Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 105: Ryan's confusion (5)


Victor had already prepared a magic that would be released as soon as Farasi's fireball came close to Ryan. With Victor's strength, the power of Farasi's fireball could be eliminated by him, and Ryan would naturally be out of danger. Unexpectedly, Ryan suddenly retreated at high speed, completely disrupting Victor's magic release.

Victor secretly screamed: "This boy is so fast. It's too bad. I was careless. This time Faras got into trouble. He was hit head-on by such a powerful fireball. It seems that this boy is in trouble." "

The members of the Leis team have had many adventures with Ryan, and even Ryan's strength, even this powerful fireball technique, can not be affected by Ryan, although everyone is not sure how Ryan did it (only Allen is more talented) They really knew that Ryan relied on his own fire magic to offset the power of the opponent's fire magic), but they were not very worried. The reason why Farasi's face turned pale was because he was too concerned.

Sure enough, when the flames slowly dissipated, Ryan's figure appeared on the spot. Although Ryan looked a little embarrassed, there was almost no damage on his body, and even his clothes were not damaged.

This made Victor, the archmage, extremely surprised. He did not feel that Ryan had released magic such as protective flames. It was just that the moment before Farasi's fireball exploded, Victor felt the radiance of Ryan's body. There was a trace of fire element fluctuation, and then the power of the Farasi fireball explosion flying towards Ryan was offset by the fire element fluctuation.

Victor couldn't help but be impressed by Ryan. At such a young age, this boy could actually achieve the elemental offset technique that at least a high-level magician would be able to skillfully use. It was not easy.

When Faras saw that Ryan was safe and sound, her pale face immediately showed a smile, and she shouted happily to Ryan: "As expected of the captain, how could this fireball hit you?"

Ryan smiled and wanted to say something, but suddenly felt dizzy and fell to the ground involuntarily.

Faras witnessed this sudden scene, and she rushed towards Ryan desperately. At that moment, Faras could only see Ryan's figure lying on the ground...


Ryan opened his eyes in a daze. Before his eyes could see anything clearly, he heard Alando's surprised voice in his ears: "Lian, you're awake!"

Ryan slowly opened his eyes, and the light on the table came into Ryan's eyes. Ryan blinked uncomfortably, and then saw Alando's smiling face.

Ryan rolled his eyes and gradually saw the situation in front of him clearly: he was lying on a bed, his body was warm and seemed to be covered with something, and Alando was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at him. The furnishings in the house looked familiar. It should be the room where he rested in Farasi's home.

Allendo had a smile on his face and said to Ryan: "Lian, just wake up."

Ryan struggled to sit up. Allendo stretched out his hand to help him sit up, then turned around and picked up the water glass on the table and brought it to Ryan's mouth.

Ryan leaned forward slightly, opened his mouth, and drank all the water in the cup in one breath. The refreshing feeling suddenly filled his heart. Ryan felt much better. He nodded to Allen to express his gratitude.

Alan put the water glass back and said to Ryan with a smile: "Lian, you really did something unexpected."

Ryan asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Allendo said: "At the beginning of the big fire ball, everyone thought you would be injured, but it turned out that you were fine. Seeing that you were fine, you fainted again, which scared Farasi to tears. "

Ryan's heart moved, did Faras cry because of me

Allendo continued: "Victor checked you and found that you were not injured. It was just that your body became weak due to excessive use of the wind technique. Haha, it really shocked us all."

Ryan's mind was still a little dizzy. He stretched out his hand to rub his forehead, and then asked: "Is this Faras's home? How many days have I been in coma?"

Allendo said: "How many days? It's only half a day. You were still at the Royal Academy of Magic in the morning. Faras saw you passed out and insisted on sending you back, saying that they could take better care of you here.

Ryan said: "That's right, what about Faras?"

Allen shrugged his shoulders and said: "She, she is talking to Master Victor. But to be honest, Ryan, do you take special care of Farasi behind your back?"

Ryan said: "Special care? No, you have seen it along the way. When it comes to time together, the two of us spend a lot more time together."

Allen smiled and said: "Ryan, although we have known each other for the longest time in Team Reis, it has only been a few months. What else do you know that I don't know? Faras is here Under your guidance, my strength has improved a lot, so after sending you back, Victor went to talk to her specifically. It has been half a day since noon until it is almost dark, and he hasn't finished talking yet."

Ryan shook his head and said: "Actually, Farasi has not improved her strength at all. I just helped her improve a lot of her previous impracticalities. Most of it depends on her own efforts..."

At this point, Ryan suddenly stopped. He saw Faras walking in from the door.

Allendo saw Ryan's eyes looking at the door. He turned around and saw Faras walking in. Allendo smiled and said, "Farasi, I'm hungry, I'm going to eat." Before Farasi could answer, Allendo walked out quickly.

Ryan and Faras looked at me, and I looked at you. No one was embarrassed to speak, and the room became quiet.

After a moment of silence, Faras whispered: "Ryan, won't you ask me to sit down?"

Ryan struggled to sit up quickly and said to Faras: "Please sit down, please do it."

Faras smiled and sat elegantly on the chair next to Ryan's bed.

Ryan's usual calmness was completely gone. His heart was pounding. Ryan opened his mouth to say something, but felt that his mouth was dry and he couldn't say anything.

Faras looked at Ryan's clumsy look and burst into laughter.

When Ryan saw Farasi's smile, his heart suddenly calmed down. Ryan just felt like sitting face to face with Faras, as if everything had become peaceful, and even time seemed to have stopped. He looked at Faras's face quietly, and couldn't help but be fascinated by it.