuan saw that they had collected a kind of fruit. After a little burning, the fruit would emit thick smoke, and they would throw the smoking fruit into the tree hole. Soon, some small insects in the tree hole or in the trunk will be smoked out and fall down. When the smoke was finished, all I saw were all kinds of squirming bugs that fell to the ground.

While they were throwing fruit smoked worms into the tree hole, Shao Xuan was busy with the thread.

Someone in the team is in charge of vigilance, so Shao Xuan doesn't need to worry too much, but the tower is very dissatisfied with Shao Xuan's behavior. When Shao Xuan asked the tower for instructions, the tower kept his face cold, and it took a long time for him to respond with anger, as if Shao Xuan had done something to shame him.

Shao Xuan actually knew in his heart that Ta didn't plan to take him next time, and he didn't want to follow him next time. Although the advance team had various benefits, he still preferred to hunt with Mai and the others. Following the advance team was always used as a decoration. There is also the tower, who disagrees with him and is domineering. It is not good to stay here, but it is more enjoyable to participate in the hunt.

The man who was throwing fruit into the tree hole above the huge tree trunk turned around and saw Shao Xuan's hands in the woods not far away, and asked his teammates, "What is he doing?"

"Setting a trap... huh?" the other person said uncertainly.

"What can we hunt at night? We don't need to hunt. Besides, doesn't he know that the boss hates this way?"

"Who knows, if he wants to play, let him play. I don't plan to let him follow next time."

"Then leave him alone."

For many people in the advance team, they are neither relatives nor teammates, and they will not have much relationship with them in the future, and they will not be included in their small group.

There are factions within the tribe.

When the tree hole above stopped dropping bugs, the tower greeted everyone, "Okay, let's go up, it's getting dark."

Shao Xuan just finished his work and followed the others up the tree.

As Nii Nii said, in this place, there are very few fires, so there is no fire when sleeping in the tree hole at night.

Blocking the entrance of the hole with large leaves, everyone soon began to feel sleepy. Of course, there will be people taking turns to watch the night at night, which is a must.

When he was under the tree, he had already eaten, so Shao Xuan was not hungry. On the vast green land outside, as night fell, there were various sounds from far and near. It was the sound of some plants closing their leaves or flowers.

Hearing those sounds, Shao Xuan fell asleep in a daze, until he was awakened by a loud buzzing sound at night. Others were also awakened, but those who saw the vigil did not warn them and fell asleep again.

Shao Xuan listened carefully to those voices, and tried to distinguish the number and size of the prey in the trap from these voices, but he had not reached the level of Lao Ke, so his estimation was not accurate.

It was night, and it was impossible for Shao Xuan to go out to see the situation over the trap, so he could only wait for dawn. He didn't want to hunt any treasures, he just wanted to see what kind of things would happen in this place at night. After all, he might have come here just once, so he had to be more knowledgeable.

Wait for tomorrow, we will find out tomorrow.