Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 144: Royal Knights (2)


"Furthermore," Faras continued: "Since Fernando I used the 'Same Hatred' to attack the main formation of the Undead Army and successfully defeated the evil devil, the leaders of the Royal Knights over the years must be believers of the God of War and be blessed by the God of War, otherwise The Royal Knights have lost their biggest weapon. This is why the old leader recommended my brother-in-law before his death, because among the five people who were qualified to be the leader at that time, only my brother-in-law Orlando was blessed by the God of War. !”

Reid nodded and said: "I understand. No wonder Lord Orlando was inconspicuous among the five at that time. In terms of strength, military rank and even prestige, he was completely inferior to others but he was able to stand out. There was a lot of discussion at that time. So that's what happened. ah."

Farasi whispered: "This is a pretty big secret. You'd better keep it a secret, otherwise if others find out, my brother-in-law won't say anything and my sister will definitely be angry."

Ryan said: "Don't worry, Fanny. Everyone knows the importance of this matter and will not talk nonsense."

At this moment, the horn sounded for both sides to enter the arena. Everyone immediately stopped chatting and looked into the arena together.

The five members of the Holy Knights squad filed out, and Faras whispered to them: "The one at the front is the captain of this team, Christina. The four people behind are Ken Allsopp and Carl. Wen, Wendy, and White. Except for Ken Allsopp, who is a descendant of a declining noble, the other four are all from common people."

Reid interjected: "Actually, the last nobleman who was promoted through the Holy Knight was about five years ago. More and more nobles are focusing on having fun and not caring about anything else."

Faras glared at Red and said, "Don't make trouble, now is not the time to think about this."

Red closed his mouth obediently.

Farasi continued: "They have been practicing hard together for three years, and their cooperation with each other is quite tacit. This is indeed a very tricky team."

Ryan asked in a low voice: "What is the way they fight? What are their characteristics?"

Farasi replied: "So far, their opponents have not been strong enough to make them feel threatened, so there is no way to know their strength."

Just as he was talking, the horn sounded to start the game, and everyone immediately turned their attention to the arena again.

As the colorful magic barrier disappeared, the five holy knights of the Royal Knights team also moved. They sprinted towards their opponents with great tacit understanding and launched a fast attack.

Only one of the knights' opponents had time to draw the bowstring. Before he could shoot an arrow, Christina had already rushed in front of the archer. The female rider raised her left hand holding the shield and pointed at the bowstringer. The hand waved over.

With a sound of "touch!", the poor archer was hit hard by Christina's shield on the face. Blood splattered everywhere and he fainted.

At the same time, the other four knights also used the same method to easily defeat their opponents. As five white lights flashed, the game ended with the Cavaliers winning without any suspense.

The entire arena was once again filled with shouts of "Glory! Glory!"

The members of the Leisi team sitting in the noble box were stunned. After a moment, Ryan looked at Allendo and said, "Can you do it?"

Allen thought about it carefully and answered Ryan: "It won't work without transforming."

Alina asked in confusion: "What can be done?"

Faras touched Alina and said, "It should refer to speed."

Ryan nodded and said: "That's right. You see, from the beginning of the game to the time when the female knight rushed in front of the opponent, the opponent only had time to draw the bow string. I weighed it in my own mind, and I couldn't do it without the blessing of the 'Wind Technique' of."

Farasi complained: "How can you call it 'Wind Technique'? There is no such magic that can increase the speed in a short period of time and then cause coma."

Ryan shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's how Teacher Delanai taught me. He didn't tell me the name. He said it was called Fireball, didn't I just think so? What's the point of mentioning the name? "

Faras was no longer obsessed with this matter. She looked at Red and said, "In that little time, what magic can you release in time?"

Reid waved his hand and shook his head and said: "It's difficult. If I concentrate on it, I can give you a 'Sacred Shield' at most, and I won't care about anything else. If they still have me as their target, maybe this 'Sacred Shield' will have to be Blessed myself.”

Alina said in surprise: "Isn't that a sure defeat?"

Ryan saw that everyone was a little pessimistic, and quickly comforted him: "That's not necessarily the case!"

Faras turned to look at her close lover, with a questioning look in her eyes.

Ryan explained: "It is true that their speed was so fast that it was difficult for their opponents to react. For example, today, only the archer had time to draw the bow string, and they were all knocked unconscious. But this is not It means we have no power to fight back.”

A confident smile appeared on Ryan's face: "If we meet them in the next game, Allendo will transform into a wind wolf before the game starts, and he will never lose to the opponent in terms of speed. And Falas and I I will use magic to block their attack route as soon as possible. I believe that with my spell casting speed, it is impossible not to be able to release magic before they get close."

"But," Farasi asked in return: "No matter how fast you cast spells, you can't stop five opponents. Even if you cast spells quickly and knock down one, Allen will transform and defeat one. What about the others? Don't forget that there are still three of them. Well, once a few of us get close, we'll be in trouble."

Ryan smiled and said, "Fani, who says no?"

Faras rolled her eyes. She was so smart and she immediately thought of her teacher Victor. Faras immediately said, "Did Victor teach you something?"

Ryan didn't answer, but there was a look of praise in his eyes, as if he was praising his close lover's intelligence.

Alina saw Ryan and Faras communicating with each other with their eyes, and said unhappily: "Sister. Your sister and Orlando are like this, and so are you. Is there anything you can't say directly?"

Faras remembered that she had said similar words to her brother-in-law and sister, and she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Ryan stood up and said: "Okay, let's go back. Let's discuss how to deal with Simeone's team tonight. In four days, we will be in the top eight. Maybe our next opponent will be these knights."

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