Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 83: Return journey


"Bitter root, blood-activating leaf, seven-forked palm, blood-line flower..."

Ta and Tuo are counting the results of these days, and Shao Xuan is calculating the time. After counting, it is estimated that the time limit for hunting has come, and he has to go back.

For a few days after getting the green thief, everyone in the team would try a few sets every night, but the results were minimal, and no other useful things were used. That night was really just a chance luck.

In the past few days, Shao Xuan has followed them everywhere every day. Although he can't help much with his fighting power, he doesn't need to worry about others. Shao Xuan can take care of himself and is the biggest help for others. .

In the past few days, Shao Xuan has also learned a lot of wonderful things. Once, in order to find a plant like the seven-forked palm, he almost directly confronted the ripper.

When the seven-forked palm feels dangerous, it will close the thick bark-like leaves, wrap the core of the body part into a solid substance like a pine tower, and secrete a kind of can attract tearers. of liquid. If it weren't for the fast movement of the hunting team, they would have been surrounded by a large group of rippers who followed the smell.

Over there, Tuo has already completed the statistics.

"Compared with the results of the last hunt, there are two less. However, this time we found the wind ball and the green thief, and the achievements are much higher than before." Tuo said with a smile.

Ta also showed a relaxed look. This time, the harvest was indeed greater than before. "When the time comes, I will check with Awei and the others, and maybe they have found the other two."

Wei is a high-level totem warrior, about the same age as Ta, and led twenty other people to split up with Ta and others.

The tower said to others again, "Let's rest today, and prepare to return tomorrow."

"Okay, boss!" Everyone responded. They can't wait to go back, and they are looking forward to sharing their experience with their peers or predecessors in other advance teams.

Shao Xuan was also looking forward to going back, but not because of the green thief, but because of the eggs in his animal skin bag.

There were still a dozen or so eggs that were left uneaten that day, and the rest of the advance team were not too interested in the eggs. The eggs that were eaten that day were thrown out as bait when they encountered a ripper. Yes, the rippers also eat eggs. Shao Xuan also threw it away, but there were still some eggs left in the tree hole that were left behind.

Now the place where everyone is staying is not the tree hole before, but another place. In order to find the target, their resting place has been changing all the time. One night they slept in the leaves and rolled themselves into a tube with the leaves. Like, sleep all night. That night, around the plant that looked like a ham, the layers of leaves that were wrapped should have stood upright, but twenty-one leaves were rolled up into cylinders and hung there, and a person fell asleep in each cylinder. .

Tuo said that the plant has the effect of repelling insects, and it is also one of the targets they collect. When there is no place to sleep, they wrap themselves in the large leaves of the plant, so that they will not be attacked by the insects that come out at night. But during the day, it won't work. During the day, the leaves of the plant become so hard that they can't be rolled up at all.

For Shao Xuan, this was a very novel experience. As for the eggs in the animal skin bag, he wanted to take them out to try.

Most plants die away from here, but what about bird eggs

The plants here are unusual, and the insects that eat the plants here are also unusual? Further, can it be speculated that the birds that eat the fruits or insects here will have more nutritional value or medicinal effects than birds in other places? So are bird eggs.

The shelf life of raw eggs is longer than that of cooked eggs. I wonder if the same applies to these weird-looking eggs. Shao Xuan did not cook them.

The next day, the tower led the crowd back and joined twenty other people at the place they had made an appointment for. Someone was injured there, but luckily the injury was not serious.

After hearing about the green thief, the other 20 people's eyes were straight, staring at the stone box wrapped in leaves, eager to open it and take a look, but they also knew that this was not the time.

When I came, I used those big dragonflies to glide down the mountain, and when I returned, I also borrowed them.

When the sun was about to go down, everyone in the advance team was waiting in one place. Some people climbed the tall plants to check the position of the dragonfly army. After all, their return routes were not absolutely the same every time.

"Over there! Come over there!"

"Quick, quick! If you are slow, you won't be able to catch up, and you have to wait for tomorrow!"

Shao Xuan didn't need to bring those boxes with plants, he only carried an animal skin bag, which was much lighter than others.

At this time, in order to catch up with the flight of this group of dragonflies, everyone hurriedly ran towards that direction. Shao Xuan suddenly had the illusion of catching the bus in his previous life. Gee!

Climb up the tall plants quickly, tie a lasso with a straw rope in your hand, and throw them out to cover their feet when the dragonfly army is flying by. , it will jump onto the back of the dragonfly below. The rope is too long, and it is easy to be swept by the wings of the dragonfly when hanging in the air.

As they approached the mountain, the dragonfly began to flap its wings and pull up. The ground gets farther and farther away, and the objects below quickly get smaller.

Behind, on the green land, tall plants closed the unfolded leaves, and the blooming flowers also closed their petals, and various sounds announced that evening was coming.

"Be careful when jumping, don't be swept away!" The tower over there shouted to Shao Xuan.


The moment the dragonfly flew up the cliff, Shao Xuan quickly ran towards the end of the dragonfly, jumped down looking at the gap, inserted the stone knife into the mountain wall, and slowly slid down the mountain wall until he stood firm on a slightly flat place.

"Let! Let go!"


The dragonfly that Nii Ni was sitting on flew a little higher. When he jumped over, he hit the mountain wall and rolled a few times before landing. Although he hit it, he still protected the box containing the herbs in his arms. When he stood up, he rubbed his aching back and grinned.

When everyone jumped down, the dragonfly army also climbed over the mountain and went to the pool where they rested.

"Let's go, everyone have a good rest, there are still a few days to be busy." Tower said.

It's just that everyone was so excited about the green thief that night that they didn't sleep for long.

After leaving the mountain the next day, Shao Xuan realized what Tuo and the others meant by "there are many things you can't take with you".

The green earth can no longer be seen, and the fragrant large leaves that wrap the green thief stone box wither, turn yellow, and then fall into pieces in a trend visible to the naked eye.

Just relying on the mud wrapped on the outside of the stone box could not completely cover the green thief's breath, and what made everyone depressed was that many beasts seemed to be very interested in the green thief.

The people in the original advance team were still thinking of pointing Shao Xuan on the way back and helping him hunt some food, but they were so busy that they couldn't even say a few words.

In order to protect the green thieves, everyone in the advance team fought all the way, but in order to rush back faster, they did not bring their prey with them. The longer they stayed, the more difficult the situation.

In the beginning, everyone came to kill one beast, two to kill one pair, one team to kill one row.

Stealing thieves? There is no door! Dead dead dead!

But gradually, everyone's coping strategies changed.

What? And there are beasts that come to grab the green thief? ! How many will come? Run, run, run!

Everyone in the advance team felt that they had never been so embarrassed before. In the past, when they returned, they could bring some prey or cut some souvenirs from the beasts to go back, but this time they didn't have the effort, let alone the thought.

Everyone has a strong smell of blood, and it belongs to the blood of high-level beasts. There is no time to scrub the blood on their faces. Their hair is messy, and they are sloppy than the children in the tribal cave. The animal skins on their bodies are already There is a clotted blood clot, and when it dries, the blood powder can be smashed off the ground.

Even at night there are occasional attacks. Excruciatingly miserable.

Insufficient sleep, tiredness along the way, constant fighting, running all the way to kill, all the way to kill and run all the way, also have to lose the average strength of the advance team, if you change to other hunting teams, how will you be here at a disadvantage.

Therefore, Shao Xuan, who was still full of energy after taking a nap, became an outlier among them.

The eyes of the others looking at Shao Xuan were faint.

Shao Xuan looked at the animal skin bag, and the bird eggs inside were still in good condition. He put some dead leaves and hay in it, and since he left, only one was broken.

The rules of the team, except for the target, everything you get is your own, so everyone will not say anything about the bird eggs that Shao Xuan brings. They are not interested in the eggs, and they are looking for the target. At that time, they all ate a lot of bird eggs and various fruits. They hadn't eaten roasted meat for many days, so naturally they wouldn't eat bird eggs again. However, when everyone bit the meat of the beast, it was like an enemy.