Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 129: Victor's test (5)


Ryan only felt a warm current flowing through his body. Wherever this warm current went, his tired body felt as if it had been illuminated by the sun, making it feel warm and comfortable.

Ryan clearly felt that the magic energy in his body was slowly recovering. He took a deep breath again, raised his hands, and began to cast magic on the black iron ball suspended in the air.

Compared to the time just now, Ryan seems to have reached a balance now. Although the speed of releasing magic missiles is a little slower than the instant release just now, the short release time is almost impossible to be interrupted by the opponent. Casting magic, and every time Ryan releases a magic missile, the warmth in his body will slowly emit a heat flow. This heat flow quickly flows through Ryan's body, quickly replenishing the energy consumed by Ryan's magic missile release. Most of the magic power.

With the supplement of this magic power, Ryan clearly felt that he had entered a wonderful state. The magic power contained in his body was gathered together under his command, and then a new magic was released, and then the warm current would slowly slow down. to replenish the magic power he consumes, then gather the magic power by himself, and then release the magic...

Ryan continued to release magic over and over again. He felt that his body was gradually getting tired, but the magic in his body could still support him to continue to release magic. This feeling was so wonderful, and Ryan was completely immersed in this feeling.

Victor, who was observing carefully from the side, was greatly shocked. Ryan in front of him had obviously entered a strange state. His body had reached a kind of balance, and the magic power required to release the magic missile was being used in an unusual way. Supplementing the method known to Victor, Victor's mind quickly ran through all the information about magic that he could remember, hoping to find an explanation.

Victor remembered that he seemed to have seen a similar situation in a certain book, and he tried his best to recall it, hoping to remember it. However, Victor's face clearly showed that he could not remember where he had seen a similar situation.

Victor couldn't help but sigh and thought to himself: "As expected of the master's student, he has such magical attainments at such a young age... Wait, I remembered it!"

Victor suddenly remembered a very old magic book he had read when he was young. It was a tattered magic book stacked in an inconspicuous corner of the Magic Guild Library. The book had been damaged beyond recognition. It was this that aroused Victor's curiosity.

For all important magic books, magicians will use a special kind of paper mixed with metals such as mithril to make them, which can last for thousands of years. However, this book is written on ordinary paper. If it is of no use, how can it be placed in the Imperial Capital Magic Guild Library? Those who can read here must at least have the title of senior magician.

Victor picked up the book casually and opened it. The damage inside was too serious. Many of the contents were blurred and unrecognizable. However, a small part could still be seen clearly. It was a description and description of a theory. Explore.

Victor still clearly remembers every word written above. He also spent a lot of time studying it, but in the end it proved that it was an impossible dream.

The theory is very simple, it is to explore whether magicians can achieve eternal spellcasting.

The person who wrote that book believed that when the magician's recovery ability exceeds the cost of releasing magic, he can achieve eternal spellcasting.

At that time, the only thing that restricts the growth of the magician is the magician's fragile body.

Because magic power can be endless, but physical strength cannot achieve this.

While recalling the situation at that time, Victor secretly guessed: "The young man in front of me, Ryan, seemed to have achieved the situation described in the book in a short period of time because of some willingness. Perhaps, it was the research of this young man's teacher in this area. Have you found the direction? In today's era, human beings have gradually lost their fighting spirit. Most people are content with the status quo and do not want to make progress. Since I was promoted to a great magician, I can no longer find anyone to ask for magic knowledge. Yes, it’s really uncomfortable to explore alone on the long magic road.”

Ryan didn't know what Victor was thinking. His whole heart was immersed in the state before him, and he continuously released magic missiles. The sufficient magic power contained in Ryan's body was in sharp contrast with his increasingly tired body. .

Ryan has been gritting his teeth and persisting hard. He no longer has any feeling in his lower body, and the arms in his upper body seem to be as heavy as a thousand pounds. Every swing must use up every ounce of strength in his body.

Human willpower is indeed extremely powerful and can make people do many things beyond imagination, but willpower is not omnipotent after all. When the body reaches its limit, willpower will no longer allow Ryan to continue to persevere.

"Is this the limit?" The last thought flashed through Ryan's mind. He only felt that his eyes were blurry, and the whole room was slowly getting smaller, and then entered the boundless darkness.


Faras stretched longly. After the fierce confrontation, he was able to rest comfortably under the big tree and enjoy the breeze blowing on his face. It was really a kind of gratitude.

The entire Leisi team just conducted an exercise in the backyard of Farasi's house. The result made Farasi very satisfied: everyone has been able to skillfully use the magic items given to them by Victor, and they cooperated very well during the practice.

Farasi nodded proudly. She believed that she would win the game easily in a few days. When Ryan comes back, everyone can fight against Simone's magician team together. If they win again, Raisi's team will enter the top eight. .

Thinking that she could enter the top eight and even compete with the Royal Knights team for the championship, Faras was very happy. Being able to defeat the Royal Knights team in the Royal Athletic Competition is almost the dream of every team participating in the competitive competition, right

Faras couldn't help but think of Ryan. This usually silent young man often acted unexpectedly at critical moments. It was the huge contrast between before and after that attracted Faras' attention. As the understanding deepened, Faras She found that her heart had been filled with Ryan's shadow, and she found that she could no longer leave this captain who was even a little confused. A smile appeared on Faras's lips, and her heart couldn't help but call out: "Dear Ryan, I haven’t seen you for a few days, how are you now?”