Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 84: came back


When the hunting team arrives at the expected meeting time, the advance team usually arrives first, and they need to pack the medicinal plants they bring back in a newly made wooden box. And because of the green thieves, the people in the advance team were in a hurry and arrived a day earlier.

After the forty people of the advance team finally arrived at the gathering point exhausted, they didn't have much time to rest. After cutting the wood, they built a large wooden box like a carriage, and put all the medicine plants they brought back inside. The wooden box Seal it up, tie vines on the outside, and then cover it with some other plant leaves and other things. In short, no one can see what is inside, and will not let insects and other things enter.

After the medicinal plants were loaded, the advance team moved in two groups, one group stayed in place to take care of the medicinal plants, and the other went hunting, taking turns. After all, when you go out, you have to bring some prey back, otherwise what will you eat if you return to the tribe empty-handed? Besides, when you walk the road of glory, you always have to drag something to save face.

There are not many high-level beasts near the gathering point, so the people in the advance team are not worried that the place where the items are placed will encounter unmanageable dangers, and since it is close to the top of the mountain, there are many fewer animals.

Shao Xuan went out hunting with the first group of people. Ta saw that he was in a good state of mind, and nodded in agreement. The beasts around here were not too strong. If something happened, the people in the team could protect Shao Xuan.

A day later, other hunting teams also went to the meeting point one after another.

Mai's team was the second of the five hunting teams to arrive. Seeing that their hunting results were not bad this time, the team members' faces were relatively relaxed.

"Axuan, isn't the advance team good? You look very energetic!" Lang Ga rubbed Shao Xuan's shoulder with a smile, but when he looked at the rest of the advance team, he couldn't go on.

Not only Lang Ga, but other members of the hunting team came to the gathering point to see the state of the advance team, and they all guessed whether the advance team encountered some catastrophe.

After several days of fighting on the road, after arriving at the gathering point, they were busy packing boxes, and they had to go down the mountain to hunt. In order to maintain the face and status of the advance team, the level of prey chosen by everyone could not be low, and they were busy until the evening.

Forty people went down the mountain to hunt in two batches, and they only rested for one night that night, but only one night could not restore everyone's long-term exhaustion and lack of strength, and their mental state was still not very good, even after a simple grooming. , also can not change the embarrassment of everyone.

When has the advance team been so embarrassed? All kinds of guesses in the minds of the people. At least since they were hunting with the team, they had never seen such an advance team, as if they had been brutally tortured and tortured like this.

As for the reason, everyone couldn't help but compare the difference between this time and the advance team in previous hunting.

The only difference is that there is an extra Shao Xuan.

Originally immersed in the joy of the first hunting, the children who exchanged experiences with the awakened friends in the same batch, whispered and whispered, pointing at Shao Xuan.

"The people in the advance team are so tired to protect Ah Xuan, but Ah Xuan has nothing to do."

"That's right, he's dragging his feet, right?"

"Even if he was lucky last time and was able to get the protection of the ancestors, he may not be so lucky every time, but it is not bad that he can come back safely."

"Anyway, looking at it like that, the advance team won't take him with him next time."

"Hey, how good is it to be in the hunting team like us, how old is he? Not strong, just a junior totem warrior like us, and he wants to be with the advance team."

Not only these kids, but the rest of the hunting party thought the same thing. The people in the advance team have become like this, their faces are full of exhaustion, just like they are more tired to protect the new soldiers in this hunt, it is Shao Xuan's reason.

The places where the advance team goes will naturally be more dangerous, and any small factor may bring about different results. Shao Xuan was the unstable factor for this advance team.

"I said I shouldn't let Ah Xuan follow." Someone whispered.

"It must be to protect that kid. The people in the advance team are so tired. Otherwise, why haven't they been like this before?"

"It seems that the advance team suffered a big loss this time!"

"Oh, being tortured like this... even the prey is much less."

"I don't think my son is worse than that kid Ah Xuan. Maybe my son will be recruited at some point."

"Maybe it's someone from the advance team who has taken a fancy to Ah Xuan. Seeing that last time Ah Xuan's prey was good, he wanted to marry his daughter to him, so he specially recruited Ah Xuan this time."

"Nonsense, the boss has no daughter!"

"But others have!"

"Hey, tell me, are the people in the advance team thinking about how to beat this kid Ah Xuan?"

"Hey, it's really possible."

I don't know who said what, the man laughed with his teammates, but when he laughed, his face froze, because they found that all the forty people in the advance team were looking at them with eyes like Look like silly X.

If everyone in the advance team hadn't been too tired to move now, they would have beaten them long ago.

Ah Xuan is nothing

Have you seen that kid's set? Have you seen that kid catch a green thief? Have you ever seen that kid smash two fire spears to the ground with "blood" in one move? I don't even know how to say shit!

Thinking about how they laughed at Shao Xuan in the beginning, they were beaten in the face within two days of entering the green space.

suffer? If they catch wind balls and green thieves, which is also called a loss, they would rather eat them every day.

As for the troubles encountered along the way, let alone. Everything has to be paid for. Since they have found a treasure like the green thief, they must be mentally prepared to withstand more troubles. They have been so conscious since the first day they joined the advance team.

torture? If they can find more animal skins, curly-tailed medicinal plants, eat green thieves, and meet more magical treasures, they will be willing to suffer like this again and again!

Seeing that the faces of everyone in the advance team were wrong, the leader of the hunting team glared at the soldier who was joking in his team just now, warning them not to talk more.

Except for the people in the advance team, no one knew that Shao Xuan was the one who took the initiative to find it. But there are also those who are more flexible, and I guess there must be other reasons. But no matter what happened to the advance team, it was not something they could talk about at will.

"I can't stand it myself, and laugh at others." Lang Ga sneered, looking at the people who were joking before, his eyes were full of contempt.

"Who are you saying is impatient?!" Someone stood up over there. Why can't the people in the advance team move you? !

"What happened to you?!" Lang Ga was not afraid.

Standing up with Lang Ga were other people in the same team. They had a good impression of Shao Xuan. No matter if Shao Xuan was protected by his ancestors or for other reasons, they thought that Shao Xuan was a good fighter, and that was enough.

Seeing that the two hunting teams were about to start, the leader roared: "Shut up for me!"

Looking at the two teams with a cold face, Ta said solemnly, "If anyone makes another noise, don't follow next time."

Both sides immediately became obedient. The place is still in the hands of the big boss.

When Lang Ga walked to the resting place of his team, he saw Shao Xuan gesturing to him from the vanguard. Shao Xuan's gesture meant to tell him that he would have something good for him when he went back.

After the whole team assembled, the tower took everyone back to the tribe.

in the tribe.

Lao Ke was sitting on a rock in the training ground, with his hands on his crutches, wondering what he was thinking.

Hearing the sound, Lao Ke looked up and saw that Caesar was running back here with a stone smeared with grass juice in his mouth.

After Shao Xuan left, Lao Ke did not stop training Caesar, he trained in the same way as Shao Xuan. I have to admit that Shao Xuan's method is very useful, and Caesar's training results are also obvious. Anything that can't be thrown can be found.

To reward Caesar, Lao Ke threw it a piece of meat. Just as he was about to say something, he saw someone at the foot of the mountain rushing back to the tribe, and someone said that the hunting team was coming back.

Counting the days, the hunting team came back in the past few days.

Lao Ke couldn't sit still. After Caesar finished eating the piece of meat, he sat on the wolf's back and tapped Caesar's wolf head, "Go back, Ah Xuan is coming back!"

Caesar, who was originally reluctant, ran up immediately when he heard Shao Xuan's name, and Lao Ke let it slow down and didn't listen.

The wounded had been sent to the tribe early. When Lao Ke returned to the tribe, there were already many people standing on both sides of the road of glory, all of them craned their necks and waited.

Finally, the shadows of a group of people appeared in the distance, and the people standing at the foot of the mountain blew their whistle to convey the news to the people waiting on the mountain.

When the members of the hunting team set foot on the road of glory, the crowd who had been standing on both sides of the road for a long time boiled. This time, some children from the family participated in the hunt for the first time. .

Seeing that Shao Xuan was safe and sound, Lao Ke put his heart down, but when he glanced at the people in the advance team, his heart froze. With his eyesight, it was natural to see that the people in the advance team were in a wrong state.

Thinking of what Shao Xuan said before leaving, "Don't worry," Lao Ke touched the old heart on his chest, feeling that his heart couldn't slow down. I always feel that every time I hear the child say "don't worry", something big will happen.