Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 173: Ace (1)


"Good morning!" Ryan opened the restaurant door and strode in.

In the restaurant of the Faras family, the other members of the Leis team had already arrived. They were sitting in their own places at the dining table and enjoying their breakfast. Seeing Captain Ryan come in, everyone immediately put down the food in their hands and turned their attention to Ryan.

Ryan didn't notice everyone's gaze. He walked towards his seat as usual. He saw that there was already a fragrant barbecue beef shank there. This was his favorite food. Needless to say, it must be It was Faras who ordered the chef to prepare it for herself.

Seeing that Ryan was silent, Alina couldn't hold back her anger. She said to Ryan: "Captain, you are finally here. We have been waiting impatiently."

"What's the rush?" Ryan said casually as he walked to his seat, "Why are you looking at me? Eat."

"I can't eat it." Reid expressed everyone's thoughts in one word: "Today we are going to fight that annoying Bailey-Reeves, but we don't know who will play yet, and we haven't said the specific arrangements for the game."

Ryan looked at Faras, who smiled at him and blinked to show that he didn't say anything.

Although Faras came to the restaurant earlier than Ryan today, she said nothing about what happened last night. She had to wait until Ryan came to make arrangements for everyone in person, which strengthened the prestige of Captain Ryan in the Leis team; if As soon as Faras arrived, he spoke out today's plan incessantly, which made others feel completely different. Was it the two captains who had discussed it in advance and let Faras announce it, or was it Ryan, the apparent captain, who actually Is he simply a puppet of Faras

Ryan felt warm in his heart. Farasi had really put a lot of effort into establishing his prestige as captain in front of everyone. In fact, Ryan would never care about this kind of thing, but it was hard for Farasi to think about him.

Ryan secretly said to himself: "Being able to get such a lover, my coming-of-age ceremony test is really not in vain!" Thinking of this, he looked at Farasi affectionately, then walked to his seat and sat down .

After Ryan sat down, he pointed at the food on the table and said to everyone with a smile: "Don't be so formal. Let's talk while eating."

Alina ridiculed Ryan and said, "Brother-in-law, we know that you are half the master, so there is no need to greet us specially."

Alina's words made the others laugh immediately. Faras glared at her fiercely, then lowered her head shyly, while Ryan reached out and scratched his hair, with a trace of blush appearing on his face.

Ryan coughed, and everyone immediately became quiet.

Ryan said to everyone: "I carefully studied the situation of our opponents today and already have countermeasures. Last time you also mentioned the matter of substitutes, I also thought about it, and I decided to start from today on the next three games. , will form the strongest lineup of our Leisi team, but I will have to aggrieve you, Alina."

Alina clapped her hands and said, "That's great. I'm a lady. I'll leave the fighting and killing to you."

Red rolled his eyes at Alina and said disdainfully: "The appearance of a lady, the heart of a witch."

As soon as Alina heard this, she immediately jumped up and said to Red, "If you have the guts, say it again!"

Faras quickly stood up to smooth things over. She gently pulled Alina to sit down, and then said: "Everyone, please stop arguing and listen to Captain Ryan continue."

Alina said angrily: "Damn Red, you are not my sister. I can't spare you today."

Red curled his lips at Alina, but said nothing.

Ryan didn't want them to continue, so he hurriedly said: "Alina, you are on the bench today, and the others will come on with me. Our opponent, the 'Xurei' team led by magician Bailey Reeves, is composed of magicians and priests." The combination, attack power and defense ability are very strong. Everyone has already known these relevant information before, there is no need to elaborate. However, I found that within their team, the status of captain Bailey-Reeves is far away. Higher than the others. I don't know if you have noticed that in the previous three games of the 'Xu Lei' team, as long as the captain Bailey-Reeves encountered an opponent's attack, the other members of the 'Xu Lei' team would give up on themselves. What they are doing is to protect Bailey-Reeves at all costs. Since their previous opponents did not have strong attack power, this was not obvious."

Having said this, Ryan picked up the water glass in front of him, took a sip of water, and gave his team members a little time to think.

"What we have to do is to suppress Bailey-Reeves with all our strength," Ryan put down the water glass and continued: "Our offensive power is definitely one of the best among the teams participating in this year's competitive competition, but our ace It's not completely revealed. It's like the tarot cards we were playing a few days ago. I only need 4 'Lich' cards to defeat all my opponents, so why bother with the more powerful 'Dragon' cards? This is also I have always advocated keeping a low profile. Now, our opponents are very strong, so there is no need to be secretive."

Having said this, Ryan slammed his hand on the table and shouted loudly: "Come on, brothers, let's unleash our anger on that annoying guy! As long as we can force our opponents to desperately rescue Bailey-Li Weiss, we can win this game very easily.”

"Understood!" Everyone shouted with excitement as they heard it.

"Then," Ryan said seriously, "our next task is..."

Everyone immediately pricked up their ears and listened attentively to Ryan's next plan.

Ryan paused and looked at everyone with mysterious eyes. Seeing that he had successfully whetted everyone's appetite, Ryan finished his sentence: "Eat!"

"Go to hell!" Everyone threw the tableware in their hands at Ryan.

Ryan calmly raised his right hand. The blue light on his finger flashed and he fired five magic missiles in a row. Only a series of "ping ping ping ping" sounds were heard. Ryan's magic missile hit his teammates accurately. All the cutlery thrown at me.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw it. Last time, Ryan only showed a little bit and released multiple magic missiles to attack different targets at the same time. But today, Ryan's control of magic seems to have improved a lot. He actually responded to things thrown from different directions. Being able to hit so accurately, in actual combat, Ryan's sudden attack will definitely have a more shocking effect than Allen's.

The sound of "crackling" sounded, and everyone's tableware fell on the dining table, but everyone ignored it at all. They were shocked by Ryan's exquisite magic control ability just revealed.

Ryan had no idea how shocking his behavior just now was. Maybe it was just a piece of cake for him, right? Ryan grabbed the barbecue beef leg in front of him and took a big bite.

"Well, today's roasted beef shank tastes good," Ryan said vaguely while chewing, "Because you attacked me sneakily, I punish you not to use tableware to eat today's breakfast."

Farasi said seriously: "Yes, our ace!". Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and bursts of laughter suddenly broke out.

After everyone laughed, Ozzy picked up the beef leg in front of him and bit into it without saying a word. The appearance of eating it was extremely ugly. Seeing someone taking the lead, Red and Allendo followed closely behind, picked up the food in front of them and ate it.

Alina said to Faras: "Sister, eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold." After saying that, Alina also showed her true nature as a "little witch", picked up a turkey leg in one hand, and ate it. Definitely no less than this guy Ozzy.

Faras looked at everyone, and then at Ryan who was devouring his food. She suddenly rolled up the sleeves of her magician's robe, grabbed the fried steak in front of her, and took small bites, switching hands while biting. , and blew into the fried steak while looking at his cheeks. It seemed that the fried steak was still a little hot.

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