Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 20: Reinforcements of the Holy Knights


A dark cloud flashing with sparks of electric stone gathered lower and lower over the phalanx of the Holy Knights.

Bacon had long been aware of all this, but he was trapped in a tight siege and could not take the initiative to interrupt Weir's spellcasting.

Suddenly, a thicker bolt of lightning struck Bacon from the dark clouds. Bacon had no way to retreat, so he could only raise the shield shining with golden light and carry it with all his strength.

The lightning accurately hit Bacon's shield, making a huge muffled sound. The powerful impact even spread to other holy knights around Bacon. Several holy knights around him were immediately killed by the impact of this powerful magic. The dust on the ground was also shaken by the powerful impact and flew all over the sky, leaving a crack in the originally solid circular defense formation.

When the dust cleared, Senat couldn't help but smile as he looked at Bacon, whose heavy armor was severely damaged and bleeding from the mouth. This powerful blow could not be defended even by the God of War's blessing. Bacon's shield was shattered by the blow and he could no longer block the magic. He believed that he would be able to kill these holy knights soon.

Seeing the results of his magic, a sinister smile appeared on Weir's face, and he began to prepare the third magic. This time, he was ready to send both Bacon and the Holy Knight into the arms of Hades.

After Bacon led the Holy Knights into Giethoorn, Ryan and Allendo decided to help the knights. They sneaked into Giethoorn Town from where they came out yesterday, regardless of whether they were thieves or not. , neither the herdsmen nor the knights noticed their traces. From the holy knights forming a square formation to resist the thieves to the rogue magician casting the astonishingly powerful "Lightning Technique" to shatter Bacon's shield, they were all watched silently by Ryan and Alando who were hiding behind a tent.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Ryan said decisively to Allendo: "Come on. You first contain the opponent's magician, and I will use the fireball technique to help the Holy Knight rescue the siege."

After saying that, Ryan didn't care about hiding his figure anymore, and he quickly ran towards the Holy Knight. While running, Ryan cast Stoneskin on himself to increase his defense capabilities.

Seeing that he was getting closer, Ryan did not stop, but directly released a fireball while running!

The roaring fireball accurately landed in the middle of the thieves. In an instant, flames flew everywhere and a strong explosion occurred.

Ryan seized the opportunity when the thieves gathered together and were unprepared. He kept running around them and kept releasing fireballs while running.


Continuous explosions, splashing flames, torn limbs, blood everywhere... At this time, Giethoorn Town seemed to have become the legendary demon hell. The sudden blow caused the thieves to become chaotic in a short time, and their lives were ruthlessly destroyed. During the harvest, the thieves received a sudden blow and were immediately in chaos.

The Holy Knight saw reinforcements coming, and his morale was boosted. Bacon was worthy of being a battle-experienced Royal Knight. He made the most correct choice in just a short moment. He immediately commanded the Holy Knights to change formations and turned the circular defensive formation into a triangular assault formation. Bacon personally stood in the triangle. The front of the arrow, as the sharpest arrow, pierced Senat. As long as you capture or kill Senat, you can change the entire battle situation!

Another fireball fell into the crowd of thieves, exploding a pile of mutilated human bodies. Several fierce thieves blocking the path of the Holy Knight were sent into the arms of Hades by Ryan.

There was a bang, and Ryan was hit in the back. A thief took advantage of him and hit him hard with a dagger while he wasn't paying attention. Just when the surprised expression appeared on the thief's face, Ryan turned around and released a magic missile, killing the thief who sneaked up on him. Then, without hesitation, Ryan released another magic missile and killed an attempted thief. A thief approaching himself.

Seeing the little magician in front of him ruthlessly harvesting the lives of his companions, the thieves who tried to besiege Ryan were filled with fear; a magician who could continuously cast magic while moving at high speed and remain unscathed even if he was stabbed in the body was definitely A terrifying existence. With the protection of Stoneskin, Ryan could release magic calmly. He recited the spell silently, used his fastest speed, actively cooperated with the Holy Knight, and launched fireballs that harvested the thieves' lives.

Several more thieves tried to get close to Ryan, but they were all killed by Ryan with magic missiles. "Left Hand", who was leading the team to besiege the Holy Knight, saw that Ryan's magic was too damaging to the thieves, so he came up to meet him personally.

Ryan was fully cooperating with the Holy Knight, sending fireballs accurately to where the thieves gathered, causing a large number of casualties. Ryan saw the "left hand" out of the corner of his eye, thinking it was just an ordinary thief, and fired a magic missile.

Unexpectedly, the "left hand" moved quickly. He waved his left hand hard, and the steel claw on his hand deflected Ryan's magic missile.

It was also the first time that Ryan saw someone who could block magic. He knew that the person coming must be the leader of the thieves with outstanding martial arts skills. He immediately changed the way he ran, trying his best to use the changing directions and obstacles on the ground to distance himself from the "left hand" "distance.

Ryan knew clearly that if he was entangled, all his efforts would probably be in vain. Not only would he lose the initiative, he would no longer be able to support the Holy Knight, and he would not even be able to guarantee his own safety.

"Left Hand" was worried. If he couldn't get close to the little magician in a short time, the little magician could still cause great harm to his accomplices. Even if he kills all these people by then, his leader's strength will suffer a great loss.

"Left Hand" shouted at the thief: "Stop him, don't let him use magic."

A thief held up a shield to block Ryan's path. He saw that Bacon had used a shield to block his own magician's magic, and also tried to use the shield to defend against Ryan's magic.

However, Ryan made a move that surprised the thief. He took out Shadow Shang, and there was a hint of murderous intent on the black blade.

The thief holding the shield approached Ryan. Ryan glanced and found that the thief's lower body was not covered by the shield. He immediately released a magic missile with his left hand, breaking the left leg of the thief holding the shield. The thief fell down in pain. on the ground.

Ryan holds a sword in his right hand and casts spells with his left hand. This was a unique skill he had developed under the careful instruction of Ghalib and Delanai, and it was also the first time he used it in front of an enemy. He waved Shadow Shang to cut off a dagger that sneaked up on him, and then released a magic missile, hitting the thief who sneaked up on him.

Amidst the thief's wails, Ryan released another fireball, igniting the pile of wood around him.

The raging fire also blocked "Left Hand's" route to pursue Ryan. "Left Hand" yelled angrily and could only pursue around the fire.

Ryan threw a fireball in the direction of the "left hand".

With a bang, the "left hand" was affected by the power of the fireball explosion without warning, and a large part of his body was burned by the magic flame!

"Left Hand" was far stronger than the other thieves. He looked at the traces of magic flames on his chest and continued to chase Ryan without even making a sound. But where he ran, he left bright red traces.

Ryan also didn't expect that the "left hand" was so fierce, not much worse than the ferocious monsters he had seen before. However, Ryan had no mercy in his heart. He had already classified this group of thieves as more evil than Scar. Kill them and you won't have any confusion in your heart. He waved Shadow Shang to deflect a thief's sword, and then punched him, breaking the thief's jaw.

Although the thieves who besieged Ryan suffered repeated setbacks, under the command of "Left Hand", they also successfully limited the range of Ryan's running. However, at this time, the Holy Knight had already rushed to a place less than 10 steps away from Senat! Splashes of blood even dripped onto Senat's face.

Ryan saw that there were less than 50 thieves around Senat. They barely resisted the impact of the Holy Knight with their weapons, and believed that they would be dispersed by the Holy Knight soon. The other thieves, restrained by their own fireball attacks and running movements, could not quickly go to the rescue. Knowing that their purpose had almost been achieved, as long as they persisted a little longer, the battle would be over when the Holy Knight took down Senat. it's over.

The "Left Hand" chasing Ryan saw the situation reversed. The leader Senat was attacked by the Holy Knight, and his safety was in doubt. He decisively gave up chasing Ryan and directed the thieves to go back to rescue Senat.

Seeing that "Left Hand" gave up chasing him, Ryan immediately released a fireball on him.

"Left Hand" was on guard this time. He put his hands on his chest and blocked the explosion of the fireball technique with his steel claws. Even so, the body of "Left Hand" was still ignited by the hot magic flame, and burning flames emerged. He became fierce and roared angrily at Ryan.

"Left Hand" was completely angered by Ryan and determined to kill Ryan first. He grabbed a piece of burning wood with the steel claw in his hand and threw it at Ryan with all his strength.

Ryan could see it clearly. He quickly jumped to the side and avoided the wood thrown by his "left hand".

"Left Hand" crouched slightly, then jumped suddenly, skipping a dozen steps and landed next to Ryan. He put his hands together and thrust into Ryan's chest hard.

Ryan was shocked. He had clearly seen the power of the pair of steel claws just now. The long sword made of pure steel was twisted by it. If his body was hit, his bones and tendons would be broken.

Almost at the moment when the steel claw of his "left hand" scratched his clothes, Ryan completed the mirror shadow technique, and five more figures immediately appeared around him.

The steel claw pierced one of the figures, and the "Ryan" immediately shattered and disappeared into the air.

The "left hand" struck with both hands apart, breaking two mirror images in a row.