Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 17: Plan


Suddenly, Azimu's vision went dark, and he felt a sharp pain in his heart. Azimu endured the severe pain and reluctantly turned around to look, only to see Zhelile with a ferocious smile on his face. It was this fat man who usually looked cowardly, stabbing a dagger into his back.

Azimu said unwillingly: "Why? Why?"

Zhelile said: "As the mayor of the town, I have always been very useless. Everything has to be discussed by the whole town. When will it be my turn to make the decision? Now all the people who oppose me in Yangjiao Town have been pulled over by you. As long as tomorrow If your plan succeeds, you and your people will bear the blame, and everyone else who dissatisfied with me will go to see Hades tomorrow, and then the entire Yangtze Town will belong to me. Only then will I truly become the leader of Yangtze Town. Owner!"

Azimu was stabbed in a vital part and was already dying. He relied entirely on his breath to support him. After listening to Zhelile's words, he finally understood everything. The breath in his heart dissipated. Azimu fell to the ground unwillingly. Moved.

Seeing that Azimu, who had been against him, finally died in front of him, Zhelile felt very comfortable, and he laughed triumphantly.

The leader of the thieves seemed to dislike Zhelile's frivolous manner. He frowned and said, "Have you made arrangements for Giethoorn Town?"

Zhelile did not immediately answer the thieves leader's words. He kicked Aqimu's body hard, spit on his body, and then slowly said to the thieves leader: "Don't worry, I have arranged everything." Yes. Your people will enter Yangjiao Town before dawn, and they will be led by these three followers of Aqimu. Everyone will think that it was Aqimu who gave the order." After saying this, he pointed at what Acimu had just brought. Three soul-eating killers came.

The thief leader asked again: "Where is the little magician and his companions?"

Zhelile smiled contemptuously and said: "That little magician has a very simple mind. He was deceived by my words and thought he was a thief attracted by this guy Aqimu. How could he guess our real plan last night? He was assassinated by Ming Wen, and he didn’t leave the tent all day today, so he might have fallen asleep a long time ago.”

The leader of the thieves asked: "Have you sent someone to check? Are you sure that he has been carrying the tent honestly all the time?"

Zhelile said disapprovingly: "There is nothing to worry about. He is just a little apprentice who doesn't know the heights of the world."

The thief leader did not agree with Zhelile's words. A person who could kill Ming Wen would definitely not be just an ordinary magic apprentice. Ming Wen was a first-level killer in Soul Eater. Over the years, Ming Wen has assassinated countless people. Will he be accidentally killed by a little magic apprentice

The thief leader said to the three soul-eating killers who followed Azimulai: "When you return to Yangjiao Town, closely monitor the magician and his companions. If there is a chance, then..." When the thief leader said this, he used His hand made a gentle swiping motion on his neck.

The soul-eating killer who had just spoken to Azimu said cleanly: "Yes!"

The bandit leader said to Zhelile again: "You rush back now. My people will arrive before dawn. Then you must hide them well and never expose any flaws. This is very important. And your herdsmen." and horses, follow my people to other places first to avoid losses. Be careful yourself, don't show too proud in front of others, and keep your usual weak look."

Under the urging of the bandit leader, Zhelile slowly mounted his horse and walked away with the people he came with. It seemed that he didn't take the bandit leader's words to heart at all.

Seeing Zhelile walking away, a burly man next to the thief leader came over and said softly to the thief leader: "Lord, this guy is too presumptuous. How about..."

The leader of the thieves waved his hand to interrupt the burly man's words, and said: "Left hand, let him be proud for a while. Tomorrow, when we have decided the overall situation, we can slowly play with him."

The burly man called "Left Hand" by the leader of the thieves nodded and raised his hands. He had a pair of steel claws on his hands, sharp steel fingers, sharp blade claws, and dark red palms, which all showed that they were a pair of terrifying murder weapons that had been stained with the blood of countless people.

"Left Hand" waved the steel claw in his hand fiercely, and said viciously: "Hmph, if anyone dared to blaspheme your authority like this before, I would have torn it into pieces long ago."

The leader of the thieves said: "Our current situation is different from before. We need to be more patient with everything. How is the situation on the "right hand"?"

"Left Hand" said: "The news just came, 'Right Hand' has discovered traces of 'them', it's half a day's journey from here. 'Right Hand' deliberately left some traces, which will make 'them' rush here in a hurry." "

The leader of the thieves said: "We must grasp the scale carefully. If it comes too fast, our arrangement will not be completed; if it comes too slowly, other accidents may occur."

"Left Hand" said confidently: "My lord, don't you still believe in the strength of 'Right Hand'? He will definitely lead 'their' noses in circles, and then when they are exhausted, he will reveal his traces and point directly at Yangjiao Town. 'They' are not Have you always flaunted your justice? You will definitely come all the way and just fall into our trap."

The leader of the thieves nodded and said, "You two are my right-hand men, and you are very satisfied with what you have done."

After listening to the thieves leader's words, "Left Hand" quickly knelt on the ground with one leg and said resolutely: "I am willing to serve you!"

The bandit leader patted "Left Hand" on the shoulder with satisfaction and said, "Get up."

Seeing "Left Hand" standing up with tears in his eyes, the leader of the thieves asked again: "How does the war horse we have obtained so far compare to what we expected?"

"Left Hand" smiled and said, "Sir, it's better than we expected. There are more than 5,000 strong horses in Yangjiao Town. Our plan was implemented very smoothly. Several other villages are willing to pay a group of war horses. This number is about It’s 1,000 horses, plus those in Yangjiao Town, we will have more than 6,000 cavalry by then. Unless a large army is mobilized to encircle and suppress us, there will be no force in the entire grassland that can stop us."

The leader of the thieves said calmly: "At dawn, let Zhelile come forward and send the war horses away in batches with the young people from Yangjiao Town. We will save too many people in Yangjiao Town and make our plan unexpected. When it is solved, 'They', everyone has been holding it back for a long time, so you might as well relax a little."

"Left Hand" listened to the thieves leader's words and showed an evil look. He smiled and said: "You have worked hard for a long time. The most beautiful chick will naturally be left to you."

The thieves leader and "Left Hand" laughed loudly together.

"Left Hand" waited for the bandit leader to smile, and then asked: "What about these young people who transport horses in Yangjiao Town?"

The leader of the thieves looked into the distance and said lightly: "These young men are very energetic. I believe our friends in Almida will put them to good use."

Ryan and Alando witnessed the whole process from a distance. Although they could not hear the voices due to the distance, the scene of Zhelile killing Azimu with his own hands still shocked Ryan. He had a beautiful understanding of this continent. Being ruthlessly shattered by reality.

Ryan has been living in the simple folk customs of Nongwu Town since he was sensible, and has never been exposed to such intrigues. After thinking about the conversation with Zhelile last night, I still sympathized with him, but I didn't expect to see the "other" Zhelile today. Can the human heart degenerate to such an extent

Ryan couldn't help but feel a little confused. Does it mean that there must be intrigue between people? Can't we be honest with each other? He was lost in thought and didn't even know how he and Alando left the bandit camp.

After Allen took Ryan to a safe place, he slapped Ryan hard.

The pain made Ryan wake up. Facing his companions, Ryan felt a little sad. He said to Alando: "Maybe you are right. People on this continent have too many ideas. On the surface, they seem weak and incompetent. But he is vicious and ferocious in his heart, and he can kill his companions without blinking an eye. No wonder the druid has stayed out of the sight of others for many years."

After all, Allen was older and had several years of adventure experience. He enlightened Ryan and said, "Lian, I remember you once said that your greatest wish is to protect your relatives and friends?"

Ryan nodded numbly.

Allendo said: "Is Zhelile your relative?"

Ryan shook his head.

Allendo added: "Zhelile is your friend?"

Ryan shook his head again.

Allendo said: "That's right, Zhelile is neither your relative nor your friend. What he does has nothing to do with you at all. You won't protect such a person. What's wrong with you?"

After listening to Allendo's words, Ryan felt that it made sense and nodded.

Allen looked at Ryan for listening to his words, and then continued: "The shock in your heart now is probably because you sympathized with Zhelile after talking to Zhelile last night, but today the object of your sympathy has changed drastically. The image in your mind has become a very scheming bad guy who no longer even has a conscience. Because the contrast is too great, that's why you have this idea."

Ryan scratched his head and said, "You really guessed it."

Alan Duo smiled bitterly and said: "Your thoughts are exactly the same as mine five years ago. I was shocked at the time, but I gradually got used to it. If everyone was kind, there would be no problem in this continent. If we are equal, there will be no more disputes. This is of course impossible. There are only two ways, either I slowly adapt to the situation on this continent, or I have enough strength to change everything. Why can't I think about it? "