Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 46: Sandro the Lich (2)


Sandro's laughter echoed in the empty mine. This laughter was completely beyond the reach of human beings. It made the members of Rais Team dizzy and almost lost their footing. Red quickly blessed everyone with a protective evil magic, and then barely managed to resist Sandru's mental impact on Raith's team.

Sandro said: "Let me see, will humans still have the same power hundreds of years from now?"

Sandro then stretched out his hands, revealing a pair of skeletal arms, and spoke a language that was definitely not human. Its skeletal arms were also making incomprehensible movements in conjunction with this language. .

A group of shocking power surged out of Sandru's body.

Almost at the same time, Allendo and Oz rushed towards Sandro, and Ryan fired a magic missile, intending to interfere with Sandro's casting of magic.

A black halo enveloped Sandro. Ryan's magic missile seemed to be a velvet rabbit trying to shake the dragon. It was bounced away by this black halo and had no impact on Sandro at all. .

Sandro's magic was completed, and a huge skull appeared on the only way to the altar. When Oz and Allendo stepped into the range of the skull, the huge skull immediately shattered, releasing a powerful Dark power.

Oz and Allendo were immediately knocked away by the force and hit the wall. Ozzy's head hit the wall unluckily, and he fainted immediately. Allendo, on the other hand, turned his body sideways when the skull exploded, avoiding the vital part. Then Allendo turned over in the air, adjusted his position slightly, and kicked the wall with his feet, neutralizing most of the power of the skull explosion.

Sandro's magic was something Red had never seen before. He was helpless and didn't know how to prevent it in a targeted manner. He simply gave up on protection and cast a "Wrath of Justice" magic to increase the damage of his partners against evil creatures. force.

Ryan was really shocked when he saw that Sandro's protective magic was so powerful and his own magic missile was easily deflected, but he did not stop. Since one magic won't work, then come with 10 or 20. I will use up all your protective magic!

A ball of flame gathered in Ryan's hand, and Ryan cast a fireball. The fireball whizzed towards Sandro. Sandro pointed his skeletal finger at the fireball cast by Ryan. A series of spells sounded quickly, and a black light shot out from Sandro's finger.

The black light and the red fireball met in the air, and the light and fireball exploded immediately. The spreading flame hit Sandro's protective halo and was completely bounced away.

Sandru suddenly let out a scream. The sound seemed to be the whisper of the innocent ghost of Jiuyou, causing all kinds of negative emotions in the world to appear in the brains of the members of Raisi team: sadness, helplessness, pain... . This terrifying dark force impacted everyone's brains, as if it was going to tear them apart. The evil protection magic that Red blessed everyone with is completely unable to resist this terrible dark power.

Alina is young and very young, and has poor willpower. She suddenly recalled the tragic situation of her childhood in her mind, and a look of pain appeared on her face involuntarily. Alina seemed unable to face the memories that appeared in her mind. She covered her head and ran around in the cave screaming.

Reid endured the pain that seemed to be torn in his mind, and blessed himself and Faras with a "soothing mind" magic, barely controlling his thinking.

Allendo was half-kneeling on the ground. He stretched his neck and raised his head to the sky and let out a wolf howl to counter Sandro's "Psychic Explosion". His face was getting redder and redder, as if blood was dripping from his skin. The two wind wolves following Allendo were unable to resist this powerful dark magic. They fell to the ground with a wailing sound, blood flowed from their seven orifices, and they died.

Only the unconscious Oz was completely unaffected by this dark magic. Sometimes coma is also a kind of luck, it allows people not to face reality.

Ryan relied on his perseverance in practicing martial arts for many years to resist Sandro's dark magic "Psychic Explosion".

Ryan said "Wow" and spat out a large mouthful of blood. Ryan took a deep breath. He knew clearly in his heart that if he could not defeat the lich in front of him, the entire Leisi team would stay here today.

Back then, in order to protect Ryan and his mother, Ryan's father could forcefully carry a crazy wild boar in front of him, and use the hunting fork in his hand to stab the wild boar into the ground. Ryan also inherited it in his bones. His father's fierceness made his heart feel empty at this time. He didn't think about anything else. There was only one thought in his mind: "Attack, attack, attack again!"

Ryan released magic at high speed while slowly moving towards the altar where Sandro was. In order to interfere with Sandro's casting of magic, Ryan chose his own magic missile that casts the fastest spells.

One, two, three... A large number of magic missiles flew towards Sandro like raindrops, and were bounced away by the black halo surrounding Sandro.

Ryan accurately manipulated all the magic missiles he launched so that they focused on the same location of the black halo that protected Sandro.

Sandru, who was in the black halo, saw Ryan overestimating his ability to cast magic missiles to attack him, and even stopped the magic he was casting.

Sandro seemed to be planning to use this method to laugh at Ryan's futility. How could the first-level magic defeat his own seventh-level protective magic

Just when Sandru was expecting to see that futile expression on Ryan's face, something surprised Sandru happened. After experiencing the impact of dozens of magic missiles, the black halo that protected it appeared. A crack!

At this time, Ryan also approached the altar. When he saw that his magic missile finally tore a crack in Sandro's defensive magic, he shouted and jumped to the altar where Sandro was.

Sandro also didn't expect that Ryan would actually break his seventh-level defensive magic with a first-level magic. When it saw that Ryan had jumped on the altar and was about to approach him, it screamed at Ryan, and all the negative things in the world Emotions: sadness, helplessness, and pain were gathered together by Sandro with a terrifying dark force, and once again forced their way into Ryan's brain.

The braziers around the altar were also oppressed by this powerful dark force, and the flames were immediately tightly suppressed to the bottom of the brazier. The entire cave suddenly burst into light, and the only sound in the dark and empty cave was Sandro's scream. Vibrating constantly.