Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 141: Ryan returns


Faras and her sister Sophie talked for a while in the bedroom, and she decided to go out for a walk again.

Because after tomorrow, the second round of the competitive competition will end, and the Leisi team will face the last opponent, the Simeone team. It has been nearly 10 days since Ryan went with Victor for testing, but there has been no news at all, which worries Farasi.

Of course, Faras is not worried about Ryan's safety. With the great magician accompanying him, and Ryan himself having considerable strength, there is absolutely no problem in this regard. Faras is worried about what to do against Simeone's team in five days if Ryan has not come back.

Although Simone's magician team relied entirely on magic scrolls to win, they refused to deny that this combat method was very close to Ryan's combat ideas, which relied on rapid magic to suppress the opponent, and then looked for opportunities to deliver a fatal blow. If Ryan can't play, it will be a bit difficult for a magician by himself.

Faras put on clothes and a magician's robe, and took the ring and magic wand given to her by Victor with her.

After doing all this, Faras said hello to her sister, gently opened the door and walked out.

The night sky was glittering with stars, and the cool air made Farasi couldn't help but sneeze. After all, she had just taken a shower and stayed in a warm room. Now that she suddenly came out, her body would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable.

Faras rubbed her nose, straightened the magician's robe, and then walked towards where Red lived.

Among the entire Raisi team, Oz has a straightforward personality and Alina is innocent and lively. It is easy to get along with them, but it is not possible to discuss the team's tactics. Neither Oz nor Alina can help Faras in terms of team command, operations, tactics, etc. For them, it is more about being able to resolutely implement the captain's arrangements.

During this period of time, Alando was taciturn and rarely communicated with his companions in private. Faras was attentive and knew that Alando was still a little immersed in the shadow of the death of the wind wolf, so she was not prepared to disturb him.

After all the calculations, only the Reverend Reid in Leisi's team could make some useful suggestions.

To get to Red's place, you must first pass by Ryan's place. As soon as Faras walked to the door of Ryan's residence, she saw a large group of white light suddenly appearing in the yard, which was so dazzling in the starry night.

"Teleportation magic!" Faras subconsciously prepared for battle. Who knew whether it was an enemy or a friend.

The white light expanded rapidly and stopped changing when it could accommodate a person entering and exiting. Then two figures slowly walked out of the white light.

Due to the stimulation of the light, Faras was unable to identify the person who came out of the white light. She only heard a voice that haunted her: "Master Victor, it seems we have arrived."

"Ryan!" Faras couldn't wait to shout out this familiar name.

"Eh, Fani?" Ryan looked along the voice and saw Farasi, wearing a magician's robe, standing not far from him, with a pair of big bright eyes looking at him.

Ryan felt a warm feeling in his heart. Faras was still outside his residence at such a late hour. Is she still waiting for him

"Haha, Ryan, Faras." Victor's voice sounded: "Is this a telepathic connection? Yes, yes, I'll leave first, you guys can talk slowly."

Before Faras and Ryan could speak, Victor walked back into the white light. This large group of white light flashed sharply for a few times again, then quickly shrank and quickly disappeared into the air.

When the teleportation magic circle was completely completed, only Ryan and Faras were left in the entire yard.

At this moment, the boy and girl only had each other in their eyes. They rushed towards each other in unison, and then hugged each other tightly.

Ryan hugged Farasi's soft body tightly with both hands and whispered in Farasi's ear: "It's so late, why don't you go to rest? I didn't expect you to be still here waiting for me."

"I hate it." Faras gently hit Ryan on the back: "Who is waiting for you?"

Ryan only thought that the girl Farasi was shy and didn't want to admit it. He used force on his hands and hugged Farasi tighter. Ryan felt the tenderness of holding this beloved girl in his heart, and couldn't help but be crazy.

Faras nestled in Ryan's arms. She was only half a head shorter than Ryan. Her cheeks just felt the heat of Ryan's breath. This was the breath of her close lover. Faras couldn't help but feel hot in her heart, and her body couldn't help but tremble. .

Ryan completely felt the movements of his close lover in his arms. He let go of Faras a little, stared at the slightly rosy little face in front of him, and asked with concern: "Fani, why are you shaking? Are you cold? ?”

Farasi rolled her eyes at Ryan charmingly, but said nothing. This action made Ryan's heart tremble.

Ryan felt that his mind was in chaos. He suddenly lowered his head and kissed Faras's slightly raised red lips.

"Well." Faras was suddenly attacked by Ryan. She was not mentally prepared at all and struggled subconsciously. However, Faras clearly felt the strong love in Ryan's heart and the clumsy movements on his mouth. She closed her eyes shyly, hugged Ryan tightly with both hands, then stood on tiptoes slightly and stuck out her tongue.

This action made the two of them feel like they were struck by lightning, and their whole bodies could not help but tremble.

The stars were brilliant, silently blessing the happy couple.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Faras only felt a feeling of happiness filling her body. She felt a little dizzy and her body was a little unsteady. Ryan hugged Faras in time and gently stroked her back.

Faras rolled her eyes at Ryan again and said softly: "Are you feeling proud this time? You have taken advantage of me!"

Ryan took a deep breath and slowly resumed his intense heartbeat. He opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Ryan's every move was watched by Farasi. Farasi stretched out her white and tender hands, gently touched Ryan's face and said, "Lyan, your face is so hot."

Ryan hugged Farasi tightly with his left hand. He raised his right hand and pressed it on Farasi's little hand, which was caressing his face. Then Ryan looked at Faras seriously and said, "Fani, I will make you as happy as you are today for the rest of your life."


"No, Fanny, I'm serious!"

"Of course I know, fool. In fact, I know even if you don't tell me!"

"But, I think it's important to say something in this kind of situation."


"I hate it, Fanny, I'm not a fool."

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