Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 24: Judgment


Bacon stared at Zhelile and said word by word: "Without His Majesty Fernando's great achievements, how could there be the current empire? His Majesty Fernando is a devout holy knight and has been blessed by the God of War. If he betrayed himself, The oath taken when becoming a holy knight will be deprived of the glory of a holy knight by the gods of light!"

Ryan didn't want Bacon and Zhelile to argue about this matter. He rushed to say: "Jelile, when I came, there were nearly a thousand people in Yangjiao Town, but now it is obvious that there are hundreds less people, and these missing herdsmen are still there. They are all young adults. Where did you get these people?"

Jerile said: "Do you think I will tell you?"

Bacon said: "Zhelile, are you still waiting for Senat to send someone to rescue you?" He held his hand for a moment, and a holy knight next to him picked up a bundle and gently placed it on the table where Bacon and the others were eating.

Bacon opened the bundle, revealing a pair of sharp claws.

Zhelile was shocked when he saw the pair of claw gloves. He had hid in the safest place in the town during the battle that day and did not know the specific situation. Later, he was guided by the herdsmen and the Holy Knight caught him. This pair of claw sheaths was the weapon of the sturdy guard captain beside Senat. They all called him "Left Hand" in awe. Because he is one of Senat's most advantageous arms. Zhelile witnessed with his own eyes that the "left hand" tore a weak-minded herdsman under his command into pieces. The bloody scene made Zhelile not eat meat for almost half a month.

Unexpectedly, his weapon fell into the hands of these holy knights. Could it be that such a powerful "left hand" didn't escape? What about Lord Sainat? Also fell into the hands of the Holy Knight

Bacon saw Zhelile's shock. He struck while the iron was hot and said: "This claw sheath is the weapon that the guy nicknamed 'Left Hand' never leaves. As the commander of Senat's personal guard, I believe you have seen him." . But he eventually died at the hands of the magician Ryan who took over the task of clearing out the thief in Giethoorn. Even Senat was surrounded by us. He just used some kind of magic to escape. We will trace it soon. There's no trace of him. He won't be able to escape for long."

Zhelile murmured to himself: "It's impossible, Master Senat failed. What about my plan?"

Bacon said: "Tell me all you know? Hiding your sins will only make your soul fall deeper."

There was a hesitant look on Zhelile's face, as if he wanted to say something but was afraid that Senat would take crazy revenge on him after he escaped.

After Ryan experienced the incident in Giethoorn, he had a deeper understanding of people's hearts. In fact, many times he didn't need to do anything in person. He could reach the weakest part of the other person's heart with words and achieve very ideal results. Isn’t that what Zhelile did? Ryan was convinced by what he said that night. If he hadn't been assassinated later, if Allendo hadn't found the thieves' camp and seen Zhelile and Senat colluding with his own eyes, he would have foolishly believed in Zhelile completely. Be led by his nose.

Ryan thought about it and decided to try this method. He frightened Zhelile and said: "Mayor Zhelile, I believe you have a preliminary understanding of my strength. As a magician, my faith and respect Unlike the holy knights, I can use various means to achieve my goals. You have probably never seen a magic that can separate the human soul from his body. In that case, the stripped soul will answer the question truthfully. A problem for the magician.”

Seeing the look of fear on Zhelile's face, Ryan continued to make up the story: "This kind of magic is released for a little longer. I wonder if the pain of the recipient will be a little greater. Do you want to try it? Try it?"

Allendo interjected just right: "I still remember that the stripped soul will wander endlessly and cannot return to the embrace of Hades. I don't know if that's the case?"

Ryan nodded and said seriously: "Yes." He then said to Zhelile: "But don't worry, except for these insignificant shortcomings, this magic is almost perfect, of course for me. "

After speaking, Ryan read out an obscure spell aloud. This incomprehensible long spell suddenly penetrated into Zhelile's heart and shattered Zhelile's last line of defense.

"No, don't." Zhelile covered his ears tightly with his hands and knelt on the ground, pleading: "I said, say anything, don't release the magic."

Allendo asked in cooperation: "Who knows what you said is not true, it is more convenient to use this magic."

Zhelile kept pleading: "It's true, it's all true. Please, let me go."

Seeing that his method had achieved results, Ryan stopped the spell.

Zhelile breathed a sigh of relief, and said tremblingly: "Ask me, I just ask you to leave me a way to survive and don't kill me."

Bacon was overjoyed and immediately asked: "Where did Senat escape to? Where are your young and middle-aged herdsmen? And thousands of horses?"

Zhelile answered honestly: "Senat sent people into Giethoorn that morning, preparing to ambush you. The people who came asked me to arrange for young adults to transport the horses first, saying that they were afraid of being frightened during the battle, so the young adults would go first. Avoiding it can also avoid accidental damage. I arranged for them to follow Senat's people to the west. I don't know exactly where they are going, but I just heard they said they would go a little further to avoid being discovered by the knights and causing a big deal."

Bacon asked: "What about Senat?"

Zhelile said: "I really don't know. The day I saw him was when he was luring you into Giethoorn. Then I hid until you caught me."

Ryan suddenly interjected: "This time Senat planned to ambush the Holy Knight. If this plan really succeeds, what will you plan to do? It's impossible to hide such a big thing, right?"

Zhelile said: "Senat said that after ambushing the Holy Knight, he asked me to form a cavalry unit with my confidants to follow him. All the cavalry under his command were under my control, but he did not talk about it in detail. He just said that everything would be done. The arrangements have been made. On the Nantalun Prairie, a light cavalry unit of 5,000 people is almost invincible as long as it is supported."

Ryan said disapprovingly: "With your figure, you still want to be a cavalry person?"

Zhelile said: "Senat once said that you can use magic to change my appearance, and even make me look like I was when I was young. To tell you the truth, I am old and have been in some bad shape recently. Of course it is not possible to have such a plan. Will give up."

Ryan asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Zhelile didn't dare to hesitate and explained quickly: "It's the kind of thing I do with my woman every night. I used to be able to do it for a long time. I could do it two or three times a night, but I can't do it recently and it's over soon."

After listening to Zhelile's words, Ryan realized that it was something between men and women. His face turned red and he said, "There's no need to talk about this kind of thing, right?"

Zhelile swore and said: "When the gods of light come again, I won't hide anything. I will tell you whatever you ask."

Bacon was secretly amused when he saw that Zhelile firmly believed in what Ryan said just now. In order to avoid Ryan's embarrassment, he took over the topic and carefully questioned him again and again. When he found that he really couldn't ask anything, he waved his hand and asked the knight to Take Zhelile down.

After Zhelile walked away, Alando punched Ryan gently in the chest and said, "Okay, Ryan. You made up your words well."

Ryan smiled and said, "I only came up with this method after being tricked by Zheli. I just tried it casually, but I didn't expect it to work."

Bacon also smiled and said: "I also know that this method is more effective in dealing with such people. Unfortunately, as holy knights, we cannot tell lies."

Allendo said: "But what I admire most about you is that long spell, it's like real. I quickly grabbed the words and said, I'm really afraid that you won't be able to make it up after reciting it, haha."

Ryan shrugged his shoulders and said: "Actually, this long spell is really a magic spell. I found it in a magic book that the teacher carried with him. However, I have used it many times before, and it has no effect at all. , I didn’t take it to heart. I didn’t expect it to be used here. Don’t worry, this spell is still long. I just recited less than one-twentieth of it.”

Allen scratched his head like Ryan, smiled silly, and thought to himself: "Could it be that Ryan's teacher also often lies to others, so he prepared his lines first?"

Ryan didn't know what Allen was thinking, and he also wondered why there was such a long spell in Mr. Delanai's book. If all this spell is recited, this time will be enough for Ryan to fire 50 fireballs. Of course, this is assuming that Ryan has so much magic power. I don’t know who can recite this spell completely and accurately under 50 fireball spells.

Hearing Ryan mention the magic book, Bacon remembered something. He took out a broken magic scroll from his arms, handed it to Ryan and said: "Lian, you are a magician, come and take a look at this scroll. "

Ryan and Alando were immediately attracted to the scroll. Ryan carefully took the scroll and looked at it carefully.