Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 44: Assemble the monster


Alina and Oz were the first to get into the cave, and Faras and Ryan followed one after the other. This corridor was probably dug during copper mining at that time, but the space inside is not small. One person can stand up straight and walk in it, and two people side by side will not feel crowded.

The corridor went diagonally deep into the ground, and Leisi's team was cautiously on guard as they moved forward slowly.

Farasi cast a bright fire magic to illuminate everyone. The weak flame kept beating on the top of Farasi's magic wand, and the shadow of the person kept shaking on the ground under its reflection.

Ryan carefully touched the stone wall of the tunnel. It was very dry. He grabbed it hard and felt that the stone wall was very strong. It was not like a real mine at all. It was estimated that someone had made some modifications to it.

Thinking of this, Ryan said softly: "Look at this stone wall, someone must have modified it, right?"

The members of Team Leisi stopped in unison when they heard Ryan's words and looked at the stone walls of the corridor around them.

Elena flipped the flying knife in her hand, tapped the stone wall with the handle, making a dull sound, and then scraped gently with the tip of the knife, leaving some dust stains on the stone wall.

Alina said: "Yes, generally speaking, the stone walls inside the mines are not so strong. Most mines use wooden heads to hold the top up to avoid landslides. But here, not only is there no wood, but the walls are not even broken. Scum."

Reid thought for a while and said: "Such a strong wall and such a long corridor, did it cost a huge amount of manpower?"

Faras shook his head and said: "No. When I was studying at the Royal Academy of Magic, I once saw an earth mage practicing magic. At that time, he cast some kind of magic on a low wall made of soil. After a moment, that The low wall has become extremely strong, and even the students' fireball technique can only blow up some debris. The teacher also said that all the walls in the imperial capital are made with the same method, so they are very hard."

Ryan asked Faras: "You said this corridor was reinforced by magicians with magic?"

Farasi said firmly: "That's right."

Reid reminded everyone: "It seems that there is at least one earth magician among this group of enemies. Farasi, when you find the opponent's magician, interrupt his protective magic as soon as possible, otherwise the earth magician's protective blessing will come out. The fight was very tiring.”

Before Farasi could speak, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from deep in the corridor. The members of the Leisi team immediately stopped talking and looked ahead in the darkness warily. Alina lay on the ground, pressed her ears tightly to the ground, and listened carefully. She stood up and whispered: "There is no danger ahead. Far."

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was getting closer and closer, and everyone suddenly became nervous. Red had already begun to give Oz the power of the bull.

A huge assembled monster appeared in front of the Leisi team. This monster had a human head, and its body was assembled from several different kinds of monsters. It had four hands, each holding a huge weapon. Iron Ax has four legs on his lower body and walks like a horse.

When the monster saw Team Rais, green liquid flowed from its mouth, and it made a vague human voice: "Meat, delicious meat." Then it waved the weapon in its hand and rushed towards Oz.

Seeing this assembled monster, which was bigger than his left hand, rushing over, Ryan made a prompt decision and cast a fireball. This corridor is not like the wilderness outside, and there is not much space to swim around.

The fireball collided with the assembled monster, the fire light illuminated the corridor, and a huge explosion suddenly echoed in the corridor.

Ryan followed the strong light of the fireball explosion and saw dozens of skeleton-like monsters following behind the assembled monster. He reminded loudly: "Use magic quickly, don't let it get close."

Farasi hurriedly gathered mana, followed Ryan, and began to cast fireball.

Continuous explosions prevented the assembled monsters from approaching.

Ryan released the fireball technique at three times the speed of Faras, and mixed the fireball technique with lightning technique to attack the head of the assembled monster.

The assembled monster was repeatedly hit by lightning spells on its head, causing it to roar in pain. Ryan took the opportunity to release another lightning spell, but this blue lightning did not hit the monster. It hit the stone wall of the corridor, and then rebounded to a skeleton warrior behind the assembled monster, killing it.

Under the strong magic blow, the assembled monster was seriously injured, and one of its hands was blown off. Its painful screams echoed through the corridor, making people's ears buzz.

Red's light magic was also ready, and a ball of holy light shrouded his hand. This ball of light slowly gathered into the shape of a hammer, which was held by Red. Of course, this kind of weapon made with sacred magic cannot be used in combat like an ordinary weapon, but the large amount of light power it contains is the nemesis of this evil creature.

Red raised the hammer condensed with divine power in his hand and threw it at the assembled monster.

The assembled monster seemed to have felt the power of this magic. It swayed its body and tried to avoid it, but the space in the corridor could only barely pass through for a monster like it, and there was no way to retreat.

The sacred hammer hit the assembled monster's head hard, and with a flash of white light, the upper body of the assembled monster was immediately blown to pieces. The assembled monster without its upper body staggered for a few steps before falling to the ground.

Without the threat of assembled monsters, the remaining skeleton warriors were not enough to see. Ryan flew several more magic fireballs, and the broken bones were scattered to the ground, and the passage suddenly became clear.

Farasi leaned her body against the wall of the corridor, her chest rising and falling. She just cast magic continuously and felt a little tired, but her heart was full of shock. I believe that not only her, but any magician who has received formal magic education will be extremely shocked here. Ryan can cast magic three times as fast as himself, and the power is much greater than his own. He is really a magic apprentice.

Faras couldn't help her curiosity anymore. She asked Ryan: "Lian, can you tell me about the scene when you were tested in the Magic Guild?"

Ryan talked about his experience participating in the Alpha City magic test and his considerations at the time.

Farasi felt very sorry for Ryan's consideration. Only magicians desperately wanted to advance. I have never heard of anyone who deliberately did not take the exam seriously in order to preserve his strength. She said with a little pity: "Ryan, in fact, if you had fully demonstrated your strength today, you might be able to pass the promotion of junior magician."

Ryan didn't care about Farasi's words. Ryan had personally experienced the benefits of hiding his strength in Giethoorn Town. If at the beginning, Ryan hid his strength just to avoid attracting others' attention, then now Ryan has completely regarded hiding his strength as the criterion for his actions.

In this world, it is better to be low-key. There are many things that you just need to know yourself, there is no need to preach them everywhere. That just satisfies a little bit of your own vanity. What's the point

Red also looked envious. He stared at Ryan, who looked confused.

Ryan asked Red: "Why are you always looking at me?"

Red showed an exaggerated expression on his face, and a golden light seemed to appear in his eyes: "God of Light, we have picked a huge advantage this time. One warrior, plus three magicians, well, Faras opened The price offered is really a bargain.”

Faras patted Red on the head hard and said, "Don't count the advantages you took advantage of. Just because Ryan casts spells three times faster than me, I believe no one would believe me even if I went back to the Royal Academy of Magic. , this is basically what a high-level magician can do." At this point, Faras turned to ask Ryan: "Lian, if you have any other secrets, tell them together. It's always very shocking. "

Reid felt the same way. He gloated to Ryan: "Faras is an outstanding student at the Royal Academy of Magic. But with you, there is no comparison."

Oz and Alina don't know magic, but not knowing magic doesn't mean they know nothing about magic. Seeing Ryan's performance just now, Alina said bitterly: "Use a sword for melee combat and magic for long range combat. Are you still a human being, Ryan? How can you ask others to live?"

Oz took out the Bordeaux wine, took a sip, and said, "I don't care about your thoughts, as long as you are my teammate, that's enough."

Oz's words resonated with everyone. Yes, no matter how many hidden things Ryan has, as long as he is our teammate, this is enough.

Ryan was looked at like a monster by Faras and the others, and felt strange in his heart. It turns out that this is how it feels to be the focus of others. This feeling is not good at all. Ryan was very happy for his original decision. He made up his mind and decided to continue to work hard to improve his strength while trying to be as low-key as possible.