Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 167: Cathedral of San Nebiro (1)


As soon as the genius dawned, the members of the Leis team arrived at the Cathedral of Saint Nebiro in a carriage.

Today's event is, on the one hand, Red's repeated request. After all, Red never "came home" after following Faras on his adventure; on the other hand, Faras also kept saying that Saint Ness The Biro Cathedral can be said to be the highest expression of the artistic achievements of the Holy Alliance Empire. Now that everyone has come to the imperial capital, it would be a real pity not to visit it.

When Ryan stepped into the Cathedral of San Nebiro, the solemnity and solemnity in the huge main hall of the church were in sharp contrast with the noisy and lively streets outside. Just after getting off the carriage, it was still the bustling streets of the imperial capital, and when he walked in Here, Ryan felt a sudden enlightenment in his heart.

The early morning sun shines through large swaths of the church skylight, and the soft light illuminates the huge space inside the church. The first thing that caught the sight of Team Leis was the huge statue of the God of Light. This statue is the work of Fernando I and was erected here at the moment when the Basilica of San Nebiro was built.

The statue is a young man wearing extremely simple clothes. It is said that this is the image of the supreme god of light in the continent of Eslar. The man shows his toned muscles and delicate texture, and even the pleats of his clothes are lifelike, flowing naturally as if they were real. The man held his chest high and his head high, looking straight into the distance with piercing eyes, as if he was looking at the suffering in the world. People couldn't help but worship him when they saw him.

On both sides of the church stand the God of War, who is wearing golden armor, holding a shield in one hand, and a sword in the other, and the God of Wisdom, holding a green staff and wearing a silver-white robe.

Reid explained to everyone: "It is said that hundreds of thousands of years ago, the God of Light defeated the evil demons and banished them to another world. In that protracted war, the God of War and the God of Wisdom were the God of Light's right-hand men."

Faras added: "In fact, the members of the Royal Knights are all believers of the God of War, but not many can receive the blessing of the God of War. Most of them are secondary gods or divine attendants of the God of War; and those from the Royal Academy of Magic Magicians are all believers in the God of Wisdom, including me of course.”

"What about you, Red?" Ryan asked, "Who does the pastor of the Church of Light believe in?"

"It's the supreme god of light!" came a voice.

Everyone looked along the sound and saw an old man standing nearby. He was wearing a black robe inlaid with gold and a dark golden crown on his head. He was Reid's teacher, the Archbishop of the Church of Light, a senior Master Ibel, Priest of Light.

Red quickly bowed deeply to the old man and said, "Teacher."

Master Yibel smiled at everyone, and the members of Team Leisi suddenly felt warm and indescribably comfortable in their bodies.

"You're finally here," Master Yibel unexpectedly said to Ryan, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Wait for me?" Ryan pointed at himself in great surprise and asked Master Ibel: "Master, I have been living in my hometown before. Logically speaking, you should not have heard of my name. Why did you say wait for me? How long has it been?"

Master Ibel always had a kind smile on his face. He said to Reid: "Take your friends around. I have a few words to say to Ryan."

"Yes, teacher." Red saluted Master Ibel devoutly, and then led the others out. The other priests seemed to have gotten some hint and had left here long ago. Now in the church hall, only Master Ibel and Ryan are left, so quiet that they can hear their own heartbeats.

Ryan's heart was full of questions. He looked at Master Yibel, hoping to get answers.

"Ryan," Master Ibel said softly, "Actually, I have heard of your name a long time ago, because your teacher and I once took adventures together. That was a long, long time ago... "

Master Ibel seemed to be immersed in the memories of the past.

"After the Sunrise Battle, mankind won the final victory. However, the earth was eroded by the undead and people still lived in fear. Bruce Nebiro held a book filled with the blessings of the gods of light - "Praise of Light" , traveled alone throughout the entire continent of Eslar, spreading the blessings of the gods of light to every corner. He dispelled fear and confusion for the world, and brought light and hope to everyone."

"Later, when Master Nebiro was old, he returned here. At the Cathedral of Saint Nebiro in the imperial capital, Master Nebiro received a hero's welcome. However, Master Nebiro's heart was still for the world. Worrying, although the undead army was defeated, if people don't take strict precautions, they will come back one day. But Master Nebiro is already old, and his own strength is more than enough. So Master Nebiro It was announced in public that every priest of St. Nebiro Cathedral must travel to the continent of Eslar for five years before the age of thirty. On the one hand, he will spread the gospel of the God of Light, and on the other hand, he will exercise his own strength."

"When I was young, I was just an ordinary pastor of the Church of Light. My understanding of "Praise of Light" and my own power were not as good as others. That year, I teamed up with several partners At the beginning of the adventure, everything went smoothly for us, because in cities and prosperous areas, no one knew about the Church of Light, and naturally we would not encounter any trouble. Later, we decided to separate, because we would not get anything from such a journey. Exercise. So, I embarked on an unknown journey alone."

"Under the blessing of the goddess of luck, I met your teacher. At that time, I didn't know his strength and thought he was just an ordinary magician, so we traveled together."

"That was such a desirable experience!" Master Yibel sighed softly, and said with infinite regret: "Unfortunately, I will never have the opportunity to take such an adventure again."

"The adventure process is thrilling and fulfilling. During this journey, I slowly realized the state of mind of Master Nebiluo. Finally, I received the blessing of the God of Light. At that moment, I cried with excitement .After returning to the Basilica of San Nebiro, I became a cardinal.”

"Your teacher and I have become good friends through life and death. We even participated in the Royal Athletic Competition together. But at that time, the competition was still a personal performance, and I was eliminated in the first round, haha."

Ryan also laughed along with Master Ibel.

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