Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 31: New tasks


Allendo said: "This trick can indeed limit the magician's spellcasting, but it is just a surprise. If the magician is prepared in advance, it will be difficult to succeed."

Ryan stretched out his hands to signal Allen to summon away the wind wolf that was still biting him. Allen Duo whistled, and the two wind wolves let go of Ryan and lazily followed Allen Duo.

Ryan looked at the place where he was bitten by the wind wolf. The hard stone skin had been bitten with deep teeth marks. He believed that this bite to an unprotected magician would definitely be fatal.

At this moment, Farasi's voice came: "What are you doing? It's so noisy so early in the morning that others can't sleep!"

It turned out that the battle between Ryan and Allendo had woken up Farasi and the others.

Ryan and Alan smiled at each other and walked back to the campsite together.

The bonfire in the campsite had long been extinguished, leaving only a pile of black ashes.

Faras stretched out of the tent, saw Ryan and Alando, and complained, "What are you doing? You keep arguing so early in the morning."

Ryan smiled and said nothing.

Red also got out of the tent. While he took down the tent and put it into his storage pocket, he said, "I guess the two of them couldn't sleep. They got up early, and maybe they even had a fight."

"Oh." Faras suddenly became interested, and she asked Ryan: "Who won the fight between you two just now?"

Ryan pointed at Allendo and joked: "Three of them beat me and one of them, of course I lost."

Faras looked at Allendo, then at the two lazy wind wolves behind him, and suddenly laughed: "Just those two lazy guys?"

Elena's voice came: "Fanny, don't underestimate those two wind wolves, their attack power is extraordinary."

Ryan followed the sound and saw Alina walking out of the woods.

Alina said to Faras: "I turned around and found no problem."

Faras nodded and continued to ask Alina: "Why do you say these two lazy guys are so powerful?"

Alina said: "This wind wolf is originally a level 4 monster. What they are best at is lurking and attacking, giving you a fatal blow when you are unprepared. I believe that under the command of Allendo, they can defeat them." When the strength is maximized, it is almost equivalent to the role of an assassin, especially when dealing with unsuspecting mages. I believe that is a nightmare for many mages."

Ryan nodded, indicating that what Alina said made sense.

Farasi didn't believe it. She looked at the two wind wolves and looked at the sharp teeth exposed in the wind wolf's mouth. She subconsciously touched her neck, and she believed Alina's words in her heart.

Reid's voice came: "Faras, do you think they are pets at home? A druid will travel with two pets?"

Farasi said unconvinced: "If I were prepared and struck first, I don't believe I wouldn't be able to deal with them."

Alina smiled and said, "If you saw Ryan's appearance just now, maybe you wouldn't say that."

Farasi asked: "What does it look like?"

Alina said: "I just came back from patrolling around and saw a wind wolf biting one of Ryan's hands. I almost stopped laughing."

Faras quickly said loudly to Ryan: "Lian, what happened just now? Tell me quickly."

Ryan had no intention of deceiving his companions. He explained: "I was sparring with Alan Duo just now. Alan Duo attracted my attention head-on, and then used his Wind Wolf to sneak attack and bit my arms respectively. I couldn’t cast the spell, so I lost.”

Faras heard this interestingly and laughed.

Red said seriously: "Faras, don't be too busy laughing. If you are not prepared for this move, I'm afraid it will be worse than Ryan. Can your arm withstand the wind wolf's bite?"

Faras stopped smiling, she thought for a while and said: "This method is indeed a good way to deal with magicians, but I believe you will not let this method succeed. Because you are all my most trusted companions!"

Oz's voice came: "I just kill the enemy on the front line, don't ask me for things like protecting the little girl."

Everyone looked at the sound and saw Oz taking off his full steel armor and standing next to the tent wearing only ordinary clothes. He was holding a large piece of leftover barbecue from yesterday in one hand and a small one in the other. A gray water bag made from the guts of some kind of monster.

Farasi asked in confusion: "Oz, why did you take off your armor?"

Oz raised the water bag, raised his head and took a big sip, then took another bite of the barbecue. While chewing, he said vaguely: "A thief, a druid, and two wind wolves, if our team is still defeated In case of a sneak attack, does it matter if I don’t wear steel armor?”

Faras pricked up her ears and barely heard Oz's words. She thought about it and thought it made sense, so she stopped talking.

Red said to Oz: "I know, you have worked so hard. When we complete this task, I will treat you to some Bordeaux wine."

Oz's eyes lit up after hearing what Red said, and he asked, "Really?"

Reid said: "Of course, although this kind of wine is not easy to get, I still have some methods."

Oz asked again: "Can you get it? This wine is the best I have ever tasted. Unfortunately, it is too difficult to get. Last time I spent 200 gold coins to buy a small barrel."

Red smiled: "Since I want to treat you, I will treat you to drink until you vomit."

Oz nodded with satisfaction and said nothing. He picked up the big water bag and took a sip, then spit it out and said to himself: "Remembering the taste of the Bordeaux wine I drank last time, this is the best." It’s totally like I’m drinking water. No more!”

Oz poured the contents of the big water bag onto the ground, and a smell of wine came out.

Ryan heard the conversation between Red and Oz. He thought for a moment and asked Farasi, "What is our mission this time?"

Farasi motioned for everyone to sit around, and when everyone gathered together, Farasi said: "Since Ryan asked, I will explain this mission in detail. After I finish speaking, everyone will discuss what to do. "

Faras took out a small water bag, drank a sip of water, and then said: "The task our Leis team took over this time is the investigation of the missing persons in Elmida."

The Leisi team once completed a similar mission, which was a series of human kidnappings. A group of thieves kidnapped people multiple times and demanded ransom. If the money was not paid, they would tear them up. In the end, the Leisi team found the manipulator behind the scenes and defeated their opponent after a hard battle. But Farasi's magic was also exhausted, and she received a relatively similar mission. In order to avoid the same thing happening, she found another magician.

After explaining the mission situation clearly, Faras looked at Ryan and Alando and said, "How is it? Do you have any questions?"

Ryan thought for a while and asked Faras: "I have never been to Elmida City. I wonder which of you is more familiar with it?"

Faras shook his head and replied: "We have never been there, is there any problem?"

Ryan said: "Because no one is familiar with the place, how can we find clues quickly?"

Before Faras could speak, Red rushed to say: "Don't be afraid. We have completed similar tasks and have experience in this area. Generally speaking, when people disappear frequently, they are probably kidnapped. As long as there are many people on the ground where he disappeared, If you search, you can always find some clues. If that doesn't work, we can catch them while collecting the ransom."

Ryan had no experience in this area at all. Seeing that what Red said seemed reasonable, he did not continue to ask about this aspect. Instead, he made a suggestion: "Alan and I have joined the team newly. Our cooperation with each other is not the same." If we don’t have a tacit understanding, should we spend a few days practicing our coordination?”

Farasi said: "Of course that's good. We can practice it first. It will not only be helpful for this mission, but also important for participating in competitive competitions."

Faras paused and said: "In our previous missions, Alina was responsible for the reconnaissance; if an enemy was discovered, Oz would rush to attack, attract the enemy's attention, and buy time for me to cast magic. Red Bless Oz with light or heal his wounds. During the battle, Alina will choose to protect me or destroy the opponent's magician immediately based on the situation."

Faras looked at Ryan and Alando and said: "This is just a very simple model. The specifics will depend on the situation at the time and will be changed. Now that you two have joined us, we will have more choices."

Reid rushed to say: "Yes, with Alando as a druid, it will be more convenient for us to collect information. During combat, Ryan's magic will also provide more powerful support."