Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 12: bargain


How could Charles let go of such a good opportunity? He quickly said: "Dear Mr. Magician, I think the value of this batch of goods is far more than your quotation. I am willing to pay a price that matches it."

Ryan thought for a moment and counter-offered, "In that case, give me 50 copper coins."

After hearing what Ryan said, Charles' eyes darkened and he almost fainted. This magician's temper is really hard to fathom. He decisively gave up his plan to win over Ryan with gold coins, and immediately followed Ryan's words: "Dear Mr. Magician, since you insist on doing this, then I'll buy it according to your first offer."

Seeing that Charles agreed, Ryan nodded and said, "Okay, but please give me 200 copper coins."

Instead of taking the light 2 silver coins, I have to exchange them for 200 copper coins of equivalent value. Charles regarded all of this as the eccentricities of the magician in front of him. He quickly asked his apprentice to bring 200 copper coins, put them in a brand new money bag, and handed them to Ryan's hands.

In fact, Ryan didn't really care about these two silver coins. The reason why he did this was not only to clean the storage pockets, but also to let Allen know how to buy and sell things and bargain. It's a pity that Charles' flattery caused Ryan's plan to completely fail. How can anyone buy something and try to raise the price

The reason why Ryan asked for 200 copper coins was because he planned to talk to Allen more about the styles of gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins and the exchange relationship between them when he had time. He did not want to make a fuss about not asking for gold coins, but only using copper coins. joke. This was Ryan's own personal experience when he was a child. Of course, only his parents and Teacher Ghalib knew about this matter, and even the best friends would not tell it.

Speaking of that incident, it was actually nothing. Ryan had never seen money when he was a child. That time, all the furs, magic cores and other items that could be sold on the Earth Bear were sold out. A total of more than 200 pieces were sold. gold. It was also the first time that Ryan saw a lot of shiny things, so he grabbed a handful to play with. As a result, he thought that the gold coins were heavier than the copper coins, so he threw away all the gold coins in his hand and only took the copper coins.

In fact, Ryan had guessed what Charles was thinking. He didn't want to take advantage of others, so he deliberately kept the price lower and lower. Ryan would never do something he didn't like for a small amount of money.

Now that the things were sold, Ryan didn't plan to stay. He led Alando directly out of the Fire Hammer Equipment Store.

After Ryan and the two walked away, the apprentice timidly asked Charles what to do with the pile of things in front of him.

Charles was still upset that his plan had failed just now. He waved his hand and motioned for the apprentice to take it and deal with it casually.

Just when the apprentice was holding the pile of broken weapons and preparing to take them inside for disposal, Charles slapped his head and said loudly to himself: "I'm so stupid, this is a once-in-a-lifetime publicity opportunity!"

He quickly called to the apprentice and asked him to put these things down properly.

Seeing the doubtful look in the apprentice's eyes, Charles smiled proudly and said to him: "If what the little magician just said is true, then we can definitely use the weapons of these thieves Scar and his gang to carry out an attack. Exhibitions and auctions. Take this long sword that was broken into two pieces. We can say that Fire Hammer products are of high quality. If you use the products of our Fire Hammer equipment store, you will never encounter this situation. , it can also be said that this is justice defeating evil, let those fanatical guys with heroic complexes buy and collect them. Taking advantage of the reputation of Scar and this young magician, I believe that the business of our Fire Hammer Equipment Store will be even better Prosperous.”

Sure enough, at the Victory Day celebration next month, the Firehammer Equipment Store used the purchased items to carry out vigorous publicity. After spending a sum of money to hire a few bards to vigorously promote the young magician's independent elimination of thieves, At the same time, it also made everyone who listened to this story vaguely feel the importance of weapon quality. Didn't you see that Scar's long sword was actually broken by a thin magician? Therefore, the workmanship itself belongs to the Fire Hammer equipment store at the forefront of Alpha City. After Victory Day, the business suddenly improved by more than 30%, making Charles laugh even in his dreams.

Of course, Ryan never expected that Charles would use this method to promote products. He and Alando returned to their campsite together. After a night's rest, the two set off towards Giethoorn Town.

If the city of Alfa is still located at the junction of mountains and hills, then Giethoorn is on the edge of the South Tallen prairie. This was where orcs lived hundreds of years ago, and very few traces of humans appear here. 200 years ago, after the orcs were forced to migrate to the North Talon Prairie where the living environment was poor under the attack of Fernando I, this place slowly became a human settlement. From time to time, herdsmen migrated through this place and found it rich in water and grass, so they settled down and gradually formed a small town of more than 1,000 people.

The sheep here produce wool of very good quality, which is spun into wool and shipped to various parts of the continent. In addition, it can also provide 500 war horses to the empire every year.

The town originally had no name, but according to local custom, when camping, every herdsman would place a wooden stake with a sheep's horn outside the door of his tent to drive away evil spirits and seek peace, so it was called Become the town of Giethoorn.

After walking for two full days, Ryan and Allendo had already seen the smoke of Giethoorn in the distance. This was the first time that Ryan left the mountains and came to the edge of the grassland.

Although the town of Giethoorn is only on the edge of the prairie, far from the endless majestic scenery in the middle of the prairie, it is still extremely shocking to Ryan. At a glance in my hometown of Nongwu Town, there are only endless mountains. How could there be such a scene in front of me

Ryan walked briskly on the soft grass, listening to the whistling of the wind in his ears, looking at the white clouds blowing in the sky, and felt a lot more open in his heart, being able to live in such an environment. What a treat.

Allen has been walking on the continent of Eslar for five years, and has also gone deep into the Nantalun Prairie. Naturally, he has seen a lot of the scenes in front of him. He calmly remembered a very critical question, and quickly reminded Ryan: "I thought Sheephorn Town is similar to the one near Alfa City. There is also a relatively lush jungle. Unexpectedly, it is an endless grassland. So how can we deal with this group of thieves on this kind of grassland?"

Ryan only realized the seriousness of the matter after being reminded by Allen Duo. He originally thought that this time he could still use the terrain to carry out a sneak attack while the thieves were unprepared, use fireball and other methods to attack the thieves with magic, and then team up with Allen Duo. After cleaning up the remaining thieves, they didn't expect that this place turned out to be a large plain with almost no jungle. It is said that this group of thieves owns horses, so they can go around in circles with him on this wide grassland. He and Alando are just two people, and there are no horses. How to get rid of this group of thieves

The two discussed it for a long time, but couldn't come up with a good solution. They had to go to Yangjiao Town first, find the mayor who issued the task, and understand the specific situation in depth and detail first.

When Ryan and Allendo appeared in the field of vision of Giethoorn Town, several young people in charge of security in the town immediately shouted loudly to stop the two from moving forward. After Ryan loudly stated his identity and origin, he opened the thick The wooden door allowed Ryan and Allen to walk in.

Amid the suspicious eyes of more than a dozen young men holding wooden sticks, Ryan and Allendo were questioned repeatedly. Just when Ryan's patience was about to run out, the dozen or so young men stopped questioning. One of the young men led Ryan and Allendo through the gray tents, heading towards the largest black tent in the middle of Giethoorn Town.

Ryan and Allendo followed the young man and carefully observed Giethoorn.

A barrier is built around the town of Yangtze with numerous large wooden stakes. These barriers, which are as tall as one person, can effectively resist the threat of wolves. The residents of the town all live in gray tents set up in the town. The intervals between the tents are so small that only one person can pass through.

Next to each household's tent, there will be a sheep pen of varying sizes, surrounded by more or less talents of sheep, some with hundreds of sheep, some with only a dozen. The air throughout Giethoorn is filled with the smell of sheep.

On the other side of the tent, there is usually a stable. Ryan did a rough count and found that one household had at least five horses. Then there were more than 5,000 horses in the entire Sheephorn Town. This was not a small sum of money.

In addition, there were tall haystacks near the tents of almost every household. Ryan asked the young man leading the way what the haystacks were used for. The young man gave Ryan a cold look and said nothing. .

A large number of tents, sheepfolds, stables and haystacks made the entire Giethoorn town look very crowded.

In the center of Giethoorn Town, there is a very spacious open space, and a tall black tent stands alone there, which is completely different from the crowded scene of other herdsmen.

A fat middle-aged man stood at the door of a large black tent. He was wearing gorgeous clothes made of white wool, which formed a sharp contrast with the four attendants in gray clothes behind him. In addition, this fat middle-aged man's face seemed a little gloomy.

Seeing the middle-aged man's appearance, the young man who came with Ryan quickly walked over and whispered a few words in the middle-aged man's ear.

After listening to the young man's words, the middle-aged man nodded and said loudly to Ryan: "Hello, welcome the two adventurers to Yangjiao Town. I am the mayor of Yangjiao Town, Zhelil."