Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 13: First impression of Giethoorn


Ryan greeted Mayor Zhelile and said: "Hello, Mayor Zhelile, I am Ryan, and this is my companion. We took over the task of eradicating thieves issued by you in Alpha City. "

After listening to Ryan's words, Zhelile looked at Ryan up and down, and then led Ryan and Allendo into the black tent.

The floor in the big black tent is covered with thick carpets. These carpets are all woven from wool and seem to be carefully embroidered with some kind of pattern. However, it is obvious that this carpet has been used for a long time and is no longer identifiable. Find out what pattern is embroidered on it.

The space in the black tent is really quite large. Although the tent is divided into two parts with a black wool blanket, the outer part alone is enough for thirty or forty people to stand. It is in sharp contrast to the short gray tents outside.

Mayor Zhelile invited Ryan and Allendo to sit on the floor with him around a short table. His sturdy young men lowered their heads and stood respectfully behind them.

Soon, a young maid brought three white drinks.

Ryan picked up the cup and took a sip. He felt that the white drink was very sour and had a faint smell. He couldn't get used to this taste at all. In order not to be rude, Ryan reluctantly swallowed what was in his mouth, and then gently placed the cup on the table.

Seeing Ryan's actions, Mayor Zhelile smiled and said, "This is goat's milk unique to our grasslands. It does taste a little different. It seems that the respected magician doesn't like it."

Ryan explained: "Please call me Ryan. I haven't drunk it, I just feel sour."

Mayor Zhelile couldn't stop laughing. He laughed and said: "Every new guest will not be used to this taste. Unlike the people here who drink it every day, they have long been used to it."

After saying that, Zhelile signaled the maid to bring two glasses of water and removed the goat milk.

Ryan immediately picked up the water and took a big sip.

Mayor Zhelile looked at Ryan, smiled and slowly talked about the scenery on the grassland, the various customs of the herdsmen, and even the Victory Day celebration, as if the task of eliminating thieves was not issued by him, and the town of Yangjiao also Never encountered a thief.

Ryan tried to bring the topic to the thieves several times, but Mayor Zhelile deliberately led him away.

This way of talking made Ryan very uncomfortable. He took advantage of Zhelile to drink the goat's milk from the wooden cup and said straight to the point: "Mayor Zhelile, we want to know some specific information about the thief problem in Yangjiao Town first."

Before Mayor Zhelile could speak, a loud message came from outside the tent: "Haha, the mayor has a visitor, how can I not come?"

Before he finished speaking, a man of about thirty years old with a very sturdy appearance walked away. He had a white scarf on his head and clothes made of gray wool. Behind him were four men with bows on their waists. The young man with the knife.

After the man wearing a white turban walked into the tent, he glanced at the three people present and landed directly on Ryan's chest. He saw Ryan's magic apprentice badge.

The man wearing a white turban was startled for a moment, and then said with a cheerful smile: "It turns out to be Mr. Magician, I'm sorry. My name is Aqimu. I own the largest number of Talen sheep, the strongest war horse and The toughest warrior, if you have any questions, you may as well ask me."

Before Ryan could speak, Zhelile said quickly: "Aqimu, Mr. Ryan and his friends are my guests, what are you doing here?"

Azimu laughed loudly and said: "If I am not mistaken, this Mr. Lane and his friends are here to help our Yangjiao Town eliminate thieves. As a member of Yangjiao Town, of course I have the responsibility to let them go." The two respected magicians have obtained the most detailed information."

Mayor Zhelile's face changed, and he said loudly: "I am the mayor of Yangjiao Town. If there is anything I will naturally tell the two guests, there is no more business for you here. You can go about your own business."

After hearing Zhelile's words, Azimu's expression also changed, but he recovered quickly.

Azimu looked at Zhelile with contempt and said, "Yes, Mr. Mayor. But I hope you think about it before speaking."

After saying that, Azimu left with his guards.

Mayor Zhelile held the wooden cup filled with goat's milk in his hand. His hands kept shaking and he was extremely angry. He suddenly put the wooden cup on the table and said to Ryan: "Dear Magician, I am a little unwell. Let's discuss it in detail tomorrow. Please go and rest first." After that, Zhelile didn't wait for Ryan. Talk to Alan Duo, stand up directly, and walk into the tent separated by a black wool blanket.

The young man behind Zhelile quickly walked to Ryan, led Ryan and Allendo out of the tent where the mayor lived, and sent them into another small gray tent a few dozen steps away.

This small gray tent is completely different from the one that Mayor Zhelile lives in. The space inside is very small. You will hit the tent wall after walking about five or six steps. The height is not high, but it can barely allow a person to stand. Straight body.

There was not even a carpet in the entire tent, and the ground that had been burned by fire was directly exposed. If you camp on the grassland for a long time, you will use fire to burn all the turf in the camping area to expose the smooth ground, so that you will not feel damp. In the corner of the tent, there is a small table. Next to the table are two tattered wool blankets, probably for sleeping.

After the young man left, Ryan and Allendo picked up the wool blanket and spread it on the ground. Then they sat side by side and whispered about what had just happened.

Allendo said: "Lian, look, the situation here is very strange."

Ryan said: "Yes, Mayor Zhelile seems unwilling to talk about the thieves, and what the man named Aqimu said seems to have other meanings."

Allendo said: "I can feel that the man named Aqimu seems to be the key to the whole thing. You see, even Zhelile, who is the mayor, is very afraid of him."

Ryan sighed and said: "There are really a lot of things going on in this Yangjiao Town. There are thieves on the outside, and there seems to be discord on the inside."

Allendo said: "I think the top priority is to talk to the mayor again to clarify the current situation. I think the mayor seemed to have concerns when he talked to us just now, so he didn't want to talk more. You see, we didn't talk for long. , Azimu came in a hurry, if no one informed him, how could he come so fast? "

Ryan agreed and said, "Okay. I'll go see the mayor again in the evening. I'll go quietly so that no one else knows."

Allendo said: "Okay, then I will sneak out of the town at night. My wind wolves are still outside. I will let them monitor Yangjiao Town. If anyone goes out, then I will follow them."

Throughout the day, although people came and went in Giethoorn Town, no one approached Ryan and Alando's tents, as if they didn't exist at all.

Finally, at night, Ryan and Allendo split up. Allendo took advantage of the night and quietly sneaked out of Giethoorn Town. The wooden wall as high as one person did not stop Allendo's footsteps at all.

Watching Allendo gently pull out the wooden wall of Giethoorn Town, Ryan adjusted his clothes and quietly walked towards the black tent where the mayor lived.

As soon as Ryan walked outside the tent, he heard voices inside. He put his ear against the tent and carefully identified it.

Inside, two people were arguing loudly. The mayor's voice seemed hoarse, and the one arguing with him was Azimu.

Ryan's heart moved. He did not go in directly. Instead, he looked around and found that no one noticed him. He walked gently to the shadow behind the tent and listened carefully to the conversation inside the tent.

I only heard Azimu say: "That's enough, you coward. You said you were afraid of too much loss to the town; and you thought the price offered by others was too high; you issued a reward mission, and after waiting for so many days, you Two young magic apprentices are here, what can they do?"

Zhelile's voice was a little hoarse. He said: "Aqimu, I am the mayor of Yangjiao Town. I naturally have my own plans and I don't need you to tell me what to do."

Azimu said: "You old guy, you don't belong to Yangjiao Town alone. If you continue to hesitate like this, when they lose patience and come directly, everything will be over. You don't care about your My heart aches for the four women and the large herd of talons.”

Zhelile listened to Aqimu's words and said nothing.

Seeing that his words had an effect, Azim said proudly: "It took a lot of effort for my people to contact them. As you can see, although they kept coming some time ago, our losses were not It’s not big, they just lost some sheep and horses, but the people are fine. Their request is actually not too high if you think about it carefully, it’s just 3,000 war horses.”

"3,000 horses?" Zhelile heard this number and shouted loudly: "We only have 5,000 horses in total. They will take most of them in one go. What will we do in the future?"

Azimu said: "You are not worthy of being the mayor of Yangjiao Town. You know what is in front of you. If they really come in, it won't be about some horses. You will lose your life! Without your life, you What's the use of having those? Those four women of yours will also fall into the arms of others..."

"That's enough!" Zhelile interrupted Azimu impatiently.

Azimu ignored Zhelile and continued: "Alfa's defense officer has also come, and your bounty mission has also been announced. What effect does it have? Do you really think that those two children have not even grown their hair?" What use can it be? Do you want me to tell you the truth? We have to rely on ourselves for everything. They have given us a deadline tomorrow night. If you don’t reply, they will come and get it themselves when the sun rises the day after tomorrow. Think about it yourself."

The tent door was opened and Azimu strode out.