Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 122: Magic & Secrecy (1)


Ryan was a little embarrassed after being praised by Victor. He wanted to scratch his head, but he didn't move because his hand was still holding Farasi's hand.

Victor added: "But Ryan, your magic ability is a little different from others. If you are willing, I plan to give you a comprehensive test. I wonder if you are willing?"

"Comprehensive test?" Ryan repeated, and then asked: "Master Victor, what is the use of this?"

Victor explained: "I believe you have experienced the test of the Magic Guild. That kind of hierarchical test and promotion was originally a means of motivation, but unfortunately, it has become a drawback that restricts the growth of human magicians." said At this point, Victor felt a little emotional, and he shook his head involuntarily.

Farasi asked: "Teacher Victor, can you tell us about the test? I don't think I have heard you talk about it before."

Victor laughed dumbly. He looked at Faras and saw that the latter's face was full of respect. He smiled and said, "Faras, you are my student, so you don't need to look like this, right?"

Farasi defended: "No, actually I used to..."

Victor interrupted Faras and said, "I prefer your unrestrained way of speaking before. Respecting a person is from the heart, not with sweet words."

Farasi was stunned, and Ryan quickly said for her: "Master Victor, I think it's not a bad thing for Farasi to respect you sometimes, right? As you just said, 'Respecting a person comes from the heart', since Farasi respects you very much, so why should you care whether she talks to you carelessly or respectfully?"

This time it was Victor's turn to be stunned. He suddenly laughed and said, "Well said, well said. I always thought that Ryan was not good at words, but it seems that's not the case?"

Faras glanced gratefully at Ryan who was holding her hand. This small gesture caught Victor's eye. Victor smiled and joked at Ryan and Faras, "I'm telling you, it turns out it's love that makes stupid boys It’s enlightening!”

Faras shyly shook off Ryan's hand, gave Victor a fierce look, and said coquettishly: "I won't come, Victor, you damn ghost, you actually make fun of others like this."

Ryan was not careful when Farasi threw away his hand. He shrugged his shoulders and made a pitiful expression on his face, as if to say: "Look, just because of your words, Farasi doesn't want me."

This action made everyone burst into laughter. Even the shy Farasi burst into tears with laughter. She held her stomach and moaned: "God of wisdom, please save me. My teacher Victor He is disrespectful and bullies me, a poor female student; my captain Ryan is a freak, how can I live in the future!"

Everyone laughed for a while before slowly stopping.

Victor gently rubbed his belly and said, "It's a long story about this test."

Ryan rubbed his cheeks vigorously with his hands, bowed to Victor quickly, and said, "Please speak!"

Victor waved his hand and motioned for everyone to sit down, then stood there proudly with his hands behind his back, and spoke tirelessly: "In this world, there are several different concepts about the use of magic. One This belief believes that magic can be used as the most powerful offensive force. They pursue more powerful power and hope to use magic to destroy everything. The magicians of this group are mainly the Magic Guild of Mochizuki City. Because according to legend, humans are descended from the elves. Learn magic, and the elders and priests of the elves live in the Demon Moon City deep in the Silent Forest in the south of the mainland. The magicians of this sect will improve very quickly in the early stages of learning magic, but when they reach about advanced When you are a magician, you will hit a bottleneck and then stagnate.”

"There is also a group of magicians who believe that magic should be a powerful auxiliary force. After all, magic is not omnipotent, and many things ultimately depend on people themselves. Therefore, this group of humans is working hard to study how to make magic better for humans. Other services. They developed huge stone golems, warships that can sail the sea without manpower, and fortresses that float in the air!"

"This faction was relatively weak at the beginning. After all, everyone hopes that they can have huge power instead of just serving others. However, this faction later produced a very famous figure, the great magician Melen. The magician Melen assisted His Majesty Fernando in establishing this kingdom, and his students became the pillars of the entire kingdom. Because this faction is called the Fernando Sect, because most of their members live in the Magic Guild in the Imperial Capital."

"Since there are huge differences between the two factions, it is inevitable that there will be various disputes and even fights. Later, through various mediations, the two parties agreed to hold a similar meeting every five years. In exchange with the Royal Athletic Competition, the location of the competition is designated by both parties in turn. I also participated in this kind of competition that year, and I was lucky enough to win against Master Blair of Moon Moon City."

Ryan saw Victor pause, and he interrupted: "Is it that time you used the scroll of time and space to defeat Master Blair's magic item that mixed several kinds of magic?"

Victor was slightly surprised and said: "So you also knew? Yes, it was that time."

Faras asked: "So, Teacher Victor, you belong to the Fernando sect?"

After hearing Farasi's words, Victor smiled slightly, but did not answer. He asked instead: "Do you think I am?"

Faras said in confusion: "Since you represent the Magic Guild in the Imperial Capital, you should belong to the Fernando faction, right?"

Victor looked at Ryan and asked, "Lian, what do you think?"

Ryan scratched his head and said, "Why do you have to be from which faction?"

Victor smiled and said: "Yes, the two factions just have different directions in magic research, but they have become two incompatible factions. This has to be said to be a tragedy."

"A long time ago, magicians were not divided into any factions. Everyone was pursuing powerful power. However, when a magician's strength reaches the level of a senior magician, his progress will be slow. The magicians have stagnated. Therefore, magicians have thought of many ways, such as minor training and using magic from another department to make up for the shortcomings of the department they majored in. This improves their strength in disguised form, and some use Magic items.”