Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 3: First trip


Two days later, the group of people who went hunting in the mountains came back. After not seeing each other for a few days, Ryan missed his father very much. Like others, he welcomed his father back outside the town. The results of this hunting together were very good, and Ryan's father also came back with a full harvest. Ryan helped his father carry back two dead mountain antelopes and a living jungle dog.

After dinner in the evening, Ryan proposed his coming-of-age ceremony trial to his parents.

Ryan's mother was very worried about Ryan and some didn't want Ryan to go. But the usually taciturn father just thought about it and firmly agreed to Ryan's request. Although Ryan's mother was a little reluctant to give up, as a woman, she always obeyed Ryan's father's arrangements when it came to major family matters.

Ryan was very surprised by his father's decision. He originally thought that even if his father agreed, he would have to wait for several days. Ryan's father looked at his son's slightly immature face and said with pity: "Your mother and I love you very much, but you are a man and you have to go out on your own sooner or later. Besides, I am very confident about you, Teacher Galib. I believe in him and I believe in my kids.”

Looking at his father's weather-beaten but caring face, Ryan couldn't help but shed tears.

The next day, Ryan and his parents came to Ghalib's cabin. Jialibu, Delanai, Nemo and Meifu were already waiting there.

Ryan is usually busy learning martial arts and magic with his teacher, and he doesn't have any particularly close friends in the town. That is to say, he has a better relationship with Nemo who is studying with Ghalib. Therefore, this time Ryan's coming of age trial was only told to Nemo and Meif.

His father spent the savings he had accumulated over the years for Ryan's coming-of-age ceremony, while his mother packed his luggage overnight. Teacher Galibu gave Ryan a dagger, and teacher Delanai gave Ryan a magic storage bag.

This magic storage pocket is an almost indispensable item for adventurers in their adventuring career. It looks like just a small pocket, and it usually only needs to be tied to the body. But after it is opened, it is a large space that can store a large number of items.

Ryan only knew about the existence of storage pockets from the usual discussions between Jialibu and Delanai. He was very envious. He didn't expect that he would also have one today. After Mr. Delanai briefly demonstrated how to use the storage pocket, Ryan was able to skillfully put his luggage and the dagger given to him by Mr. Galib into it.

Since time was in a hurry, Nemo and Meifu prepared something special. Meifu just strung together the sixteen tusks of the pigeon boar that Nemo had hunted overnight, made a pair of bracelets, and gave them to Ryan. .

Under everyone's silent gaze, Ryan slowly walked away.

As night falls, the wind blows gently, making people feel a little cool in the warm July. Ryan sat next to the campfire, carefully took out the freshly roasted meat, blew on it with his mouth, and ate it.

The meat of the Edelweiss Rabbit was delicious, which made Ryan eat it with gusto. He also started thinking wildly in his mind: "This Edelweiss Rabbit tastes really good, although it's not as delicious as the one made by my mother... Well, it needs to be beaten. I just went out in the morning. Why?" Are you just homesick?" Ryan smiled to himself and began to plan his itinerary.

Although his father gave Ryan a lot of gold coins, these alone are not enough for this coming-of-age ceremony trial. In addition, Ryan also needs to find several partners to complete the trial together, so there is still a lot to spend!

"It seems that I need to register a mercenary first," Ryan said in his heart. "Complete tasks to earn money, and you can also improve yourself. However, there are less than four months until the competitive competition, and tasks that are too troublesome may not be completed yet. Also It’s the choice of partner, this is the biggest headache, where can I find the right one?”

Ryan thought for a long time and felt that he had to do things one by one. He set the first goal for himself: go to Takli Town first, become a mercenary, and earn money by completing mercenary tasks. If you have the opportunity to cooperate with others, you might as well give it a try.

After dinner, Ryan stood up, stretched, and patted his belly. Well, I feel so good after eating.

Ryan added a few branches to the bonfire and nodded as he looked at the flames that were getting stronger and stronger. He estimated that these branches would be able to burn until dawn. He walked to the big tree next to him, climbed up quickly, and sat firmly on the forked trunk.

When Ryan was a child, he followed Ghalib into the Hengduan Mountains many times. His father was also an outstanding hunter in the town, and he had already memorized the basic knowledge of survival in the wild: if a person sleeps in the forest, if he lights a bonfire, This can be a more effective defense against monsters. Monsters like wolves and snakes that threaten people are afraid of fire and will not dare to come over. If you can sleep on a clean tree, it will be cool and safe. Of course, if you have the opportunity, you should also buy a tent for camping so that you are not worried about bad weather.

Thinking of buying something, Ryan couldn't help but take out the storage bag given to him by his teacher Delanai. This thing is really good for me. Although it looks like a small pocket and can be tied to the body, it is actually a large space inside. This seems to be caused by alchemy and space magic. But Ryan himself doesn’t quite understand these things. Anyway, as long as he knows how to use them, it’s fine. Why bother thinking about things he doesn’t understand? Why don’t he just ask Mr. Delanai again when he has the chance

Ryan rummaged in his storage pocket and took out the dagger given to him by Teacher Jialib under some clothes. The short sword was about the same length as his forearm, and the scabbard was made of the skin of a very common Takri antelope. Ryan held the handle of the sword and pulled out the dagger with a little force on his wrist.

The dagger blade was pitch black and did not reflect any light under the bright moonlight. It looked very ordinary, which made Ryan feel slightly disappointed. He lightly held the dagger in his right hand and slashed towards the branch. Unexpectedly, he easily cut off a branch as thick as an arm.

Seeing the effect of the sword test in front of him, Ryan was surprised. He didn't expect that this dagger looked inconspicuous, but was so sharp. So he added some strength and thrust the dagger into the tree trunk. In Ryan's expectation, the dagger sank deeply into the tree without even making a sound!

Ryan was ecstatic. Teacher Ghalib really gave him a good gift. With this short sword, his best close-quarter attack would be even more threatening.

Ryan hurriedly pulled out the dagger and examined the blade carefully, hoping to find out why it was sharp. However, Ryan knew nothing about weapon making. He had only heard Delanai talk about some simple knowledge about alchemy and adding magic to equipment. He looked over and over for a long time and found nothing. He just reluctantly concluded that this was a weapon with magic attached. Due to the existence of magic, this dagger is extremely sharp and does not have the metallic luster and reflective characteristics of ordinary weapons. In addition, Ryan only found two small characters "Shadow Shang" on the sword, which was probably the name of this dagger.

Maybe it was because it was his first time traveling far away, or maybe it was because the sharpness of Shadow Shang made Ryan excited. In short, Ryan just couldn't sleep. He struggled all night and barely managed to sleep for a while until dawn.

The next morning, Ryan woke up early. He doused the bonfire with some embers with the water in the water bag, then filled the water bag with water from the nearby stream, ate the remaining pieces of rabbit meat from last night, and faced the rising sun towards the tower. Rick walked to town.

Tarik Town is not very far from Dense Fog Town, only a day and a half away. Before noon, Ryan arrived in Takli Town.

This is Ryan's second time here. The last time was probably when he was 3 or 4 years old. Ryan was so young at that time that he had no memory of Takli Town. But this didn't bother Ryan. He learned the method used by the protagonist in the adventure story Ghalib told him, took out 2 copper coins, and asked a child playing outside to take him to the door of the mercenary guild. .

This square building is very old, at least a hundred years old. There is a wooden sign hanging at its door. Although it has experienced years of wind and sun, a hand can still be clearly identified on the wooden sign. Crossed emblem of swords and a staff. Ryan recalled what Ghalib had told him about the mercenary guild, opened the door of the mercenary guild, and strode in.

Although many years have passed, and although Ghalib has not had an adventurous career in Takli Town, everything is exactly the same as the process Ghalib said. After spending a gold coin, Ryan became a member of the Mercenary Guild. One of them got a magic crystal that symbolized his identity. With it, Ryan can accept tasks from any mercenary guild in Eslar continent.

The first thing Ryan said after becoming a mercenary was to carefully inquire about the recently released mercenary tasks. He found that most of the tasks were for errands, such as helping someone find a lost pet or investigating a certain noble's. Mistress, deliver the package to the designated location. These tasks are troublesome and require luck. Ryan has no interest in it at all.

After looking through all the mercenary missions several times, Ryan finally found a mission that was barely acceptable: a small mountain village called Ancheno Village, about a day away from Takli Town, encountered a winter wolf attack. , the mercenary task publisher, the village chief of this small mountain village issued a task to eliminate the Warcraft Winter Wolf three days ago, and the reward was a bonus of five gold coins.

Ryan, who was born as an Orion, is quite experienced in tasks such as clearing out wild beasts. Wouldn't it be better to hunt them before Victory Day? Ryan smiled. He didn't participate in this year's hunt, but it seems he made up for it this time.

After completing the relevant procedures with the staff of the Mercenary Guild, Ryan accepted the task. In order to make it easier to find Ancheno Village, Ryan bought a map. Ancheno Village, Nongwu Town and other towns around Takli Town are all marked in detail on it, making it easier for travelers to reach their destinations. .

After accepting the task, Ryan decided to walk around the town and buy some suitable items.

The Mercenary Guild is located on the busiest street in Takli Town, and the center of the town is right outside the door. There are shops on both sides of the street, and the sounds of hawking and bargaining come and go.

Ryan walked slowly among the crowd. When he saw Warcraft cores or furs for sale, he stopped to take a look and ask about the price. After looking at more than a dozen shops, Ryan found that there was nothing particularly good here. The Warcraft pelts sold were far inferior to those produced in his hometown of Dense Fog Town, so he lost interest in continuing shopping, so he decided to stop. , find a place to eat.

Just when Ryan was looking around for a suitable hotel, he found a shop not far in front of him with a hammer hanging on it. This was the sign of a blacksmith shop. Ryan immediately forgot about the fact that he was hungry and decided to go and have a look.

The blacksmith shop is not big, only about ten steps from one side to the other. There is a stove on the far right side of the shop. Next to the stove are various forging tools. Two middle-aged blacksmiths are leaning on their upper bodies, waving hammers in front of the stove, and building something vigorously. A young man who looked like he was an apprentice was pulling the bellows desperately. Seeing a visitor coming to the door, one of the middle-aged men put down his hammer and came over.

Ryan was very satisfied with the Shadow Sword dagger given to him by Galib, but he usually didn't have any tools for skinning Warcraft skins, and always using Shadow Shang seemed too luxurious, so Ryan planned to buy a dagger. In addition, this mission will involve dealing with a group of winter wolves. Ryan also plans to buy ten animal traps. It would be best if he can buy bows and arrows.

Ryan told the blacksmith his thoughts. The middle-aged blacksmith thought for a while and said, "I have daggers in stock here. Look at the ones hanging over there." After speaking, he pointed with his hand. Ryan looked in the direction pointed by the middle-aged blacksmith, and sure enough he saw six or seven unbladed daggers of various sizes and styles hanging in a corner of Yuanli's stove.

"But this trap for catching animals?" The middle-aged blacksmith paused and said, "I don't have any in stock here. I ordered a batch from Dense Fog Town last month, and the goods were delivered only ten days ago. In recent days, there have been more I got a big deal and ordered fifty pairs from a place. I'm rushing to finish the work."

When Ryan heard the name of Dense Fog Town, he felt a little warm in his heart. It makes sense to think about it. Isn’t this the hunt for this month? I must order a new batch of clamps. I just don’t know how long it will take to finish the new batch, so I asked: “Then how soon can you make it at the fastest time?” Come out?"

The middle-aged blacksmith calculated and said: "There are only three of us here, and we have to take care of the business in the store. It will take about 5 days to finish this batch of goods. The 10 you ordered will take almost 2 days. You We have to wait at least another 7 days.”

"Seven days?" Ryan thought to himself: "It seems that this mission is hopeless."

"Forget it, I'll pick a dagger," Ryan said disappointedly.

"It's up to you. You can go over there and have a look. Just call me if you're interested. The products I have here may not be as exquisite in workmanship as those in big cities, but they are definitely useful." The middle-aged blacksmith explained a few words and then turned around to get it. He picked up the hammer and continued to beat.

In fact, Ryan didn't have any special requirements for the dagger, as long as it was almost the same, he quickly selected a dagger.

The middle-aged blacksmith looked up at the style chosen by Ryan and walked into the house. After a while, he took out an identical sharpened dagger from the house and handed it to Ryan and said, "2 silver coins."

Ryan took the dagger and asked strangely: "Why don't you hang out this pointed one?"

The middle-aged blacksmith smiled: "There are hanging daggers like this outside." He pointed at the uncut dagger and continued: "It's useless for others to take it. It saves me from always looking at the shop."

Ryan also laughed: "So that's it." He looked carefully at the one in his hand. Indeed, although the workmanship in the small blacksmith shop was a bit rough, it was still quite sharp. It seemed that he would be able to peel the skin of Warcraft by himself in the future. You can use it when.

Ryan took out the silver coins to pay for the dagger, put the dagger into his storage pocket, and asked the blacksmith: "Do you have any bows and arrows here?"

The middle-aged blacksmith said: "That's not the case. I'm not qualified to make this bow and arrow. This thing needs to be sold by a specialized weapons shop, and you have to register it carefully after buying it. It's too troublesome."

Ryan saw that he had nothing to buy, so he walked out of the blacksmith shop.

When Ryan came out of the blacksmith shop, it was already afternoon. After he felt the protest from his stomach again, he remembered that he hadn't had lunch yet, so he made up his mind to find a place to have a good meal. This time, he would not change it no matter what. .

Although the town of Takli is relatively prosperous, it is not too big. After Ryan walked through two streets, he sat at the dining table of a small hotel. From the time he went out yesterday morning to this afternoon, Ryan ate a velvet rabbit, and his stomach was already unbearably hungry.

Ryan ordered a large plate of grilled beef tacos, a baked pork pie and a large glass of refreshing juice. Soon, what he wanted was brought to him by the hotel owner. He looked at the steaming pork pies and the fragrant barbecue, and couldn't help but move his index fingers and enjoy his delicious meal.

After enjoying a sumptuous meal, Ryan burped and felt very comfortable. He called the innkeeper and asked him to prepare a room for him. Because he had to get up early tomorrow, for convenience, he bought some hard bread and a few pieces of roast beef for tomorrow's breakfast.

After paying the money, Ryan followed the hotel owner to the room he had booked with satisfaction.

The room was just upstairs from Ryan's dining area. It wasn't too big, but it was relatively clean. There was only a bed and a table in the room, as well as two chairs that were not very sturdy and made a squeaky sound when sitting on them. Ryan felt that the noisy chair was not comfortable at all, so he simply lay down**. Soon, he fell into a dream.