Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 5: Businessman Flanner


At night, in the center of Ancheno Village, a blazing bonfire was lit under the big tree surrounded by two people. The villagers gathered around the bonfire and happily ate roasted winter wolf meat and drank delicious ale. They were talking about what they had experienced when they went to clean up the battlefield in the afternoon.

A young magician came alone to a remote village threatened by monsters. He used brilliant magic to eradicate the raging monsters and save the suffering people. This legendary story that originally only appeared in the beautiful singing melody of the bard is happening vividly around me today. Is there anything better to talk about than this? Is there any story more compelling than this? Lane, who independently hunted 27 winter wolves, immediately became a hero in the hearts of Ancheno people.

Ryan didn't drink alcohol, so when faced with the enthusiastic villagers, he had to refuse with the excuse of "I am a magician and I have to stay awake and cannot drink." Facing the villagers of Ancheno, Ryan felt the joy of helping others for the first time. Although the reward for this mercenary mission was not much, being able to truly help others, wasn't it the biggest reward for him? At this time, Ryan had already forgotten the unpleasant mood at the beginning.

Early the next morning, when the villagers of Ancheno were still immersed in the joy of last night's carnival and fell asleep, Ryan had already embarked on the journey back to Takli Town.

By evening, Lane was back in the town of Takri.

After entering the city, Ryan went directly to the mercenary guild in the center of the town.

When Ryan presented the certificate issued by the head of Ancheno Village that the raging monsters had been eradicated, the staff of the mercenary guild soon completed the procedures for Ryan to complete the mission, and took out the reward for Ryan's mission. 5 gold coins.

Ryan held these five gold coins firmly in his hands, and he couldn't be happier. This was his first real income. It was almost equivalent to his father's three months of hard hunting income. This mercenary still made money. It's so fast. Ryan decided to use the money to buy some gifts for relatives and friends in his hometown after he arrived in the imperial capital.

After Ryan walked out of the mercenary guild, it was already dark outside. The town of Takli seemed deserted at night, with almost no one walking on the street. Ryan found the small hotel where he stayed last time based on his memory. After enjoying the same big meal again, Ryan booked a room with satisfaction and took an early rest.

The next day, after having breakfast, Ryan went to the Mercenary Guild in Takli Town.

This time Ryan paid attention when searching for tasks, and did not accept those that were too vague. Ryan didn't like running errands originally, but now he was picky about it. The result was: he spent half a day looking over all the tasks several times, but he couldn't find a task that suited his liking.

At noon, Ryan felt hungry alone and was about to go out to get something to eat, but unexpectedly discovered that there was also a rest area in the mercenary guild. If he wanted to, he could also spend some money to buy a glass of wine or simple food to satisfy his hunger. This is usually prepared for mercenaries who stay in the mercenary guild all day long waiting for missions.

Ryan sat at the table, eating toast. He reviewed his picky mission behavior: "After all, there are only more than 10,000 residents in Takli Town, and there are no big villages nearby. What mission can satisfy me? After all, I am a mercenary for Accumulate experience and find partners. After completing a few more tasks, you will leave for Alpha. It is the seventh largest city in the empire. With more people, there will be more things to do, and there will definitely be endless tasks to keep you busy. .”

Thinking of this, Ryan took a sip of juice and secretly made up his mind to complete the mission of capturing the young Warcraft he saw in the morning after lunch. Although the white-feathered parrot with a bounty on it is sometimes easy to find, there is always something to be gained by wandering deeper into the Hengduan Mountains. Anyway, the businessman who issued the mission did not set a specific time. This kind of bounty mission can usually be accepted by multiple people at the same time. If someone cannot complete it, there will be no penalty. Moreover, the businessman also made it clear that the payment is based on the number, 1 gold coin for a white-feathered parrot, the more the better.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his forties walked into the mercenary guild. After he entered, he habitually glanced at the hall of the mercenary guild. At this time, apart from a few staff members of the mercenary guild, only Ryan was having lunch. The middle-aged man's eyes fell on Ryan, and he seemed to be a little curious about the young Ryan.

Ryan, who was eating toast, felt the middle-aged man's gaze and raised his head to look over. He saw this middle-aged man wearing a black bowler hat on his head, a businessman's dress made of white linen on his upper body, and a badge hanging on his chest, which seemed to have a relatively complicated emblem. The businessman's lower body It's black linen pants.

From the merchant's overall appearance, Ryan knew that he was a purchasing merchant from a certain chamber of commerce in a distant big city. Because local businessmen would never wear formal clothes in such a hot weather. Only those well-trained businessmen from large chambers of commerce would dress like this for the sake of image. However, Ryan himself had not studied badge science, so he could not identify the content of the badge logo on the merchant's chest, and could not guess the identity of the merchant.

The two looked at each other, then the businessman put away his gaze and walked towards the place where the mercenary guild issued the mission.

The staff of the mercenary guild received the businessman and asked him if he needed help.

The middle-aged businessman simply said that he had purchased goods in Takli Town and was preparing to leave. I hope to hire a mercenary group of more than five people to escort me.

However, the staff told him that Takli could not find a mercenary group with more than five people at present, and asked him if he would issue a mission and wait for the arrival of the mercenary group.

The middle-aged businessman was obviously unwilling to wait any longer. He would rather increase the commission for the task. However, there was indeed no mercenary group in Takli Town that met his requirements. This result disappointed the middle-aged businessman. He shook his head and rejected the staff. proposal.

The staff also suggested that businessmen hire personnel to protect themselves.

The businessman thought about it and felt that it would be troublesome to hire them separately. Moreover, if something really happened, these mercenaries who were temporarily gathered together would not cooperate at all. He was afraid that it would make things worse, so he rejected the staff's proposal. .

The staff spread their hands and said that there was nothing they could do.

The middle-aged businessman thought for a while, but even though he had no hope, he asked again: "Is there a magician? I can offer a high price."

The staff remembered the mission completion certificate issued by the head of Ancheno Village that Ryan gave him last night. It clearly stated that it was a great magician who saved Ancheno, and there was also a pile of praises to the God of Light. nonsense. Although the staff did not quite believe what Mayor Ancheno said, Ryan should have some magic, so he pointed it out to the middle-aged businessman and said, "Are you looking for a magician? He is it."

The middle-aged businessman looked along the staff's fingers and found the young man he had just seen when he entered the door. He said dubiously: "That's him? Isn't he too young?"

The staff heard the doubt in the middle-aged businessman's tone. He shrugged and said, "I'm not lying to you. This boy completed a task yesterday and hunted 27 winter wolves alone. This is proof that the task was completed." It clearly says he is a magician."

The middle-aged businessman was stunned after hearing the staff's words. He could hunt 27 winter wolves by himself, which was at least the level of a junior magician. He thought for a while and decided to communicate with Ryan first.

When Ryan heard the word "magician", he already raised his head and looked at the middle-aged businessman. Seeing the middle-aged businessman walking towards him with a suspicious look on his face, Ryan greeted him generously and said, "Sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

The middle-aged businessman sat next to Ryan and said, "Hello, I am a businessman, my name is Flanner, can I have a word with you?"

Lane said to Flanner: "You can call me Lane, don't use your respectful title, I am much younger than you."

Flanner said: "Haha, Ryan, I have always respected magicians. I just heard from the staff that you once hunted 27 winter wolves by yourself. Is that true?"

"Yes" Ryan nodded in affirmation.

"I'm curious," Flanner asked, "27 winter wolves are not that easy to deal with. What magic did you use?"

Ryan said: "Fireball."

"Fireball? That's a level 3 magic!" Flanner shouted in surprise: "Oh my God, it's unbelievable."

Ryan misunderstood what Flanner meant, thinking that Flanner felt that fireball was not enough to destroy the winter wolf. He added: "My teacher once said: 'A qualified magician is not judged by how powerful he is, but by how powerful he is. It depends on whether he can use his power skillfully. '27 winter wolves does sound like a lot, and I once had a headache trying to think of a way to eliminate them, but I seized the right opportunity, so I succeeded ”

Flanner also misunderstood Ryan's words. He originally thought that Ryan was just an ordinary magic apprentice who had learned a little magic knowledge. But during the conversation with Ryan, Flanner felt that Ryan was approachable, polite to others, and should be well-educated, unlike many magicians who were arrogant and even unwilling to pay attention to others. And from Ryan's words, Flanner heard that Ryan seemed to be a disciple of a certain master and came out specifically to practice. Generally, during this kind of training, disciples are strictly prohibited from saying the teacher's name to avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

For this reason, Flanner did not ask about Ryan's own affairs anymore. He now has confidence in Ryan. A trial apprentice of a magic master, who knows at least level three magic, should be enough to protect his goods, right

Flanner extended an invitation to Ryan and said, "Lian, I am going to Alpha City with my goods. Can you please come with me?"

Ryan knew that although Flanner said he was being polite, he was actually hired to protect him. Ryan thought that he was going to Alpha City in a few days anyway, so he might as well take this opportunity to forget it and get an extra commission.

Ryan's hesitation allowed Flanner to confirm his thoughts. It seemed that he really had his own trial mission and was unwilling to help him. However, Flanner found a magician with great difficulty, and of course he would not give up easily. He continued to add weights, hoping to shake the balance in Ryan's heart, "50 gold coins, Ryan. I will be responsible for some expenses on the road, how about it? Think about it."

When he heard 50 gold coins, Ryan's brain suddenly went crazy. Oh my god, this is so surprising. He pinched his thigh quietly. Well, it hurt. He wasn't dreaming. Ryan nodded quickly and said: "Flanner, your enthusiasm is irresistible to me. I agree."

After hearing Ryan's agreement, Flanner was very happy and called the staff to complete the relevant procedures. As long as he can reach Alpha City safely, fifty shining gold coins will belong to Ryan.

After waiting for everything to be completed, Ryan followed Flanner out of the mercenary guild. Flanner's carriage was parked outside, and a driver was dozing in the driving seat. This kind of carriage is a bit longer than an ordinary carriage. The front of an ordinary carriage is the driving position, and the back is the cargo hold. But this car has an extra passenger cabin between the driving and cargo compartment, which can barely accommodate two people. Of course, the lengthened carriage became more cumbersome, so it was pulled by two horses instead of the ordinary one.

Flanner slapped the coachman awake and signaled him to prepare for departure. Then he invited Ryan to sit with him in the cabin and rest.

The carriage quickly drove out of Takli Town and headed for Alfa City.

In order to connect cities more closely, the empire spent a lot of effort building roads. A long time ago, it took ten days to walk from Alfa City to Takli Town. However, after the construction of a post road that allowed two carriages to walk side by side, the time on the road was greatly reduced. The carriage only took 4 days to arrive.

Flanner's carriage ran happily on the post road. This was Ryan's first time riding a carriage. He looked out the window and saw the big trees on both sides of the post road driving back quickly. He felt very excited. Surprise. The scenery along the way was something Ryan had never seen before. While chatting with Flanner, he enjoyed the scenery along the way.

Flanner told Lane about the interesting things he had encountered in doing business and purchasing over the years, which brought the two people closer, and Lane also told Flanner about his participation in the trial. Flanner knew that on the continent of Eslar, disciples of magic masters were often ordered to come out for trials, and the contents of the trials were also very strange. For him, establishing a good relationship with a proud disciple of a certain magic master would bring countless benefits to himself and the chamber of commerce to which he belongs.

During the conversation, Ryan learned that Flanner was an ordinary purchasing merchant affiliated with the Dorok Commercial Alliance, the largest chamber of commerce in the empire, headquartered in Yignas City. He was responsible for the procurement of materials in various regions in the southwest of the empire. This time, a batch of monster furs and magic cores were purchased in and around Takli and were ready to be shipped to Alpha City. Alpha City has a branch of the Dorok Business Alliance in the southwest of the empire. It has specialized personnel responsible for transporting materials purchased from various places to Yignas City.

Unfortunately, Ryan was so inexperienced in adventure that he did not notice the flaw in Flanner's words: Since he was purchasing magic cores and furs, why not wait until the upcoming Victory Day celebration instead of hurried back? Moreover, the carriage is not too big. Even if it is filled with ordinary furs and magic cores, it will not be too much. There is no need to hire a mercenary group of more than five people. Not to mention paying nearly three times the price for Ryan to escort him. 50 gold coins, maybe the goods he purchased didn't cost that much.

They walked peacefully like this for two days. Flanner kept entertaining Ryan warmly, which made Ryan feel very happy. He even felt that he was not like a mercenary completing the task of escorting a businessman, but with a man he had known for many years. My old friend went out to enjoy the mountains and rivers. Ryan felt very embarrassed. He thought to himself that if he arrived at Alfa safely, he would definitely not ask for as much as 50 gold coins. This would be so sorry for Flanner.

On the third day of the journey, Ryan and Flanner were sitting in the carriage chatting as usual. This time their topic was a counter-insurgency battle that took place in Maury City not long ago.

About half a month ago, Earl Senat, the lord of Mori City, suddenly gathered his troops to rebel. Mori City is located in the southeast of the empire. It is an important town that connects the imperial capital, the largest commercial city in the empire, Yignas City, and the largest port city, Seawind City. If Senet's rebellion is not put down quickly, it will cut off the imperial capital from the southern part of the empire.

In order to quickly quell the rebellion, General Orlando, the leader of the Imperial Royal Knights and the highest military leader of the imperial capital, personally led five thousand royal knights to Mori City and fought a fierce battle with 30,000 rebels outside Mori City. After a fierce battle, the Holy Knights defeated Senat's army and quelled the rebellion.

Ryan admired Flanner's source. He was still near Takli half a month ago, right? To be able to know so clearly about the rebellion that happened far in the east, he is worthy of being a businessman from the Dorok Business Alliance, the largest chamber of commerce in the empire. The source of the information is so well-informed that he couldn't help but praise Flanner, but he had no idea. Flanner's face changed.

Flanner realized that he had made a mistake, and quickly talked to Ryan about the prosperity of Yignas City, covering up the matter.

At this moment, the Mercedes-Benz carriage suddenly stopped. Lane and Flanner's bodies fell forward involuntarily. Lane reacted quickly and quickly supported the carriage wall with his hands, and also pulled Flanner. Avoiding an intimate lift between Flanner's nose and the car wall.

After Flanner sat firmly, an angry look appeared on his face. He said angrily to the coachman: "Stupid guy, how do you drive a carriage?"

The driver's trembling voice came from outside: "Sir, sir, there are thieves."