Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 40: Countermeasures


After laughing, Faras said: "Red, among us, you are the only one who is most familiar with those undead. This time you will take command."

Red nodded and accepted the command of Faras' team without hesitation. He said: "If I guessed correctly, the large number of missing miners in Elmida should be sacrifices used by the undead to complete some evil ritual. Counting this In two months, there have been more than five hundred people. Such a huge number shows that this ceremony is not small."

Faras said: "Is it going to be like 200 years ago, preparing to gather an army?"

Red shook his head and said, "Absolutely not, I'm sure of that."

Farasi didn't believe it: "Oh?"

Reid said: "It has been almost 2 months since the first disappearance. I once asked the hotel owner that only 20 people were missing every day. We can only produce an army of 20 people every day. How long will it take to build a large scale?" Without an army of millions, it is completely meaningless. What's more, if you really want to create an army of the undead, why do you have to capture living people? Things often happen in the mines here, and the corpses of miners who die every year are enough for him to convert. Who Do you care whether a pile of corpses are still there?"

Allendo interrupted and said: "To capture a living person, you should use a living person to perform some kind of ritual. Generally, the evil rituals of the undead will use blood or life as a sacrifice."

Red said, "Yeah, that's it."

Faras said: "Then let's notify the Light Church as soon as possible."

Reid waved his hand and said, "No need."

Farasi said in confusion: "Why?"

Reid said: "The nearest church of the Church of Light is in Alpha City, and the round trip takes at least six days at the fastest. Moreover, most of the pastors there only preach the doctrines of the gods of light and some simple blessings. You are definitely not as good as me in fighting. Instead of expending a lot of effort and finding a group of people who can't help you, let's plan carefully and make the most of our strength."

Farasi said: "I know you are Master Yibel's disciple, so there is no need to show off."

Hearing that Faras finally praised him, Red was not proud for the first time, but said calmly: "I think we have very little time. No one knows when this ceremony will be completed. We can't delay it any longer. , we can only rely on ourselves, and I am ready to take the initiative. The closer the ceremony is to completion, the more inseparable the host of the ceremony will be. This is our best chance to win."

Farasi said: "Are you ready for tonight?"

Reid said: "Yes, even you didn't know about this a moment ago. This is the best time!"

Farasi nodded and said, "Okay, you can arrange it."

Reid said: "Now everyone go back to your room immediately and seize the time to rest. After dinner, we will set off immediately and go to the place Jessie mentioned."

Everyone agreed and went back to their rooms.

Ryan lay on his bed and watched Alando quickly enter a dream. Thinking that tonight, he would experience an unprecedented adventure, Ryan felt a little excited. He took out the Shadow Sword dagger and carefully wiped the black blade. The only thing he can rely on is his companions.

In order to maintain his best condition at night, Ryan quickly suppressed his mood, put away Yingshang, and fell asleep deeply.

Ryan, who was sleeping, was pushed awake. He opened his eyes and saw Alando standing beside his bed.

Ryan started to do it, rubbed his eyes, and said to Alando: "I feel so comfortable, how about you?"

Alan Duo smiled and said to Ryan: "The Druid tribe has been tracking the undead for 200 years, and I found it. Do you think I can't be excited? It's just that after so many years of training, before the war, , If you can’t keep your mood calm, you’ll almost lose half the battle.”

Ryan nodded. Teacher Ghalib also said something similar.

Ryan stretched and turned to look out the window. The sun had already set, and he said to Alando, "Yeah, let's go. I believe they are all up too."

Ryan and Allendo came to the hotel lobby, where Red and Oz were already sitting. Seeing Ryan and Alando, Red said hello and motioned for them to come over.

Just as Ryan sat down, Faras and Alina also came out. Six people sat around a table and enjoyed a dinner. Faras ordered all the best food this hotel could provide, and didn't care even if it cost more than 100 gold coins. Elendo's wind wolves also lay aside and enjoyed their dinner, half a roast beef.

After dinner, the Leisi team left the hotel under the surprised eyes of the hotel owner.

It was a night with twinkling stars, and the gentle breeze made people feel a little cool. However, the members of Team Leisi paid too little attention and arrived at the place Jie Xi mentioned. This place is just like Jie Xi said, remote and full of useless slag.

Everyone split up to look for the hole that Jie Xi mentioned, believing that it was an entrance to the undead ritual site.

Suddenly, the ground cracked open, revealing a dark cave, and everyone hurriedly took cover.

A assembled monster walked out of it, followed by a dozen men in black. When all the men in black walked out of the cave, the assembled monster said in human language: "You guys go and run again. Master Sandro is angry today. The ceremony is about to end. He needs more blood."

The man in black replied respectfully: "Yes, sir."

Ryan looked with the help of weak light and saw that the face of the assembled monster turned out to be the "left hand" who had died in Giethoorn! The discovery shocked Lane.

"Left Hand" seemed to hear something, and he said loudly: "Who is it?"

Faras and Red stood up from their hiding places. Red said to the "left hand": "Evil monster, today, I represent the will of the gods of light to judge you!"

"Left Hand" let out a hoarse laugh: "It turned out to be those nosy guys. It just saved me walking."

Farasi took a small step forward, raised the magic wand in his hand and recited a spell.

"Left Hand" showed a ferocious look on his face and said, "Damn it, another magician!"

The men in black next to "Left Hand" did not wait for "Left Hand" to issue orders, and rushed towards Faras and Red.

Oz shouted and held up his shield to block the front of the man in black. He hit the shield of his left hand with the side of the ax in his right hand, making a violent metal collision sound. This sound was heard in the open field. Far.

"Left Hand" said to the group of men in black: "Leave the magician to me, and kill all the others."

Farasi's fireball technique was completed, and a huge fireball flew towards the "left hand". The "left hand" grabbed a man in black next to him and threw him towards the fireball. With a bang, the fireball hit the man in black and exploded, blowing the unlucky man in black into pieces, but it also blocked it. The power of a fireball explosion.

"Left Hand" shouted, squatted down deeply with his monster-like legs, and then bounced out with all his strength. He took more than ten steps and rushed directly to Oz. "Left Hand" crashed into Oz, who also used his shield to block it with all his strength.

There was a dull impact, and Oz was knocked back more than ten steps and sat down on a pile of slag!

"Left Hand" knocked away Oz, without stopping at all, and rushed straight towards Faras. He would definitely allow another magician to lead him around.

Before Farasi's second magic was completed, she was so frightened that her "left hand" crashed towards her.

Red quickly blessed Faras with a "Holy Shield", hoping to reduce the damage suffered by Faras. Alina's flying knife also shot out and went straight into the eye of "Left Hand".

The "left hand" stretched out his nail-covered hand, and for a moment, as if chasing away a fly, he deflected Alina's flying knife. Without stopping, he waved his arm and swatted at Farasi. Drawing is about to be hit by the "left hand".

Ryan's voice sounded in time: "'Left Hand' I'm here!"

The movement of the "left hand" stopped suddenly, and he was less than half a step away from Farasi!

Farasi's body shimmered with golden light, which was the "Holy Shield" magic that Red blessed him with. Although Faras was protected by the magic of "Holy Shield", the airflow brought by the powerful impact of the "left hand" still blew the hair on the back of her head.

Oz endured the pain and stood up. The shield in his hand had been dented by the impact, but he didn't care about it now. He didn't even wipe the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth. Oz walked quickly to Farasi's body. He raised his shield in front of him and looked at his "left hand" warily.

Seeing that Oz's strength was completely inferior to that assembled monster, Red quickly chanted a spell and blessed Oz with a "power of a bull"! A white light enveloped Oz, and Oz felt that his body was suddenly filled with powerful power. Even if the "left hand" bumped into him again, he had nothing to fear!

However, "Left Hand" ignored all this. He turned his body almost tremblingly and stared at Ryan in the distance with his eyes.

That's right, it was the little magician in front of him who almost killed himself in Giethoorn, ruined Sir Senat's plan, and even caused Sir Senat to almost fall into the hands of those knights, and if he hadn't The "right hand" might also die there.