Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 34: sunset


Farasi asked: "Work for free?"

The skinny hotel owner said: "Yes, I work for free and can only eat two rough meals a day. I will starve to death, but I will never be full."

Faras seemed a little skeptical of the hotel owner's words. She stared into the skinny old man's eyes and asked word for word: "Since being a miner is tax-free, why do you still open a hotel?"

The skinny hotel owner sighed and said: "After all, this place is rich in copper mines, and a large number of businessmen come here to purchase every year. I only have one hotel in this city, and I can barely survive. To be honest, compared to those miners, I feel very satisfied.”

Ryan was very angry after hearing the words of the skinny hotel owner. He said loudly: "Isn't there anyone in the empire to take care of it?"

The skinny hotel owner glanced at him with disdain and said disdainfully: "Control? Who will control? And how? The laws of the empire allow each city lord to have absolute control in their own territory, as long as they do not rebel. Besides, what if it goes too far? Thousands of jingling gold coins can make people shut up. If that doesn't work, those..."

At this point, the face of the skinny hotel owner changed, as if he remembered something. He quickly changed his words and said: "What do you want to use? I haven't had much business here in the past few months, so I will give you the best price. Anyway, there is no time here." To be idle is to be idle.”

Farasi thought about it and decided to live here. She was not used to living in the wild. Although she spent a little more money, she was not very short of money.

A sumptuous dinner was quickly placed on the table, but everyone felt extremely depressed while eating it. Eating a piece of barbecue was almost like eating the same weight of silver coins as him. Even Farasi, who spent money without blinking along the way, felt pain in his body.

After barely filling their stomachs, everyone followed the skinny innkeeper upstairs to the hotel. Amidst the bragging of the skinny hotel owner, they each checked into their own rooms.

Every room had just been cleaned. Although the room was not as thin as the innkeeper boasted, it was still okay to accommodate people. For this reason, Faras paid an extra 5 silver coins in sanitation fees for each room.

Ryan and Allen lived together. They looked at the two beds in the simple house. The bed sheets were very old, but they were still clean. There was also a table in the room that was missing a leg and was padded with stones, and two chairs that looked too shaky to sit on.

Ryan felt bad. A room like this cost 1 gold coin for one night. This was like robbing. Oh, no, it was easier than robbing.

It was still early and it was impossible to sleep. Things in the city of Hermida are too expensive, and Ryan and Allendo don't plan to go shopping. Besides, the carriage ride just now is basically in the slums, and there is nothing to see.

Alando took out a few pieces of raw meat from his pocket and fed them to the wind wolves. He also touched their fur and communicated with them. This is something Allendo must do every day.

Ryan lay on the bed and watched for a while. He felt bored, so he put on some clothes, opened the door and walked out.

Ryan walked along the corridor and walked to a place without a roof. Looking at the location, Ryan estimated that the hall downstairs where they ate was probably set aside by the hotel for guests to walk and rest.

Ryan looked up at the sky and found that there was still a setting sun on the horizon. But along the way, the sky was always gray, and I thought it was cloudy today.

The sunset was about to set on the horizon, and the sky was thickly covered with dark clouds.

The setting sun seems unwilling to set just like this. It changes colors tenaciously. One moment it is yellow, and the next moment it turns purple, as if it wants to prove its existence to the world.

However, the thick dark clouds in the sky paid no attention to it. They gathered together and blocked the sunset.

The setting sun had no choice but to emit its own light through the gaps in the dark clouds.

This lucky ray of sunshine shone on the ground, on the roof, and on Ryan's body, but no one could feel the slightest warmth from it.

The sunset seemed to be very aware of this. It did not choose to continue struggling, but slowly fell weakly, letting the dark clouds around it slowly swallow it up, and disappeared into the shadows of the horizon bit by bit.

Ryan stood there, silently watching the sunset gradually disappear from his eyes, and his shadow was stretched very long by the lucky light of the sunset.

The lonely sunset gradually converged its brilliance, and was about to be submerged in the boundless dark clouds.

Suddenly, the setting sun condensed into a huge blood-red ball, bursting out with dazzling light towards the earth. Ryan's eyes suddenly became bright, and he seemed to suddenly feel the slightest warmth on his body!

In the sky, there was a black crow flapping its wings lonely and making a cry of "ah, ah". This cry seemed to sentence the sunset to death, and the dazzling light of the sunset dimmed feebly. The sunlight on the earth slowly recedes like the ebbing sea water, dissipating into the boundless darkness.

When the last ray of sunlight disappeared from Ryan's body, the sky became dark.

Ryan stood there motionless, witnessing all this. Somehow, Ryan suddenly remembered what the innkeeper, the skinny old man said, and couldn't help but sigh.

Farasi's voice came from behind: "Ryan, don't you need to meditate? Why are you here?"

Ryan turned around and saw Faras changing into purple clothes instead of her red magician robe. Farasi, who had changed her clothes, seemed to be a different person, showing a hint of charm.

Ryan couldn't help but take another look.

Farasi's face showed a slight redness, and she asked Ryan: "Lian, why are you sighing? Do you think of home?"

Ryan shook his head and replied: "No. I thought of what the hotel owner said just now, and I felt very uncomfortable."

Farasi said: "Can you tell me?"

Ryan nodded and said, "I have lived with my parents since I was a child. I have never heard of anyone working hard just to have two meals. I never thought that I could see this scene at such a close distance today."

Faras comforted Ryan and said: "Actually, there are many things like this on this continent. My father racked his brains, but he could only prevent such things from happening in his city."

Ryan scratched his head and asked, "Faras, is your father also a city lord?"

Faras didn't want to talk more about her hunger. She said quickly: "No. Ryan, can you tell me about the tasks you have done?"

"If you'll listen, I'll tell it," Lane said.

Ryan told Faras his experience from the first time he left his hometown and entered the mercenary union to the time he arrived in Giethoorn Town.

Ryan's eloquence is not very good, but his simple language makes people more immersed in the situation.

When Faras heard the residents of Ancheno cheering for their rescue, her face showed a happy look, as if she was the magician who rescued them; when Faras heard that Ryan was killed by Scar and his gang, During the siege, there was a nervous look on his face, his little hands were tightly clenched into fists, and he was almost about to cast magic on the non-existent villain in front of him; when Faras heard the thief magician Weir read the last note, he completed When the righteous knight was about to be annihilated by a powerful magic, she finally couldn't help it anymore. She held Ryan's hand and said hurriedly: "What's down there? Tell me quickly, what happened next?"

At this moment, footsteps came from the corridor.

Faras saw her hand tightly grasping Ryan's hand, and her face suddenly turned red. She quickly let go of Ryan's hand and stood aside happily.

Ryan was also embarrassed by Farasi's actions. In order to avoid the embarrassment between the two of them, he took a few steps towards the corridor, intending to see who was coming.

Reid's handsome face appeared in Ryan's sight. He looked very happy to see Ryan and Faras here, and said quickly: "Great, I was looking for you two."

Just after saying this, Red saw the blush on Faras's face and asked strangely: "Fanny, what's wrong with you? Your face is red? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Farasi waved her hand shyly and said, "It's really annoying. I'm sleepy. I'm going to sleep first."

Red said quickly: "Don't leave, this matter is very important and the three of us must negotiate together."

Faras hurried away without looking back.

Seeing Faras gone, Red felt even more strange. He asked Ryan: "What happened to Faras?"

Ryan was too embarrassed to mention what happened just now, so he concealed it and said, "Well, maybe you feel sorry for the gold coins you spent today, right?"

Red scratched his head and felt even more strange. He lowered his head and said to himself: "It doesn't make sense. Faras is not the kind of stingy person. Besides, in the Imperial Capital before, there were all fantasy bars that were more expensive than this one." Get over it."

Ryan left Reid talking to himself and strode away.

Red muttered for a long time and then said to Ryan: "Lian, what you said is wrong, Faras won't take this matter to heart. Do you think it could be something else?"

Red asked several times but didn't hear what Ryan said. He raised his head and saw that Ryan didn't know where he had gone. He shook his head and said, "Why are these two people acting weird today?"