Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 26: Heroic epic


Allendo was also thinking. This time he dragged the thief magician Weir, and was almost killed by Weir. After his transformation, the wind wolf still lacked something. In addition to maximizing his speed advantage, he also needed to You have to find a way to deal a fatal blow to the enemy, otherwise you can only be a target. It's like being a magician's target, and Alando doesn't want to try it a second time. Fortunately, now he has the "Sharp Claw", which greatly increases Elendo's attack power after his transformation.

Faster speed, more ferocious strikes, this is Allendo's goal.

Ryan and Alando have a great sense of crisis in their hearts. Everyone is thinking about their own gains and losses in this incident in Giethoorn Town. In order to improve their strength, Ryan and Alando first return to where they once lived. The campsite we passed. Everything there was business as usual, obviously there was no new owner in this short period of time.

Ryan and Alando lived here again, training themselves continuously every day, and also cooperated many times together to cultivate a tacit understanding. The more strength you can increase, the more likely you are to win when facing unknown dangers.

The early morning sun shone on Ryan and Allendo. Although it was only morning, it made people feel the heat. Today was Victory Day. Ryan and Allendo decided to take a day off and go to the city for a walk.

Alpha City is immersed in an atmosphere of joy, and Ryan and Alando can clearly see that many shops on both sides of the street have been carefully decorated.

Even though it was in the morning, there were people coming and going in the mercenary guild. During the few days of the Victory Day celebrations, businessmen from all over the empire gathered in Alfa. Naturally, the demand increased, and various mercenary tasks were issued in an endless stream, including delivering messages. Those who transport goods, those who maintain order, and those who buy World of Warcraft pelts and magic cores at high prices. Many people will use this time to do more tasks and earn some hard-earned money.

Ryan and Allendo went straight to Lucy and took out the proof that they had completed the task.

Lucy read the certificate carefully and went through the relevant procedures for Ryan, and 200 gold coins fell into Ryan's pocket.

This was the first time Ryan had so much money. He put the gold coins into his purse with a smile on his face, and tied it tightly around his waist. In fact, if the entire process in Giethoorn Town is strictly speaking, it is not just a mission to capture thieves, it can be said to be a war. What's more, Ryan and Alando successfully prevented the Holy Knights from being annihilated by the establishment. This achievement was enough to be granted a small territory by the empire.

However, neither Ryan nor Allendo wanted to show off. They took the money and walked out of the mercenary guild while other mercenaries pointed at them.

The two strolled down the street. Victory Day is the most lively time of the year in Alpha City. It would be a shame not to take a closer look.

Ryan and Allen walked past the "Fire Hammer Equipment Store" where they sold things last time, but unexpectedly saw a half-person-high platform set up in the open space outside the store, with flags of various colors hanging on it. , and there were several teenage children standing next to the platform, shouting to passers-by: "The Fire Hammer Equipment Store is having a big auction. There are magic necklaces made by the magic master Vladimir, and there are the magic necklaces carefully crafted by our master Charles." Multiple weapons, as well as the sharp throwing knives owned by Scar, the thief who has harmed Alpha for many years, and the crutches used by the mysterious magician who got rid of Scar, the bastard... "

When Ryan heard this, he couldn't close his mouth in surprise. This was too exaggerated. When had he ever used a cane? Allendo couldn't help but smile at Ryan when he heard the exaggerated voice.

Ryan awkwardly pulled Allendo and wanted to leave quickly, but was dragged over by Allendo.

Approaching the crowded Fire Hammer Auction Stage, Ryan saw the burly and bearded Charles at first sight. Compared with that day, Charles was dressed neatly and looked more like a businessman than a blacksmith.

In the middle of the auction table is an auction table. A capable middle-aged man is full of energy, standing there upright, and eloquently introducing a piece of work that is about to be auctioned, a tomahawk made of pure steel. The surface of this battle ax is as big as an adult's face. It is polished so smooth that a person's face can be clearly reflected on it. Charles personally demonstrated the axe. He asked someone to bring a long copper sword. He picked up the tomahawk in his right hand and slashed hard, easily cutting the long sword into two pieces. There were exclamations immediately from the audience. The auctioneer took the opportunity to promote the benefits of this work, hoping to get a good price.

Soon the auction started, and the bidding price started to rise rapidly from the base price of 10 silver coins. In a moment, it was increased to 2 gold coins. It paused for a moment at the price of 2 gold coins, and was immediately bought for 5 gold coins. Walk.

A smile appeared on Charles' face. In fact, although the materials and workmanship of this ax were very good, it was usually only sold for 1 gold coin.

Another auction item was placed on the stage, this was a long sword broken into two pieces. Whistles immediately came from the stage, as if making fun of the negligence of the Fire Hammer staff.

However, the auctioneer was not moved at all. He said loudly and passionately: "Now we are auctioning the sword of Scar, the thief who has harmed Alpha City for many years!"

The whistling on the stage stopped immediately. It was the first time for everyone to see this kind of auction item, and they couldn't use it themselves, so why did they buy it

The auctioneer was not in a hurry. He swept his eyes and said loudly: "The thief Scar has been harming Alpha City for many years. He killed an unknown number of people with his sword. Today he was eliminated by a mysterious magician. We were lucky enough to buy Scar's sword at a high price from a mysterious magician. The sword was broken into two parts, which symbolizes the elimination of evil and the coming of peace. If you own it, you will have happiness and happiness. , I hope our lives will never see it again, and there will never be disputes... "

Under the eloquent explanation of the auctioneer, a young man with a sense of justice actually bought the broken sword for 50 silver coins.

Ryan was stunned when he saw it. He only sold these things for a total of 2 silver coins at that time. After being resold by this cunning blacksmith, the worst long sword can be sold for 50 silver coins. Are the people in Alpha City rich or something

In the end, the pile of things that Ryan sold to Charles sold for nearly 50 gold coins in total, especially a strong branch that Charles got from nowhere. It was said to be the crutch of a mysterious magician, and was bought by someone who wanted to learn. A magical aristocratic boy bought it. It is said that he plans to live with this crutch day and night. Maybe there will be a mysterious charm left by the mysterious magician on it. As for the price, the noble boy wearing gorgeous clothes and followed by more than 10 followers said disapprovingly: "Isn't it just 20 gold coins? It's almost the same amount to buy a first-level magic scroll."

At almost noon, the Fire Hammer Auction ended. Ryan and Allendo followed the surging crowd towards the central square of Alpha City. According to the residents of Alpha City around them, famous people from the mainland were invited there. The Wildcat Revue sings the complete "Epic".

"Epic of Heroes" is a long opera that describes the deeds of seven heroes of the Holy Empire. Ryan had only heard from others before that the town of Takli could not afford to hire such a song and dance troupe to tour the mainland. This time I had the opportunity to listen to the long-awaited "Epic of Heroes", so of course Ryan wanted to go.

Before reaching the central square, Ryan saw from a distance a platform with a height of one person built out of wood. On the platform, a beautiful girl was singing loudly the most exciting part of the popular "Epic of Heroes", "The Japanese". Out of battle". The girl was very beautiful, with big eyes, long eyelashes, and a tall nose. She wore gorgeous costumes, which highlighted her exquisite figure and attracted the attention of a large number of men.

Ryan and Alando slowly squeezed in, standing not far from the platform and quietly enjoying the performance.

As the plot progressed, the girl's singing became more and more passionate, and soon she reached the most difficult and exciting part to sing. The beautiful girl let go of her singing voice and sang this part with extremely high syllables and extremely fast speed. The battle scene was vividly expressed with the singing speed, and the thrilling scene outside Sunrise City that year seemed to appear before everyone's eyes:

The evil devil Aleister, there is no one in the world who can compare with him,

His terrifying abilities make people in every corner of the continent tremble.

The armor that protects his body is inlaid with the scales of a shadow dragon.

There are tall feathers on the golden helmet, and around the waist is a precious belt engraved with monsters.

The cloak flutters like the wings of a phoenix,

The dragon-like strong nightmare beast leaps in the wind,

The "sun-eating" light of the carved flowers is like the water of autumn,

He rushes to the castle to challenge him, who dares to fight him

All the kings were so frightened that their guts were about to burst.

At this time, the blood ax of the dwarf king rushed out,

What he holds in his hand is a long "Blood Roar",

The tiger-like beard stood up like a golden thread,

There seemed to be thunder and lightning in the eyes;

While the two were fighting, the human knight Bird became angry.

The sword "Vengeance" shines like snow,

The shirt embroidered with a lion looks like a butterfly,

Wherever the horses' hooves stepped, an unyielding cry came;

The owl-like elf hero Yueying raised the "Soul Song",

The power of nature makes her more courageous;

The three men fought around Aleister for a long time.

Never-ending offense and defense,

The shouts vibrated, almost making the sky and the earth tilt.

Ryan and Alando were also attracted by this beautiful singing and were deeply immersed in it.

Before I knew it, it was getting dark. Ryan and Allen stood here and listened to the opera for most of the day.