Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 51: Nasir’s Banquet (2)


Ryan felt that the entire team should be more serious at this time. Although the Lich was defeated, it did not mean that the danger had passed. Who knows what that lich is doing here with so much effort? Looking at the layout in the cave, the sarcophagus next to Alina should be the key.

Thinking of this, Ryan said to Faras and Red: "You two, stop making trouble, everyone come and take a look at this sarcophagus."

Ryan was just talking casually, but when Faras and Red heard his words, they immediately stopped casting magic. Faras rolled his eyes at Red and walked towards the sarcophagus with his magic wand.

Red imitated Ryan and scratched his head. He vaguely guessed what Faras was thinking, but Red also knew that now was not the time to talk about this, so he should go and take a look at the sarcophagus first.

Allen made a long roar, turned around and walked towards the sarcophagus. He never looked at the two wind wolves lying behind him again. What kind of man would he be if he was always immersed in memories of the past and the pain of losing his companions? Allendo decided to cheer up. Only when he is strong will this situation not happen again.

Ryan didn't expect to say a word. Except for Oz, who was still drinking Bordeaux, the rest of the team came over. He scratched his head and was surprised. When did what he said become so effective

Ryan shook his head, not thinking about such messy things. When he saw everyone walking into the sarcophagus, he said: "Look, everyone, this sarcophagus is in the center of the entire magic circle. Obviously the appearance of the lich here and the disappearance of a large number of people in Elmida are related to it. Could it be that this sarcophagus What important person is lying inside?" When Ryan said this, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and he continued: "Could it be that the lich spent so much effort just to resurrect the person in this sarcophagus?"

Reid nodded and said, "It's very possible."

Alina said: "Why are you talking so much? Just open the sarcophagus soon?"

After listening to Alina's words, Ryan felt that this was the only way to go. He couldn't fight the sarcophagus out or leave it here, right? However, for the sake of safety, Ryan asked Red to apply protective magic to everyone, and reminded Faras and Alina to be on full alert. Only then did he and Allendo lift one end of the sarcophagus and push the heavy sarcophagus lid open.

A cloud of thick mist quickly sprayed out from the sarcophagus. Ryan immediately stepped back and shouted to remind everyone: "Be careful, it may be poisonous!"

Red immediately cast a "repellent poison" magic, and then retreated with Faras.

The thick fog came out more and more, slowly gathering outside the sarcophagus. Soon the dense fog began to shrink and condense into a ** shape.

The thick fog cleared, and a handsome man in a tuxedo appeared in front of everyone. This man's hair was neatly combed, and there was no beard at all on his mouth. He had a slender figure, and his hands were very white, with long nails. This man's appearance is exactly the same as the man in the pattern on the sarcophagus. It seems that he is the owner of this sarcophagus.

The handsome man looked at the members of the Leisi team in front of him, with a smile on his face. He leaned forward, raised his right hand, slid it from his right side to his left abdomen, then slightly bent his legs, performed a standard gentleman's salute, and used A very magnetic voice said: "Hello everyone, my name is Nasir. Welcome gentlemen and ladies to my castle."

The members of Raisi team were stunned after hearing the words of the handsome man Nasir. They looked around carefully and found that they had arrived at a magnificent castle hall without knowing when.

Farasi looked at the exquisite carpet under her feet in surprise. This kind of carpet made of wool spun from Talen sheep was very rare in the continent of Eslar. Farasi has attended many parties with her father, and is quite knowledgeable in this regard. In the imperial capital, only nobles above the earl have the right to use this kind of carpet.

Farasi looked around, and there were servants holding trays coming and going, with various drinks placed on the trays. Faras couldn't help but reach for a tall wine glass and found that the glass was filled with bright red Bordeaux wine.

Faras had attended many such parties in the imperial capital, and only a few people dared to serve unlimited amounts of this expensive wine at their own dances. She suddenly became curious about the identity of the handsome man Nasir.

Faras looked up at Nasir who was standing on the high platform. Not sure whether it was too far away or an illusion, Faras discovered that Nasir looked very similar to Ryan.

Nasir raised the goblet filled with bright red drink in his hand and smiled at Farasi. Farasi's face suddenly turned crimson, and she kept thinking: "He is smiling at me, he is smiling at me." ”

Reid looked seriously at the ladies who were whispering next to him, but there was a malicious look in his eyes.

These ladies were all wearing gorgeous costumes. These carefully crafted costumes properly reflected the ladies' beautiful figures. The looming white skin made Red's heart skip a beat.

When I was with Teacher Ibel in the imperial capital, I had to put on a solemn expression. Even following Faras to a dance felt like a thief. When I saw a beautiful woman, I wanted to take another look. , I can only control my eyes and not squint.

Reid looked around privately, it was great, there were no acquaintances. He looked at the ladies unscrupulously. He is almost thirty years old and has never even touched a woman's hand. Faras, well, that little girl doesn't count, I watched her grow up. Besides, can Farasi’s figure compare with the women in front of her

Looking at the woman in front of him, Reid's face showed a smile unique to men. This figure must have breasts and hips, hips and buttocks, with the top erect and the bottom pouted. This is what a woman is. It's not like Farasi, it's as flat as the prairie of South Tallon.

Alina found herself wearing gorgeous clothes and becoming the protagonist of the ball. She raised her head proudly and dismissed the attentive men around her.

Without a dance partner, she sat lonely at the table, putting one hand on the table to support her head, thinking to herself: Where are you, the prince charming in your heart

At this moment, the handsome Nasir appeared. His appearance made countless ladies scream. However, Nasir ignored the others and went straight to Alina. He bent slightly and stretched out a hand. Putting her left hand in front of Alina, she said with a unique magnetic voice: "Beautiful lady, you are today's protagonist, the most beautiful angel in my heart. Are you willing to be with me? You are a little, I adore you so much." The suitor, do you want to dance the first dance of this ball?" A smile appeared on Alina's face, she stretched out her right hand, placed it on Nasir's left hand, and said, "It's an honor."

The two danced on the dance floor surrounded by many guests. Many men and women were envious to death. As a little girl, she was able to dance in a magnificent castle with a prince charming who admired her. This kind of scene that only appeared in the lyrics of bards happened to her, which made Alina An unreal feeling arose in her heart, and her heart was completely filled with this supreme enjoyment.