Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 124: Magic & Secrecy (3)


"What's even more frustrating is that under the temptation of money, some people have begun to take advantage of the promotion rules. Take the promotion of junior magician as an example. You only need to release five third-level magics to pass. If you don't add a magic core , if only used once, a magic item that releases five third-level magics can be made by at least more than fifty people on the mainland, and the manufacturing cost is less than 100 gold coins. After being promoted to a junior magician, you can enjoy every magic item for life. The monthly allowance is 100 gold coins, and it will only increase and cannot decrease.”

Red interjected: "Doesn't that mean that as long as you are willing to spend some money, you can buy this kind of magic item to cheat?"

Alina retorted to Reid: "When you are promoted, if you use magic items, then the magician who tests you will not notice it?"

Red lightly hit Alina on the head and said disapprovingly: "If you spend 2,000 gold coins to buy magic items, and then use a few thousand gold coins to bribe the magician who tests, if you pass the promotion, you can get back 1,200 gold coins in a year." , as long as he doesn’t live short, he will get his capital back within four or five years, and then there will be a steady stream of gold coins. This business is worth doing!"

Victor sighed and said: "As Red said, this kind of situation is not uncommon on the mainland. So I have been reluctant to make too many magic items for Faras. On the one hand, I always use external forces to control my own strength. There are no benefits to promotion, and on the other hand, I don’t want others to mistakenly think that she was promoted through this method.”

Farasi finally understood what the teacher was thinking, and she said gratefully to Victor: "Thank you, Teacher Victor."

Victor waved his hand and said, "You are my student, don't thank me all the time."

Ryan asked: "What about the promotion of intermediate magicians and senior magicians?"

Victor smiled dumbly and said: "To be promoted to an intermediate magician, you need to release seven level 4 magics, while a senior magician needs nine level 5 magics. The cost of magic items that can release level 4 magic will be higher than that of level 3 magic. At least 100 times more. As for level five magic, haha, there are no more than five people in the entire continent who can make such magic items, such as me. But do you think I would do such a thing for tens of thousands of gold coins?"

Faras pinched the back of Ryan's hand hard, and the sudden pain made Ryan scream out.

Ryan said aggrievedly: "What's wrong? Why are you pinching me?"

Faras said viciously: "Ryan, you are so stupid. As a great magician, my teacher has a monthly allowance of more than one million. Do you think he would do such a boring thing for that small amount of money?"

Victor laughed and said: "In fact, money is still a small matter. The key is that the Magic Guild is not a fool. For the promotion of a senior magician, many magicians are usually invited to watch the ceremony, unless the person who is promoted uses hundreds of millions of gold coins to bribe all the people attending the ceremony. Magician, otherwise..."

Ryan coughed and said mockingly: "Hundreds of millions of gold coins? I guess he just opened a magic guild."

Everyone laughed together.

Victor waited until everyone had laughed and continued: "It's okay not to go for this kind of promotion. However, there must be a standard to measure the strength of a magician, so I made one myself. This thing is mainly to test the strength of magicians. Strength in this aspect, and then conduct an evaluation to find out the shortcomings of the magician, and improve them based on the shortcomings.”

Farasi said reluctantly: "Okay, Victor, such a good thing, but you didn't tell me or let me use it."

Victor shook his head and said: "With your strength, Farasi, you can know the result without testing. Do you know that one test will consume at least 100,000 gold coins in materials."

Ryan was frightened by the huge gold coin. He hesitated and said: "Then forget it. There is no reason to waste money on me."

Faras glared at Ryan fiercely and said, "Isn't it just one hundred thousand? I'm not asking you to pay. My teacher Victor has a monthly allowance of one million, which is enough for you to take ten tests."

Victor smiled bitterly and said: "Farasi, don't keep talking about this number. Do you know that the cost of the Gate of Time and Space scroll I gave you for self-defense alone is more than 2 million gold coins? I usually make five of them before one of them succeeds. Otherwise, do you really think my mage tower is filled with shiny gold coins? I’m not a dragon, and I don’t have that kind of hobby.”

Farasi couldn't help but exclaimed: "So this thing is so expensive? It seems that Teacher Victor, you are pretty good to me."

Victor said: "What do you think? If you were not my student, would you see such a thing? Over the years, I have made no more than 10 in total. Except for the one I keep on my body for self-defense, the others They were all used by His Majesty the Emperor as rewards to important people. I secretly prepared yours and kept them."

Farasi waved her hand and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid that I won't have any money now. Ryan, let's go on an adventure next time. If we are short of money, then we can put this scroll up for auction. I think it can be sold for several million gold coins." ?”

"How many millions?" Victor said loudly: "The price of that one is at least 50 million or more. It is still priceless but not marketable. After all, there are not many people on this continent who can make this kind of thing."

Ryan thought of the used teleportation scroll he had seen in Sheephorn Town, and he asked Victor: "Master Victor, besides you, who else can make it?"

Victor shook his head and said: "At present, I am the only one in the entire empire who can do it. But I don't rule out that others can do it but I don't want to make it public."

Ryan continued to ask: "Except for the scroll you made, have you seen or heard of other people having similar scrolls? Or have the scrolls rewarded by His Majesty the Emperor been lost?"

Victor looked at Ryan deeply and said, "You want to ask if the one in Giethoorn is my work?"

Ryan was a little embarrassed when Victor revealed his true feelings, but this matter was of great importance. He still looked into Victor's eyes and said firmly: "I'm not doubting anyone, I just want to understand."

Victor nodded and said: "Yes, it is very rare not to blindly trust others. But you have to be disappointed. This scroll was not made by me, and its craftsmanship even exceeds my level."

"What?" Ryan was surprised by Victor's words. If it can surpass Victor, who has the title of the number one enchanter on the continent, then who could make it

"The reason why your magic items were made a little later is because I went to study the used scroll." Victor said truthfully: "The harvest is not small."

Although Ryan wanted to know about the teleportation scroll, he also knew that this matter was of great importance. He was not an important person and others might not tell him, so he held back and did not ask further.