Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 92: Fly away


After the rainy season, it was the turn of the hunting team brought by the tower to go out hunting.

This time, Shao Xuan followed Mai's team to the top of the mountain before hunting, and when they gathered to sing "Hunting Song", the tower saw that Shao Xuan did not say anything, but his expression was not very good, but he did not dare to show too much.

Thinking that it was Wu who had talked to him, he didn't dare to have any opinions, and he had to keep any thoughts in his heart, showing that it would be disrespectful to Wu.

Ta also held his breath, thinking that even without Shao Xuan, they could get more medicinal plants and take 10,000 steps back. Even if they need to set traps, wouldn't anyone in the advance team set them up? Could it be that the ancestors only sheltered Shao Xuan and not the elites of their tribes? He doesn't believe it.

The eyes of the other hunting party looking at Shao Xuan were also exploratory, especially the young warriors, when they looked at Shao Xuan, they were obviously gloating, and their eyes seemed to say: Look, I just said it, that guy Will definitely be kicked out by the advance team.

Lang Ga was also afraid that Shao Xuan would think too much, and he always comforted him when he went up the mountain, but he didn't know that Shao Xuan really didn't care about it, which was originally proposed by him.

Caesar and Chacha were left at Lao Ke's place. There was still some food, and they were all moved there. There were still some in the ice cave on the top of the mountain to prevent them from starving.

The hunting time was a little tight this time. As soon as the rainy season ended, the tower quickly gathered the leaders of the various teams to prepare to go out.

They have to come back before the full moon, because when the moon is full, the beasts in the mountains and forests will be particularly violent. Therefore, according to past experience, no matter which hunting team goes out to hunt at this time, they must ensure that they are in time for the full moon. Come back before the round, preferably a few days in advance.

The last time Shao Xuan followed Mai and the others hunting, because of the discovery of the "ancestors", the hunting team stopped at the second stronghold on the hunting route. Xuan followed them to the third stronghold.

There are many lakes in the hunting grounds of the third stronghold. After the rainy season, the larger lakes swelled, and several small lakes appeared in other places.

After the rainy season, many beasts come out for activities, and there are also many beasts. With the previous hunting experience, coupled with the enhancement of strength, this time the harvest is very rich, because the proportion of high-level prey hunted is large, the prey brought back this time is enough to maintain a life of more than 50 days .

In the tribe, Lao Ke was not worried about the first two times this time. After thinking about it, Lao Ke attributed the reason to the fact that Shao Xuan didn't say "don't worry" before he set off.

And the fact is also true, this hunting went very smoothly, Shao Xuan also let go, assisting, making up the knife, setting traps, etc., no longer a trick. The hunting was full of fun and the results were quite fruitful, and Shao Xuan was very satisfied.

The only difference from the previous hunts was that as the moon became more and more round at night, the mountains and forests at night seemed to be covered with a hazy silver light, and the vision was not so dark. But in the same way, the beasts and beasts of the night have a tendency to become more and more violent. No matter day or night, the cries of various beasts and beasts can be heard, more frequently than before.

Twenty days later, the hunting party returned to the tribe.

In the last few days, due to the frequent riots of wild beasts, many people in each hunting team were injured. Fortunately, they were prepared for a long time. Many people were injured, but only three people were seriously injured. Compared with the current situation, three people have already been injured. It's less. Fortunately, none of Mai's hunting team was seriously injured.

When he returned to the tribe, Shao Xuan found that the big river under the tribe's mountain had dropped a lot.

The fish gate has not been withdrawn and is still placed there. The first fish gate was originally close to the river surface. After the rainy season, the rising river level fell back. Compared with before the rainy season, it was only slightly higher. a fish gate contact.

But now, more than 20 days have passed, and when I come back and look again, the river level has dropped a lot, even lower than before the rainy season!

"The moon is about to be full, and the river level will drop faster in the next few days," Lang Ga said.

After thinking about it, Lang Ga smiled again: "We set up a fish fence, and we didn't catch anything during the rainy season. Maybe there will be a harvest after the full moon this time."

The peculiarity of this world is that the two moons in the night sky are only full once a year, and at that time, the two opposite moons in the night sky will meet again, overlap, and then separate again, continuing to move in different directions.

The night of the full moon is when the two moons coincide.

At this time last year, Shao Xuan, like other children, spent most of the time in the cave, not near the river, and naturally did not see the ebb and flow of the tide. This year, there are more people fishing, but when the river level drops, it is still not allowed to touch the water. Those who should stay in the cave continue to stay in the cave.

After packing up the prey, Shao Xuan led Caesar and Chacha back.

"They are also a little restless recently, you pay attention." Lao Ke said.

Shao Xuan saw the bones piled up next to them. Originally, the long bones were bitten into small pieces, and Caesar didn't eat them, so they threw them there. There were still many marks from wolf claws on the ground. And Chacha, who was very active before, wanted to peck at everything he saw, scratched with bird claws, and barked loudly, but recently he has become very silent, motionless, not sleeping, just squatting in the nest, where neither go.

After Shao Xuan returned to the wooden house, he looked at Caesar, who was over-energized, and at Chacha, who was unusually silent. After thinking about it, he took out a knife and planned to make something.

This time hunting outside, the leaves of a tree reminded Shao Xuan of a gadget.

Boomerang, also known as boomerang, something Shao Xuan used to play with when he was a child in his previous life can be made with paper, but in the tribe, it is better to use wood.

Shao Xuan is making a "V"-shaped boomerang. After he is proficient in making stone and wood tools, it is not difficult to make such a boomerang. He is familiar with it.

But after an hour, Shao Xuan took the finished product and walked out the door.

"Caesar, come out!"

Calling the wolf who was wandering around the house without stopping for a moment outside the house, Shao Xuan patted the wolf's head with the boomerang in his hand, "I throw it out, you pick it up."

When training Caesar in the past, he did retrieval exercises, and sometimes Shao Xuan would throw a branch or bone out for Caesar to pick it up, so Caesar was no stranger to this.

Seeing that Caesar's eyes were on the boomerang in his hand, Shao Xuan knew that it was ready, so he threw the boomerang in his hand.

The thrown boomerang quickly went away, but soon, it flew in an arc to the left, and after a long circle, it flew back towards Shao Xuan.

Caesar, who ran after the boomerang, was very puzzled. It didn't understand why this thing would come back by itself. When Shao Xuan threw it again, it spread its soles and chased it out.


Tuo He Nii, who came to look for Shao Xuan, was very surprised when he saw Shao Xuan throwing a piece of wood out, and the piece of wood circled in the air and fell back to the vicinity of Shao Xuan.

"What is this?!" Tuo came over and asked curiously.

Although they have harvested a lot from their hunting out this time, if compared with their previous achievements, the quantity is still considerable, but the quality is not comparable to the weight of the green thief and the wind ball last time, even if someone in the team was there at night this time. There are traps set up outside, but there is still nothing to gain, and some of the traps are still unknown. He came to find Shao Xuan just to ask Shao Xuan if he wanted to join the advance team again. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came, he saw such a novelty.

"This is a boomerang." Shao Xuan said.

"Can I... try it?" Tuo's hands were itchy.

"Yes." Shao Xuan handed the boomerang to Tuo and talked about his skills.

"Isn't this really going to be thrown away?" Tuo is still mentally confused. After all, he is used to throwing stone spears and other things. He always feels that once this thing is thrown out, it should go far, far away, as for flying back...

"No." Shao Xuan affirmed.

"Okay, I'll try first."

Tuo Xiaoli tried it once, and when he saw that the thing could really fly back, he felt relieved, and increased his strength the second time.

Standing next to Tuo, Nii Nii's eyes widened, and without blinking, he watched Tuo throw the piece of wood, then flew back again, swallowed his saliva, and rubbed his palms, "I'll come, I'll come!"

When Tuo took the dart that flew back, he hurriedly grabbed it, and the result of his coming was that, by accident, the wooden boomerang was broken before being thrown out.