Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 133: The target of public criticism


Seeing that the Leisi team won with an absolute advantage, except for a few people who bought the victory of the Plantagenet family team in the underground casino, the vast majority of the audience cheered for them.

Bailey-Reeves sat quietly in the noble box, listening to the noisy cheers outside, but he was extremely shocked in his heart. He originally thought that Farasi had only improved slightly and his own strength had also greatly improved, so he didn't take Farasi to heart. Since participating in the competition, Bailey-Reeves has regarded the Holy Knights as his biggest enemy, collecting a large amount of information on his opponents and preparing for the battle with all his strength.

Speaking of which, Bailey-Reeves would also like to thank his father, Chad Reeves, because of his reminder that he accidentally came to watch Faras' game today and saw a shocking scene.

In this game, the Leisi team completely defeated the Plantagenet team, but what Bailey saw was something deeper: the Leisi team had only been established for half a year, but they had such tacit cooperation. Looking back in hindsight, the warrior's flying shield and throwing mage's magic stroke had already declared Plantagenet's defeat. Taking advantage of the interference from his teammates, Faras did not give the enemy any chance to stand up. One person forcibly used magic to suppress the spellcasting of the two opponents.

There are also priests who knock out their opponents with hammers, and thieves who attack the mage's "vital points", all of which show that this is an eclectic team of adventurers. They will not stick to any form. For them, any means, as long as it does not exceed Human moral restraints can be used as long as they can allow one to win.

To be honest, Bailey is most worried about this kind of opponent. He once carefully studied the style of the Holy Knights team. This is a highly disciplined and extremely rigorously trained team. He can use various means of frontal combat. However, due to the constraints of the Holy Knights' oath, his side only needs to use Some methods do not mean that there is no chance of victory, but there is no absolute certainty.

However, the Raisi team suddenly emerged and clearly demonstrated their ability to win the championship. In these two games, the Leisi team did not use their full strength at all. Even if they met the Gorse with the same configuration as themselves, they still had some strength left. This is what worries Bailey the most. How high can Farasi and the others reach in terms of strength

Bailey held the handle of the chair tightly. He remembered what his father once said: "The most terrifying opponent is not the most powerful one, but the one you don't understand. In the former case, you can use all available means. , and for the latter, you are completely helpless.”

"Faras, what kind of opportunities have you had in the past six months?" Bailey said to himself: "You really have some expectations. Your next opponent should be Simeone's team, right? I think How do you deal with the attack of five magicians?"

"No matter how much your strength improves, since I can defeat you once, I can defeat you again. The champion of this competitive competition must be me, Beile. This will be my first step to reach the pinnacle of power!"

Berebere stood up abruptly. He looked down at the arena and saw Faras with a smile on her face, celebrating her victory with her companions.

Bailey said in a voice that only he could hear: "No one can stop me. One day, I will look down at the earth like I am today, one day!"

At the same time, in a corner of the arena auditorium.

Letoz and his party, who came from the Whispering Forest in the south, are sitting here. They have just witnessed the match of Team Leis.

Ivan whispered to Letoz, who was looking serious next to him: "Don't be so serious, learn to smile."

A short man sitting on the other side of Letoz said to Ivan with a look of disgust: "Shut up, you fox."

Ivan shrugged his shoulders, not caring at all about Harm's attitude.

"Ham, don't be like this. After all, we are a unit now." Letoz, with a serious face, said to Ham sitting on his right: "Everyone should focus on the opponent."

Ivan whistled and looked at Ham with provocative eyes. With Letoz, he wouldn't have to worry about this short guy falling out with him.

Ham clenched his fist tightly, and there was a crisp sound of "click, click" between the joints. He stared at Ivan and said: "Sooner or later, you, the jungle fox, will be pulled out by me." That fur of yours!”

Ivan held down Haz and Sergey who were sitting behind him with his hands. He smiled and said, "It's not today anyway, isn't it?"

Letoz said impatiently: "Don't keep going on forever, Ivan. Pay attention to your tone when you speak. You know that Ham has an upright temperament, but you always say provocative words. And you, Ham, I have said many times, no matter what Ivan has done in the past, he is now our teammate and we must live in peace. If you continue like this, our ideals will not be realized."

Everyone listened quietly to the "King of the Jungle"'s lesson. Ham loosened his fist, and Ivan also changed his playful smile and became very serious.

Letoz was very satisfied with his companions' respect for him. He whispered: "Based on some information collected by Ivan, we need to carefully observe several more powerful teams. Today, the Leisi team won another victory, and Obviously they didn't use their full strength. If they were drawn together after entering the top eight, it would be quite troublesome. I remember they had 2 warriors and 2 magicians, plus a priest. This is a powerful attack power and A defensively capable team.”

Letoz looked around at his companions, and then continued: "We have neither magicians nor priests. Our tactics can only be one. So if we encounter such a team with a well-balanced professional mix, we must use our best tactics." Fast speed to attack their weakest link."

Just as he said this, Letoz subconsciously felt that someone was watching him from the opposite side. He raised his head and looked towards the stands opposite. He saw a man in a cloak and a man in a magician's robe facing each other. Pointing to oneself. The two men opposite did not expect that Letoz suddenly raised his head and looked towards them. Their eyes met in the air. After looking at each other for a while, the two men lowered their heads, as if they were discussing something.

Letoz's teammates also noticed someone peeking at them, but when they all raised their heads and looked across the way, they only saw empty stands.