Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 108: Draw lots


Since the vague barrier between Ryan and Farasi was broken, the relationship between the two has become better and better. The performance of Farasi and Ryan that day was obvious to all. Except for Alina who was still young, no one else could see it. From that day on, Faras and Ryan looked at each other with a lingering look that only people in love would have.

Of course, the entire Leisi team has gone through life and death together. There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing. Faras and Ryan have no intention of hiding it from anyone, especially when young men and women are trying to love each other. Who can possibly hide it

In fact, although everyone didn't say it, they actually agreed with Farasi and Ryan that they could get together. Therefore, the whole team was not different from before. In a sense, Farasi, as Leith, Doesn't the passionate love between the first captain of the team and Ryan, the second captain of the Leis team, make the relationship between the whole team even closer

In the next few days, the entire Leisi team continued to practice as before. If there was one thing that was different, it was that the relationship between Ryan and Farasi exerted great power during the practice.

This power is not only reflected in caring for each other, but more truly reflected in the close cooperation of everyone's practice. If there were occasional mistakes or insufficient cooperation in the previous practice, then now Ryan and Fa Drawing is like a person.

Many times, a glance between the two people will clearly understand each other's intentions. Even in several confrontations within the Leis team, Ryan and Faras teamed up to easily defeat a team of four other people. The brushed fireball and Ryan's missiles work perfectly together.

The confrontation training within the Leisi team is conducted at the Royal Arena. Because the Royal Arena is relatively large, the two sides will not be in close contact at the beginning. Everyone will be separated by a not-so-short distance at first. This distance is It became Red's nightmare.

Every time the confrontation begins, Ryan and Faras will cooperate almost perfectly. The magic of the two will block Red's path forward, and then they will attack Red.

Red has never fully released a spell. Every time he brings Oz, Alina and Allendo to fight against Ryan and Farasi, Ryan and Farasi's fireball spells will cover them one after another. There is no protective magic in the passage for your own advancement. Forcibly passing through means dying. And when Red starts to add protective magic, he will be the first to be interrupted by Ryan's missiles, which will be fired first and then be interrupted by Faras. The fireball blasted him out.

Without Red's protective magic, Oz and Alina had basically no chance to get close to Faras. Under the harassment of Lane's endless missiles and lightning spells, Faras defeated them one by one with fire magic. Only Allendo could use his extreme speed to approach Ryan, but at that time, he was the only one left on Allendo's side.

Without the support of his teammates, Allendo could only fight one against two. Ryan's dagger is a great threat to Allendo, and Farasi's flame magic will fly to Allendo at some unknown time. In the end, Allendo gave up after all his strength.

After trying many times, Red gave up helplessly. There were more people than there were, so Red gritted his teeth and uttered: "Bitch man and woman."

Of course, the voice of this sentence was very low, so low that even he could not hear it. Red did not dare to offend Faras. When Faras was angry, even Ryan would use pyroblast to serve him. De asked himself that he was still not up to Ryan's level of using body speed to dodge magic.

The tacit cooperation between Ryan and Faras also made Alina very envious. She even thought: "Will being kissed by a man make you so powerful?"

For this reason, she specifically asked Farasi in public, but of course she was scolded severely by Farasi. Of course, Ryan's shoulder was also unlucky, and was severely twisted by Farasi and turned into a big bruise.

Ryan thought with annoyance: "Who said magicians can't fight in close combat? Besides me, Fani's attack power is also very sharp. Even Alando can't make me so miserable."


Finally, the day of the draw for the competitive competition arrived. Everyone got up early in the morning, and everyone had a look of anticipation on their faces. After all, everyone had been practicing hard for more than two months for this day. Did these exercises have any effect? Find out soon enough.

Farasi took everyone to the venue of the Royal Athletic Competition with ease.

The Royal Arena is a huge circular building, larger than any building Ryan has ever seen. No matter where you stand around it, you can't see the entire Royal Arena. According to Faras, the Royal Arena can seat nearly 40,000 people, which is a huge number.

The lottery procedure is actually very simple. All teams participating in the competition must fill in a team name when registering. Of course, the team name cannot be a famous name, such as Fernando Team. With a name, everyone will call the team by this name throughout the game.

The draw was held in the arena.

When drawing lots, a note with the name of the team written on it will be placed in a sealed container, and the Archbishop of the Church of Light will draw the lots in person. In order to prevent anyone from cheating, the Magic Guild will also send several high-level magicians to monitor the drawing site. of magic fluctuations.

The entire ceremony was heavily guarded. Ryan took a closer look and saw that there were more than twenty senior magicians near the venue. It is estimated that no one can use magic to cheat under such guard, right? Of course, the archbishop who drew the lot is a trustworthy figure. As the high-ranking priest of the Church of Light, Archbishop Ibel of the Church of Light in Saint Nebiro Cathedral in the imperial capital even has more prestige than His Majesty the Emperor in the imperial capital. As a member of the Church of Light, Is it necessary for God’s spokesperson in mainland China to cheat in such a competitive competition

Faras saw that her brother-in-law Orlando was also present, but she was obedient and did not say hello. As Ryan said, it is better to keep a low profile. If Faras shouted loudly: "The Imperial Finance Minister is my father, maintain the scene." The leader of the Royal Knights of Order is my sister's husband, and the archbishop who drew lots is the teacher of my team's chaplain." The consequences would be no worse than Farasi burning down the palace.