Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 127: Victor's test (3)


Victor laughed and said: "Ryan, if all my materials were laid out, I'm afraid it would take 200 rooms as big as just to fit them, and it would be messy. But now I use various Storage pockets for storage. You see, I made markings on the outside of the pockets. If you need anything, you can just reach in and get it."

Ryan followed Victor's hand and saw the words "Seventh Level Fire Magic Core" written on the outside of a storage pocket next to him. With Victor's consent, Ryan put his hand in and pulled out a fist-sized magic core.

Victor explained: "This is the magic core of the seventh-level monster 'Salamander'."

Ryan asked: "Is it so big? I remember that the top of Farasi's magic wand is also a level seven magic core."

Victor said: "Whether the magic core is precious depends on the magic elements contained in it, not the size. It's just that this salamander is larger, so the magic core found is also larger, but the magic elements it contains This item is far inferior to the magic core of a fire-type dragon the size of a fingernail."

Ryan nodded and put the fist-sized magic core back.

Ryan turned around casually. Indeed, as Victor said, there was a lot of material here, many of which Ryan had never heard of. But what impressed Ryan the most was the storage pocket with the word "keel" written on it. He curiously put his hand in, but only touched a small section of bone. This small section of keel bone is very hard, and it does contain a lot of magic elements, but there is nothing strange about its appearance.

Victor said: "This thing is very difficult to get. I bought it back at the Blackstone Auction House for a lot of money, but I haven't decided what to do with it yet, so I just left it here."

Ryan nodded and put it back.

After Ryan had almost turned around, Victor said: "Lian, let's go to the laboratory."

The two walked back into the magic circle, white light flashed, and Victor led Ryan to a very huge room.

"Ryan, this is my laboratory. At the same time, your tests will be conducted here." Victor said.

Ryan turned his head and looked around the room. It looked very messy, with things placed everywhere. There is a long table in one corner, which is filled with many tools. Ryan has learned the basic knowledge of magic circles and barely recognized some of the tools used to carve magic circles.

Ryan looked around and found that the entire room was at least the size of a royal arena. This surprised Ryan, and he couldn't help but ask, "Why is it so big here?"

Victor explained: "Of course it needs to be bigger. Sometimes we conduct some tests of surface attack magic, such as 'meteor falling'. If there is not such a big place, there will definitely be accidental damage."

Ryan looked up and saw not the roof, but the twinkling stars in the sky.

Victor smiled and said: "Ryan, don't think of this as being in a room. In fact, you can think of it as another dimension. Almost all great magicians have more or less The power of opening up a parallel space is like the storage pockets we use. In fact, it is the same principle, except that my magic tower can hold people in, haha."

Ryan was very surprised by all this and kept asking questions, while Victor patiently answered them one by one, which was an eye-opener for Ryan.

After Ryan slowly adapted to the environment here, Victor said: "Lian, let's talk about the test first."

When Ryan heard Victor get to the point, he immediately calmed down and listened carefully.

"The entire test is divided into several aspects. It evaluates your spell casting speed, magic control, spell power, magic ability, recovery ability, etc., and finally finds out your strengths and weaknesses. Then, you You can use your strengths and improve your shortcomings to achieve your goal of improving yourself.”

Victor added: "Lian, I know that you have always advocated keeping a low profile and are usually very unassuming, which suits my temper. Only you and I are present during the entire test process, so you can rest assured to use all your strength. This way It’s only helpful for testing. If the test results are inaccurate, it will do you no good.”

Ryan nodded and said, "Okay. I don't want you to waste 100,000 gold coins in materials."

Victor smiled and said: "Don't worry about money. Ryan, sometimes I really think you are not a magician. How can a magician always consider the issue of gold coins? For a magician who concentrates on studying magic For them, consuming gold coins is their only pleasure. Not to mention anything else, the portal that brought you in cost several thousand gold coins; the teleportation magic I showed you just now consumed hundreds of materials. Gold coins; the daily maintenance cost of my entire magic tower is tens of thousands of gold coins. For magicians, the most lacking thing is always magic rather than gold coins."

Ryan opened his mouth. He was shocked by Victor's words. It seems that this magician is really not something ordinary civilians can do. No wonder it is said that over the years, most magicians have come from noble families. Fortunately, his teacher Delanai didn't mention this when he first taught him magic, otherwise he would definitely be scared away by the huge consumption of gold coins.

Victor didn't know what Ryan was thinking. He waved his right hand, and in another corner of the room, a huge stone suddenly moved. It turned out to be a stone golem.

The stone golem stood up slowly under Victor's command, and then walked around the whole room busily, constantly carrying various things, and soon the entire laboratory was rearranged, leaving Out of a huge area.

After Victor finished doing this, he turned to Ryan and said, "Lian, do you need a break?"

Ryan shook his head and said, "No, being on call at any time is a basic requirement for adventurers."

Victor said: "Okay. Let's do the first test first. You first tell us what magic you know, and then release each magic continuously until you can no longer release it. Let me calculate it. The power of your magic and the speed of your spellcasting. Remember, go all out when testing, don't be low-key."

Ryan replied: "Okay. I will definitely give my best, just treat it as a game that I participate in."

Victor pointed with his hand and said, "Look, there is a magic circle here."

Ryan looked along my hand and saw dense magic symbols flashing on the ground in the area that Victor had just commanded the stone golem to vacate, and in the middle of the magic circle, there was a black circle the size of a person suspended. ball.

"This is your target. It is made of carefully refined black iron. Even I can't destroy it easily, so you don't have to worry about damaging it. Every offensive magic of yours is aimed at it. , I will record your entire process with a memory crystal."