Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 177: Ace (V)


The unwilling Bailey-Reeves suddenly showed a fierce look in his eyes. He was completely crazy and suddenly came up with a way to reverse the situation.

Bailey-Reeves suddenly gave up his defense against Ryan's magic attack. He knew that the priest behind him would definitely give him protective magic again, so he tried his best to resist Ryan's magic again and unleashed it on Faras who was watching the battle. A "Lightning Technique" was created.

Just now, after Ryan used the "Fireball Technique" to collide with Bailey-Reeves' "Lightning Technique", he immediately changed his position and released a "Fireball Technique". Although it had an unexpected effect, it also left behind him who was watching the battle. The Faras are exposed.

Ryan's "Fireball Technique" was nearly completed. He was about to use this magic to end the game, but found that his opponent Bailey-Reeves had changed his attack target and released a "Lightning Technique" towards Farasi.

Electric magic has always been known for its speed. When Faras discovered that Bailey-Reeves was targeting her, the blue lightning was already less than ten yards away from her, and there was no way to avoid it.

Seeing that Falasi was about to be injured by Bailey-Reeves' "Lightning Technique", Ryan let out a roar. At this moment, Ryan was angered by Bailey-Reeves' actions. He could tolerate others' disrespect for him and didn't care that he was in danger, but he would never allow anyone to dare to hurt his relatives.

Facing the despicable Bailey-Reeves, Ryan's eyes sparkled, and he finally used the trick he learned under the guidance of Master Victor - "Multiple Casting".

After using this technique, Ryan can release multiple magics at the same time. Although the magic released in the multi-casting state is slightly less powerful than the magic he usually releases alone, several magics released at the same time can attack different people separately. enemies or attack different parts of the same enemy to achieve better effects than usual separate releases.

As for "Multiple Casting", which consumes a lot of additional mana, this is exactly what Ryan's abnormal magic endurance and recovery power are looking for.

I saw Ryan's two hands emit a dazzling blue light at the same time. In the next second, two lightning bolts flew out from Ryan's hands. One of them arrived first and accurately intercepted Bailey-Reeves' sneak attack. Falasi's magic, and another bolt of lightning flew towards Bailey-Reeves.

Ryan's "Lightning Technique" containing powerful electric current hit Bailey-Reeves, but the power of this "Lightning Technique" magic was absorbed by the "Light Shield" magic and did not cause any damage to Bailey-Reeves. What harm.

But even this made Bailey-Reeves break out in a cold sweat: Magicians who can perform "multi-casting" are all at least at the level of high-level magicians without exception. Isn't it possible that this ten-year-old who is not amazing in appearance is in front of him? A six-year-old boy has actually broken through the limits of human beings and reached a state that others can only reach at the age of thirty at the earliest

Ryan didn't care what Bailey-Reeves was thinking. He glanced at Faras with a slight remorse. If he hadn't been too careless, he wouldn't have put his lover in danger.

Ryan, who was angered by Bailey-Reeves, used all his strength. He raised his hand and instantly fired four magic missiles at the four members of the repair team who were still standing on the field. This was Ryan's mastery of " The self-created magic "Magic Missile Burst" created after "Multiple Casting" uses multiple magic missiles in almost indistinguishable order to attack different targets at the same time.

The two soldiers of the Thunder Repair Team quickly raised their shields to block the missiles attacking them, but Ryan's target was not them. The two missiles were just to contain them and send a signal to his friend Allendo.

Sure enough, Allendo, who guessed Ryan's thoughts, suddenly activated and pounced at them at high speed while they raised their shields to block their sight.

Alando, who was running rapidly, stretched out his wolf claws, which reflected dazzling white light, which was the sharpness of the "sharp claws".

When the soldiers of the repair team discovered Allendo, Allendo was only two yards away from them. Allendo could even catch them as long as he straightened his arms.

"Woo~" Allendo waved his hands, and the weapon "sharp claws" in his hands cut through the air flow, producing a harsh roar. Allendo waved his arms quickly, and the sharp "sharp claws" remained in the air. There are more than a dozen shadows, making it difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

The soldiers of the Thunder Repair Team were shocked. Their eyes were dazzled and they could not keep up with Alando's attack speed. They had no choice but to raise their thick shields and put their vital points under the strong protection.

Allendo did not fight head-on with the two warriors, but continuously attacked the opponent's external eyes, throat and other vital points, forcing the opponent to defend, firmly holding the two warriors, neither allowing them to have any chance. The opportunity to help Bailey-Reeves also prevents the scene where Bailey-Reeves used his own team members to block magic attacks from happening again.

Seeing that his friend Alan Duo knew his plan perfectly, Ryan was filled with the belief that he would win. He raised his hands and continuously used "magic missile bursts" to suppress the ascetic priest on one side and the other on the other side. The side continued to attack Bailey-Reeves.

Bailey-Reeves and the ascetic priest hurriedly added protective magic to themselves to resist Ryan's magic attack.

Ryan's magic missiles are not particularly powerful, but he continuously fires them instantly, bringing together a large number of individually weak magic missiles to launch a suppressive attack on Bailey-Reeves and the others.

At this time, Bailey-Reeves was like a small boat in the huge waves. If he didn't pay attention, he would end up with the boat destroyed and everyone killed.

Ryan didn't just release one magic. He mixed blue lightning and red fireballs among the purple magic missiles all over the sky. These powerful magics made Bailey-Reeves even more difficult to guard against, and he had to use his own magic. He has a large number of magic scrolls and magic items on his body for protection.

The ascetic priest behind Bailey-Reeves was complaining in his heart. He would rather go to the Church of Light and live another three years of ascetic training than face the freak Ryan again. The overwhelming magic attacks in front of him. I'm afraid it would take a team of magicians to do it, but that boy actually completely suppressed his side by himself. I really don't know how he did it.

Suddenly, the ascetic priest let out a scream. His protective magic was a little slower, so that the palm of his right hand was hit by a high-speed flying magic missile, and three fingers were immediately broken. The severe pain was unbearable even for a priest who had gone through years of asceticism.

This ascetic priest did not have various magic items to defend himself like Bailey-Reeves. After he was interrupted by severe pain, his unprotected body became Ryan's best target. With a series of rapid sounds of "push, plop, plop, pounce", more than a dozen magic missiles rushed into the arms of the ascetic priest, and the huge impact knocked the unfortunate priest backwards.

"Whoosh~" A hot fireball roared and caught up with the priest whose body was still in mid-air.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and the priest's body was swallowed up by the scattered flames. Then only a flash of white light was seen. The priest was teleported out. He had completely lost his combat effectiveness.

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