Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 128: Victor's test (4)


Ryan nodded, took a few steps forward, and then stood firmly facing the black iron ball suspended in the air. Ryan himself doesn't know much magic, only ten in total. He plans to release magic missiles first. However, Ryan hasn't figured out how to find the strength to release anything else after releasing all his strength.

"Whatever, we'll talk about it later." Ryan thought.

Ryan took a long breath, and aimed at the black iron ball suspended in the air, he began to release magic missiles.

Magic missiles drew wonderful arcs in the air, flying towards the black iron ball. Ryan released the magic missiles much faster than when he was in the Elmida City mine, one after another. One of the missiles almost formed a straight line.

Under the impact of Ryan's large number of magic missiles, the black iron ball suspended in the air made a slight sound. The frequency of the sound became faster and faster, and gradually mixed into one sound.

The continuous sound echoed throughout the room, making Victor very surprised. Ryan's release speed was so fast, probably comparable to that of a high-level magician.

"Sixty-eight, sixty-nine, seventy..." In a moment, Ryan had released seventy magic missiles in succession. His release speed still did not slow down at all, and the power of each magic missile was also the same as The same continuous sound as the first one still echoed in Victor's ears.

"One hundred and eighty-eight, one hundred and eighty-nine..." Victor thought that Ryan had reached his limit. Even high-level magicians were very few who could release magic missiles 200 times in a row. Unexpectedly, although Ryan's release speed was somewhat Slowed down, but still insisted on continuing to release, but it was obvious that the sound between the front and rear missiles could no longer be connected, and the sound was restored again and again at the beginning.

Ryan's face looked pale, and his body was trembling, but Ryan still insisted on releasing magic missiles, but he could no longer do instant magic missiles. Every time he cast a spell, there would be a short period of time to gather mana.

Victor knew that Ryan was struggling with his will at this time. The longer he persisted, the more helpful it would be for his future growth, so Victor just stood aside and watched quietly without speaking.

"Two hundred and thirty-five, two hundred and thirty-six, two hundred and thirty-seven..."

When Ryan trembled and released the 238th magic missile, he could no longer hold on. His tired legs could no longer support the weight of his body, and he fell limply to the ground.

Victor flew up, supported Ryan, and then gently carried him to a chair not far away and sat down.

Ryan's mouth was wide open and he was barely breathing. All his energy seemed to have been released with the magic. It was difficult to even move, let alone take a big breath.

Victor glanced at the record, suppressed his inner excitement and said to Ryan: "Well done, Ryan."

Ryan asked weakly: "What...what...situation...?"

Victor said excitedly: "238 magic missiles, this is a really good result."

All Ryan's strength was used up to breathe, and he couldn't continue talking at all. When Victor saw that Ryan was so tired, he didn't bother him. Instead, he let Ryan sit there quietly leaning against the chair.

After a while, Ryan slowly stood up holding the chair.

"Did you recover so quickly? Don't you want to rest for a while?" Victor's voice sounded.

Ryan looked at Victor and said, "It's okay. You can move around forcefully. Hey, I usually only release a hundred times during practice. Today I did it 138 times more and I'm so exhausted."

Victor was stunned and asked Ryan: "Do you practice this kind of practice every day?"

Ryan said naturally: "Yeah, how can I improve without practice? My teacher asked me to release magic missiles a hundred times every day. It used to be very difficult to do. But recently, it has been nothing. If I weren't bored, I won’t do anything like simulating smiling faces.”

Victor couldn't help but admire Ryan's teacher Delanai very much, and thought to himself: "A master is a master, and the methods of teaching students are different. But it seems that Ryan does not know the true identity of his magic teacher Delanai , I won’t tell you.”

"Very good, Ryan, since you think you are okay, let's proceed to the next test." Victor said: "I just tested you on the magic missile, and then you took a short rest. Now You release the magic missile with all your strength again, and the target is still the black iron ball."

"Again?" Ryan couldn't help but ask, "Why do you continue to release it again?"

Victor explained: "This depends on your recovery ability and resilience. Many times, the magician's enemies will not appear when you are the strongest, but will look for your weakest moment. The magician killer back then was He hides aside and waits for the moment when the magician is at his weakest before taking action. Therefore, this aspect is a very important ability for the magician."

Ryan nodded, he fully agreed with Victor's words. Ryan took a long breath. Although his face was still tired, there was a stoic look in his eyes.

When Ryan was a child, he once participated in a hunting trip. His martial arts teacher Ghalib deliberately injured a black bear, and then followed it closely with Ryan, allowing Ryan to feel the injured monster's desire to survive.

The black bear escaped for three days and three nights in the Hengduan Mountains with serious injuries, and finally reached a desperate situation.

Faced with a desperate situation with a cliff in front and a powerful hunter behind him, the dying black bear did not choose to give up, but turned around and rushed towards the young Ryan.

The black bear's eyes full of desire for survival greatly shocked the young Ryan. It turned out that the desire for life could support this black bear to escape here, and it could also choose to attack the one most likely to let him in order to survive. Escape goal.

Jialib's words were still fresh in Ryan's memory: "As long as you don't give up, you still have hope. Just like this black bear, if it had given up three days ago, it would not be alive until now."

That incident had a great impact on Ryan. The young Ryan gradually developed a persevering character. Although he was usually silent, he was very strong inside. It was this strength that allowed Ryan to dare to face the lich in Elmida City and finally win.

Ryan dragged his tired legs and stood firmly facing the black iron ball. At this moment, his mind was blank, and there was only the dark ball in his eyes.

Unknowingly, a warm current flowed through Ryan's body, and he felt his energy begin to slowly recover. The "spiritual vibration" taught to Ryan by Mr. Delanai slowly began to take effect when Ryan was at his weakest.